The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 276: Caodong County was bestowed by heaven

Xun Zhen handed the military report to Xi Zhicai, and said half-jokingly: "Dong Zhuo was rampant for a time, and the only thing he fought was strong soldiers. In the past, when the Yellow Turbans were attacked, Huangfu's soldiers moved like gods, and they no longer plan. The seniors are famous, I only obey. Duke Huangfu. As a contemporary scholar, Meng De travels thousands of miles in a day, and he is truly terrifying.”

Xi Zhicai took the military newspaper and saw that it was sent by Jiang Hu. It wrote some actions after Cao Cao and Liu Dai joined forces. For example, he suggested Liu Dai to rectify military discipline, and he suggested that Liu Dai first boost morale and break the Yellow Turbans in the Kan River Valley. thing. After reading it, he nodded and said: "When the Yellow Turbans were attacked, Cao Dongjun did not do much, and when he was attacking Dong, he was defeated, but now the military is prepared, and it can be called 'knowing the battle'."

People make continuous progress through learning, and so does Cao Cao. When he attacked the Yellow Turbans, he was the first to contact the battle formation, and he did not have many soldiers and horses. He was more observing and learning the methods of military use of famous generals such as Huangfu Song. Although he was defeated, he learned from experience and lessons, and made progress through summarizing. Therefore, after arriving in Dongjun, he won several battles. Now from Liu Dai, the good strategies he has made are all within the rules and regulations, which are in line with the use of troops. road.

Comparing Xun Zhen and Cao Cao: The two have different talents and achievements, and therefore have slightly different preferences in tactics.

Xun Zhen's military skills were learned from day-to-day research and many battles like walking on thin ice. He knew that there would be chaos in the sea, so he studied the art of war from a young age, figuring out the battle examples of the past dynasties, and accumulated more than ten years of study. He also studied Huangfu Song's method of warfare. Whenever there is a battle, he will do everything he can, and will not dare to neglect a little. Especially in the early battles, it is really like what Emperor Guangwu said: "Every attack, the head and temples are white", I am afraid that due to consideration The failure of the soldiers led to the failure of the generals. Only in this way was the achievement of fighting the Yellow Turbans. Gradually, it has been extended to this day, and he has become a famous general; One of the two is diligent to make up for one's selfishness, and the other is a genius of the world.

Of course, having said that, Xun Zhen said, "Meng Decheng is terrifying." Is he really terrified?

Afraid, it may not be seen; not afraid, it is not possible.

Just like with Liu Bei, from the earliest fears, to the later vigilance, to the present, although he knows that his character is tenacious, indomitable, and he is not a man for a long time, he will not be stupid enough to give him a chance to stand on his own, but he is also absolutely famous. No Shang was still very jealous of him, so when he repeatedly asked for military exploits, he no longer used excuses as before, but transferred him to the Hexiang station in Linyanzhou.

The same is true for Cao Cao. Knowing this person's true ability, in the early days, because he was uncertain about whether he could succeed or not, and he planned for the world, he still had the idea of ​​"reserving a talent for the descendants of Yan and Huang to sweep away the troubled world". Today, although he still cherishes Cao Cao's talent, he has actually regarded him as his greatest enemy in his heart.

This is the case with most mortals. With the improvement of strength and ability, the confidence will also increase, and the vision will be different.

Xi Zhicai glanced at Xun Zhen and said with a smile: "Caodong County is 'a thousand miles in a day', Yuan Benchu, today's hero, Gongsun Bogui, Wei Zhen Youji, these two monarchs, the generals are not afraid? Although Dong Zhuo is dead, Liangzhou soldiers still remain. Everyone, Niu Fu, Dong Yue and the generals each have strong troops, do the generals underestimate them?"

Xun Zhen said: "Niu Fu, the crony general, Dong Yue, who was in charge of the military because of his clan, and the generals, the mice, these two are mediocre people. Although the soldiers are strong, they are incompetent. The only generals in Liangzhou are Li Jue and Guo Bixiao. Tough, but Wufuer, what's the point? Dong Zhuo is dead, Liangzhou has no leader, Niu Fu and Dong Yue have no strategy, and those who can't do things, Li Jue and Guo Si are fierce, I expect that they will be in civil turmoil and will perish themselves ."

After Dong Zhuo's death, Liangzhou soldiers were led by Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu, followed by Hu Zhen, Dong Yue, etc., again Li Jue, Guo Si, etc., and again Yang Feng, Li Li, etc. Niu Fu and Dong Yue were nothing. Talent, Hu Zhen is now attached to Wang Yun, and Xun Zhen doesn't look down on these people, so only Li Jue and Guo Si are considered as strong enemies, but not to mention that Xuzhou is far in the southeast, at least in the short term, there is no possibility of it. Li Jue, Guo Si and others fought, and even if they did, Xun Zhen believed that he did not need to go out in person.

Xun Zhen did not mention Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao, but only mentioned the generals of Liangzhou. Xi Zhicai asked, "Where are Yuan Benchu ​​and Gongsun Bogui?"

Xun Zhen replied, "Gongsun Bogui is at odds with Liu Youzhou internally, and competes with Benchu ​​externally for the hegemony. It is very easy to break down, and if you rely on strength, you will perish."

"So, the general is optimistic about Yuan Benchu ​​and thinks he will win?"


"Yuan Ben is already a hero at home and abroad. If he wins again and defeats Gongsun Bogui, his prestige and power will grow stronger. Wouldn't the general be afraid?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said nothing.

Xi Zhicai asked it again, and Xun Zhen then answered: "The year before last, when I asked Dong, Shandong Prefectures and Prefectures joined together, and was originally the leader of the alliance. Since he is the leader of the alliance, not an enemy, why should I be afraid of him?" After speaking, lol.

Xun Zhen was free to comment on Gongsun Zan and Liangzhou soldiers, but Xun Zhen did not want to comment on Yuan Shao for two reasons.

Although the Shandong coalition has long since disintegrated, Yuan Shao's status is still higher than others, and there are many "famous heroes, wealthy and powerful people" who support him, including many prefectures and county officials in various places who are willing to give their wings. Zhen didn't want to talk too much about him, that's one of the things. In the original history, although Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao, the defeat in the battle of Guandu was both inevitable and accidental. He was actually very capable, not only from a good background, but also not low in political and military talents. , in some respects, he is a stronger enemy than Cao Cao, so Xun Zhen was reluctant to judge him when he felt that his strength was not as good, and secondly.

When Xi Zhicai saw that Xunzhen refused to comment on Yuan Shao, he knew what he was thinking, so he laughed, stopped asking further, and changed the subject, saying, "Zhong and the general agree, Gongsun Bogui doesn't know the deep roots, and he has a grudge against Liu Youzhou. , and the strong Yuan Zhengfeng, sooner or later." Leaving the table, he stepped forward, returned Jiang Hu's military report to Xun Zhen, and asked, " Sun Hou's reply arrived yet? "

"Not yet."

"Don't go to bed and rest, and will return to the mansion tomorrow. I heard that he has packed and packed his clothes at home these days. He is obviously preparing to take office in the state of Chen. If he returns to the mansion tomorrow, he will ask The general has resigned, how does the general plan to respond?"

"What's your opinion, sir?"

"In my humble opinion, if you insist on taking office, the general might as well let him go."


"The general has already sent a letter to Marquis Sun. Marquis Sun will definitely understand the general's dilemma. Just a mere Zhao Yuanda will definitely not cause a rift between Marquis Sun and the general."

Xun Zhen said, "Wentai and I know each other, and I won't have an affair with me because of this. I don't want to leave the post. There is another reason."


"Don't be stubborn, Wentai is strong, and there will be disputes between the two. I'm afraid that Chen will not be caught by accident."

Xun Zhen knew Sun Jian too well. He had soldiers in his hands, and he had no scruples. He dared to kill anyone. If Zhao Yu had to go to Chen State to take office, when he arrived in Chen State, if he did not follow Sun Jian's orders, Sun Jian would be annoyed. , Sun Jian will really kill him. Although Xun Zhen felt that Zhao Yude's love was close to hypocrisy, his actions in the past were suspected of deliberately seeking fame, and in the end he knew him. This time he was envoy to Chang'an, and he also obeyed his own orders. , I really don't want to see him die at the hands of Sun Jian.

Xi Zhicai sighed: "The general is kind and generous." He said, "Everyone has their own aspirations, don't drive as determined and insist on standing firm, what do you do, general?"

"That's what you said, sir."

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