The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 274: Xiahou Yuan's Biography of Jiekan Valley (middle)

Liu Dai replied, "I want to win."

Cao Cao said: "If Duke Ming wants to win, Cao has a word, and Duke Ming must listen to it."

"Worship and listen to your teaching."

"When Cao came on the road, he saw that the wheat fields were destroyed by foot and horse, and he saw the state soldiers looting the farmers. The way of using soldiers, the first is the military discipline. If the military discipline is relaxed, the soldiers will have no fear, and if they have no fear, they will not be able to drive them to death. Sun Wu made three orders and five applications, and then killed King Wu's favorite concubine. Although the woman can use it to fight fire and water. Wei Liaozi said: 'If you kill one person and the three armies are shaken, kill them.'

The military discipline of the state soldiers is not good, and Liu Dai is also aware of this. When passing through Rencheng, Chen Bao's team caught a few Yanzhou soldiers who disturbed the people. They are now in Dongping. Jiang Hu was not as polite as Chen Bao, and instead of returning the captured soldiers to Liu Dai, he killed them all and only returned the heads.

Although Liu Dai was not very familiar with the military, he knew the importance of military discipline to an army. He was angry with Chen Bao and Jiang Hu, but also had the idea of ​​rectifying military discipline. Hearing Cao Cao mentioning this, he said: "Your words are very true! I will send orders to all the ministries tomorrow to strictly rectify the three armies!"

Cao Cao said: "The military discipline is as tidy, the three armies are driven like the arm of the body, and the arm of the arm, although the yellow turbans are numerous, they cannot withstand a single blow!"

After Liu Dai's proposal to bring his own troops to make peace with Bao Xin to strengthen the northern border defense line was rejected by Liu Dai, on the way to Xuchang, Cao Cao carefully considered and negotiated with Chen Gong and others, and finally docked. The soldiers who came down had a comprehensive plan.

He suggested that Liu Dai should rectify military discipline, but it was only a temporary idea because of what he saw on the road. After talking about the matter, Cao Cao did not talk any more nonsense, and returned to the topic, saying: "Now that Yuncheng has become prosperous, the soldiers of Mount Tai are also approaching snakes. Qiu, your troops are very fast. To win, you need to surprise the enemy. After Cao joins forces with Duke Ming, you should use your humble opinion to attack as soon as possible, not too slow. I wonder what Duke Ming means?"

Liu Dai said, "That's what I mean. As long as you come, Meng De, you and I can attack Zhang County."

"Dare to ask Duke Ming, what kind of tactics do you want to use to strike Zhang?"

"Although there are many thieves, the armor and weapons are not as good as mine, and there are many old and weak people. The lords of Bujia, Zhizhong, Changshi, Zhonglang, and Zhuzhu all think that they should use my strengths and attack the thieves' weaknesses."

"Oh? How can I use my strengths to beat thieves' weaknesses?"

"The formation of Tangtang, invite thieves to fight in the field."

Cao Cao frowned.

Liu Dai noticed his move and asked, "What? Does Meng De disagree?"

"It's not that I don't think so. It's just that from Cao's point of view, although the field battle is appropriate, before that, it seems that morale should be boosted." Cao Cao paused and explained, "After all, the Yellow Turbans are known as one million, Zhangxian and Fucheng. There are about tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans in the area, and there may be timid soldiers in the soldiers, but timid people have no will to fight, so I think we should boost our morale first, and then take advantage of the situation to fight."

Cao Cao is talented and intelligent, and he is extremely talented in the use of soldiers. Through the previous actual combat, he has realized the truth of "the soldiers are precious and take advantage of the situation".

Liu Dai pondered for a while and thought, "Meng De's words are reasonable." He asked, "How to boost morale, does Meng De have any good ideas?"

"Sun Tzu said: If the soldiers have nowhere to go, the north will be the north. To be honest: You can choose sharp edges, and one of the thieves will defeat them first, so that the morale of the army can be boosted."

Liu Dai said: "I have known for a long time that you like to read military books, but now you know the soldiers." After thinking about it for a while, he said, "The king's department has successively defeated Heishan and Yu Fuluo, and he is called an elite. , are you willing to take it?"

When they were attacking Dong, Zhang Miao, Liu Dai, Cao Cao and others were all in Suanzao. Cao Cao proposed a strategy to attack Dong. Although the generals were unwilling to fight, it was not implemented. However, Liu Dai already knew that this was one of the reasons why he resolutely ordered Cao Cao to join forces in Xuchang and did not allow him to join forces with Bao Xin. ” suggestion, and then pushed the boat along the water, hoping that Cao Cao could take on this task.

Cao Cao said sullenly: "The Duke of Ming has an order, how dare Cao say no?"

Liu Dai was overjoyed, put his hand up and said, "What do you need? Just tell me."

"Zhizhong, a native of Dongping, heard that Bi Zixin was present in Duke Ming's department. These two gentlemen are familiar with the place. If Duke Ming can temporarily borrow and operate, there is nothing else needed."

Zhizhong Wanqian was a native of Dongping, and Bi Zixin, whose name was Chen, was also a native of Dongping. He was now serving as a military officer in the county government. Although Li Zan did not come to see Liu Dai in person, it was not good to send hundreds of soldiers from the county to help him. Send Bi Chen here. Both of them were natives of Dongping. They were both famous and familiar with people and terrain. If they could be borrowed from Liu Dai, it would be of great benefit to Cao Cao's battle.

Liu Dai agreed and said, "I'll send them to your army later."

"With the help of these two gentlemen, Duke Ming, please wait in the camp for a while. Within five days, there will be good news!"

"Then I'll be waiting for your good news!"

After saying goodbye to Liu Dai, Cao Cao returned to his army.

Xiahou Yuan and the others had already found a place to build the camp. Before the night came, the soldiers roughly demarcated the camp area, set up guards outside, and set up tents inside to avoid sleeping in the open tonight. The cooks took the song as a unit, and they set fire to cook rice, and the smoke from the cooking rose up everywhere.

There is a small river in the distance. The trees are lush along the river. Some soldiers go back and forth between the river and the camp to fetch water for the headquarters. The twilight was getting thicker, and the wind was blowing with moisture and coolness.

Cao Cao traveled in various ministries, comforting the soldiers. When he saw some soldiers take off their shoes, sit on the ground, and pick blisters on each other's feet. Water, one to drink, and two to soak the soldiers' feet."

Xue Ti complied with the promise, wrote down the military order and sent it to the captains of the various ministries.

The soldiers in Cao Cao's army included people from Danyang, children from Huaisi, people from Dongjun, and people from his hometown of Qiaoxian.

He was informal, and with a few joking remarks, he could attract laughter from the people around him.

After patrolling Xiahouyuan, Cao Ren and other the night came quietly, Cao Cao was about to go to his eldest son Cao Ang's ministry to have a look, by the way, have dinner at Cao Ang's place, and say some words between father and son, Chen Under the guard of several soldiers, the palace hurriedly came over.

"Ming Gong, Master Wan of Zhizhong and Master Cao Bi of Dongping Gong are here."


"Waiting for Duke Ming at the tent."

Cao Cao changed his plan and stopped going to Cao Ang's department. He asked Chen Gong to rush to the tent with him, and asked as he walked, "Have you eaten dinner, Jun Wan and Jun Bi?"

"I didn't ask that."

"Although they are from Dongping, when they arrive in our army, they are our guests. They must be treated with courtesy. No matter whether they eat or not, they must have a banquet to show their welcome." Said, "Take out the deer I hunted in the morning." He asked Chen Gong with a smile, "How about asking Wan Jun and Bi Jun to eat roasted venison?"

Chen Gong smiled and said, "Of course you can."

Xu He was ordered to fetch the deer, and asked the cook to make preparations.

After walking a few steps, Cao Cao thought that Wan Qian and Bi Chen were both famous people in Yanzhou, and he should have called his son to see their demeanor in order to increase his knowledge. Therefore, he called Cao Shu to come and said, "Anmin, go to Rucong. Brother, take a look, if he has arranged military affairs, he will be summoned to see me." Cao Shu is the son of Cao Cao's younger brother Cao Bin, and he and Cao Ang fought from Cao Cao, and is currently in charge of Su Wei's personal soldiers.

When Cao Shuo was ordered to leave, Chen Gong smiled and said, "Ming Gong and Zixiu, the father is kind and the son is filial, and they are envious."

Cao Cao was very satisfied with Cao Ang's eldest son. He smiled and said, "Wan and Bi are famous in Yanzhou, so the younger generation should worship them and learn from them." He had high hopes for Cao Ang.

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