The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 265: will attack in northern Wen


In mid-May, Liu Dai led his troops northward.


From Liu Dai north, there were state soldiers and county soldiers from Chenliu, Jiyin, Shanyang, and Rencheng counties.


Cao Cao personally led 4,000 troops to Gucheng, and Ying Shao sent 3,000 troops to Juping. Gucheng was adjacent to Jibei to the northeast, and Juping to the west of Jibei. These two counties are located in the east and west of Jibei, both of which are closely related to Jibei. The northern kingdom bordered; Bao Xin led his troops south to the junction of Jibei and Dongping; Li Zan sent hundreds of troops to station at the junction of Dongping and Rencheng. As long as Liu Dai arrives, these four troops can join forces with Liu Dai one after another.


Liu Dai led his army out of Changyi, passed through Jinxiang and entered the territory of Rencheng.


Long before Liu Dai led his troops to set off, Chen Bao, who was transferred to Rencheng County, had already issued a military order to Buqu, ordering the garrison in the two strongholds in the city and outside the city to be strictly prepared to prepare for the unexpected and prevent Liu Dai" "Fake Taoism to destroy Guo", it was reported that after Liu Dai led his troops into the territory of Rencheng, Chen Baozi took the lead in Rencheng County, sent the chief clerk to welcome Liu Dai on the road, sent him some cattle and sheep, and talked about the "labour army". meaning.


Liu Dai summoned Chen Bao's principal to see him.


Chen Bao's main book is called Shi Jue, who was Xun Zhen's old man when he was in Xixiang. His son-in-law was the head of the former Andingli in Xixiang. Tong Wen was promoted to the master bookkeeper of Chen Bao last year, and he is 41 years old this year.


Shi Jue came from a low background. He worked in the fields when he was young and young. After Xun Zhen, he moved to the battlefield again, and he was savage. Therefore, although he was in his forties, he looked in his fifties. Not only was his face old, but his skin was also thick. Hei, his hands are full of cocoons left over from doing farm work when he was young and young, and he looks like a farmer. When Liu Dai saw it, he immediately despised it.


Liu Dai said in his heart, "I have heard that Xun Zhen is a good man, but now I look at the use of him, and he is a rough farmer." He also said, "Although Xun Zhen is of a high family, Xun Zhen Zhi started with the pavilion chief, followed by Qiang. Husband, it really originated from the vulgar. I also heard that Chen Gongdao, the commander of the Xun army currently stationed in Rencheng County, was the patriarch of Xun Zhenzhi when he was the chief of the pavilion. It's 'like-minded'."


Liu Dai is a clan member of the Han family, with a noble birth. His family has a family of 2,000 stone and has been born to three princes. He is also a child of the "public clan". It was normal for him to despise such a character, and even with that, he was quite contemptuous of Xun Zhen's previous experience.


But it is no wonder that he despised him. In the eyes of celebrities, such positions as pavilion chief and rank husband are really "despicable". Brothers Liu Dai and Liu Yao are less filial and honest for the county, and continue to be held for the state. Mao Cai, who started his career as an official in the court, where can Xun Zhen be compared?


After Shi Jue finished saying "Lao Jun", Liu Dai asked, "Listen to your accent, are you from Yingchuan?"


Shi Jue replied, "Yes."


"So, he is from General Xun's village."


Shi Jue bowed down to the ground very respectfully. After hearing Liu Dai's words, he felt that there seemed to be contempt in it, so he calmed down and replied: "My main family is the first name in China, and it must be my lord. Villagers, and have honor."


Liu Dai was the one who summoned Shi Jue on the side of the road, and there were personal guards lined up around him. He first pointed to these personal soldiers, and then pointed to the part of the army that was marching on the road. Your noble army, what do you think of my trilogy?"


Shi Jue raised his head and replied, "Your army's banners and flags are like forests, and the generals are decorated with clothes and armor.




"My lord, with General Huangfu, struck the yellow turban, surpassed Yingchuan, conquered Runan, fought thousands of miles, cut Zhang Jiao on Julu, made great achievements, and worshipped Zhao as a lieutenant at the court, defeated Zhang Feiyan, and relocated to the prefect of Wei County. , captured in the poison, shook Jizhou, worshiped the prefect of Guangling, Tao Qian had no way, my lord attacked the strong with the weak, and won the whole Xu with the land of one county in more than a month. Compared with your army, the flag of my lord, Clothes and accessories are not as good as it, but if you are talking about elites, there is no one in the world!"


Liu Dai's expression changed slightly, and he said to himself, "This man looks like an old farmer, but he can speak."


Shi Jue added: "Though the soldiers of the lower army stationed in Rencheng are few, they are all Yingchuan tiger soldiers who have been fighting under my lord for a long time. Now they have been ordered by the commander of the military commander of the Central Military Academy. Yellow Turban."


Shi Jue said that he was "willing to help the general to attack the Yellow Turbans". In fact, anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was clearly intimidating Liu Dai and saying to Liu Dai: "If you go to attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, you can do it yourself." , but if you want to take the opportunity to expel my ministry from Rencheng? Don't even think about it.


Liu Dai's expression changed and he did not answer Shi Jue.


Zhang Guan, the chief clerk of Liu Dai, said: "Your army is leading with good intentions. My lord is in charge of my Yan, and Demu is subordinate to the people. All the prefectures are pouring troops, and the soldiers are more than 100,000? A mere yellow scarf in the north of Yan, Not enough! No need to labor your army."


After sending Shi Jue away, Zhang Guan saw Liu Dai's resentful appearance, and comforted Liu Dai by saying: "The most important thing today is to suppress the Yellow Turbans in the north of Yan, and to destroy the other generation, with the prestige of a great victory, return to the teacher and serve as the city. , the flag points, Xun's army will be defeated. The general does not need to argue with this gentleman for the benefit of words."


Liu Dai snorted and said: "When I destroy the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei and take back Renchengri, I will definitely get this scorpion, and then I will ask him face to face: Is it our army's elite or Xun's elite?" Go directly to Fan County."

After entering Rencheng from Jinxiang, the first one was Kangfu's realm, and the second was Rencheng county boundary. Liu Dai ordered to go directly to Fanxian County, which meant that he bypassed Rencheng County. The three armies of Yanzhou soldiers received the order, passed Rencheng County and did not enter, and went straight to Fan County.

When they approached Fanxian county seat, more than ten cavalry came from behind, and it was Shi Jue who took the lead.

The people below reported it to Liu Dai.

Liu Dai asked, "What is he doing here?"

The person who reported it replied: "It was said that when our army was in Rencheng County, there were soldiers who disturbed the people and were captured by Xun's army, and Shi Jue came to return them."

Liu Dai was the prefect of Yanzhou. His soldiers and horses disturbed the people of Yanzhou and he was captured by the "invading" Xun army. Liu Dai was furious and wanted to attack, but the reason was not on his side, so he said angrily: "I am going north to attack the Yellow Turban, just to keep the people safe, how can the soldiers dare to disturb the people? Kill them according to military law!"

Shi Jue returned the soldiers and returned to Rencheng County. The army of Yanzhou soldiers was personally supervising the beheading, and all the soldiers who were returned were executed. After resting in Fanxian for two days, Liu Dai continued to lead his troops northward, took up the post of Chengjing, and entered the country of Dongping.

Hundreds of county soldiers dispatched by Li Zan, Prime Minister of Dongping, had been waiting for many days at the border between Dongping and Rencheng. At this time, they were meeting with Liu Dai.

The leader of the hundreds of Dongping County soldiers was a county Sima of Dongping County. Liu Dai summoned him to see him and asked, "Why does Taishou Li have a future?"

The county Sima of Dongping County replied, "My lord is ill, because I can't greet the general in person."

Send the Sima of this county Liu Daigu said to Zhang Guan and others: "Li Zan and Xunzhen are in the same county, and they are in the same county with Xuzhou, and they welcome thousands of Xun's troops to settle in, and I think I have Xunzhen. It's relying on me, but it doesn't take me seriously!" Indignant.

Zhang Guan persuaded him: "Forbearance is small to achieve greatness. As long as the Yanbei Yellow Turbans can be defeated, Rencheng and Dongping are no problem."

Entering Dongping from Rencheng, the first county is Ningyang. This county is the capital of Dongping. Li Zan and Jiang Hu are both there now. Because of his anger, Liu Dai sent orders to the three armies. He ordered Ningyang not to enter, and went north. After more than 100 li, they crossed the Wenshui River and advanced to Xuchang.

The Wenshui River traverses Dongping, dividing it into roughly equal parts, north and south. There are three counties under the jurisdiction of Dongping Kingdom on the north bank of Wenshui River: Xuchang in the west, Fucheng in the north and Zhangxian in the east. Of these three counties, Xuchang borders Dongjun, and Fucheng and Zhang counties border Jibei. At present, in addition to Xuchang, Fucheng and Zhangxian areas have a large number of Yellow Turbans infested.

Xuchang was less than a hundred li from Gucheng, and Liu Dai passed a message to Cao Cao, ordering him to send troops to see him.

Liu Dai had already discussed with Wan Qian and Zhang Guan before sending troops, and Zhang County was his first target. To watch late-night welfare movies, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: okdytt

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