The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 266: Cao Mengde named Hou Zhiwang

Under the circumstances that Liu Dai could not be dissuaded from leading troops to attack the Yellow Turbans, he could only try his best to obtain benefits from it.

As mentioned above, one is to stabilize the situation in Jibei, so that we can join hands with Bao Xin to take Jinan, Pingyuan and other Qingzhou counties from the north, and the other is to hope to capture enough prisoners and materials in this battle. Therefore, Cao Cao not only dispatched the most troops from the Yanzhou counties, but also brought with him the elites.

In addition to leaving Xiahou Dun, Cao Hong and other generals and their younger brothers to stay in Dongjun, the remaining elite soldiers, such as Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, Shi Huan, Ding Fei, Lou Yi, etc., were led by Cao Cao, and several useful advisors, The scribes, Chen Gong, Zhou Zhe, Wei Zhong, Xue Ti, etc., were also mostly brought by Cao Cao, and only Zhou Zhe was left as an assistant to Xiahou Dun and others. Before leaving Puyang, Cao Cao passed a book and told Xiahou Dun and others that if If there is an emergency military situation, if it is too late to ask Cao Cao for instructions, you can ask Cheng Li for more advice.

After receiving Liu Dai's order, Cao Cao did not delay, and he pulled out the camp and headed south on the same day.

Wei Zhong was a filial piety raised by Cao Cao in the prefecture of Dongjun County. He was very talented and was always favored by Cao Cao.

He rode his horse beside Cao Cao, watched the soldiers marching like a stream in front, then looked back to the northeast direction, and said to Cao Cao: "Liu Yanzhou spreads the eight counties, and the counties have different thoughts. Chen Liu, the strong counties in the sea, Zhang Mengzhuo only sent 2,000 troops, which was not as good as the troops sent by Mount Tai and Jiyin. Shanyang, Zhouzhi, and Yida County. Yuan Boye also only sent 2,000 troops. From Tongxu, only a few hundred counties have been dispatched, and if we count these six counties, a total of 10,000 troops have been dispatched. Duke Ming and Bao Jibei together have a total of 7,000 troops. He let out a long sigh, "The counties can't be united, I'm afraid the future of this battle is unclear."

Xue Ti is a rising star in Dong County.

Cao Cao was recruiting scholars in Dongjun, and when he heard of his name, he summoned him to the mansion and tried him out. For the cronies, it is now used as the main record.

Xue Ti also rode his horse beside Cao Cao at this time. He was full of vigor. Hearing Wei Zhong's words, he didn't take it seriously. He pointed diagonally to the northwest of Gucheng County, pressed his sword on the horse, and said generously, "How strong is the overlord? Here is the head. Although the Yellow Turbans are violent, how can they be overlords? Although the counties cannot be united, they are mediocre people who are not worth talking about. Duke Ming and Bao Xiang are both heroes of the world. With these seven thousand elite soldiers, they should be able to run rampant in Yanbei."

After Xiang Yu committed suicide on the Wujiang River, all the land of Chu surrendered to the Han, and the land of Lu alone could not be conquered. The emperor sent Xiang Yu's head to be seen by the defenders in Lu. Only then did Lu's father and brother surrender, and the defender General Li killed Xiang Yu by himself. Xiang Yu was named Duke of Lu by King Huai of Chu earlier, and after his death, Lu land finally surrendered. Therefore, Gaozu buried Xiang Yu in Gucheng with the courtesy of Duke of Lu, mourning and weeping for him.

Xiang Yu's tomb is three miles northwest of Gucheng County, so Xue Ti pointed to the northwest of the city.

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Xiaowei! Don't talk too much."

Chen Gong, as Cao Cao's current chief counselor, is also following Cao Cao's left and right, and also said: "Ming Gong is strong in martial arts, but how can the emperor be compared with him? Xiaowei, you are talking too much."

Cao Cao valued Chen Gong and liked Xue Ti. Seeing Chen Gong's stern remarks, and knowing that Xue Ti was young and vigorous, he didn't want the two of them to quarrel, so he jokingly said: "Xiaowei, don't you hear Xiang Liang's words?" , clan'!"

Xiang Yu said, "He can be replaced by him" when he was watching the guard of honor of the First Emperor. Xiang Liang quickly covered his mouth and said to him, "Don't talk nonsense, or you will be punished by the clan!" Chen Gong, Xue Ti, Wei Zhong, etc. are all scholars, and they all know this allusion. They had more contact with Cao Cao, and knew that he liked to joke and talked freely, but they didn't care about his jokes.

Xue Ti was really dissatisfied with Chen Gong's criticism, and said: "The military is in chaos at home and the world is in conflict. I dare to ask the Duke of Ming to follow the example of Emperor Gaozu, to be generous and benevolent to obtain scholars, to control them for the country to hunt down thieves, and to make the Han family prosperous again. Gong Ye, why not?"

When Cao Cao heard what he said about "Huan Wen's merit", he immediately put away his smile, stopped joking, and said sternly: "To seek thieves for the country, this is my ambition, but the so-called 'Huan Wen's merit' is not something I dare to do. Think. Filial piety! What I hope today is only to make meritorious deeds from the thieves, to stabilize the people, and to make a name for themselves in future generations. Like the old Xiahou of Yang, it is enough to be named a marquis and be a general to conquer the west!"

Emperor Guangwu sent Feng Yixi to attack Chimei, and worshipped him as the general of the expedition to the west. Today's yellow turban is just like Chimei in the Han Dynasty. What Cao Cao said at this time is his sincere words. Today's domestic heroes, Yuan Shao is the first, and the second is the second. There are Gongsun Zan, Liu Biao, Yuan Shu, Xun Zhen, Sun Jian, etc., regardless of their ability, just talk about their current strength, which one is comparable to his Cao Cao? Even though Liu Dai only supports Yanzhou in name, he is stronger than Cao Cao. "Huanwen's achievements", he has never thought about it. In the future, like Feng Yi, he will be able to make a contribution to the eradication of "thief soldiers", and eventually he will be punished. The Han family was named a Marquis and became one of the "Yuntai Heroes" who revived the Han His wish was fulfilled.

Chen Gong slapped his palms and said, "General Ming's ambition is also very big! I would like to join General Jiwei and serve me wholeheartedly!"

Several cavalrymen caught up after the army and came to Cao Cao and others.

Cao Cao looked and saw that it was Shi Huan.

Shi Huan, courtesy name Gongliu, a native of Pei, a young man with a valiant character, when Cao Cao first attacked Dong, he followed him as a guest, and was later used by Cao Cao. The positions in Xun's army are the same, which shows Cao Cao's trust in him.

"Gong Liu, why are you here? But is there a yellow turban coming?"

Shi Huan is a "counselor of the army in the middle of the line", and his minions are often from Cao Cao, for the middle army, but because Gucheng is not far from Jibei, it should be because Liu Dai is going to attack from the north. The Yellow Turbans in Jibei recently Changes were frequent, so in order to prevent being chased and attacked by the Yellow Turbans in Jibei during the march, Cao Cao put Shi Huan's troops in the rear of the army to hold the line.

Shi Huan is a few years younger than Cao Cao. He is thirty-two this year. He is in his prime, and he is very majestic. He has an iron halberd in his hand and a pair of hooks on his mount. A very strong weapon, at first glance, it is good for horse fighting and foot fighting.

Chen Gong and the others stopped talking, and all looked at Shi Huan, waiting for him to answer.

Probably because he was afraid that the halberd would touch the mounts of Chen Gong and others on the edge, Shi Huan put the halberd on his shoulders and replied to Cao Cao, "Ming Gong broke the black mountain bandits of Dongjun like a plough court sweeping a cave, and his prestige is outside, how dare the yellow turbans dare Coming to attack? Be very honest!" He waved his hand behind him, motioned for one of the horses that followed him, called him forward, and said to Cao Cao, "It was Bao Jibei who sent a letter. "

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