The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 264: Military flags come to Juchangyi

?It is easy to find warriors who are in charge of the battle, and a general who leads one alone and understands tactics can also be cultivated with a little more effort, but a general like Han Xin who "more is better" is hard to come by and requires talent, especially now that communication is inconvenient. , In the era of low cultural quality of soldiers and soldiers, strategic training is only the basic requirement for a qualified leader, and at the same time, sufficient ability in organization and coordination must also be possessed. Although there are strategists like rain and brave generals like clouds in Xun Zhen’s tent, And there are only a handful of people who can really take on the responsibilities. Even the battle-hardened infantry is like this, and the naval divisions that have not yet started formal preparations are naturally even more rare.


However, the focus of Xun Zhen's use of troops is still on the land. The navy is not in a hurry. He can take his time and start with training Lu Su and others.


Compared with the real "starting from scratch", Xun Zhen actually has less obstacles to build a naval division. At least he now has first-class advisers such as Lu Su and Liu Ye, Gan Ning, Jiang Qin, etc. Waiting for such a little exercise can be used in the school of the navy.


Following the construction of water conservancy, salt, running state schools, reorganizing the Taishan Army and other internal affairs, as well as foreign affairs such as marrying Yangshi and entering Yanzhou, Xun Yanyan Tiekaifu and Yuan Sui took charge of the boat division. These two things became Xuzhou Second. The top priority that the government needs to focus on next.


Puhu is now a general of the shogunate as a sacrificial wine, in charge of the three cadres of generals, workers, and Dushui, and Chen Qun, who is in charge of five officers including Tian Cao, Xuan Kang, who is nine officers including Shi Cao, and Yuan who is in charge of ten officers including Bing Cao. Like Sui, he was a "real power figure" in the shogunate, so he was also at today's meeting. Xun Zhen called him out and explained a few words to him face to face, so that he could help Yuan Sui well, and be sure to prepare the boat master. things done.


Pu Hu Yingnuo.


Xun Zhen's shogunate now has more than twenty cadres, and according to different functions, Xun Zhen roughly divided them into four parts.


Xun Zhen assigned several cadres related to civil affairs, such as the soldier Cao who was in charge of conscription, the Ji Cao who was in charge of collecting food, and the Ji Cao who was in charge of the army. It is also in the name of Yuan Sui, and the guest Cao who is responsible for receiving foreign guests is also in charge of Yuan Sui.


Xun Zhen assigned several officers closely related to the soldiers, such as the officers in charge of infantry posts and lists, the knight officers in charge of cavalry positions and lists, the medical officers in charge of military doctors, and the army officers in charge of ordnance, who were closely related to the soldiers. Including Xun Zhen set up a literary cadre to teach soldiers' writing and the art of war for grass-roots officers, also headed by Xuankang. In addition to these officers of the shogunate, the arsenals of the counties and counties were also under the jurisdiction of Xuankang.


Tian Cao, who was in charge of keeping farms and livestock, Cang Cao, storage, Jin Cao, money and grain, and Duzhi Cao, who paid for the army, were directly related to military funds, and Xun Zhen allocated them to Chen Qun, who was in charge.


The fourth part is the three generals who are in charge of Pu Hu. The Cao Cao will be the main fortress and the army, the craftsmen will control the weapons and equipment, and the Dushui Cao will control the fields and water conservancy.


These four parts are the main components of the shogunate. In addition, there are administrators who are in charge of justice, and thieves who are in charge of soldiers who are thieves. These two Cao are in essence the commanders of the returning army officers; , the Cao of the Shaofu, and the governor under the tent, these four Cao were directly responsible to Xun Zhen. In fact, the second Cao of the army and the second Cao of the school army, who were led by Yuan Sui in name, were also directly responsible to Xun Zhen.


The Gong Cao and the School Army Cao have one palm for "gong" and one palm for "punishment", and they have great power. The meritorious Cao was called "big Cao" by the military. Retaining the original position, the school army is in charge of military law. If you violate the military law, you will be demoted or even beheaded. Therefore, the army is especially afraid of the school army, calling him "Tai Cao", saying that his power is greater than that of the big Cao.


Xunzhen attached great importance to Lu Su, so when Lu Su first arrived at the prefecture, he appointed Lu Su as the shogunate's meritorious officer, but the meritorious officer and the school's military officer were powerful, but they were like "prefects of the prefecture". The score and rank are not high, so Lu Su is not qualified to participate in the "one meeting" of three or five days like this. When they were separated, Xun Zhen specially summoned the two of them and told them about the decision of the boat-building master to the two of them, and told them that although Yuan Sui was the master of the boat-building team this time, Yuan Sui's daily affairs Complicated, the specific work should be in charge of Pu Hu and the other two.


Xun Zhen said: "The construction of warships can be in charge of Puguanshui; the selection of soldiers and the formation of troupes can be in charge of the two Qing people. There are many heroes in Huai Si, and the two Qing people grew up in Huai Si and are familiar with the people of the county and township. , you can recruit more soldiers for me."


Both Lu Su and Liu Ye were wise men, and as soon as they heard it, they knew that Xun Zhen was giving them a chance to "prosper".


It can be imagined that after the boat division is built in their hands, they will be the second of the "founders" of the boat division, and the credit will be high. Whether they stay in the boat division or transfer out, they will get a prominent position.


Both of them said solemnly, "Don't worry, Duke Ming, I will do my best and not disgrace your life."


Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I know the talents of the two of you. Feel free to do it. If you have any difficulties, feel free to tell me."


Lu Su asked, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, how many soldiers are allowed?"


"In the early stage of preparation, the number of people should not be too large, only three thousand."


"There are many northerners in our army, but few generals and schools have access to water. In addition to recruiting soldiers, you can pay more attention to the heroes who know water warfare. If you get something, you can recommend it to me."

Lu Su and Liu Ye agreed.

"In order to facilitate the two of them to recruit soldiers and heroes, they will each be awarded the title of Captain of the Governor Boat. When the shogunate has prepared the seal, the two of them can take it and start working."

Lu Su and Liu Ye agreed.

Lu Su, Liu Ye, Gan Ning, Jiang Qin, etc. now have their own positions. Since Xun Zhen decided to transfer them to build boat divisions, it is necessary to give them titles or make necessary personnel transfers. Liu Ye added a title, Xun Zhen ordered the shogunate to give Gan Ning an order, and then transferred him to the prefecture of Zhou, and transferred him to the prefecture.

Gan Ning had more than 1,000 works in Pengcheng. According to Xun Zhen's instructions, the shogunate wrote Gan Ning clearly and clearly: He was told to select only one of the soldiers who were able to come to the state, and the rest were to stay at the Pengcheng station. , which was taken over by Gao Jia after he took office.

Although Xun Zhen did not know much about the political and military aspects of the Three Kingdoms period in the original history, he also knew that Sun Wu's regime had a major feature in the military, that is, the hereditary leadership system. This is because at the beginning of Sun Wu's business, Many generals have family soldiers, so when a general dies, his son and nephew will usually succeed him. This system has advantages and disadvantages, but as far as Xun Zhen is concerned, he will never let him. This kind of situation appeared in his troops. Therefore, not only in this transfer of Gan Ning, but also in the previous transfer of defense zone changes, unless necessary, he mostly only transferred the generals and not his troops.

This was true for Gan Ning, and it was also true for Gao Jia, so he only brought one soldier to his post at most.

In the middle of May, Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, Jiang Hu, Liu Bei and others completed the exchange of the Rencheng County garrison, the settlement of the Jianghu Department of Dongping, and the completion of the defense line of the Hexiang garrison under the coordination and cooperation of Xu Zhuo. , Xi Zhicai, etc. returned to the state.

Entering Xuzhou, in Hexiang, Xu Zhong first ordered his ministries to return to Xiapi, and then brought only a few soldiers, and came to the prefecture with Xi Zhicai and Zhang Fei, and reported to Xun Zhen the entire process of this military operation, and told Xun Zhen. Return the tiger talisman. Xun Zhen left him and Zhang Fei to live in the prefecture for a few days. Later, Xu Zhong took Zhang Fei back to Xiapi and was still in charge of the military affairs of the Xiapi Defense Zone.

Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin made some contributions in this battle, and Xun Zhen awarded Jiang Qin the position of superintendent of boats.

Pu Hu, Lu Su, and Liu Ye had already started the preparations for the establishment of the boat division. Gan Ning also went from Pengcheng to the prefecture, and also participated in it. Xun Zhen ordered Jiang Qin from Lu Su, Gan Ning, etc. to also participate.

Although Zhou Tai was a new recruit, he and Jiang Qin were both kept in the shogunate by Xun Zhen before he left Xu Zhong to fight. When he was released, Zhou Tai was promoted to the shogunate's subordinate, and he was placed alongside Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing.

Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai brought back news about the current situation in Yanzhou from Yanzhou.

Knowing that Liu Dai was going to personally attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, Xun Zhen paid close attention to Yanzhou.

Neither of Xu Zhuoshang's two strategies could be used. Xun Zhen has been thinking these days, is there a better way to benefit from Liu Dai's personal attack on the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei? Thinking about it again and again, it was nothing. Therefore, after Xu Zhong and Xi Zhicai arrived at the prefecture, Xun Zhen discussed the matter with them several times, but in the end they only came to one conclusion: just sit and watch.

When Xu Zhong, Xi Zhicai, etc. came back from Rencheng, the number of troops and horses that the counties in Yanzhou were willing to dispatch had already been reported to Liu Dai.

Cao Cao personally led 4,000 cavalry, the largest number, Baoxin's 3,000 people, Taishan Yingshao, Jiyin Wu Zi also sent 3,000, Shanyang and Chenliu were both 2,000, Dongping and Rencheng had small jurisdictions. Another one was connected with Xun Zhen, and there were Xun’s troops stationed in one territory, so each sent out only a few hundred Liu Dai called out seven thousand state soldiers, and the state and county soldiers together, There were more than 25,000 cavalrymen, and Li Gan was called by the prefectural government, and he produced more than 300 parts. Other counties and counties were also called, and they sent a total of more than 2,000 soldiers.

There are more than 25,000 state and county soldiers, more than 3,000 powerful troops, and nearly 30,000 cavalry.

These riders have already arrived in Changyi, gathered under Liu Daishuai's banner, and some have not gone to Changyi, such as Bao Xin, Cao Cao, Li Zan's department in Dongping, and Yingshao's department in Taishan because they are either in Jibei or near Jibei. Therefore, instead of joining forces with Liu Dai in Changyi, he was stationed in the county, or moved his troops outside the border of Jibei, and waited for Liu Dai's army to arrive.

Compared with the Yanbei Yellow Turbans, which is said to be a million, it seems that there are not many men and horses, but you must know that Xun Zhen currently only has more than 30,000 cavalry, and the troops are stationed in various counties. If they invaded, if the nearly 30,000 cavalry in Yanzhou were all well-trained veterans and their combat power was comparable to that of Xun's army, it would not be impossible to defeat the "millions of Yanbei Yellow Turbans".

Taking a step back, even if the nearly 30,000 soldiers from Yanzhou could not be compared with those who had followed Xunzhen to fight in several provinces, there were still Cao Cao and Bao Xin in the army, as long as they were willing to actively advise Liu Dai and as long as Liu Dai was willing to listen to their opinions. Although the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei were numerous, they were not afraid of them. Even if they were unable to advance due to their inferior strength, they could defend themselves if they retreated. There was still a chance of victory.

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