The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 259: Xuanwenjiao He Lao 3 please

Li Xuan's request for meeting was not for other reasons, but also because a document came from the state government.

Li Xuan is now engaged in the study of classics, in charge of cultural and educational matters in the prefecture. After he took office, he advised Xun Zhen to establish a prefectural school, and then suggested that Xun Zhen invite Zheng Xuan from Taishan County to the prefecture.

Zheng Xuan is a great Confucian in the world. If he can come to the state school to teach, it will be a great help to Xuzhou's cultural and educational undertakings, and even Tanxian will be very likely to become a cultural center in the north. Before Li Xuan, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Xun Yu and others also made similar suggestions to Xun Zhen. It's not surprising that Zheng Xuan was politely rejected. Zheng Xuan's name is very famous all over the world, and his disciples are often more than a thousand. So, after receiving Li Xuan's suggestion, Xun Zhen sent another person to Mount Tai and sincerely invited Zheng Xuan to join Xu.

Because Li Xuan was in charge of culture and education, Li Xuan was solely responsible for this matter.

The people sent to Mount Tai returned to the prefecture a few days ago, and then came to Hexiang again to report the result of inviting Zheng Xuan to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan said to Xun Zhen, "The messenger said: Duke Zheng does not want to go south because of his age."

Zheng Xuan was born in the second year of Emperor Shun's Yongjian. This year is sixty-five years old. Although his life has been seventy since ancient times, the age of sixty-five is certainly not too low to say that he is young, but it seems a little bit "higher".

Li Xuan's next words also proved that Zheng Xuan's remarks were just excuses.

He went on to say: "There are people under Zheng Gong's family who are friends with teachers and friends Hua Jun, scholar Sun Jun, etc., and they privately told the messenger, saying: Kong Beihai repaired Zheng Gong's former residence in Gaomi, and sent several officials to Mount Tai to invite Zheng Gong to return to his hometown. The attitude is sincere, but the Yellow Turbans in the Beihai are tyrannical, and many students in the family think that Kong Beihai is difficult to decide, because Zheng Gong is hesitant, although he has no intention of returning north for the time being, but because of this, he also refuses to come down south to our state.”

"Teacher Huajun" is a teacher and friend who is engaged in Huaxin, "Confucian Lin Sunjun" is a scholar who is engaged in Sun Gan, Hua Xin and Sun Gan are both scholars from Qingzhou, the same state as Zheng Xuan, Sun Qian is also Zheng Xuan's disciple, Therefore, many Qingzhou people under Zheng Xuan's family have a little friendship with the two of them.

Zhang Zhao is a native of Xuzhou. His hometown, Pengcheng County, is only more than 200 miles away from Nancheng County, Mount Tai, where Zheng Xuan is now living in seclusion.

He said: "Ying Taishou of Mount Tai has a well-known literary name, and Duke Zheng received his care in Mount Tai, and the two kept writing letters. Duke Zheng is reluctant to go south to our state, which is probably one of the reasons."

Ying Shao was born in the Runan Ying clan. Although the family of the Runan Ying clan has been around for 2,000 stone, it is not known as an official or a high-ranking respect, but is famous for the achievements of its clan in the field of articles and academics. , is "Shiji Wenya", his family history is evident in the articles, and there have been many famous literary and Confucian scholars in the clan. Compared with Xun Zhen, who is famous for his military achievements, it is obvious that Ying Shao's literary and Confucian cultivation will be more appropriate. Zheng Xuan's temper, in other words, their tastes and preferences will be more similar.

Xun Zhen heard the meaning of "Confucianism and literature, Ming Gong is not as good as Shao" in Zhang Zhao's words, not to mention that Zhang Zhao's words did not belittle Xun Zhen, even if it was, Xun Zhen had "self-knowledge. ” He knew his strengths and his own weaknesses, so he wouldn’t mind it. He smiled and said, “You can’t invite a high-ranking scholar like Zheng Gong once or twice. Please don’t move him, the three requests are the same, if the three requests still fail, then the fourth and fifth requests will continue, as long as he doesn’t return to Beihai, he will continue to be invited.”

Li Xuan replied: "No."

The matter of inviting Zheng Xuan was still handed over to Li Xuan. That night, Xun Zhen summoned Chen Bao, Liu Bei, Chang Xi, Sun Kang and others, and once again clarified the military mobilization order that had been issued to them before, and then the next day, he stayed behind. Xia Xu Zhuo coordinated the deployment in Hexiang, and set off back to the prefecture with Zhang Zhao, Li Xuan and others.

Although Xu Zhuo was young and his rank was not high, he only had six hundred stone, but firstly, he was Xun Zhen's confidant and won Xun Zhen's trust. , and Chen Bao and other generals are also from the same town, and they are all familiar with each other. Thirdly, he is engaged in the shogunate, and he is in charge of military aircraft. , leaving him in Hexiang, and coordinating with Xu Zhong, Chen Bao and others in the defense and relocation must be more than enough.

Starting from Hexiang and passing by Xiangben, Xunzhen summoned Zhao Yun, who was stationed here, and returned to him the 1,500 cavalry that had been dispatched from his subordinates. He stayed here for one night and shared the bed with Zhao Yun. Sleep together, talk all night, and continue the journey the next day.

Xiangben was only forty or fifty li from Tanxian, Xun Zhen and the others rode fast on light carts and crossed the Yishui River.

Xun Yu and others who stayed behind in Tan County greeted him outside the city.

Xu Shao was also among the people who greeted him.

When Xun Zhen met Xu Shao in Runan, he was only in his early twenties. Now eight years have passed, Xun Zhen is in his thirties, and Xu Shao has passed forty, and he is forty-three years old. The Xu clan in Runan is a world-renowned aristocrat. Their clan has 2,000 stone for generations. Xu Shao’s grandfather Xu Jing, Xu Jing’s son Xu Xun, and Xu Xun’s son Xu Xiang have all been the third princes, although they are not comparable to Yuan’s fourth generation. Sangong is also a prominent family. With a high background, Xu Shao and his brother Xu Qian became famous very early, and they were called "Pingyu Erlong". Later, the commentary between him and his brother Xu Jing was very popular, so although they came from Runan far away. Xu Shao, who came to Xuzhou to defect to Xun Zhen, was neither humble nor arrogant.

Xun Zhen saw Xu Shao at a glance, and quickly got off the horse.

He walked up to Xu Shao, bowed a long bow, and said with a smile: "Empress Xu is here, UU reading Tan County is full of brilliance. It's just that since the Duke came to our state, why didn't he come to send people? Tell me? I might as well ask Sun Hou to send Jingshi to **** the Duke."

Xu Shao returned the salute and said, "Marquis Sun has been attacking endlessly. Where can I send troops to **** me?"

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Listening to Xu Zijiang's words, I seem to have a lot of complaints about Wentai." He didn't want to continue talking about this topic, but smiled, "Wen Gongda is coming, I've been in Hexiang for one day. I couldn't wait any longer, so I hurried back." He asked Xun Yu who was in front of him, "Wen Ruo, where did Duke Xu live?" He asked Xu Shao, "Although Runan borders Xuzhou, the customs are slightly different. It’s different, especially the diet is quite different, I don’t know if the husband has been in Xuzhou for the past few days, can he still agree on the diet?”

Xu Shao replied, "Some of the clients I brought to Xuzhou are good cooks, and they cook their daily meals, but I don't notice any difference."

Xun Yu replied, "For now, I invite Duke Xu to live in the village outside the county."

Xun Zhen was a little curious and thought: "The reason why I built a phoenix tree is to accommodate the scholars from other states living in Xu. Xu Zi came to Xuzhou, but why did Wen Ruo not invite him to live in the phoenix tree, but instead He was placed in a village outside the county?" Knowing that there must be a secret, but there were so many people that it was difficult to ask Xun Yu, so he didn't say anything about it, chatted with Xun Yu and Xu Shao for a while, and went into the city together.

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