The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 258: Light and small Linai can go far

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Unlike Xun Zhen, Sun Jian, and Yuan Shao, Liu Dai was appointed by the imperial court as the prefect of Yanzhou, and he was appointed by the king. In addition, he had a high background and a good reputation, and he was also one of the princes who sought Dong in those days. Therefore, as long as there is him. One day in Yanzhou, as long as he can't be fooled, Xun Zhen, Yuan Shao, Zhang Miao, Cao Cao, even if they all coveted this land in Yanzhou, it is not easy to openly grab it.

From this point of view, if Liu Dai was stabbed to death, causing civil strife in Yanzhou, it would be a good thing for Xun Zhen. When the water is clear, there will be no fish.

However, from another point of view, if the rumor about the assassination of Liu Dai leaked out and became known to others, it would definitely cause "anger" in the counties of Yanzhou - this "anger" is not necessarily true, but it was Xun Zhen after all. If he did something wrong, he would give others an excuse. Then, it would definitely be unfavorable for him to attack Yanzhou in the future. In fact, some people in Yanzhou would use this as a banner to call on all parties in Yanzhou under the pretext of "revenge for Liu Dai". The county coalition soldiers came to attack his Xuzhou.

From this point of view, the assassination is impossible.

Xun Zhen said: "I remember that in the original history, Liu Dai died in this battle against the Yellow Turbans, and because of this, Cao Mengde was able to enter Yanzhou with the support of some Yanzhou scholars and tyrants such as Chen Gong and Bao Xin. , According to this, the assassination of Liu Dai seems superfluous, but now that there is a me who was not in the original history, I am afraid that Liu Dai will still have the same cause of death."

So, to stab or not to stab?

Xun Zhen carefully weighed the pros and cons, and said to Xu Zhuo, "You can't do this, sir."

Xu Zhuo asked, "Is your lord worried about the word 'consensus'?"

Xu Zhuo and Xun Zhen have a very close relationship. Like Guo Jia, Xuan Kang, etc., they have known Xun Zhen since they were young. Under Xun Zhen's account, in their minds, Xun Zhen was the existence of "father and brother". Therefore, Xun Zhen seldom concealed his true thoughts towards them.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "That's right. If Liu Gongshan is stabbed to death, there are yellow turbans outside Yanzhou, and the various counties in the interior will have their own thoughts, which will inevitably lead to chaos. This is inherently beneficial to me. It is not to be feared.”

Wuwei is public opinion, public opinion is people's heart, and people's heart is the political foundation.

Stabbing Liu Dai to death and taking the opportunity to seize Yanzhou is a small advantage in front of him; if people's hearts are broken, it will be a big disadvantage.

Xu Zhuo said: "If it's a leak, it will definitely be detrimental to the discussion."

While he was talking, an official from outside came to report: Zhang Zhao asked to see him.

The two stopped talking, and Xun Zhen invited Zhang Zhao into the hall.

Zhang Zhaodeng entered the hall with a document in his hand and said, "Ming Gong, the state government has sent a document."

"Oh? What did you say?"

"Xu Zijiang and Liu Zhengli came to the state."

Xu Zijiang was Xu Shao, and Liu Zhengli was Liu Yao, the younger brother of Liu Dai.

Xun Zhen thought: "One of them is in Runan and the other is in Donglai, how did they get together and come to my Xuzhou together?" She asked, "Did they come together?"

"No. Xu Zijian went directly to the state capital, and Liu Zhengli went to Huaipu."

Xu Zhuo said: "Sun Hou is currently attacking Chen and Liang in Yuzhou, or because of the war, it is normal for Duke Xu to come to our state to vote for Duke Ming, but why did Liu Zhengli come to my state? Did he go to Huaipu to visit friends?"

Zhang Zhao presented the documents sent by the state government to Xun Zhen, and said, "Liu Zhengli is not to visit friends, but like Xu Zijiang, it is also to avoid chaos."

Xun Zhen took the document and began to examine it closely, but it turned out that: Chen Deng's father, Chen Gui, reported to the prefecture that Liu Yao went to Huaipu. Liu Yao and Chen Gui have a good relationship. After he arrived in Huaipu, the first person he went to see was Chen Gui, and he was currently renting at Chen's house. He asked Chen Gui to find him a courtyard house, saying that it was because of Donglai. The situation is getting worse and worse, he plans to move to Xuzhou, and wants to live in Huaipu for a long time.

Donglai is the hometown of the brothers Liu Dai and Liu Yao. It belongs to Qingzhou. It is located in the east of Beihai. It is the easternmost county in Qingzhou. It faces the sea on three sides and borders Langya County in Xuzhou to the southwest.

After being defeated by Gongsun Zan, the Yellow Turbans of Qingzhou cut off the road from westward to Jizhou and joined forces with the Heishan Army. Some retreated to Pingyuan, Jinan, Le'an and other counties in Qingzhou, and some went to Jibei and other places in Yanzhou. There are too many, and the mere counties cannot afford to support them. Therefore, some have retreated farther to Beihai and Donglai.

Beihai and Donglai already had quite a few Yellow Turbans, but now with the addition of these evacuees, the situation is even greater. In fact, as early as last year, Liu Yao wanted to come to Xuzhou to avoid the chaos, but he caught up with Xun Zhen and went north to fight with Tao Qian, so he had to give up the idea. Since this year, the situation in Xuzhou has stabilized, and The situation in Dongnae was getting worse and worse, and he returned to his old intentions because he was heading south.

Xu Zhuoyu was surprised, so he said again: "Liu Gongshan is now in charge of Yanzhou. If Liu Zhengli wanted to avoid chaos, why didn't he go to Yanzhou, but came to our territory?"

Zhang Zhao said, "I think he came here because he saw the Yellow Turbans raging in Yanzhou, so he didn't go to Yanzhou, but came to our state."

"It's possible." Xu Zhuo paused for a while before laughing, and said to Xun Zhen and Zhang Zhao, "Liu Gongshan was about to personally attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, but Liu Zhengli would rather come to our state than go to Yanzhou to avoid the chaos. This clearly does not believe that his brother can win the battle."

When Xun Zhen and Zhang Zhao heard this, they couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Zhao asked: "Ming Gong, Xu Zijiang is now in the prefecture. I don't know whether to invite him to Hexiang, or to invite him to wait in the prefecture?"

Xu Shao and Liu Yao both came to Xuzhou, but one went directly to the prefecture to join Xunzhen, while the other passed through Tanxian and did not enter, and went straight south to Huaipu to join friends. Zhen's relationship is different, and the two of them probably have different ideas.

Xu Shao and Xun Zhen are old acquaintances. Xun Zhen asked for the yellow turban from Huangfu Song and fought from Yingchuan to Runan. In Runan, he made a special trip to visit Xu Shao and got Xu Shao a "valley of barren years". The evaluation will be of great help to his future fame at home and abroad. Runan and Yingchuan belong to Yuzhou, and Xu Shao and Xunzhen are from the prefecture, so Xu Shao went directly to the prefecture to vote for him.

Liu Yao and Xun Zhen did not know each other, and it is possible that his elder brother was Liu Dai, and Xun Zhen had just entered the army in Yanzhou. Therefore, he did not want to get too close to Xun Zhen, so when he arrived in Xuzhou, instead of going to the prefecture, he voted for Chen Gui, obviously to keep a distance from Xun Zhen.

Therefore, Zhang Zhao only asked Xun Zhen how to receive Xu Shao, but did not ask Liu Yao.

Xun Zhen pondered for a while before thinking: "Xu Zijiang not only had a 'good reputation' for me in the past, but he was also famous all over the world, and reviews on the moon are all the rage. Now that he has come to Xuzhou to vote for me, I should treat me with courtesy. Liu Zhengli Although I don't enter the prefecture, I can't ignore it." Because he replied to Zhang Zhao, he said, "Since Duke Xu is here, how can I ask him to come back to the township? I am happy to meet him in the prefecture. I can't let him buy his own house, I wrote him a letter in my own hand, he came to Tan County as he wished, there is still a vacant house in Wutong, and he is happy in Huaipu, I ordered Wenqian to buy a house for him."

Huaipu belonged to Xiapi County, and Le Jin is now the Prime Minister of Xiapi.

Xu Zhuo asked, "Is Duke Ming going to return to the prefecture?"

"The affairs here in Yanzhou have generally been decided, and there are only some matters of mobilization and stationing of troops and horses left. You can stay here and coordinate the deployment with Zhongqing and Xuande. I will go back to the prefecture tomorrow. "

The waiter outside the hall came to report, and someone else came to ask to see, but it was Li Xuan.

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