The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 260: Disadvantages of flashy fairs

After entering the city and entering the prefecture, everyone followed Xun Zhen to the hall to talk.

It was night, and Xun Zhen warmly invited Xu Shao.

Because of the curfew, Xun Zhen always set an example in abiding by the law, so Xu Shao did not leave the city that night and stayed in the prefecture for one night.

The next day, Xun Zhen personally escorted him to the village where he now lives outside the county.

Xu Shao didn't come alone. Along with him in Xuzhou were his family, some clansmen and some disciples he raised. Xun Zhen asked Xu Shao to call out his family, close people among his clansmen, and the outstanding ones among his disciples.

It was not until evening that Xun Zhen said goodbye and left.

Back at the prefecture, all the people who sent Xu Shao from Xunzhen, such as Zhang Zhao, all returned home, but Xun Yu, Xun You and others stayed behind.

Xun Zhen said to Xun Yu, "When I first saw Duke Xu outside the city the other day, Wen Qing said that Duke Xu had been placed in a village outside the city, and I was still surprised. Now I know why!"

Xun Yu was also helpless and said, "There are too many Xu family members, clansmen, and even disciples who follow Duke Xu to Tan. Although the house in Wutongli is not small, if you want to accommodate so many people, you need at least three courtyards. So, I had to ask Duke Xu to live outside the city."

Xun You said, "Besides this, there is another reason."

Xun Zhen asked, "Oh? What's the reason?"

Xun You said: "Xu Gong came to Tan Fang for a few days, and there were no less than ten scholars who came here to ask for comments, and some of them simply joined him as a guest. Xu Gong's house was so lively, it was like inviting him to live there. Entering the phoenix tree may disturb the cleanliness of other homes in it.”

Xu Shao's reputation is too great. Back then, he and Xu Jing's "Yuedan Review" was well-known far and wide. He was famous for being good at writing questions. He was as famous as Guo Linzong and Li Ying, who were famous at that time. Guo", and named Li Ying's reception as "Denglongmen". Erxu's high reputation has made people from all over the world flock to it. If he can get a word of praise from both of them, he will "ascend like a dragon", but if he can get a word from both of them, he will be "like falling into an abyss." ".

Therefore, when Cao Cao was young, he came to visit Xu Shao, hoping to get his evaluation.

Therefore, when Xun Zhen was weak, he also visited Xu Shao and hoped to get his evaluation.

When the world recommends the expedition, the reputation is the first. For a scholar, reputation is not only related to his own prestige in the society, but also related to his future career. If the reputation is bad, it can be said that life is worse than death. . Er Xu, although only two scholars, seems to have mastered public opinion for a while, and can even decide between life and death, and influence the court's employment, which can be described as the prime minister in the mountains.

Today the world is in turmoil, and although the "Yuedan Commentary" has long since stopped, Xu Shao and Xu Jing's reputations are still out there, and there are still many scholars who hope to get their praise and praise. Therefore, Xu Shao only arrived in Tan County a few days ago. , there are many Xuzhou scholars who have heard the wind.

Xun Zhen had not seen this kind of "coming to the door for comment", but he could have imagined it.

He smiled and said: "In the past, when I attacked the Yellow Turbans from Runan from General Huangfu, I also visited Duke Xu's gate, hoping to ask for a review. Duke Xu was admired by the world under the same name. Now that I am Xu, Xu Shi is moved when he hears the wind, and it is not surprising. ." After a pause, he asked, "Gongda, what do you mean when you say that you have 'to serve as a guest'?"

Xun You talked in detail, and Xun Zhen understood.

But it is: Sili, Yuzhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou and other places are not peaceful now, or there is mutual attack in the state, or the Yellow Turban chaos. In order to protect themselves, many scholars in these states are like Zheng Xuan in the past. Like Xu Shao and Liu Yao, they went out to avoid chaos. Some of them went to Jizhou, some went south to Jingzhou or Yangzhou, and some are now living in Xuzhou. Among the scholars from other states living in Xuzhou, there are quite a few who are slightly famous. After Xun Zhen got Xuzhou, he once recruited them. Because of the reason of wanting to leave office”, or the reason why he felt different from Xun Zhen’s political philosophy, he did not respond. These scholars who didn’t respond have heard about Xu Shao’s arrival, but two or three people flocked to Xu Shao and joined Xu Shao. under the door, for its guests.

Xun Zhen's expression changed slightly.

Xun You considered it again and again, made up his mind, and said to Xun Zhen: "Ming Gong, you have a word, I don't know if it should be said?"

Xun Zhen said, "Is there anything I shouldn't say? Qing and I, as well as the family, just say what you want to say."

At this time, all the people in the hall were his own people, so Xun You didn't have to worry about the words leaking out. With Xun Zhen's permission, he said bluntly: "Xu Zi will be famous in the sea, but it is not necessarily a good thing for him to come to our state now."

Xun Zhen pretended to be puzzled and asked, "How do you say this?"

Xun You said, "Many people in this world are ostentatious, and Xu Zi will be the leader. If he can be the public servant of Ming, the Duke of Ming will be even more powerful. If he can't be the public of Ming, then Xuzhou will be one more state boss!"

The word "flashy" has various meanings. It can refer to scholars who are not concentrating on their studies, or it can mean that they are flashy. The "flashy" in Xun You's words here refers specifically to exaggeration and false reputation. "Fancy Xiangshang" refers to the phenomenon that today's scholars are interested in making friends and seeking fame, so as to achieve the purpose of either entering high-ranking jobs or influencing public opinion.

In the past, when Xun Zhen and Xun You discussed current affairs in private, when they talked about the two party curbs, Xun Zhen put forward a point of view. He believed that the reason why there were two party curbs was the inherent reason why eunuchs attacked scholars. But it is also the evil fruit sown by the scholars themselves: Confucius said that "a gentleman is humble but not contentious, and a group is not a party", but have contemporary scholars achieved this? Because of the "flashiness", scholars made friends and formed parties. The party they formed was originally for the purpose of admiring and admiring each other. Of course, after inevitably involving in the struggle with the eunuchs, the party was no longer just a party of admiration, but naturally transformed into a political party. Clique, let me ask, if there is no such political group among the scholars, how could the eunuchs attack the scholars twice in a row?

Of course, this does not mean that the **** is right and the scholar is wrong.

In the final analysis, when it comes to power, no emperor would like to see his courtiers form a party, and if the courtiers form a party, it will inevitably weaken the imperial power. Therefore, when the **** throws out the excuse that the scholars form a party, it is for the purpose of combating the power of the scholars. , the party is inevitable.

It is precisely because the "flashy" people will eventually form "political groups" one by one with the development of time, so Xun You will say that Xu Shao's arrival in Xuzhou "is not necessarily a good thing".

Just imagine: Xu Shao only arrived in Xuzhou a few days ago, and there were scholars from Xuzhou who came to ask for comments, and scholars from other states who lived in Xuzhou came to be his guests specially. The literati and the guests who came under Xu Shao's door would inevitably form a small group with Xu Shao as the center, or even a large group. When they become a group, no matter how big or small, they will definitely no longer simply be willing to "test each other's questions", but will definitely want to express their own political voice, relying on Xu Shao's reputation and the reputation of these people. Running and speaking, they will be a force that cannot be ignored, and as a result, they will affect public opinion in Xuzhou. If they have the same political views as Xun Zhen, it would be fine. Xun Zhen can be "like a tiger with wings", but what if they have different political views from Xun Zhen? At that time, "Xuzhou has one more state" is really not an alarmist.

As for whether their political views will be the same as Xun Zhen?

Without thinking about it at all, Xun Zhen was able to come to the conclusion that at least 50% of the 100% would not be the same.


They represent the interests of the scholar class, and the interests of the powerful landlords. In other words, they represent the interests of the "separate forces" of the prefectures and counties. Just as the emperor had to fight against the power of the scholar group in order to consolidate the imperial power, in order to strengthen his power in Xuzhou, Xun Zhen must not blindly make concessions to the scholars and the tyrannical, and must fight against them while winning their support.

"To win their support while attacking them" may seem like a contradictory statement, but it is not.

In the words of later generations, this is actually: to win the support of the scholars and the powerful landlord class, to become their spokesperson, to secure their power in Xuzhou, and at the same time to further strengthen their power, but also to attack them. For those who do not obey, this "strike" is not a life-and-death blow of the hostile class, but only a struggle within the "ruling class".

In this way, when they opposed Xun Zhen's attack on the local nobility and arrogance, they would become resistance to Xun Zhen's administration.

Xun Zhen feigned a smile and said: "Gongda, what you said is quite sensational, why is this!"

Xun You said, "Can't Duke Ming see Chengyuan in the past?"

Cheng Yu is the prefect of Nanyang, and UUkanshu is as famous as Liu Biao and others, "If, what do you think Gongda said?"

One is due to his own interest, and the other is because of his close relationship with Xun Zhen and influenced by Xun Zhen, Xun You repeated the name method and used power techniques. Different from Xun You, Xun Yu was profoundly Confucian, deeply influenced by Confucianism, and was a respectful person.

Therefore, although I agree with Xun You's analysis in my heart, and I can see some adverse effects that Xu Shao may bring after arriving in Xuzhou, in terms of words, Xun Yu did not make "dangerous words" like Xun You, he said: " Now that Fang started his business in Xu, and is currently working in the world, Duke Xu has a great reputation from all over the world, and since he has come from afar, Duke Ming should treat him with courtesy and kindness, so as to lead the virtuous people to continue."

If Xun You's analysis is right on Xun Zhen's worries, then Xun Yu's answer is also in line with Xun Zhen's thoughts.

Xun Zhen thought in his heart: "Because of choking, I will stop eating, and I will cut off the hope of the virtuous in the sea. This wise person will not take it. Xu Zi will come to Xu, it is indeed a double-edged sword. If I had planned ahead, I might have avoided this worry."

As for how to "prepare early"? Xun Zhen already had a rough case.

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