The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 257: Xu Yuanzhi Offers Strategies for Dangerous Actions

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Not to mention Wang Kai's return to Yanzhou, how Liu Dai would react when he heard Xu Zhuo's words, he only said that Xu Zhuo had met Wang Kai and looked at Xun Zhen.

He first explained Wang Kai's purpose, and then commented: "Liu Yanzhou's Han clan clan, I heard that he was humble and humble in Yanzhou, and he was quite a scholar, while Guan Xu and Wang Erzhong Lang were not middle-aged. Man Boning is resolute and clean, famous in the state, Liang Bo Fang Botong classics, advancing and retreating with the way, these two rulers are both from Changyi, and they live in the state, but Liu Yanzhou can't use it. It is true that there is a sense of knowing people.”

Man Boning is Man Chong, Liang Uncle Fang Mingmao, both of them are outstanding figures in the younger generation of Yanzhou.

Man Chong was born in the county with the right surname. His family name was prominent in the county, and secondly, because of his ability, Li Shuo waited and bowed to him as soon as he saw him, and never dared to copy it again. For this credit, Man Chong was recommended by the county governor to serve in the imperial court, to keep the Gao Ping decree, and those who "keep" mean probationary appointments. "The chief officer of a large county, his rank is higher than that of the county magistrate. As soon as he is in office, he is the order of the large county. The starting point is very high, but because he was in office, he tortured and robbed Zhang Bao, the county governor of corruption and bribery, to death. , he abandoned office and returned home.

Liang Mao was eager to learn when he was young. He often quoted scriptures and classics when discussing things and commenting on people. He used it to deal with right and wrong. He was obeyed by the people of the county.

These two people are both from Changyi, Shanyang, and their home is in the prefecture of Yanzhou. It stands to reason that Liu Dai should have known the names of the two, but so far, they have not been requisitioned or reused. Therefore, Xu Zhuo concluded: Cheng Li was not affected by Liu Dai's use because he "knows people". The implication is that Liu Dai's "name of a scholar" has a lot of water, and the taxis he can get and use are just "middle men".

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "You can't blame Liu Dai for this. There is Zhang Mengzhuo in the south of Yanzhou, and Cao Mengde in the north. Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, is not only the elder brother of Yuan Benchu, but he is also famous in the world, and he is friends with Zhang Chao, the younger brother of Zhang Mengzhuo. Well, Zhang Chao once praised him as 'having the ability to win the world, and the amount of time he can do'. There is only one person in Yanzhou, but now there are at least four 'Mingzhu' in the prefecture. It is difficult for Liu Dai to compare the talents of Yanzhou. The handsome people are all under the tent, and even if Cheng Li is a far-sighted person, no one should attack and wait for the situation to develop."

He thought so in his heart, after pondering for a while, he asked, "Liu Yanzhou wants to attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei. Yuan Zhi, what do you think of this?"

"If it wins, it will be detrimental to my entry into Dongping and Rencheng; if it loses, it will be beneficial to me."

"Oh? What's the disadvantage? What's the advantage? Let's talk about it."

"If Liu Yanzhou is victorious, he will go to my unit with a great victory, and my unit cannot be the enemy. This is not good for me."

"In favor of me?"

"If he loses, the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei will definitely take advantage of the victory and go south, and Yanzhou will fall into chaos. If Yanzhou is in chaos, it will benefit me."

Xun Zhen agreed with Xu Zhuo's analysis and asked him, "So, in your opinion, how should I deal with it?"

"Zhuo has two strategies."

"tell me the story."

"The lord and Caodong County are good friends. You can send an envoy to secretly communicate with Caodong County. In order to support Caodong County's entry into Yanzhou as a lure, let Caodong County restrain Liu Yanzhou and make Liu Yanzhou defeated."

He sent a messenger to see Cao Cao, and said to Cao Cao: As long as you can defeat Liu Dai, I will support you in taking over Yanzhou. This seems to be a solution, but Xun Zhen shook her head and said, "This strategy is impossible."

He knew Cao Cao fairly well and said, "Liu Yanzhou's attack on the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei is not only his duty, but also the will of the people. How can Meng De, a virtuous man, be comparable to a man who is wise and wise? He will never allow Qing This strategy will destroy my reputation. If I communicate with him through this strategy, not only will I not get his approval, but it will even make him look down on me.”

Liu Dai personally attacked the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei because of his status as the prefect of the prefecture, and he held "righteousness".

The post of prefect originated from the "supervisor" of the former Qin Dynasty. Although the former Emperor Wu of the Han had a clear restriction on his power, that is, "six questions", he was originally a supervisor, but since the middle of this dynasty, it has been To suppress the endless peasant uprisings and barbarian rebellions, the situation that the "supervisor" could supervise the army and the generals in the former Qin Dynasty reappeared, and the prefect was given the power to lead the army.

Not to mention, the closer is like the first year of Xiping, Emperor Ling, when Xu Zhao rebelled in Kuaiji. He was promoted to the prefect of Yandu County, and in the second year of Guanghe, Bajun Banzhen rebelled, and the court sent the imperial censor Xiao Ai to supervise the governor of Yizhou to investigate him. In the third year of Zhongping, Wang Min, the prefect of Jingzhou, asked the rebellious Jiangxia soldiers. , beheading Zhao Ci, and in the fifth year of Zhongping, Tao Qian's identity when he attacked the Xuzhou Yellow Turbans was also Xuzhou's "inspector".

Therefore, Xun Zhen said that it was his "duty" for Liu Dai to convene the prefecture and state as a prefect to discuss and attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei. , which is also "what the people want".

What kind of person is Cao Cao? Visionary. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to agree with Xu Zhuo's plan. Just as Xun Zhen expected, Cao Cao has actually made a decision to strongly support Liu Dai.

Xu Zhuo smiled and said, "Master Zhuo will not use this strategy either."

"Why Qing Erce?"

"Zhuo's second strategy is simple: just choose the number of warriors."

Xun Zhen's heart moved, and UU reading said, "What do you mean by Qing?"

"Choose a few warriors, infiltrate Liu Yanzhou's army, and assassinate him when he becomes a chaotic army."

Xun Zhen was silent.

Xu Zhuo said: "Zhuo was in Yingchuan, and he had many contacts with chivalrous men. Among them, there are quite a few brave and brave. If the lord wants to, Zhuo can choose two or three of them, and send them into Yan, and he will surely live up to his mission."

Xu Zhuo is a young chivalrous man. When he was in Yingchuan in his early years, most of his friends were of this generation. Later, because of Xun Zhen, he just stopped studying, and he has become what he is today. The friends he made in the past, in recent years, A lot of people came to join him one after another. Among them, Xu Zhuo recommended Xun Zhen who could be used in the army, and there were still some who had no military talents, but only good at the courage of ordinary people.

Xun Zhen has seen most of his former friends and diners today, and there are indeed several good materials for assassins who are brave and courageous, and if they are sent to Yanzhou, it is exactly as Xu Zhuo said. Therefore, Xun Zhen is not worried about whether the assassination will be successful if he executes the assassination, but what needs to be considered is: the assassination plan is a dangerous move, and if it succeeds, what consequences will it lead to? Will this result be beneficial to Xun Zhen, or on the contrary, will it be detrimental to Xun Zhen?

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