The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 254: Feixu 8 counties call in troops

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Liu Dai asked, "What about the second policy?"

Wang Yu said: "Yanbei yellow scarves are crowded, Bao Jibei can't control them, many borrow troops to Ming Duke, Ming Duke can take advantage of this, and he is also ordering all the prefectures and states, ordering each to send troops, and then Ming Duke unified them, personally led the Hit the thief."

Although Wang Yu's two strategies have different explanations, one is to chase the soldiers from Xuzhou, the other is to attack the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, but the essence is the same. They both find an excuse first. There is a "great righteousness" that the counties and states cannot refuse, and then, through this pretext, the military power of the counties and states, or at least part of the military power, is integrated and brought under the control of the state capital.

War is the continuation of politics, but in turn, the military is the basis of politics. To truly grasp the real power of Yanzhou, the most important first step, of course, is to control the military power in the state. As long as he can take over the military power, or at least part of the military power, of the counties and states, Liu Dai's right to speak in the state and his control over the counties in the state will naturally be different from what he is now.

When Liu Dai heard these two strategies, he was overjoyed at first, and said, "Your Excellency, these two strategies are both the best strategies! I should follow them." Then he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's really annoying that Xuzhou soldiers have entered our territory without permission, but I heard the news. , said that those who invaded my Rencheng had only a few thousand soldiers, which is also a disease of ringworm and scabies."

"So, Duke Ming wants to spread the word to all the counties and states on the pretext of seeking the Yellow Turbans from the North?"

"The Yellow Turbans in Jibei are connected to the north by the thieves in Jinan, Le'an and other Qingzhou counties. Once they go south, our Yanzhou counties will suffer, and this is a serious problem for our state's confidants. Bao Jibei also sent people to the state the day before yesterday. , ask me to borrow 3,000 state soldiers, and I can pass it on to the state." After Liu Dai finished talking about his plan, he asked Wang Yu, "What do you think? Is this possible?"

Wang Yu said: "It is as clear as the public statement. Compared with the soldiers of Xuzhou who invaded Rencheng, the Yellow Turbans in Jibei are a serious problem for our state's confidants, and they should be attacked first."

Liu Dai smiled and said, "Shuwen, although both of your strategies are the best, there is one thing you may not have thought of."

"Oh? Please enlighten me."

"I want to mobilize the soldiers of all counties on the grounds of attacking the Jibei Yellow Turbans, not only because the Jibei Yellow Turbans are a serious problem for my confidant in Yanzhou, but also because the reason is to chase the Xuzhou soldiers, and there will be more soldiers on this ground. Two benefits."

"Dare to make it public."

"Let me ask you: where is Ren Cheng?"

"North of Shanyang and south of Dongping." Wang Yu suddenly realized and said, "Yes, if you want to go to Jibei, you must first pass through Rencheng, the Duke of Ming unified the state, to Rencheng, and drive thousands of soldiers from Xuzhou. It's easy! In this way, there is no need to use Xuzhou's soldiers as an excuse."

"One of these."

"Dare to ask Duke Ming, what is the second one?"

"The excuse used by the Xuzhou soldiers to invade my Rencheng is to chase and destroy the Yellow Turbans of the State of Lu. I am going to fight the Yellow Turbans in Jibei, such as Chuanzhou Newspaper and Xun Zhenzhi, please help him... Shuwen, how would you say he would respond? ?"

Wang Yu smiled and said, "It should be neither, nor should it be, it will be a dilemma."

Liu Dai stroked his beard and smiled.

If Xun Zhen agrees, then his thousands of soldiers and horses in Rencheng are likely to become the forerunners of Liu Dai's horses. If not, what excuse can he use to stay in Rencheng and not leave?

Liu Dai and Wang Yu returned to the prefecture, and they sat down to discuss secretly.

Wang Yu's strategy is good, but the specific implementation needs to be carefully considered and discussed. After all, the situation of each county in Yanzhou is different, so it cannot be generalized and needs to be treated differently.

The first person they mentioned was Chen Liu.

The prefect of Chenliu, Zhang Miao, was too famous in the state, even higher than Liu Dai.

When the Dong Dynasty was being investigated, Yuan Shao was the main leader in Hanoi, Jizhou, and Zhang Miao was the leader of Chen Liu Suanzao. Later, Liu Dai attacked and killed Qiao Mao. He was proud of himself, and the reason why Ling Miao was the same was also because of Zhang Miao's help. At that time, there were three people who killed Qiao Mao together, Liu Dai, Zhang Miao, and Wu Zi, the governor of Jiyin.

Wang Yu said cautiously: "Chenliu borders Chen and Liang in Yu. I heard that Zhang Gong and Meng Zhuo had a lot of connections with Chen and Liang in the past. However, when Yu heard about it, it seemed that he had secretly helped him with military funds. Based on Yu's guess, his mind was probably all about Chen and Liang's wars. Afterwards, following the worry of Chen Liu's military crime. .

Even if Sun Jian had not attacked Chen and Liang, Liu Dai would probably have asked for a few soldiers from Zhang Miao. Liu Dai knew in his heart that the reason why Wang Yu said this was that he was actually going down the stairs, so as not to be too embarrassed on his face as the "prefect of the state", because he followed Wang Yu's words and said: "Chen Liu has something to do, state. The government must not force Meng Zhuo's difficulties. Shuwen, you can write the letter to Chen Liu yourself. As for how much Meng Zhuo can send troops, the state does not force it, it is up to him to decide according to the situation of his own county. ."

Wang Yu replied, "No."

To the north of Chen Liu is Dong County, and the two counties are bordering. Cao Cao, the prefect of Dong County, and Zhang Miao are good friends, so after Chen Liu, the next is Dong County.

Wang Yu said: "East Commandery has Montenegro in the west and Tian Kai in the north. The pressure is very heavy. I am afraid that Caodong Commandery cannot send too many troops to Mazhou."

For example, in terms of military pressure, it is an objective fact that among the Yanzhou counties, Jibei is the first, Dongjun is the second, Cao Cao and Bao Xinshi are brothers in trouble. Liu Dai felt a little regretful and said: "Meng De is well-versed in military affairs. If he is planning in front of the tent, I will be even more powerful. Unfortunately, the pressure outside Dongjun is heavy, and he cannot leave the country. . . . You write to see how many troops Meng De can send to me."

Wang Yu agreed.

Dongjun has a long and narrow terrain, bordering the three prefectures of Yanzhou in the east, Jibei, Dongping and Jiyin in the order from north to south.

Needless to say, Jibei is the combat destination where Liu Dai plans to use his troops this time.

Dongping country is next to Jibei, with a small area under its jurisdiction, and its military strength is not strong. Whether it is for self-protection, keeping the Yellow Turban outside the country, or "power inferior", it has to obey orders, and Dongping Prime Minister Li Zan will definitely not Oppose Liu Dai's order.

Jiyin's jurisdiction is not small, and its area is similar to that of Chenliu and Dongjun. Wu Zi, the prefect of Jiyin, was a party member when Liu Dai attacked and killed Qiao Mao. He had a good relationship with Zhang Miao and Liu Dai, and he was more inclined to Zhang Miao, but he would not think about Liu Dai's order. In addition, the northeast corner of Jiyin borders Dongping. If the Yellow Turbans in Jibei cannot be destroyed as soon as possible, when they go south, Jiyin will not be the first to bear the brunt, but they will certainly not escape a military disaster. Therefore, he He would definitely send troops to the prefecture to obey Liu Dai's orders.

The only question is: how much will he send?

Wang Yu thought for a while and said, "Jiyin has more than ten thousand soldiers, half of them can be called."

The order had summoned half of the troops, and even if Wu Zi could not honestly follow the order, he still had to send three thousand people to make it justified. Jiyin is less than 3,000, and the prefecture is more than 3,000. Comparing the two, one decrease and one increase, it is a difference of 6,000 trilogy.

Liu Dai nodded in agreement.

Wang Yu added: "There is a powerful man named Li Gan in Jiyin, native of Shanyang, and now in the Cheng family, there are thousands of guests, one family chooses one soldier, and thousands of soldiers, who dominate the local area. The Duke of Ming allowed him to be a state. Summon him to lead the chorus to the state."

"I've heard the name of this person before. I followed Qing's words and called him to the state together this time."

Jiyin is bordered by Dongping in the northeast and Shanyang in the east.

Although Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, belonged to Yuan's party, Liu Dai had already chosen to form an alliance with Yuan Shao, and Shanyang was the seat of the prefecture. Therefore, if Liu Dai was under the command, Yuan Yi would definitely send troops to follow him. The only problem, like Jiyin, is how many troops Yuan Yi will send. In the same way that they dealt with Jiyin, Liu Dai and Wang Yu decided to call half of Shanyang's soldiers.

Among the counties in Yanzhou, only Mount Tai remains.

Mount Tai is in the easternmost part of Yanzhou, and is adjacent to the three states in the west, namely Jibei in Yanzhou, Lu State in Yuzhou, and Donghai in Xuzhou.

The jurisdiction of its county is the largest among the counties in Yanzhou, with a large area and a large population. The Qingyan Yellow Turbans in the territory were driven away, and the county soldiers had the experience of fighting the Qingyan Yellow Turbans as the third factor. Taking these three points into consideration, at present, Taishan County's troops are relatively strong. UU reading www.

However, although the military strength is relatively strong, the north of Mount Tai is bordered by Jinan and Qi in Qingzhou, and it is not far from Le'an and Beihai. These counties and states are all covered with yellow scarves, and Yingshao faces external pressure. He called too many soldiers there.

Liu Dai and Wang Yu agreed that they would also call half of Taishan's soldiers. As for Ying Shao, it was up to him to decide how many he could send and how many he would send.

After discussing the countermeasures for each county and state respectively, although the letter has not been issued, and the army of the county state has not yet arrived, Liu Dai felt as if a big stone had been put down in his heart. Yuan Shao's influence in the prefecture is too great, and the yellow scarves in the north of the prefecture are chaotic. These two problems have plagued Liu Dai for a long time. Seeing that Wang Yu's strategy can kill two birds with one stone, Liu Dai is quite emotional. Happy, if you add the Xuzhou soldiers who have invaded Rencheng along the way, you will kill three birds with one stone.

After Bao Xin's loan document arrived at the prefecture, Liu Dai never gave a reply. At this time, because he was in a good mood, Liu Dai decided to give him a reply in person.

Bao Xin was still garrisoned in Kangfu, and there was only a hundred or ten miles from Changyi to Kangfu. Liu Dai's palindrome was quickly sent to Bao Xin's camp.

Bao Xin was shocked when he saw it.

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