The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 253: Uncle Wang's Literature Strategy

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Cheng Li is eight feet and three inches tall, which is about one meter nine when converted into the unit of measurement of later generations. Liu Dai's stature is not low, which is a normal height among the people of the time, but is two heads shorter than Cheng Zui's feet.

In order to show the importance of Cheng Li, Liu Dai did not meet Cheng Li in the wing room, but met him in the main hall of the prefecture. The main hall is very large and can accommodate dozens of people to sit and discuss matters. Liu Dai screened back, and only asked Wang Yu, Zhizhong Wanqian, and the director Zhang Guan to accompany him.

Liu Dai said to Cheng Li: "The battle between You and Ji will affect Wu Yan. In recent days, Gongsun Bogui and Yuan Benchu ​​have sent envoys to ask for an alliance with me. Both of these dukes are married to me, and they are in my place. The person close to me also entrusted his wife and son to me at first, and Bo Gui sent Fan Fang to help me with Youzhou Jingqi. Who should I choose to join the alliance? The state government cannot decide. Dare to ask you to teach me."

Cheng Li sat upright, and said, "Although Gongsun Bogui sent horses to help the duke, if he was close, how could General Yuan entrust his wife and son? If Duke Ming could not be cut off for a few days, he should know the reason."

"Oh? Then please tell me, what is the real reason why I can't stop for days?"

Cheng Li said: "Gongsun Bogui broke the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou, beheaded tens of thousands of people, and got thousands of vehicles in his luggage. His prestige and military resources were abundant, and the Duke of Ming could not be cut off because he was afraid of Gongsun's powerful soldiers."

Liu Dai laughed at Wang Yu and the others, and said, "Jun Cheng really knows me!"

Wang Yu said: "Cheng Gong is wise to seek famous people, and he can see the reason clearly."

Liu Daisurong said to Cheng Li: "Since you already know, I will no longer lie to you. Yes, I am indeed afraid of Gongsun Bogui's military strength. You may not know it, but Bogui asked Fan Fang to give me a message, saying: If I don't hand over Ben Chu's wife and son to him, then when he defeats Ben Chu, he will add troops to me. ... Now the situation in Yanzhou Prefecture, Cheng Jun, you should know that my name is the prefect, but the actual situation is There are only a few prefectures and states that can be mobilized, and I am a little worried, if the army is defeated at the beginning, will Bogui really add troops to me?"

Cheng Li said, "Ming Gong is worried that he will not be able to resist Youzhou Jingqi."


People with discerning eyes do not speak secretly in front of people with discerning eyes. Since they hope to get Cheng Li's advice, Liu Dai is open and honest with Cheng Li, and has nothing to hide.

Wan Qian said, "Youzhou's iron cavalry is famous all over the world, and it is one of the most powerful soldiers in the sea. The only ones who can fight against it are the elite soldiers of Bingzhou, because many people in the prefecture think that they will be defeated at the beginning. And once Gongsun Bogui joins our army, I am afraid that it will be difficult to support."

Cheng Li laughed.

Liu Dai asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"If only a strong army can win, why would Xiang Yu fail? Fang Caizhi said that only the elite soldiers of Bingzhou can compete with the iron cavalry of Youzhou. I dare to ask: Where is Dong Zhuo now?"

"What does Cheng Jun mean?"

"The strength of the army is not important, but the people's will. Therefore, although Xiang Yu was strong and died, Dong Zhuo was defeated by violence."

Zhang Guan said: "Dong Zhuo is in Xijing today, holding the emperor hostage, how can he say no?"

"Why did Dong Zhuo burn Luoyang and go to Xijing?"

"It's because of the troops of the Kanto princes."

"However, this is not right because he can no longer live in Luoyang, so he has to flee to Xijing? Although he is still lingering, I predict that he will perish sooner or later. ... This is the public opinion."

"Gongsun Bogui's troops and horses have not yet entered Hebei, and I heard that Ji Yong has betrayed, and many county magistrates and tyrants with the right surname in the Hebei region have also taken the initiative to secretly communicate with Gongsun Bogui. If you talk about public opinion, this is not also public opinion. Is it?"

"Ji Yong's disciples only saw the tyranny in front of Gongsun Bogui's eyes, but they did not see the strong background of the Yuan clan. They were mediocre people, so how could they be worthy of public opinion? At the beginning of Dong Zhichu, the beginning of the event, the world's scholars and heroes flocked to follow, not leaving thousands of miles, or to fall in love with each other, I am afraid that it is not enough, I heard that "the one who is in the family, the second generation is the master, the third is the king", This is the 'Master' and 'Junzhi'. Yuan Benchu ​​used this as a capital. How can he be comparable to Gongsun Bogui? Even if there will be a temporary defeat, and the final defeat, as I predict, must be Gongsun. Bo Gui too."

There were few people in the hall, and it looked empty. Cheng Li's voice echoed in the hall, and Liu Dai, Wang Yu, Wan Qian, and Zhang Guan all pondered silently.

Cheng Li went on to say: "How many people are close to General Yuan in the prefectures and states? I don't need to tell me, Duke Ming clearly knows what he wants to come. Under such a situation, if Yuan Yuanchu was to be in alliance with Gongsun Bogui, the prefecture would be in civil turmoil. After I arrived at the prefecture, I heard that Xunhou of Xuzhou sent troops into Yan a few days ago, and I also heard that the two states of Chen and Liang in Yuzhou were about to be conquered by Sun Hou, and Xun Hou and Sun Hou are both heroes. The Yellow Turbans are raging in the north again, the state is in civil strife, and foreign aggression is coming, and at that time, both internal and external difficulties, dare to ask Ming Gong: Where will it go?"

Liu Dai was horrified.

Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, who should make an alliance with them? To a certain extent, this is actually a question that does not need to be considered at all. Why? As Cheng Li said: "How many people are close to General Yuan in the prefectures and states in the state?"

Yuan Yi, Cao Cao, Bao Xin, Ying Shao, these four must support Yuan Shao. It is hard to say whether Zhang Miao will support Yuan Shao, but he definitely does not want to see Gongsun Zan strong, so at least he will not support Gongsun Zan. These five people They are all powerful factions, each in charge of a county, and they all have troops and horses. At present, Liu Dai has not decided who to form an alliance with. The five of them can wait and watch, but if Liu Dai decides to form an alliance with Gongsun Zan, the five of them will probably Chuanxiao objected, and these five people opposed each other. There was no need to wait for "foreign troubles to follow", and the position of the governor of Yanzhou would have to change hands.

Liu Dai first slapped the table, then supported his forehead, and said, "If it wasn't for Cheng Jun, I would have made a mistake for the state officials!" He made a decision that he couldn't decide for days, "I'll pass the state newspaper to Benchu ​​and Jizhou. Alliance!"

Seeing that Liu Dai had made a decision, Cheng Li got up and left.

Liu Dai kept him again and again, and Cheng Lisui stayed in the prefecture for one night.

The next day, Liu Dai once again challenged Cheng Li, but was still declined by Cheng Li.

Cheng Li bid farewell to his hometown, and Liu Dai sent him outside the city, watching the ox cart go away, and the sky was high and cloudless in the distance.

Liu Dai sighed unconsciously: "Cheng Jun is really a scholar."

With Prime Minister Wang Yu by his side, and seeing that there were no outsiders left and right, he said to Liu Dai: "Ming Gong, now that you have decided to form an alliance with Jizhou, and foreign affairs have been decided, with Yu's humble view, you can clean up the state."

Liu Dai was stunned for a moment. UU Reading turned to him and asked, "Clean up the state?"


"What do you mean by that?"

"Just as Cheng Jun said yesterday, although the names of the counties in Yanzhou are mainly based on Duke Ming, there are actually many people who are close to General Yuan. Previously, the foreign affairs were undecided, and there was no way to take out the hands to clean up the state, and now we can start. "

"How to clean up?"

"Yu has two strategies."

Many counties in the prefecture have been linked with Yuan Shao. This has long been a problem for Liu Dai. Hearing that Wang Yu has two strategies to solve the problem, he was overjoyed and said, "Uncle Wen, please tell me quickly."

Shuwen is the character of Wang Yu.

Wang Yu said: "The reason why the soldiers from Xuzhou invaded Rencheng before was because they wanted to use this as a pretext to deal with the envoys from Jizhou and Youzhou, but now I don't need it anymore. On the pretext of expelling the soldiers from Xuzhou who occupied our Rencheng, I flew to the city. Arranging the commanderies, summoning the soldiers of the commanderies, and then taking the opportunity to hold the military power in one hand, this is also a strategy."

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