The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 255: Only Puyang came to the nest

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Bao Xin's eldest son, Bao Shaoshi, was in the tent. Seeing that Bao Xin's expression changed drastically, he asked, "What did the state master say in the order? But you don't want to borrow troops?"

Bao Xin shook his head and said, "No."

"That is?"

"Liu Gong wanted to spread the word about the county, and he summoned the soldiers of the county to personally lead the northern attack on the Yellow Turbans."

Bao Shao said happily: "Isn't this a good thing? Why is my father not only displeased, but also disgusted?"

"Nowadays, the Yellow Turbans are so powerful that they claim to be in the millions. Their strength is sharp, the people of Yanbei are terrified, and their soldiers have no will to fight. Under such circumstances, how can they march in large numbers and fight? With my shortcomings and the sharpness of attacking thieves, we will surely be defeated. Also! The only plan for now is to keep your strength and strength, first stick to it, and then wait for the thieves to disperse, and when they are exhausted, select the elite to attack them."

Bao Shao said, "Father means that if Zhou Boru raises his troops north at this time, he might be defeated?"


Bao Xin glanced at Bao Shao, hesitated, and finally swallowed what he wanted to say next.

He thought to himself: "Besides this, there is another reason, and that is: Liu Yanzhou has already gained a lot of support from the state scholars. If the Yellow Turbans are suppressed again and the military exploits are prosperous, the position of the prefect of Yanzhou will definitely improve. It's solid! My plan with Meng De is afraid that it will be difficult to implement."

Liu Dai was a clan of the Han family. His descendants, Liu Chong, were prefects. He was honest and fair. He was called "One Money Prefect". Worshiping Taiwei, he is famous all over the world. His father Liu Yu was also an official of 2,000 stone, and he had served as the prefect of Shanyang. With such a family wealth and clan, Liu Dai himself was humbly accepted by others. Therefore, At present, although he has not been able to gain the unanimous support of the chief officials of the Yanzhou counties and states, as far as the local scholars in Yanzhou are concerned, many people support him.

In other words, currently in Yanzhou, Liu Dai already has a certain political foundation.

At this time, if he personally leads the troops to annihilate all the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, he doesn't even need to annihilate them, as long as he drives them away and the Yanbei is safe, then it is foreseeable that his reputation in Yanzhou will surely usher in a big one. improvement. With the political foundation already in place, and no matter how high his military exploits and reputation are, Liu Dai's position as "Yanzhou Governor" will be as Bao Xin expected, and will certainly be more stable from this.

In this way, Bao Xin and Cao Cao's secret plan to "regulate the south of the river" will hardly become a reality.

After all, Liu Dai is the prefect of Yanzhou. The plot of Bao Xin and Cao Cao was actually a "usurpation of power". If it were leaked, not only would the reputation of the two of them be ruined, but they might even have a bad foothold in Yanzhou. The so-called "if it is not a secret, it will be lost." Because of this, Bao Xin, after thinking about it, did not tell Bao Shao the reason for "he opposes Liu Dai going north".

In terms of strategic planning, although Bao Shao was inferior to his father because of his age and experience, he had the style of Bao Xin in terms of strength and courage. Hearing Bao Xin's words, he said: "Father is too worried. Now, in Shao’s humble opinion: Although there are many Yellow Turban thieves, Ruzhou Boguo can assemble the troops of various prefectures and state troops and combine them with the troops of the state. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of them. If they use this to attack the thieves, they will not be able to win. If you take a step back, even if there is a defeat, it will not be a big defeat.”

Bao Xin did not object to Bao Shao's statement that "even if there is a defeat, it will not be a big defeat".

The Yellow Turbans in Yanbei mostly used copying and looting as their capital, and they were both young and old. Liu Dai led tens of thousands of people to attack them, and there might be a temporary defeat, but in the long run, as long as there were no major mistakes in strategy and tactics, Step by step, and at the same time use surprising tactics, it is still very promising to win.

However, because of this, Bao Xin was even more opposed to Liu Dai personally leading the attack.

So he sent a reply letter to Liu Dai, including the reason he told Bao Shao, and urged Liu Dai not to go north in person. Then, he wrote another letter to Cao Cao, telling the story. After writing the two letters, he sent people to Liu and Cao respectively.

After Liu Dai received Bao Xin's reply, he thought about it carefully and felt that it seemed to make sense, so he summoned Wang Yu to discuss it with him.

Wang Yu said: "Since ancient times, those who have accomplished things have always overcome hardships and difficulties, faced dangers and dangers, and have never heard of a high seat, a couch, and easy access. Now, if you strike the Yanbei Yellow Turban, or as Bao Jibei said, there will be small Frustration, however, with the strength of my prefecture, using Yannan as the base, and connecting the troops of various counties, the victory will be sure. Besides, 'small setback' is not necessarily a bad thing. Only then can the public's military merit be more evident."

A foolish enemy cannot show his brilliance. The stronger the enemy is, the more difficult the process of defeating the enemy will be. Only when he wins will he be able to show his own ability.

When Liu Dai heard this, he agreed with it, and said, "Qing Yan is very true!"

He then rejected Bao Xin's suggestion and decided to continue to implement it without changing what he had negotiated with Wang Yu before.

Liu Dai summoned the county soldiers to attack the Yellow Turbans in Yanbei, Zhou Xun and Bao Xin's letters, only two days apart, and they arrived in Dongjun one after another.

When Liu Dai's prefecture arrived, like Bao Xin, Cao Cao realized the trouble right away.

By the time Bao Xin's letter arrived, Cao Cao had already come up with a countermeasure.

There are only two countermeasures, one is not to cooperate with Liu Dai, and the other is to cooperate with Liu Dai.

On the surface, not cooperating with Liu Dai with Bao Xin seems to be the best policy.

Because of the situation of the counties in the prefecture, Cao Cao knew very well, and knew that the counties would definitely not send too many troops to Liu Dai. Maybe Liu Dai could only summon a total of 10,000 people, and I am afraid there will be many more. For the new soldiers, even the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, the combat effectiveness will inevitably be low. With the addition of the state soldiers, Liu Dai will only be able to command only 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers. With this 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers, he will attack the Yanbei Yellow Turbans, which are known as one million. There are few horses, such as Cao Cao's sitting and watching and Bao Xin's negativity and non-cooperation, - Yanbei Yellow Turbans are now mainly active in the Jibei area. Bao Xin, as the minister of Jibei and as a landlord, knows Yanbei best. The Northern Yellow Turbans are false and truthful, and his negativity and incoordination will greatly drag Liu Dai's hind legs. As a result, Liu Dai will be frustrated.

And when he was frustrated, it could not only prevent him from consolidating his rule in Yanzhou with military exploits, but for Cao Cao and Bao Xin, there might be opportunities that would benefit both of them.

But Cao Cao was an ordinary person. After some consideration, he did not choose this strategy, but chose to cooperate with Liu Dai.

Not only to cooperate, but also to cooperate fully.

There are four reasons.

Jibei is Bao Xin's territory, annihilating or expelling the Jibei Yellow Turbans will help strengthen Bao Xin's strength, enrich his army, and get more civilian power and military supplies, which will also enhance Cao Cao's strength. This one.

As mentioned above, Jibei borders Dongjun. The Yellow Turbans currently operating in Jibei are also a great external threat to Dongjun. Taking this opportunity, if they can be eliminated, will help reduce some of the pressure on Dongjun. This will enable Cao Cao to concentrate on developing towards Qingzhou. This second.

Last year, Gongsun Zan smashed the Qingzhou Yellow Turban in the Bohai Sea and seized countless numbers. Cao Cao was envious. As Bao Xin said, the Yellow Turbans did not have a fixed territory and fought on the move, but this did not mean that they were poor. Yes, in the long run, they lacked the foundation for development, but in the short term, they were actually Very rich, UU read Wherever the Yellow Turbans pass, the powerful and powerful families are all broken. The wealth accumulated by the wealthy families for generations and even hundreds of years has been plundered by the Yellow Turbans. The wealth, grain, silk and population, There are also farming cattle and farm tools. The Yellow Turbans have obtained a lot of money. Moreover, there are many old soldiers in the Yellow Turbans, and their fighting power is not low. There are goods, labor, and old soldiers. It will greatly help Cao Cao to strengthen his strength in a short time. This third.

The Yanbei Yellow Turban was deeply hated by the tyrants and scholars in Yanbei, and was also deeply feared by the tyrants and scholars in Yannan. "Strong thieves" stood firm in terms of "righteousness". If Cao Cao and Bao Xin did not cooperate, it would be detrimental to their reputations, and would be regarded as "selfish interests" by the tyrants and scholars in Yanzhou. This is the fourth.

Not cooperating, or cooperating, comparing the two, it is obvious that noncooperation is shortsighted, and cooperating is visionary.

Therefore, after receiving Bao Xin's letter, Cao Cao responded with this. Then, he passed the message to the state, and was the first to respond to Liu Dai among the counties in Yanzhou, and to Liu Dai's surprise, he clearly stated in the message. Say: Will personally lead three thousand soldiers and horses to join forces with Liu Dai.

Dongjun currently has only more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. Facing the heavy pressure of Tian Kai in the north and Heishan in the west, Cao Cao was not only willing to provide 4,000 soldiers and horses to help Liu Dai, but he also led him personally. .

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