The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 252: Cao Mengde's private intentions to the north

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Cao Cao took the letter and read it outside the camp.

If you say "entering the plains while Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan are fighting", it was just a not very mature idea before. After reading Bao Xin's letter, Cao Cao made up his mind and said, "I will be honest with you. In the name of chasing the Yellow Turbans from the Kingdom of Lu, and entering Rencheng from the west, this is obviously also to take advantage of the opportunity to compete with Gongsun Bogui in the beginning to 'expand the territory'. I can't wait for the time, and I can't delay any longer."

Cao Cao and Xun Zhen had a true friendship, and compared with Bao Xin's friendship with Xun Zhen, his friendship with Xun Zhen was even better, but the friendship returned to friendship. Like Bao Xin, Cao Cao also had his political ambitions.

In terms of friendship, the friendship between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao is even better. The two have known each other since they were young. Since the war against Dong Qi, Cao Cao has been attached to Yuan Shao and has received a lot of help. Of course, he is also very useful to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao regards him as a "hawk dog" , but so what? When he found that Yuan Shao was not in line with his political ideas, as the leader of the coalition, he would become another Dong Zhuo. Although he was forced to break with him due to the situation, he could do so in secret. Has he and Bao Xin settled on a self-reliance policy of "governing the south of the great river"? Now, there is another desire to take advantage of the opportunity of Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan to go north to the plains and expand their strength.

Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao also had a good friendship. In the past, when they were in Luoyang, Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao were "running friends". In terms of rescuing party members and fighting eunuchs, the two had similar aspirations. People are also drifting further apart due to the gradual disharmony of political ideas.

On the one hand, Zhang Miao couldn't get used to Yuan Shao's arrogance after he became the leader of the alliance, and he often bluntly blamed Zhang Miao. He went to Zhang Miao and hated him.

Zhang Miao is one of the "eight chefs" among the party members. He became famous very early. When he was young, he was known as a chivalrous person, helping the poor and helping the party members. For this reason, he did not hesitate to go bankrupt. He is a native of Yanzhou, so he has a high reputation among the coalition forces and Yanzhou scholars. Therefore, Han Fu, "the former animal husband of Jizhou", turned to Zhang Miao after being forced by Yuan Shao, and "the former governor of Hanoi" Wang Kuang, originally dedicated to Yuan Shao's life, even killed Hu Wuban, one of the "eight chefs" as famous as Zhang Miao and his brother-in-law, at the order of Yuan Shao. The army was defeated by Dong Jun, and after almost the entire army was annihilated, Yuan Shao failed to give him substantial help, so after returning to Mount Tai to recruit thousands of troops, he went to Chenliu to join Zhang Miao.

Not only those who "turned away from Yuan Shao" were Cao Cao, who was also in Chenliu at the beginning of the war against Dong Qibing.

There were three "headquarters" of the coalition forces that sought Dong. One was Yuan Shao in Hanoi, the other was Xun Zhen and Sun Jian in Yingchuan, and the other was that the princes of Yanzhou Prefecture joined forces in Chenliu Suanzao. In short, it can be said that Zhang Miao was another "political call" besides Yuan Shao in the eyes of the people who fought against Dong's coalition in those days and Yanzhou scholars today. Another Dong Zhuo, not only Bao Xin and Cao Cao, but many people have seen this.

Therefore, even last year, Yuan Shao asked Cao Cao, who was in Hanoi at the time, to lead his troops to attack Zhang Miao. Although Cao Cao refused, the current relationship between Zhang Miao and Yuan Shao can be known from this. -Dong Zhuo in the distance , Under the pressure of Gongsun Zan recently, although the two still retain the relationship of "allies", the fact that they are almost breaking is already well known.

Of course, when it comes to Cao Cao's refusal to attack and kill Zhang Miao, this is not to say how good the relationship between Cao Cao and Zhang Miao is. In fact, the two of them have long since become "good-looking" because of their different political ideas. Otherwise, Cao Cao would not After recruiting troops at Danyang, they would abandon Zhang Miao and follow Yuan Shao.

All in all, in the face of political ideas and ambitions, no matter how good the old friendship is, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, after knowing that Xun Zhen entered the army and Rencheng, he seemed to have the intention of invading Yanzhou, Cao Cao immediately felt that "the time is not for me".

He pondered for a moment, then instructed the attendant, "Bring a pen and paper."

When the pen and paper were presented, he leaned on his horse and waved his hair, and replied to Bao Xin, writing: "I don't know how many soldiers of Liu Yanzhou Xujun are in the state? Northern Yellow Turban."

In the content of the reply, he did not mention Xun Zhen's entry into Yan, nor did he mention the plan to enter the plains, but only said that he intended to join forces with Bao Xin to attack the Yellow Turbans in Jibei. With Bao Xin's cleverness, he expected It should be possible to understand his intentions from it.

When the reply was written, Cao Cao sealed it with ink pad and handed it to the leading county official who sent Bao Xin's letter, ordering: "You will return to the county immediately, and give this letter to Bao Jun's messenger, so that he can bring it back. "

The leading county official answered the promise, took the letter, said goodbye and left, bringing the rest of the people back to the county.

Chen Gong asked, "What did Bao Jun say in the letter?"

"The Yellow Turbans of Lu State defeated Xu Xian's troops under Xun Hou's command, and rushed westward into Yan. Xu Xian followed and followed and entered Rencheng."

Chen Gong was stunned for a moment, and immediately grasped the point, guessed Xun Zhen's intention, and immediately became angry, pressed his sword and said, "Xun Hou Fang covered Tao Gongzu, and he had to occupy Xu, so he wanted to plan Wuzhou again?"

Xun Zhen knew that his soldiers were good at fighting, and his military achievements were outstanding. His sudden entry into Yan caused Cao Cao to feel under pressure, but his face did not reveal the slightest. Entering Yan is quite beneficial for Bao Jun and me to attack the Yellow Turbans in northern Jibei."

The implication is that when the attack on the Yellow Turbans in Jibei is unfavorable, you can ask Xun Zhen for help.

Chen Gong frowned and said, "This is impossible."

Cao Cao smiled deliberately and asked, "Why not? Didn't the Minister just say, but 'diplomatic Xuzhou', with 'echoing the north and south with Liu Yanzhou'?"

"If Marquis Xun didn't enter Yan, he would be able to give him a hand. Now he has entered Yan, and he must be seeking my prefecture. He is afraid that he will not be able to get rid of him, so how can he give him another hand?"

Cao Cao smiled and said, "No way, no way!"

Chen Gong asked, "Did Bao Jun's letter mention the state's response to this?"

Cao Cao said, "I mentioned a few words."

"What did you say?"

"The opinions of the state officials are not the same, and it is difficult for Liu Yanzhou to make a decision."

Chen Gong knew that the fundamental reason for Liu Dai's "difficulty in making decisions" was not that "the opinions of the governors in the prefecture were different." Chaos, now I have made Xun Hou take advantage of the gap to enter Yan, hateful and hateful!"

Cao Cao didn't mention "Xunzhen entered Yan", he followed Chen Gong's words, only said "Yellow Turbans first rebelled" and said: "Yuan's Wanggao, Gongsun Bingqiang, Liu Yanzhou and both of them are married, and they are in the middle of it. , a dilemma. Foreign affairs are undecided, so it is difficult to pacify the Yellow Turbans in the state with all one’s strength.”

Chen Gong said: "Although Gongsun Bogui has a strong army and a poor reputation, how can he compare with the Yuan family's generosity for several generations, and his disciples and officials all over Ji and Yan? Furthermore, Yuan Benchu ​​is near, Gongsun Bogui is far away, and he abandoned the near. Jieyuan is not taken by the wise. I really don’t know what’s in trouble for Liu Yanzhou!”

Liu Dai was the prefect of Yanzhou after all. Cao Cao did not want to evaluate him privately, so he changed the subject and said, "After counting the time, Zhongde should have arrived at the prefecture. I wonder if he has persuaded Liu Yanzhou?"

Zhongde, namely Cheng Li, is also Cheng Yu.

Liu Dai proposed Cheng Li when he first became the prefect of Yanzhou, but was rejected by Cheng Li. Recently, whether to form an alliance with Yuan Shao or Gongsun Zan, Liu Dai has always had a hard time deciding. Some time later, Wang Yu suggested that he might as well invite Cheng Li to the prefecture to ask Cheng Li's opinion. Therefore, Liu Dai sent officials to Cheng Li's hometown Dong'e a few days ago, and summoned Cheng Li. See you in the state.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong and Cheng Li had close contacts, and they both knew about it.

Cao Cao, Chen Gong, and Cheng Li agreed on who Liu Dai should form an alliance with. However, because Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were too close, he could not persuade Liu Dai again and again, because he knew that Liu Dai had summoned Cheng Li. Later, he pinned his hopes on Cheng Li.

In the first year of Zhongping, the Yellow Turbans revolted. The county chief of Dong'e responded to the Yellow Turbans. The county magistrate fled over the wall. Many officials and people fled to the mountains east of the city. He recovered, and then advanced and retreated Wang Du's counter-offensive, defeating it, thus allowing Dong'e to be preserved, and Cheng Li's reputation was also greatly enhanced. In the first year of Zhongping, Cheng Li was in his forties, and this year he is over fifty. He has a high reputation and long teeth. More importantly, he saw that Liu Dai could not achieve anything, so when Liu Dai used him At that time, he should not resign, but resignation should not be the same thing. He still has to speak to Liu Dai on major matters related to the future and destiny of Yanzhou.

When Cao Cao thought of him, he had already arrived at the state capital.

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