The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 132: The Guangling army moves to Xu Fang.


Sun Jian led Xun Chen and Jiang Qin directly to the back house. From this, it can be seen that the friendship between Sun Jian and Xun Zhen was no longer a business friend, but a deep personal friendship. Just as Xun Chen said: between the two, Each can be entrusted with life and death. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Life and death can be trusted, not to mention that one party is in trouble and the other party sends troops to help.

During the daytime, Xun Chen did not mention official affairs, but only talked about private friendships. On behalf of Xunzhen, he paid Sun Jian a late-year worship, and presented the gifts that Xun Zhen Jingxin had prepared. The gifts that Xun Zhen gave to Sun Jian were not expensive, but they were important. The gifts even included clothes, shoes and socks made by Chen Zhi, Tang Er and others for Sun Jian's sons and daughters. Brothers Sun Ce and Sun Quan, who had worshipped Xun Zhen as their teachers, were very grateful for the gifts from their teachers.

In the evening, Sun Jian set up a wine and feasted Xun Chen and Jiang Qin.

With the old story of Xun Zhen's rescue of Sun Jian among the thousands of troops, all the generals under Sun Jian's tent offered toasts to Jiang Qin. Jiang Qin could not refuse, and he felt honored and got drunk; Xun Chen did not drink. too much.

After the banquet was over, Sun Jian spoke to Xun Chen alone again, and asked if Xun Zhen was going to fight Tao Qian. It was the middle of the first month, and news of Xuzhou had already reached Sun Jian's ears. Xun Chen's purpose in coming to Qiao County this time was to ask Sun Jian to give Xun Zhen a strong voice. Hearing Sun Jian's question, he would not deny it, and took the opportunity to ask Xun Zhen's intention to ask Sun Jian for help.

Sun Jian asked, "How can I help Zhenzhi? Send troops to Xiapi, or resist Yuan Shu?"

"Yuan Gonggong intends to be in Jingzhou. Right now, Liu Jingsheng is fighting against him for Jing Zhenglie. He will not divide his troops to help Tao Gongzu."

"So, Zhenzhi wants me to send troops to go to Pi, join forces with him, take Zherong first, and then take Tao Qian?"

"The general is in Yu, it is not good to enter Xu rashly, and Guangling also does not invite the general to send troops."

"What do you mean by Zhenzhi? Let me sit and watch?"

"The meaning of Guangling is: Please ask the generals to station two troops, one in Xiao and the other in Hong, and it is enough!"

Xiao and Hong are both subordinate counties of Pei County.

Xiaoxian County is in the north of Pei County, adjacent to Pengcheng Country, west of Pengcheng, only 60 miles away from Pengcheng County, the capital of Pengcheng.

Hongxian County is in the south of Pei County, adjacent to the State of Xiapi, and only a hundred miles away from Xu County in the State of Xiapi (that is, the county of Xiapi on the north bank of the Huai River that Liu Bei was determined to take for Xun Zhen in order to make contributions).

Xun Zhen asked Sun Jian to station a unit of troops and station them in Xiao County. The obvious purpose was to deter Xue Li, the prime minister of Pengcheng, so that even if Xue Li did not sincerely help himself, he would not dare to switch to Tao Qian's side.

As for Xun Zhen's request for Sun Jian's troops to be stationed in Hongxian County, it was just in case, if the war went bad, for example, Xu County could not be taken down smoothly, or Tao Qian's reinforcements came too quickly, making Xunzhen Zhenbu was blocked from Huainan and could not quickly cross the Huaishui River to the north, then at that time, in that kind of last resort, they could only ask Sun Jian to send troops directly from Hongxian to capture Xuxian and open the way for Xunzhen. , - Hongxian and Xuxian are both on the north bank of the Huai River. From Hongxian to Xuxian, there is no obstacle.

Sun Jian is an old battleground. As soon as he heard Xun Zhen's arrangement, he knew Xun Zhen's intentions, and immediately said happily, "No problem! I'll have Sun He and Han Dang's sub-sections added to Xiao and Hong tomorrow!"

Xiaoxian and Hongxian are located in the north of Pei County, and the other in the south of Pei County. They are adjacent to Pengcheng and Xiapi. Their strategic positions are more important. There are already garrisoned troops in the land, but the number is not too large. What needs to be done now is to increase troops.

Xun Chen knew that Sun Jian had not been able to bring the entire Yuzhou under control until now. There were many places he needed to guard in the future, but in order to help Xun Zhen, he was willing to transfer Sun He and Han Dang to the two confidants. They settled in Xiao and Hong respectively, and they are deeply affectionate.

With the friendship between Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, Xun Chen didn't have to express his gratitude for this.

When the matter was completed, after spending a day in Qiao County, Xun Chen said goodbye to Sun Jian, and returned to Guangling with Jiang Qin to report the matter to Xun Zhen.


On the third day after Xun Chen left Qiao County, Tao Qian's third group of messengers arrived in Luyang.

At the end of last year, Tao Qian sent a messenger to see Yuan Shu, but he did not see the messenger coming back. After secret discussions with Cao Bao and Cao Hong, he sent another messenger to see Yuan Shu. What he said was: including the first group of envoys, these two groups of envoys were placed in Luyang after arriving in Luyang, and they asked to see Yuan Shu many times, but so far they have not seen Yuan Shu.

No way, Tao Qian had to send out the third group of messengers.

The third group of envoys arrived at Luyang, and together with the first two groups of envoys, they asked to see Yuan Shu again.

The general's mansion first said that Yuan Shu was ill. A few days later, one of Tao Qian's messengers questioned the people in the general's mansion: "The general is ill, can he still drink alcohol for a long time, and if the sound spreads outside the mansion, half the city can hear evil?" Because he said, "The general has recovered from his illness. He went out to visit friends early this morning." I asked which "friend" did you go to visit? The people in the General's Mansion put off a few words and refused to speak on the grounds of "military aircraft".

About a month before and after, the three groups of messengers did not even see Yuan Shu's side.

Tao Qian's messengers gathered in one place, and all of them cursed, saying: Yuan Gonggong is unbelievable and acts like a villain.

The most irritating thing is that during this period, grain trucks from Xuzhou arrived at Luyang every now and then.

Holding Tao Qian's benefits in one hand, and not seeing Tao Qian's messengers in the other, this behavior made Tao Qian's messengers angry, but there was nothing they could do.

In fact, Yuan Shu has never been ill, nor has he ever gone out to visit friends. He has been staying at the General’s Mansion these days, because he guessed that Tao Qian’s envoys came to seek help and borrow soldiers, so he told his servants to excuse themselves and not see them. .

Although Tao Qian's "noisy and annoying" was no longer there, Yuan Shu was in a very bad mood these days.

There are two annoying things.

One was Liu Biao, who was proud of the help of famous Jingzhou scholars such as Kuaiyue, Kuailiang, Cai Mao, etc. Liu Biao first recruited troops to buy horses, stockpiled grain and weapons, and then used tactics to lure and kill more than 50 soldiers who were self-sufficient, ran rampant in counties, and dominated various places. The leader of the "zong thief" - the so-called zong thief is an armed group formed by the relationship between clans and villages, and it can also be called "zongbu". Under the banner of "self-preservation", they often loot the counties and counties. The name is an organization composed of clans and villages to protect the environment and the people. It is actually equivalent to thieves. If Liu Biao wants to take control of Jingzhou, these clans must be eradicated first. .

Because of the plan of Kuaiyue and others, with their help, Liu Biao successfully lured and killed more than 50 sect leaders. After that, he attacked their troops and seized a large amount of grain, weapons, and his own. From this, the military strength has been fully charged and has been greatly improved.

Later, Liu Biao sent Kuaiyue and others to Jiangxia, and said that they had surrendered Zhang Hu and Chen Sheng, the great thieves who had occupied Xiangyang with their troops.

Most of the county governors and magistrates in Jingzhou have taken advantage of the chaos to gather troops for personal gain, and because Liu Biao did not bring a soldier or a horse when he first came to Jingzhou, he rode into Jing alone, so many of them were also at the time. They didn't take Liu Biao seriously and offended him. Therefore, after Liu Biao's repeated military moves, after seeing Liu Biao's power, most of them released the seal and fled.

At this point, Liu Biao controlled the seven counties of Jingzhou except Nanyang County, and changed his residence from Yicheng to Xiangyang.

Both Yicheng and Xiangyang belong to Nanjun. The two counties are located at the northern end of Nanjun, less than 100 miles apart. Changing from Yicheng to Xiangyang seems to be irrelevant. It is closer to Nanyang County. It can be said that this county is directly on the border of Nan County and Nanyang County. What does Liu Biao's move of the administrative office here indicate?

Just to clarify one problem: Liu Biao already has enough confidence. Now he can not only control the seven counties of Jingzhou, but also has the courage to compete with Yuan Shu for Nanyang County.

This fact was ruthlessly in front of Yuan Shu, how could Yuan Shu still be in a good mood?

Not too long ago, Liu Biao was still in a state of embarrassment. After being hailed as the prefect of Jingzhou by the imperial court, because the roads were blocked, there were many thieves in all parts of Jingzhou, and the counties and counties became independent. Therefore, he had no way to take office in an open and honest manner, and could only remain anonymous and single. Only then was he able to reach Yicheng and assume the post of governor; but in a blink of an eye, Yuan Shu, who had been plotting Jingzhou a long time ago, had nowhere to go, so he could only take control of Nanyang County, but the seven counties of Jingzhou outside the county were unexpectedly captured by Liu Biao. I won all of them, so how could Yuan Shu not be angry with such a contrast.

In the end, it's not Yuan Shu's fault, it's not Yuan Shu's incompetence, it can only be blamed on the scholars in Jingzhou for not supporting Yuan Shu.

Thinking that Liu Biao took office alone, that is, there are some servants, but they are all sparse, and how many can help him? It's not just by relying on Kuaiyue and others, who made plans, people, money, and effort, Liu Biao took control of the seven counties of Jingzhou in one fell swoop!

Don't say anything I just talk about Liu Biao's lure and execution of the more than fifty sect thieves leaders. It was Kuaiyue and Kuailiang who gave advice and plans, and the one who sent out to lure those sect thieves leaders to Yicheng was another one. People from Kuaiyue, what did Liu Biao do? Just sit back and enjoy.

If Kuaiyue and the others were willing to help Yuan Shu, where would Liu Biao still be in Jingzhou?

However, Yuan Shu's reputation is not as good as Liu Biao, one of the "Eight Jun". Although Yuan's family name is prominent, Liu Biao is a Han clan. In comparison, he is worse than Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu is not the prefect of Jingzhou appointed by the court. It is impossible to get the help of Kuaiyue and others.

——The fact that Liu Biao won Jing is enough to show the heroes of the gentry in each state, and the power and influence of the gentry in the local area. It is precisely because of this that Xun Zhen sent people to various places again and again before the war. Actively win over famous people from all over Xuzhou.

Although he was annoyed, Yuan Shu had no good plan. Just like Tao Qian's messenger could only scold him behind his back, he could only scold Kuaiyue and others for a few words, that's all.

Liu Biao took over the seven counties of Jingzhou and moved to Xiangyang, one thing that annoyed Yuan Shu, and the other was that Yuan Shao wanted to make Liu Yu emperor. Before, Yuan Shao had sent a letter to Yuan Shu, saying this, and two days ago, he and Han Fu signed another letter to Yuan Shu.

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