The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 133: The Guangling army moves to Xu Fang.


"This maid, Shuzi, what is 'I want to show the Lord of ZTE in China', what is 'My Yuan family was slaughtered, and I can't go to Chang'an in the north'! This maid also knows that my Yuan family was killed? Is it because of him? If you don’t want to stay in the Bohai Sea honestly, you want to do something to harass Dong, and you still set yourself up as the leader of the alliance, how can Dong thief kill my Yuan family? How can my father and my brother die?”

Although Yuan Shu had been furious when Yuan Shaoxin arrived two days ago, he couldn't help but feel angry whenever he thought about it. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Because of Yuan Shao's involvement, among the Yuan clan members who died in Luoyang, Yuan Shu's heartache was Yuan Hui and Yuan Ji.

Yuan Hui was Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao's father-in-law. Yuan Hui treated Yuan Shao very well, and he was also very kind to Yuan Shu. Yuan Hui's death really made Yuan Shu's heart ache. Yuan Ji, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu are all sons of Yuan Feng in terms of blood relationship. , Yuan Shu is a half-brother, Yuan Shu always felt that Yuan Shao's mother was cheap, and always looked down on Yuan Shao. Compared with his relationship with Yuan Sha, the relationship between him and Yuan Ji was completely different. It was incomparable. , Yuan Shu was really hurt, cried a lot, almost vomited blood, and hated Yuan Shao even more because of this.

After accumulating grievances, Yuan Shu was even more resentful when he received letters from Yuan Shao "wanting to make Liu Yu emperor" one after another.

Yuan Shao's so-called "I want to let the country see the Lord of ZTE" and the so-called "I can't go to the north to deal with Chang'an", how could Yuan Shu not know that these are just excuses? Yuan Shao's original intention was obviously to control the "king's life", and he made Liu Yu the emperor and empress, and took him into his hands, thus giving orders to the country.

Yuan Shu scolded: "In the past, Dong's thief wanted to abolish the establishment, how did Yuan Shao's servant respond?" The public opinion is not at ease'. At that time, he answered Dong Thief like this, but now he wants to stop the establishment of the 'Son of Heaven'? He is also worthy? This maidservant! The heart of not being a minister is obvious!" Beat the case hard.

The generals and officials in the hall look at me, and I look at you, and I dare not breathe loudly.

They were familiar with Yuan Shu's temper, and they knew that Yuan Shu had an inverse scale, and that was Yuan Shao.

It was like this when he was in Luoyang. Because he was jealous of Yuan Shao's savvy people, Yuan Shu would change color every time he mentioned Yuan Shao. Even if he didn't say it, he was not happy. , in front of Yuan Shu, let alone Yuan Shao.

In this case, there is no other good way to persuade him. Only when Yuan Shu loses his temper enough and calms down temporarily can it be counted.

Yuan Shu lost his temper and vented most of the evil fire in his heart, and his emotions gradually calmed down.

He has long noticed that among the people in the hall, his chief history Yang Hong seems to have something to say. He was angry just now and had no interest in asking, but now his mood has calmed down, so he asked: "Deye, how many times have you wanted to? Stop talking, but what do you want to say to me?"

"General Ming is above, Hong really has something to report."

"What's the matter?"

Yuan Shu had just lost his temper, and although his mood gradually calmed down, after all, he was in a bad mood, and Yang Hong was a little worried that he would get angry again and hesitantly.

Yuan Shu became impatient and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, it looks so good!"

"Yes, yes... Duke Ming, the envoy of Tao Gongzu has come to ask for an interview again."

"Didn't you say it? I'm sick!"

"It is known that Duke Ming is 'recovered', and the door states that he is visiting friends abroad."

"Whether it's sick or visiting friends, just find an excuse to dismiss them?"

"But Duke Ming,..."


"The Duke of Ming and Tao Gongzu made an alliance before, and the county people knew about this matter. The grains from Xuzhou are still arriving in a continuous stream. However, Tao Gongzu sent three envoys in a row, but the Duke Ming did not see them. ... The county people have a lot of discussions about this. "

When Yang Hong said "the county people", he refers to the scholars in the county.

Yuan Shu frowned and said, "Who is talking about it? How did you talk about it?"

"As far as I know, there are a lot of commenters, some of them say, some say..."

"What? You don't have to cover up, just tell the truth."

"Some say that the Duke is untrustworthy, some say that Tao Gongzu is stupid, some say that the Duke is afraid of Xun Guangling, and some say that now that Liu Jingsheng is sitting in a big place, even if Duke Ming is willing to help Xu, he may not be able to send troops."

Hearing these words, Yuan Shu did not get angry, but instead laughed and said: "Whoever achieves great things should be careful about small details? That said, Tao Gongzu is stupid, but it's not wrong. I only did a little trick, and he agreed to it. I'm being fooled, but what can I do? I have so many soldiers and horses to support, and I have to use them every day and every month. Buqu, in the final analysis, isn't it still for the safety of Nanyang County? If there is no me, Nanyang may be crowded with thieves!... Besides, if I get some food from Xuzhou, it will always lighten Nanyang's burden. It's good for them."

Among the generals and officials in the hall, many people agreed, saying: "What the general said is very true! This group of scholars, without thanking the general, slandered the general and sent dirty water to the general. It's really hateful! Please order the general. , I'll 'invite' them here, and teach them a good lesson, so that they can know the painstaking efforts of the general to protect the country and the people, sympathize with the people of Nanyang, and don't want to burden them."

Yuan Shu smiled and said, "That's not necessary. I'm waiting in Nanyang. After all, it's a guest army. To these local scholars, what should be respected should still be three points."

Yang Hong hesitated and said, "Then let them talk nonsense?"

Yuan Shu thought about the process of "Liu Biao's acquisition of the seven counties of Jingzhou", and thought to himself: "I can't ignore these eloquent scholars, since they talk nonsense because I haven't seen Tao Qian's messenger, that's all, then I I saw Tao Qian's messenger!" Thinking of this, he said, "It's better to block, they want to say, let them say it! It's also to show my tolerance and magnanimity, and let them see what happened to me and Liu Jingsheng. Who is the 'Lord of Kindness and Kindness'! ... Tao Gongzu's messenger has asked to see him many times, hasn't he?"


"Call them to see you."


"They come all the way, and they can't even see my face, and they run away in vain!"

"But the Xun Guangling and Tao Gongzu are preparing for battle. Xuzhou is about to start the battle. Tao Gongzu is so eager to send three groups of envoys. It must be for help. If his envoy asks the general Send troops? How does the general plan to answer?"

"When sending troops, you must have grain. As long as Tao Gongzu can bring me another 100,000 stone grains, I will send troops to save him."

After hearing Yuan Shu's words, even Yang Hong and the others felt that Yuan Shu had gone too far. He lied to Tao Qian once, and that's all, he couldn't lie again. This is clearly taking Tao Qian as a fool. treated?

Yang Hong said cautiously: "General, the county people have already falsely accused the general of breaking his trust. If you ask Xuzhou for food again?... The words of the county people are all rumors, but the "Poem" says: 'There are too many people to talk about Terrible too'."

"Human words are not to be feared. Those who have great ambitions must first strengthen their minds. As long as their minds are firm, they will be able to establish themselves in the world. How can people speak gold? Virtue, do you know what is truly formidable? "

"Hong Yudu, dare to ask the general to teach me."

Yuan Shu sighed, looked at the blue sky outside the hall, and said, "A truly dreadful providence!"

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