The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 131: The Guangling army moves to Xu Fang.


With more and more confirmed news about the deployment of troops from Guangling Prefecture and Tanxian Prefecture to prepare for war, not only Xuzhou scholars knew that Xunzhen was going to send troops to Xiapi, but even the common people heard about it. . http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Xun Zhen's drunkard's intention is not to drink wine, and taking down Pi is just a pretext, and his fundamental purpose must be to "fight Xu".

With the war, the entire Xuzhou is very likely, or will definitely fall into war. In order to survive in the coming war, scholars have chosen to stand in line. They only need to choose the right front and wait for the war. , Jinjinghuatang.

But the people can't.

They had no choice but to do their best to find a way to save themselves, so as not to lose their lives when the war broke out. Some of them decided to flee into the nearby mountains and lakes when the war broke out; some went to beg the local township and county tyrants, hoping that these tyrants would allow them to escape into the dock wall; After experiencing too many troubles, they are already numb, and they are too lazy to think about it. , actively request to join the army, or should be recruited by the right surname of the county and county to join their private army.

All in all, in this first month of the second year of Chuping, without knowing it, from the scholars to the common people, Xuzhou is already boiling.

When the scholars were discussing the respective odds of Xun Zhen and Tao Qian, they did not forget to add Sun Jian and Yuan Shu. Tao Qian also did not forget Yuan Shu, and had already sent people to Luyang. Sun Jian will not be forgotten either.

Long before Zhengdan, Xun Zhen sent a messenger to see Sun Jian and asked him to help him. The people he sent were Xun Chen and Jiang Qin.

Xun Chen was the elder brother of the Xunzhen clan, and he was good at speaking, so it was a good choice to be the envoy to see Sun Jian this time.

The reason why Jiang Qin was made a deputy envoy was for two reasons.

One, when the Yellow Turbans were attacked, Sun Jian was trapped by the Yellow Turbans in Runan and was trapped by Liu Pi. He almost died. Fortunately, Xun Zhen rescued him. Jiang Qin was among the generals in Xun Ying who escaped from danger, so Jiang Qin and Sun Jian were old acquaintances. At that time, Xu Zhong, Xin A, Liu Deng, Dian Wei and others also rescued Sun Jian from Xun Zhen. As the war was about to begin, these men were divided into military positions and had important responsibilities, and they were not allowed to leave the camp, so Xun Zhen chose Jiang Qin to be the deputy envoy.

Second, to go to Pei County, you need to go through Xiapi, and there must be a general to guard it. Although Jiang Qin was transferred to Tuentian, he has fought **** the battlefield several times. He is responsible for Xunchen's safety. Down.

Xun Zhen's original intention was that Xun Chen and Jiang Qin would be able to arrive in Pei County before Zhengdan, and also to congratulate Sun Jian on the New Year, but he didn't expect it.

Probably because of the cold weather, Xun Chen fell ill in the middle of the road and could not walk. It took half a month of delay before the illness recovered. Therefore, when Xun Chen and Jiang Qin arrived in Qiao County, Zhipei County, Yuzhou , is the middle of the first month of the second year of Chuping.

Fortunately, although it was a few days late, it didn't delay their business this time.

Sun Jian was very enthusiastic. He heard that Xun Chen and Jiang Qin were coming and went out to greet him outside the prefecture.

"Youruo, Bo Qin, you two have been waiting for a long time, and you finally arrived today!"

On the first day of the new year, when visiting relatives and friends and greeting each other, Sun Jian also sent messengers to see Xun Zhen, Wu Jing and Han Dang. Xun Zhen and Sun Ce had a teacher-student friendship, so Sun Ce also went with him. After the three of them met Xun Zhen on behalf of Sun Jian, they stayed in Guangling for two days and then left for the county, but they had already returned. When they were in Guangling, Xun Zhen told the three of them that Xun Chen and Jiang Qin were sick on the road. After the three of them came back, they told Sun Jian about the matter, so Sun Jian knew that Xun Chen was sick halfway.

When Xun Chen went from Yuan Shao to Xun Zhen's tent, it was when Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were begging Dong, so the two of them knew each other.

Xun Chen smiled and said: "As my brother entrusted, I should have gone to Guixian on the day of Zhengdan, so as to celebrate the new year for the general, but I didn't think it was useless and weak, and I fell ill halfway, and it has been delayed until now."

Sun Jian asked with concern, "How are you now? I think you're in good spirits."

"My brother remembered my condition, and specially invited Fan Doctor to travel hundreds of miles to give me diagnosis and treatment. Thanks to Fan Jun's excellent medical skills, I am doing well now."

There are two famous doctors under Xun Zhen's account, who are in charge of medical affairs in Xun Zhen's army. The two are Fan A and Wu Pu, both disciples of Hua Tuo. Wu Pu is from Guangling. He was recommended by Fan A to join Xun Zhen, but Fan A had already joined Xun Zhen when Xun Zhen was still in Zhao County. Sun Jian also knew these two famous doctors. Hearing Xun Chen's words, he looked at the people behind Xun Chen, but could not find Fan A's figure, so he asked, "Where is Lord Fan? It is fortunate that Fan Jun rescued many seriously injured soldiers under my account, and now that I am in my realm, I will serve as a good student, and then I will thank you."

"Fan Jun has already returned to Guangling."

"Why didn't you invite him to come to Bi County?"

Jiang Qin smiled and said, "The general knows that my county has been very busy these days, so Doctor Fan really can't stay out for a long time."

Sun Jian nodded clearly, and said, "That's true." He took a half step forward, approached Jiang Qin, patted his arm, and said with a smile, "Bo Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time, I see how haggard you are. what?"

Jiang Qin rubbed his face and replied with a smile, "I've been assigned by my lord and lord to take charge of the fields, and I've been busy for months without any time to spare. Although I don't like meat all the time, I can't bear to work day and night. It’s okay to be thinner.” After a pause, he smiled again, “I came to say goodbye to my lord, and my lord also said that I was thin, but he also said: Although I am thinner, people look more and more capable. ."

Jiang Qin is a man of high self-esteem, and now he has been transferred by Xun Zhen to take charge of the field. In terms of the number of soldiers in the Although it is much more than his previous episodes, it is not a field battle after all. Instead, the army has engaged in farming, so it is inevitable that there will be a gap in his heart because of this, and he is always worried that others will look down on him because of this, so he is often a little sensitive to some other people's words. Sun Jian said that he "has worn out a lot." He didn't have any other intentions, but when he heard it, he felt that Sun Jian "meant not to point it out", so he hurriedly took out Xun Zhen's compliments to show that although he was "haggard", he was still very good at Xun Zhen. valued, and he himself has no complaints about changing the palm of the land.

Sun Jian's temperament is rough, and he didn't understand the intention of Jiang Qin's words, he laughed and said: "Zhenzhi is known to know people, and now I have changed the emperor to control the farmland. After this summer's harvest, Guangling will be full of rice. Until then, I can't tell, I have to ask Zhenzhi to borrow some food!"

Xun Chen smiled and said: "The general and my younger brother are friends of life and death, and the love is more than flesh and blood. Life and death can be trusted, let alone a little food? As long as Guangling has it, the general will give as much as he wants at that time!"

"Haha, haha,... the wind is cold and the weather is cold, let's not stay outside the door, please come with me."

Sun Jian led the way, accompanied by Wu Jing, Sun Ce, Cheng Pu and others, and the group entered the prefecture.

However, Sun Jian did not take Xun Chen, Jiang Qin, etc. to the front courtyard hall, but went directly to the private room of the back house.

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