The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 18: 1 Bet on the Pioneer Note 2 Ride and plan to enter the hole camp

Yuan Shao wrote a letter and sent people to Suanzao and Yangzhai.

However, before his two letters that Xun Zhen and Cao Cao joined forces to attack Dong arrived, Xun Zhen was already discussing with Sun Jian about the attack.

After Sun Jian successfully entered the Yingchuan Prefecture, Xunzhen began to think about raising an army, but because of the arrival of Handan Rong and other three people, the matter was slightly delayed. However, they said that they welcomed Handan Rong and others into the camp that day, and they talked happily all day long. That night, Xun Zhen arranged a feast to wash away the dust for them. A total of thousands of troops were led by the two of them. Handan Rong led the five hundred Handan children, the four hundred Zhongqiu warriors were led by Pu Hu, and Lu Guang was the assistant of Handan Rong.

After making arrangements for Handan Rong, Lu Guang, and Pu Hu, Xun Zhen invited Sun Jian to his house to discuss matters with him.

There was no one else in the account, only the two of them.

Xun Zhen showed Sun Jian the letter from Cao Cao inviting him to join the army. After he read it, he said, "Wentai, General Cao invites you and I to join forces to attack Dong, what do you think?"

"I came to Yingchuan to join forces with Qing, and I came here to attack Dong, and this is exactly what it should be."

Xun Zhen knew that he would answer this before he asked, and said overjoyed: "So, is Qing willing to attack Dong Zhuo with me and Meng De?"

"Of course." Cao Cao's letter wrote that the Suanzao army was unwilling to advance. Sun Jian saw it, and after answering Xunzhen's sentence, he sneered and said disdainfully, "All the princes of Suanzao raised their troops with righteousness, and now the allied army is stationed. In conclusion, there are more than 200,000 troops, even a battalion of cavalry and cavalry, and it is not enough to station a hundred li. It is so powerful, and it has set up an altar to make an oath. It is very generous, but in the end, no one dares to attack. It is thanks to General Cao who is there. Be brave and fight, otherwise their so-called 'Sour Jujube Coalition' will inevitably become the laughing stock of the world."

"The dukes of Suanzao may have other thoughts. They are willing to enter the army, but they are not willing. With you, me, Meng De, and Bao Yuncheng, they can also fight against Dong Zhuo. But, Wentai, I think twice, I thought there were still two things that needed to be done before we attacked Dong."

"Qing and Mo Yan, let me guess."

"you say."

"This first thing must be food."


"The troops and horses have not moved, and the food and grass will go first. I am heading north, and there is almost no supply along the way. There is not much left of the food I brought from Changsha, and the same is true for the Qing army. Gotta get ready."

"Where do you think this grain should be prepared?"

"I got the statement from your Excellency, and now I am the prefect of Yingchuan. This food should be sent from Yingchuan, but you and I have joined forces with a total of more than 30,000 people. People eat horses and chew, and the daily consumption is very large. Only relying on Yingchuan County, or it is difficult to provide all. Is this insufficient? I am afraid it has to come from other places."

When Sun Jian said this, he and Xun Zhen smiled at each other.

"This is not enough, I am afraid it only comes from elsewhere", where else can it come from? Only Kong Yu was there.

Kong Yu raised troops this time, although some prefectures and states did not respond very well, such as Chen State, because he personally went to his country to ask for troops, so he reluctantly gave him 2,000 troops. Another example is Pei State, Yuan Zhong, the prime minister of Pei State. They didn't support Yuan Shao's "raising troops to the DPRK" at all. Not a single **** was given to Kong Ni, but no matter whether they sent troops or not, the six prefectures and states in the whole prefecture all contributed food. Grain, with the strength of the whole prefecture, plus the grain stored in the prefecture's treasury earlier, Kong Hao now has a lot of grain in his hands.

Xun Zhen said: "I said two things, the first is food, Wentai, you guessed it right, what do you think the second thing is?"

"You and I join forces of more than 30,000 people, which seems to be quite a lot, but there are many new soldiers, but there are not many people who can be used, and it is difficult to overcome Jian. Lu Bu, Li Jue, Guo Si, Fan Chou, Zhang Ji, and Xu Rong were all stalwarts. With over 30,000 people like you and me who were hard to beat, the number of victories was small. The second thing was to ask. Kong Yuzhou has borrowed troops."

Xun Zhen clapped her hands and smiled, "Those who know me are Wentai."

Sun Jian said, "It's just that it's easy to borrow food, but it's not easy to borrow troops."

"In my opinion, it is easy to borrow troops, but not easy to borrow food."

"Oh? Then I'll make a bet with you, how about that?"

"What bet?"

"I'm going to borrow food, and I'll go to borrow troops, and see who can borrow it first, and the first to get it wins."

"What's the bet?"

"In the future, troops will attack Dong, and the winner can be the vanguard."

Dong Zhuo's army is strong, and Liangzhou's iron cavalry is famous all over the world. Many of the Luoyang armies he annexed are also brave and strong in combat. The generals under his tent are also fierce, especially Lu Bu, who is a first-class fierce general. Dong Zhuo has enough warriors in his hands that he can be called a "fighting general like a cloud", but in order to win over Lv Bu, he would not hesitate to use the means of "swearing to be father and son" with him, and he was promoted to the middle general. He also worshipped as the Marquis of Duting, and the rewards were added, which is enough to show his strength. The rest such as Li Jue, Guo Si, Xu Rong, etc. are also outstanding tiger officials. When the coalition forces attacked, this "pioneer" position must have been a chore, but Sun Jian took this "chore" as a bet for the winner, and nothing else, only this heroic arrogance made Xun Zhen admire it.

Sun Jian was so majestic, and Xun Zhen, unwilling to stay behind, happily replied, "Okay! Then it's a deal."

"The winner is the vanguard."

"The loser eats the dust."

"Eat the wind and dust" means to follow the "pioneer" and drink the wind and eat the dust.

The two clapped their hands to swear, and smiled at each other again.

The two matters were agreed. Sun Jian was going to return to the army. Before he left, he said to Xun Zhen, "I still think it's easy to borrow food, but not easy to borrow soldiers. I won't take advantage of you. I won't move today. I'll go to Kong Yuzhou to borrow food tomorrow."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Then you are afraid that you will lose."

Sun Jian laughed, but he still didn't believe what Xun Zhen said.

After sending Sun Jian away, Xun Zhen summoned Xi Zhicai, Xun You, Xun Yu, Cheng Jia and others to tell them about the bet with Sun Jian and the bet, saying: "Wentai thought it was easy to borrow food, but not easy to borrow troops, but Forget that I am from Yingchuan County."

Cheng Jia said with a smile: "This gamble, Junhou has won."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "But I don't take advantage of Wentai. We won't do anything today. We will wait until tomorrow morning, and we will do our own thing."

Xi Zhicai promised everyone.

But it is: After Kong Ni arrived in Yingchuan, although Xun Zhen didn't see him much, he was not idle. In addition to training soldiers in the army every day, he also sent envoys Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others to visit Yuzhou each day. All the generals and schools in the army, to this day, all the generals and schools who have the intention of actively marching and fighting against Dong Zhuo have been persuaded by Xi Zhicai and others, and they are willing to wait until Xun Zhen sends troops to join the army of Xun Zhen.

Sun Jian didn't know about this, so he felt that "borrowing troops is not easy".

Seriously, Xun Zhen had already taken advantage of Sun Jian's "gambling", so after getting Sun Jian's "one-day concession", he refused to take advantage of Sun Jian again, but decided to wait for a day. , and work with Sun Jian.

The next morning, before dawn, Sun Jian woke up.

He mustered up all his strength to win the bet, washed a little, then called Wu Jing, Sun Ben, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Zu Mao and others, and said, "I'm going to see Kong Yuzhou, sir. When you stay behind to guard the camp wall, ... Da Mao, you come with me."

Da Mao is the word of Zu Mao.

Sun Jian told Wu Jing and others about the bet he made with Xun Zhen after he came back yesterday, and everyone in Wu Jing knew it.

Seeing that Sun Jian was going to see Kong Yu at this time, Wu Jing was stunned and turned to look at the sky outside. Although he could hear the **** crowing, it was still as dark as ink, and there was no half light, and he said, "It's not yet dawn. , are you going to see Kong Yuzhou now?"

"Zhenzhi is resourceful. The more I thought about it yesterday, the more uneasy I became. He repeatedly said that borrowing food is not easy, borrowing soldiers is easy, and he said it so firmly. Maybe there is another mystery that you and I don't know. I just hate that I didn't think deeply yesterday, and I promised Just let him have a day, otherwise I would go to Kong Yuzhou yesterday! If I lose to Zhenzhi and attack Dong in the future, you and I will eat dirt and drink after him, how can I look good? Thinking So, I haven't slept well all night, and I wish I could see Kong Yuzhou after midnight, how can I wait for dawn?"

Wu Jing said: "It's okay to go to see Kong Yuzhou now, but Kongyuzhou was kicked out of the prefecture by the general first, and now he is holding grudges. It may be inappropriate for the general to only take Da Mao alone. Please wait a moment, I will order five. Hundreds of fine armors, go with the generals."

"Why so many people? Me and Da Mao are enough."

When everyone saw his decision, they had to agree.

Sun Jian and Zu Mao then stepped out of the tent and put on their armor, led their mounts, and went out of the camp surrounded by Wu Jing and others. They immediately got on their horses, and each held a torch in their hands to reflect the road and galloped towards the troops heading for Yuzhou. station.

After Kong Nian was driven out of Yingchuan Prefecture by Sun Jian, he lived in the city shamelessly and moved to the Yuzhou army.

He couldn't even keep the back house of the county government where he lived, let alone seize Xunzhen's camp. In the past two days, the Yuzhou army was busy building camps, and more than 40,000 horses were used for long-term stationing. The camp is not that easy to build, and it has only been built roughly until today, but the Yuanmen has already been built. When Sun Jian and the others arrive, it should be that someone in the camp has just left, and the Yuanmen has not been fully closed, so it is hidden.

Seeing Sun Jian and Zu Mao rushing towards with torches, the guard of the Yuanmen came out to meet him at the door, bowed and asked, "The general came at night, dare to ask why?"

Sun Jian drove Kong Ni out of the back house of the county mansion. Although he had only arrived in Yingchuan not long ago, his reputation had already grown. Many generals in the Yuzhou Army knew him, and this Yuanmen guard also knew Sun Jian's appearance. When Sun Jian came, he took the initiative to greet him and asked carefully.

Sun Jian didn't dismount, and said, "I'm here to see Kong Yuzhou."

"It's still early, and Yuzhou may not be up yet."

"It doesn't I'll wake him up."

The Yuanmen guard can guard the Yuanmen, and he is a close confidant of Kong Yu. Seeing that Sun Jian came with bad intentions and aggression, his face was embarrassed, and he said, "This..."

"I received a military report that Dong Zhuo sent 50,000 cavalry and cavalry to enter the border of Yingchuan County. The military situation is urgent, Kong Yuzhou is the prefect of our state, but how can you still lie high? You quickly lead the way and inform me. If you delay military discipline, you should use military law."

Hearing Dong Zhuo's invasion, the Yuanmen guard jumped in surprise and did not dare to say any more. Kong Ni lived in the central army, far away from the Yuanmen Gate. Sun Jian waited outside the camp and it was still dark, but when he got to Kong Ni's tent, it was already light. The guard of the Yuanmen asked Sun Jian to wait for a pause, and then hurried to the outside of the tent, and relayed what Sun Jian had just said to the guard's personal guards. The guards outside the tent listened. He was also stunned, and quickly entered the account to report.

However, Sun Jian was impatient and waited outside the tent for a long time, so he asked Zu Mao to watch the mount and went to the tent alone.

The guards at the Yuanmen Gate and the personal guards outside the tent were willing to step forward to stop him. It could be seen that Sun Jian raised his head with his sword and was as fierce as a tiger, but he didn't dare to stop it.

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