The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 17: A world-renowned

Xi Zhicai and others were old acquaintances with Handan Rong and Lu Guang, not to mention Cheng Jia, who was in sympathy with Handan Rong. When he was in Zhao County in his early years, Handan Rong recommended Cheng Jia to Xunzhen.

When everyone sees each other, don't have a ceremony.

After the excitement, the guests and the host took their seats, and they briefly exchanged some greetings. It was the time to discuss Dongguan in the east, and Handan Rong and others came from Jizhou again. The topic of the event will be "the leader of the Kwantung coalition army", "the general of the chariot and cavalry". "On Yuan Shao.

After Xi Zhicai mentioned Yuan Shao, Handan Rong did not answer him first, but slapped his forehead and remembered something, he turned to Xun Zhen and said, "General, before I came, I specially sent a letter to Zhen Zhengnan. ."

When Zhengnan was judged, he was naturally judged.

Xun Zhen gave an "oh" and said, "We parted ways, I haven't seen you for a long time, how is Zhengnan now?"

"After Han Jizhou took office, he was recruited into the prefecture, and he was recruited to do it. The general also knew that Zhengnan was upright and upright. Although he was an official, he was as imposing as a pine, but he had some rules that could not be violated. I heard that he was in the Han Jizhou mansion. It was quite unsatisfactory, so I sent him a letter, the original intention was to invite him to come to Yingchuan together and serve under the general's account, but he wrote back to me saying: He has been invited by Yuan Bohai and can't come to join the general."

After Han Fu took office, he took two measures in selecting talents. One was to send special horses to welcome famous scholars from his hometown into Hebei, and the other was to recruit a group of scholars from Jizhou, including Shenpei. To consolidate the foundation of his rule in Jizhou, in his opinion, these two measures of his are very good. If Xun Zhen was in his position, he would also choose to do so, but it is a pity that although the measures are good, he is not a person.” The ability of the master", lack of ability, lack of stomach, but failed to handle the relationship between Jizhou and Yingchuan scholars.

After all, Han Fu is from Yingchuan. He is emotionally close to the scholars in Yingchuan. He has three points of disbelief in the scholars from Jizhou, and when he encounters a trial partner, he is a strong-willed person. He also "offends Yan Zhijian", then it is inevitable that he will be left out in the cold.

Yuan Shao wanted to start an army, but although Han Fu was an "old official" of his family, because of his personal interests, he was always looking for trouble for him and was very restrictive. In order to get the support of Jizhou, he had been fighting for Han Fu's side People, hoping to influence the decision-making in the state, even Yingchuan scholars who have received Han Fu's credit are in his fight, let alone a person like the trial match who has been neglected by Han Fu.

Speaking of which, there are actually quite a few scholars in Jizhou who were neglected by Han Fu, but among these scholars, Yuan Shao has spared no effort to recruit, but now there is only one match.

This is for three reasons. First, because Shen Pei was left out by Han Fu and was unwilling, and on the other hand, Shen Pei was also capable, known for his loyalty and generosity. Although he was not a chivalrous person, he It is also a first-class hero. The third and most important point is that Shen Pei’s family is in Wei County, and Wei County is next to Hanoi. Hanoi is Yuan Shao’s established military camp, so the scholars of Wei County are especially important to him.

When Handan Rong sent a letter to Shen Pei, Yuan Shao had not yet entered the colony and arrived in Hanoi, but he had already written to Shen Pei early, inviting him to conspire with Shen Pei, and to join in the grand campaign. Who is Yuan Shao? This time, the leader of the alliance was invited before him, so the trial match would naturally not come to join Xun Zhen again.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Although Zhengnan and I are a monarch and a minister, we are just a monarch and minister. We are neither of the same clan, nor of the country's friendship, which is far from my relationship with Zhicai and Shuye. , now that he has been invited by Yuan Benchu, and Yuan Benchu's army is in Jizhou, in his hometown, then he stays, and if he doesn't come to vote for me, it is also a matter of cleaning up." Thinking of this, he glanced at Handan Rong, Lu Guang, The three Puhu and Hu then thought to themselves, "Even if they were invited by Yuan Benchu, I'm afraid they wouldn't come all the way to Yingchuan to vote for me." I am the leader of the coalition army, and I am fighting in the hometown of Jizhou scholars, if I am a Jizhou scholar, I will not vote for anyone else, but just like Zhengnan, I will vote for Yuan Benchu."

Xun Zhenyuan is a "kind man". In the past few years, the ups and downs of the Huanhai Sea. After all the events, although many cities have been added, and some "treachery" has been added, the essence still remains and has not changed. Therefore, although Shen Pei did not come to vote for him, he was not annoyed, and he was not angry knowing that the three of Handan Rong might have come to vote because of "retreat to the next".

He nodded and said: "Yuan Bohai is the leader of our coalition army, he is highly regarded by the world, and he is determined to help the Han family. Use it, show your ambition."

Handan Rong took out a letter and presented it to Xun Zhen, saying, "In addition to the reply letter from Zhengnan, there is another letter to the general, which is this letter. Please look at it, the general."

Xun Zhen caught it, lifted the seal, and read it carefully.

Shen Pei didn't write too much in the letter, he just told the old story, recounted the other's feelings, and said that the coalition army was rising, Wen Xunzhen wanted to settle in Yingchuan, and wished Xun Zhenneng a smooth military career. At the end of the letter, he mentioned: He said that he would go to Hanoi from Yuan Shao, and that Hanoi and Yingchuan would look after each other. The two armies could form an horn and could echo each other from a distance. If Xun Zhen needed any help from him, he could send a horse to send a letter, and he would do his best.

Xun Zhen said in his heart, "What Zhengnan means is: If I need to, he will be a lobbyist for me at Yuan Shao."

On the battlefield, things are changing rapidly, and now the army is together, and the troops are divided into different paths. It is inferred from common sense that in the upcoming war, Xun Zhen will definitely need the cooperation of other people on this journey. , Shen Pei can speak for Xun Zhen, persuade Yuan Shao, or send troops to help him, or order Suanzao's troops to help him.

Xun Zhen closed the letter and said to herself, "Zhengnan doesn't know the outcome of his courtship against Dong, so he said this. I can't use his kindness."

Before the attack, Yuan Shao may have responded with a hundred calls, but after the attack, the Suanzao armies had their own troops and horses. Hanoi was beyond the reach of the whip and could not personally command the Suanzao army. His title of 'alliance leader' was nothing but a false name. Even if he really ordered it, he probably wouldn't be able to mobilize many Suanzao soldiers. As for Yuan Shu, their brothers were at odds. Yuan Shu Looking down on Yuan Shao, and even more jealous of him, let alone thinking that he will obey Yuan Shao's orders, so Xun Zhen's good intentions in arranging this letter are useless.

Xun Zhen put the letter on the case and said to herself, "Although Zhengnan's kindness is useless at the time, but he is currently under Yuan Shao's account, and Yuan Shao will use it heavily, but maybe in the future there will be a time when I will lend him a lot, so I should give him a reply letter. How to write it, I'll talk about it later in the evening when I think about it."

After talking about the matchmaking, Handan Rong turned the topic to "Yuan Shao" that Xi Zhicai had just asked.

He said: "Yuan Bohai actively sought to raise troops after he was honored by the prefect of Bohai, but Han Jizhou was reluctant at first, and he obstructed it several times. According to what the scholars said, the army was raised from the Bohai Sea, willing to provide food and sustenance, and dispatched soldiers from the state to help. However, I heard that although he clearly agreed, it was a last resort, and he was still very afraid of the Bohai Sea."

Qiao Mao's deceit, the third master, moved the book. When the book came out, some wise people knew that it was fake, but at the beginning, it also coaxed many people. For example, Han Fu was deceived, but there is no such thing in the world. With a wall of ventilation, the governors of the prefecture and county have acquaintances in the court, and they will know the truth as soon as they send a letter and ask, but it was exposed long before Xun Zhen arrived in Yingchuan, and everyone knows this. The truth is from the hands of Qiao Mao.

But even if it has been exposed now, it doesn't matter. All the states and counties just need a name. It doesn't matter whether it is true or false.

What Handan Rong knew about Yuan Shao’s situation before the attack, Xun Zhen and others had already learned about it from various sources, but after Yuan Shao’s attack and the current situation in Hanoi, because Handan Rong was already on the way to Yingchuan at that time, there was no news. Well-informed, but not much known.

He knew only a few things.

He said: "Although Yuan Bohai is a taboo in Jizhou, Han Jizhou, but he is very supportive of the county magistrates and heroes from all over the country. The responders are like a voice, and the people who vote are like clouds. When I passed Wei County, Yuan Bohai had not yet reached Hanoi. The prefect Wang Kuang has already obeyed Yuan Bohai's orders, and the former Bingzhou Wumeng engaged in Zhang Yang and the Southern Huns Zuoxian Wang Yufuluo, heard Yuan Bohai's rise of troops, and also sent envoys to deliver letters, willing to be driven."

Zhang Yang is the former governor of Bingzhou and the former official of Jinwu Dingyuan. Earlier, he was ordered by He Jin to return to the state to recruit troops. Before returning to Luo, He Jin died and Ding Yuan also died, so he stayed near Shangdang. At the end of last year, when he saw Dong Zhuo's chaos in the imperial court, he thought the world was going to be in chaos, so he let go and raised his troops to attack the prefect of Shangdang. .

Last year, Yu Fuluo joined forces with Baibo and Yellow Turbans to invade Hedong. Dong Zhuo sent Niu Fu to lead the troops to give a head-on blow. Although he was not defeated, he suffered a small loss. Niu Fu recalled Luoyang, so he didn't lose his strength too much. After hearing Yuan Shao's attack, no matter how he looked at it, Yuan Shao's future was brighter than that of the Yellow Turban, so he gave up the Yellow Turban and switched to Yuan Shao.

Xun Zhen said in his heart: "Yuan Benchu ​​inherited the family's resources, raised him for nearly twenty years, handed over the group of heroes, and killed all the eunuchs in one fell swoop, the current name is like rising in the sun, Suanzao is regarded as the leader of the alliance, Wang Kuang, Zhang Yang, etc. A heroic shadow follower, even Hu people like Fuluo also led troops to cast in. If I had capital like him, it would not be easy to fix the world, but it would also alleviate a lot of difficulties. ."

Xun Zhen was just thinking about this idea. He didn't have any envy towards Yuan Shao. He still had to rely on his ability to be a man and do things. useless.

There were a lot of people sitting in the tent, the stove was burning hot, and I felt a little sullen. Cheng Jia, who was sitting by the tent door, opened a small pane on the curtain, and the cool and fresh air suddenly blew in. Everyone is in good spirits.

Xun Zhen looked out, it was still early, and she was seeing the rising sun in the sky, casting bright rays of light, which made the window panes bright red.

He pondered and said: "Although most of the allied troops have already joined forces in various places, they are still holding their troops. Meng De is right. The food supplies brought by each army are limited. As the leader of the alliance, he is the convener of this attack, and I don’t know what he is thinking and doing right now?”


Yuan Shao is watching the military horses drill outside the barracks in Hanoi.

Leaning on his long sword, he watched from the high platform, and saw the distant water near the city, the field between the river and the city, riding on foot and horizontally, the fields and roads, the soldiers and horses like clouds, the flags like forests, the sound of golden drums, the sound of the clouds stopped the sky, The shouts and shouts of the soldiers shook the four fields.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew and rolled the flag on the stage. He raised his head and looked at it. Seeing the clouds in the sky moving from north to south, he raised his sword and pointed at it without realizing it, and asked, "What is the sign of this celestial phenomenon?"

Xu You, Feng Ji and others were beside him.

Xu You raised his head and looked at him, smiled and said to him: "Looking at this celestial phenomenon, the rising clouds are like dragons, emitting from the north, going south, blazing blazingly, and moving forward, there must be a hero who will rise up in Hebei with the popularity of the people. , is felt by the heaven and earth, and it is caused by awe-inspiring force and anger.”

This so-called "hero" who "raised himself in Hebei with the popularity of the people" speaks of Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao stroked his beard and smiled.

However, after the "king's spirit" emerged in Guangling, there was also a "dragon-like spirit" in Hanoi. This cloud of air is originally a statement of the association. If Cheng Jia and Xu You meet together, I don't know if they can fight for who is true and who is false.

Feng Ji said: "Although Duke Ming has gained popularity in the world today, Han Jizhou is still very wary of Duke Ming, using the lack of grain reserves as an excuse, and refusing to supply Duke Ming happily. Ming Gong must pay more attention to this and think about countermeasures early.”

Yuan Shao nodded, pressed his sword and said, "Han Wen's guard against me is too much and doesn't think about the righteousness of the world, this is really a pity!"

Han Fu was the shepherd of Jizhou. He refused to give Yuan Shao army rations. Yuan Shao had no other way to solve this trouble. I have told Yuan Shao in private that Yuan Shao is now the owner of Guandong, and he is the general of the chariot and cavalry. How can a Bohai County live with him? Even if he has no ambition, Xu You, Feng Ji and others are not willing.

However, just as Xun Zhen can't start to seize Xuzhou and Yuzhou now, although Yuan Shao already has the intention to seize Ji, he can't do it right now. Infighting, soldiers turned to Han Fu to seize Jizhou? So now this matter can only be done more consideration and more planning, in order to be sure.

Yuan Shao changed the subject and asked, "First, I will send people to Yu and Jing to welcome scholars from the two prefectures. Do you have a letter?"

Yuan Shao and Han Fu are both from Yuzhou. No matter how famous he is, he is also a foreigner. If he wants to make a career in Jizhou, he cannot do without the help of scholars from his hometown. So he chose the same method as Han Fu, and also sent People go to Yuzhou to invite famous people into Ji, and to Ruojingzhou, mainly Nanyang, Xu You, Fengji, and He Yong are all from Nanyang. If they invite them, I believe that many Nanyang scholars will come. ,——In addition, there is another meaning to call Nanyang scholars, Yuan Shu is in Nanyang, Yuan Shao is also to weaken Yuan Shu.

Xu You replied: "According to the distance, the messenger should have arrived in the two prefectures. It probably won't be long before news comes, and there are people from Yu and Jing."

Yuan Shao nodded.

Feng Ji's mind was not on cloud qi and talents. He was thinking about raising troops to fight. After Yuan Shao and Xu You's question and answer came to an end, he said: "General Cao has written twice, asking Ming Gong to order the troops to attack Dong Zhuo. , Duke Ming did not respond to his request due to lack of food. What Duke Ming said was true. As the days go by, once the food is exhausted, all the stars will disperse.” It is also true that once the troops are scattered, it is difficult to bring up the matter of appealing to the directors. If Dong Zhuo takes the opportunity to send troops and attack them, Hanoi will bear the brunt of this matter. , Duke Ming has to think about it, and he needs to make plans early."

Yuan Shao pondered and said: "Meng De said in the last letter that if the Suanzao army does not move, he intends to attack Dong Zhuo together with Zhenzhi. Zhenzhi is superior in military strategy, and with Sun Jian to help him, he is like joining forces with Meng De to attack Dong Zhuo. , but it can reduce the pressure on me in Hanoi."

"What does Duke Ming mean?"

"I wrote two letters and ordered them to be distributed to Zhenzhi and Meng De, asking them to join forces to attack Dong, and told them that I would send troops to help. Write another letter to Meng Zhuo, asking him to do his best It is best to help Zhenzhi and Meng De to persuade the Suanzao army."

Fengji said, "That's very good."

Of course, Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance this time, must be the first target of Dong Zhuo's attack. If the Suanzao, Yingchuan, and Nanyang armies do not move, Hanoi will be under great pressure, but if Xunzhen, Cao Cao Ken takes the initiative to attack Dong Zhuo, diverting some or most of Dong Zhuo's attention and energy, and Hanoi's pressure will naturally be relieved, which is greatly beneficial to Yuan Shao.

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