The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 19: Crush the Central Army aggressively to the handsome tent, surprised to see there

When Sun Jian entered the tent, Kong Ni was still awake, and the guard who went to communicate was still calling him softly. ! Fun! Read! Fiction

Sun Jian waited on the edge for a while, and when he saw that Kong Duo had turned over and was still not awake, he took a few steps forward, approached the couch, pushed aside the guard, and shouted at Kong Duo on the side couch: "Dong Zhuo's army is here! Make you wake up quickly!"

It was not yet bright, and it was very quiet inside and outside the tent. Sun Jian's voice sounded like thunder, which suddenly woke Kong Duo up.


"Wake you up?"

"..., General Sun?"

"It's down."

When he woke up in his own tent, he opened his eyes and saw Sun Jian. Kong Duo thought he was wrong, but if he took a closer look, it was true that Sun Jian was true. All sleep disappeared, he sat up quickly, and asked in shock, "Why is the general in my tent? This is you? This is you? ... What is the general going to do?"

The guard said from the side: "Gong Ming, General Sun said that after receiving a military report, Dong Zhuo sent 50,000 steps to invade our territory."

"Ah? Fifty thousand paces? Invading my territory?" This news shocked Kong Hao even more than waking up to see Sun Jian.

Sun Jian said: "Please don't be surprised, this is my false statement."

"Fake words?" Although Kong Duo's drowsiness had subsided, he had just woken up from a dream, and his mind was still unclear. He first saw Sun Jian in front of him, then heard Dong Zhuo's attack, and then heard Sun Jian say it was fake. , In just a short time, so many shocking things appeared one after another, so that he couldn't understand the situation at once, so he could only subconsciously repeat the words of the guard and Sun Jian one after another.

"Although it is a false statement, there is a foreshadowing of Dong Zhuo's army in Luyang City, but it may not be long before my false statement will become a reality."


"Thinking about Dong Zhuo, who held the emperor hostage, ordered the imperial court, and was domineering, is really fierce and rebellious. Now that the Guandong army is rising, and the emperor is also on the list, Dong Zhuo is in order to protect himself. I predict that sooner or later, he will definitely invade again. I'm from Yingchuan."


"As the prefect of Yuzhou, you have the responsibility to protect the territory. In order to prevent Dong Zhuo from sending troops to attack him, I think it is better to make you advance the army to attack him."


Whether Dong Zhuojun is attacking, whether this is true or not, or what will happen in the future, these are not in Kong Yu's consideration for the time being. With a wink, he told him to read quickly and call the other guards outside the tent to come in, but unfortunately, although there were candles in the tent, they were left and the lights were not on. The guard was blocked by Sun Jian and could not see him. eyes. Kong Yu was angry and anxious, listening to Sun Jian's words, but completely lost his mind, only Nuonuo responded.

Sun Jian said a few words, and when he saw Kong Duo's eyes drifting straight to his house, he was absent-minded, apparently not listening to his own words, he simply stepped forward, approached the couch, and said loudly, "Your Majesty!"

Kong Duo was startled, moved back, and finally turned his attention to Sun Jian and said, "Ah".

"Can you hear what I just said?"

"Listen, hear it."

"What did I say?"

"what did you say?"

"I was asking the envoy what I said just now, but why did Duke Ming ask me?"

"...I didn't hear it just now, please say it again, General."

"I said just now: Dong Zhuo's vicious and rebellious thief will come back to attack me in Yingchuan sooner or later. Since the envoy should respond to Yuan's chariots and harass Dong, he should have the responsibility of advancing the army. Instead of waiting for Dong Zhuo to attack again, I think it is better to strike first."

"Hit it first?"


"The general of the chariot and cavalry is waiting for the leader of the alliance for me this time. He didn't order it. How can I march alone?"

"Although Yuan Cheqi is the leader of the alliance, he is stationed in Hanoi and is far away from me. Soldiers are fighters. Fighting is about fighters. The battlefield is changing rapidly. What is your order?'. Your order is still not accepted, what about chariots and horses? And looking at the current situation of the army, it is called one family, and it is divided into four roads. I am the only one in Yingchuan, so that you live in the prefecture. As a prefect, you should shoulder the heavy responsibility at this time, and take the initiative to attack when it is time to attack. Only in this way can you be called wise."


"But what?"

"But Dong Zhuo's soldiers are strong and strong. If I were to attack all the way alone, it would be unfavorable."

"There are more than 30,000 troops together with General Xun, and I would like to join the envoy to attack Dong."

"Even if there are generals, Marquis Xun and I allied forces, I'm still afraid of invincibility."

"The monarch made an army out of righteousness and responded to Yuan's chariots and cavalry. He wanted to turn the tide, and he was called to help the Han Dynasty. Therefore, when the county heard the news, all of them did their best to help. Xiongjie obeyed the orders under the tent, Chen and Ru Haoqiang bowed their heads in front of the army, said a word, and hundreds of generals fought to obey. , the people of the Henan side all placed high hopes on the envoy, hoping that the envoy would be able to clear the demon atmosphere early, but since the envoy came to our county, the army and horses have been stationed in vain, but it has been slow for a long time. It’s enough to take revenge for the people of Yangcheng, but why are you suspicious and timid when attacking today? Take it lightly?"

"If I don't want to go into the army, it's really hard to say it alone."

"Since the emperor is reluctant to march, General Xun and I are willing to send troops alone."


Sun Jian ignored Kong Yu's surprise, and continued on his own, "It's just that General Xun and I are both short of food, and even if we want to fight, we can't get it. If you don't want to advance, please lend it to me and Xun. General, let's get some food."


Kong Mi immediately understood why Sun Jian came to him before dawn. After a long time, he used Dong Zhuo to send troops to scare people, and he used rhetoric to provoke Kong Mi to join the army, but it turned out that Xiang Zhuangwu The sword intent was at Pei Gong, but he was actually here to borrow food.

Sun Jian had just kicked Kong Duo out of the back house of the county mansion a few days ago. Kong Duo was greatly embarrassed by him, and he was embarrassed. After the battle, who would be willing to lend him food?

However, although he did not want to, he did not dare to refuse at this time. Sun Jian was right in front of him. If he rejected him, he would have been humiliated by being driven out of the county palace by his troops. Who knew what would happen to this warrior?

Kong Yu said: "Although my army rations are not much, since the general mentioned it, in order to help the general fight the rebellion, I will give it to him."

"Then please make your order."

"..., it's still early, so why worry? When it's dawn, I will call the ration manager to come over and instruct him to fetch the ration and give it to the general."

"It's not too late, please order the envoy now."

"How urgent is the general!"

"It wasn't me who was anxious, it was me and Xun Hou who wanted to attack Dong anxious."


Sun Jian pressed the sword on his waist, looked at Kong Yu, and said, "What? Could it be that you don't want to? Are you trying to coax me just now?"

"How can this happen?"

"Then please make your order immediately."

Kong Yu was forced to do nothing by him, so he had to write a military order, write it down, show it to Sun Jian, and say, "It's not that I don't want the general's letter, right?"

Sun Jian glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "Your Majesty still seems reluctant."

Kong Yu was in a hurry and said: "Our military orders have been written, why are you reluctant?"

"If you wish, you will not write Xiaoshi."

The measurement system of the Han family is divided into large and small stones, and three small stones are equivalent to two large stones.

Seeing that Sun Jian asked for Dashi, Kong Ni had to rewrite the previous order, write it down, and hand it to Sun Jian, saying, "Can you trust my sincerity, General?"

Sun Jian looked at it and saw that the military order stated that he would give out 20,000 large stones to Sun Jian and Xun Zhen's department, and said, "The sincerity of the envoy is still not enough."


"General Xun and I have a combined army of more than 30,000 troops, and we need three hundred stone for daily use. How could 20,000 stone grains be enough for more than ten days of food?"

"How much does the general want?"

"Adding 20,000 stones is almost the same, ... simply round up a whole number, 50,000 stones."

Kong Yu thought to himself, "Don't lie to me, I don't know the strategy, how can 30,000 people eat 300 stone grains a day?" But he didn't dare to tell Sun Jian apart, so he reluctantly replied, "Okay, okay." He wrote another sentence. The military order was handed to Sun Jian and said, "General, please read."

Sun Jian looked at it carefully, and said, "Your Majesty is really sincere." Then he said, "Then I ask Fu-lord to hand over this order to the one who is in charge of grain, and ask him to fetch grain, read soldiers, and send it to my camp. ."

Kong Tiao agreed, thinking to himself, "I'll perfunctory you first, and when you get out of my tent, I'll pass the military order, telling you not to send food to you." The general's order was handed over to the guard and ordered to leave immediately. At the same time, he put on his clothes and said to Sun Jian, "I will send the general out of the camp."

"What camp?"

Kong Yu was stunned and said, "Didn't the general come to borrow food? The food has been lent to the general..."

"I got up I haven't eaten yet, so I'll harass the envoy for a meal here."


Sun Jian's meal lasted until the afternoon. During the period, Kong Hao tried to make excuses several times to leave the tent, but he was stopped. He waited until Zu Mao, who was outside the tent, came in and reported that all the 50,000 stone grains had been shipped to Sun Jian's army. , Sun Jian laughed and said goodbye.

Don't say no, but he still refuses to go with Zu Mao alone, and forcefully pulls Kong Yu to see him off, leaving the Yuzhou Army's Yuanmen is not counted, he walked a few more miles before releasing Kong Yu. The horse drove and rode away with Zu Mao.

Kong Yu was so angry that his five orifices were engulfed in smoke, but the boat had already been made, the food had been transported away, and he was still standing on the road, looking at Sun Jian Juechen's disappearing figure, only a little more embarrassed and angry.

Sun Jian did not return to the base camp, but went directly to the Xunzhen camp.

When he arrived at Xunzhen's camp, Sun Jian rushed to Xunzhen's tent in a hurry. Before anyone entered the tent, his voice had already come in, and he could only hear him say: "Zhenzhi, I have borrowed it from Kongyu Prefecture. You have lost 50,000 boulders of grain, but you have lost this bet." With the voice, he stepped into the tent, his face was still happy, and when he looked up, he saw a few familiar faces in the tent, smiling. stagnant.

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