The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 143: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (9)

I feel that the writing of Liu Bei is broken. It was a while ago that the update was intermittent, and the way of thinking was intermittent. After writing this battle, I will revise the previous sections.


The next day, Huangfu Song summoned the generals and sent Dong Zhuo to leave the camp.

Since Zhang Huan conquered Bingzhou, he had meritorious deeds, and was honored as Langzhong. With his bravery and good combat skills, he had a prosperous official fortune in the next ten years. He was moved to the position of Colonel Wuji in the Western Regions, which was already a senior general in charge of the party. He was dismissed because of his mistakes, but because of his good fighting skills, he was soon conscripted as the prefect of Bingzhou, and then he was the prefect of Hedong. Throughout Dong Zhuo's career, his career was mainly military, while the governor of Bingzhou and the prefect of Hedong seemed to be civilians, but in fact these two places were either on the frontier, or mixed with Han and Hu, and his daily life was still dominated by expeditions. For example, when Dong Zhuo took office as the governor of Bingzhou and the prefect of Hedong, he successively "counted the Qiang Hu and fought more than a hundred battles before and after". It can be said that Dong Zhuo started his career with martial arts, and has also been promoted all the way with martial arts.

Jianzhi Hedong County is not too far from Julu County. From Hedong County to the west, Bingzhou Shangdang County is the Zhao State of Jizhou, and from Zhao State to the west is Julu County. He urgently worshipped him as the general of the East and Middle East, and dispatched him to the Julu battlefield, hoping that he would be able to fight the fire, but he did not expect that such a heroic general would fall into the sand in front of Guangzong City.

Dong Zhuo is now a person to be punished, Huangfu Song is the chief general of an army, and he does not need to send him too far, just send him out of the camp gate. Zongyuan, Zou Jing, Fu Xie, Xun Zhen and other cadres in the army and Sima's entourage also came behind Huangfu Song to see him off.

At the camp gate, Huangfu Song said goodbye to Dong Zhuo.

When Dong Zhuo came here, he was very ambitious and wanted to make himself prosperous by pacifying Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao, a "giant thief", has never been seen in the two Han Dynasty. If he can be pacified, the court will reward him. , while gaining a good reputation, he has the best of both worlds. However, when the military confronted each other, he lost the first battle and became the person to be punished. The gap between before and after is not small, but Dong Zhuo has been on the battlefield for a long time. It's still bearable, at least on the surface he looks like nothing has happened.

When he came from Hedong, he brought thousands of cavalry with him. Now he is going to Luoyang to take the crime, but he can't take this army with him, so he can only leave it to Huangfu Song. As mentioned above, the generals of his cavalry are mostly his fellow villagers in Liangzhou, some of whom followed Zhang Huan when he conquered Bingzhou, and some who followed him when he was the captain of Wuji in the Western Regions , can be described as a **** cronie, and it may be precisely because of this that he generously handed over the troops to Huangfu Song. ——Speaking of which, he is not very generous or not. He is neither the prefect of Hedong nor the general of Dongzhong. How can a criminal who has the right to command the troops?

"Victory and defeat are common affairs in military affairs. Although you have lost to Guangzong, it is only a small setback. Now go to the capital, and even if you are guilty, you will be removed from the official position. With your martial arts, you will be able to recover soon after thinking about it."

"Hey, I don't worry about being convicted, General, I only worry about the thieves in Guangzong City! The General leaves the capital, enters Yingchuan, strikes Runan, Dingdong County, and even Pingshu County. Because the general is so powerful, I am beyond my reach, but the general must not despise the Jizhou Yellow Turbans. Zhang Jiao's people are extremely brave, and they are not afraid of death. I have fought for so many years, and I have rarely seen such a thief!"

"Dong Jun's good words, Song keep it in mind."

"It's getting late, I should go too, and take advantage of the coolness of the morning to drive some more."

The generals under Dong Zhuo's command were all following him at this time. He summoned Dong Min, Niu Fu, Hu Zhen, Duan Xun, Dong Yue, and Xu Rong, and explained, "After I leave, you must be careful. Military orders, strictly follow the dispatch of General Huangfu."

Dong Min and others agreed.

These people are among Dong Zhuo's cronies, the cronies among his confidants, and they have always been the most trusted by Dong Zhuo.

Needless to say, Niu Fu, Hu Zhen, Duan Xun, Xu Rong, several of them went to greet Huangfu Song yesterday, one is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, the other is Liangzhou's tycoon, the other is the clan of the famous general Duan Jiong, and the one is the only one Dong Zhuo's subordinate who is not from Liangzhou. Dong Min and Dong Yue didn't go to greet Huangfu Song yesterday, they stayed in the army at that time, but they also went to Dong Zhuo's handsome tent. One is Dong Zhuo's younger brother, and the other is Dong Zhuo's clan younger brother.

After Dong Zhuo's explanation, he got on his horse, and Yu Ma slightly bowed his hands, raised his whip and shouted, and immediately beat his horse and left. There were only a dozen or so cavalry with him, and the captain of the guard was named Dong Huang, who was Dong Zhuo's son. There are thousands of rides when they come, and few rides when they go.

At this time in the early morning, soon after the rising sun, the fields along the road were green, and the Qinghe River was like a belt in the distance to the east. More than a dozen horses went south along the official road, stirring up dust, and it didn’t take long to integrate into the picture scroll of this summer morning. ,Lopsided.

Xun Zhen was standing among the generals, looking at Dong Zhuo and the others as their figures gradually dwindled, and thought to himself, "When an imperial decree comes down, Dong Zhuo will enter the capital honestly to accept the crime. Just looking in front of him, who would have thought that when he went to Luoyang City again in a few years, Luoyang would be terrified. Will it be ruined because of him?"

Huangfu Song sent Dong Zhuo first to repay Dong Zhuo's welcome yesterday, and secondly, because of his relationship with Dong Zhuo from the same state, he sent him away without any delay outside the camp, and led the generals back to the army. .

As a general, one must know the officers and men under his command. Yesterday, Xun Zhen advised Huangfu Song not to rush to attack Guangzong. One of the reasons was that he did not have a "confidant". Therefore, Huangfu Song plans to go to the members, Zou Jing and Dong Min today. , Niu Fu and the others went around the battalion to take a look at the equipment and fighting spirit of their subordinates. By the way, they also became familiar with these generals.

Xun Zhen, Fu Xie and the others didn't need to follow Huangfu Song. They only arrived yesterday afternoon. The camp had not been set up yet, so they just set up tents roughly, just in time to take advantage of today's free time to renovate. With the permission of Huangfu Song, Xun Zhen and others returned to the camp. In addition to them returning to the camp, there were also Dong Zhuo's subordinates. Huangfu Song was going to visit the camps of the clan members, Zou Jing and others first, so he asked Dong Min, Niu Fu and others to go back first.

It was a coincidence that Xun Zhen and Fu Xie's camp happened to be to the south of Dong Min and Niu Fu's camp, and they just walked along with their horses.

These generals under Dong Zhuo's command should be the most famous in later generations, Li Jue and Guo Si. But now the status of the two of them in Dong Zhuo's army is not high, and their subordinates are only one-year-old soldiers. Now that Dong Zhuo has left the army and went to Luoyang, the remaining generals of Dong Zhuo’s army are headed by Dong Zhuo’s younger brother Dong Min, followed by Niu Fu, Dong Yue, Hu Zhen, Duan Xun, Xu Rong, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji Wait for it again.

Fu Xie and Xun Zhen were Huangfu Song's favorite generals. Dong Min and Niu Fu were very polite to them, but in comparison, they seemed to be closer to Fu Xie. It is not surprising that Fu Xie is from Beidi County, Liangzhou, and he shares the same state with Dong Min and others.

Fu Xie was honored as filial piety when he was young. First, he changed the word "Nanrong" to himself because he admired "Nanrong Sanfu Baigui", and then there was a righteous act of abandoning his official duties because of the death of the master. He became famous very early, Dong Min, Niu Fu and others have long heard his name.

Liangzhou was humble, and Confucianism was not prosperous. Dong Min and Niu Fu, Dong Zhuo's generals, were also warriors. Most of them had never read books. Many of them were from very low backgrounds. Like Guo Si, who was a horse thief in Xiliang before he joined Dong Zhuo. When such a group of people talk with each other, they will naturally not cite scriptures and talk about Confucianism.

Duan Xun is a member of Duan Jong’s clan, and the Duan family is a famous family in Wuwei. Duan Xun has read some scriptures, and because of Duan Jong’s relationship, he has also heard some anecdotes from the court. He smiled and said to Fu Xie, “Sima, I heard the story of Jun and Master. Taiwei Liu Gong used to teach the scriptures for the emperor, and once got drunk, the emperor asked him, and the master replied, 'Worrying is like being drunk', does it really matter?"

"The sovereign master, the so-called Taiwei Liu Gong," refers to Fu Xie's teacher, Liu Kuan from Hongnong. Liu Kuan was the son of the former Situ Liu Qi, and he was Zongzheng. Xu Xun was the prefect in the 5th year of Xiping. The emperor was fond of literature and art. The emperor asked him, "Is the captain drunk?" He replied, "The minister does not dare to sin, but he has a heavy responsibility and is very worried."

This incident happened not long after Fu Xie Bai entered Liu Kuan's door. Although Fu Xie knew the ins and outs of the incident, he became displeased after hearing Duan Xun's question. My teacher, it is rude to ask the ** about the private affairs of the teacher. You are a subordinate, but you are asking about the private affairs of the ministers and nobles. This is not the way of officials. Duan Gong, please be careful!"

Liu Kuan served as Taiwei twice, once in Xiping for five years, and once in Guanghe for two years. Guang Luxun was one of the nine ministers, and Duan Xun was just an ordinary military attache, and it was indeed not suitable for him to listen to Liu Kuan's private affairs in public.

Xun Zhen turned her face and glanced at Fu Xie, seeing that his face was flushed said, "Liu Kuan is famous for his generosity, and he is called the elder in China, but Fu Nanrong has a strong personality and doesn't look like him at all. What about the teacher?"

Duan Xun did not expect such a big reaction from Fu Xie, so he was taken aback for a moment, and quickly apologized, Su Rong said, "It's my blunder, Sima is not to blame."

Xun Zhen turned her head and glanced at Duan Xun again, secretly admiring herself, and said to herself, "Nan Rong suddenly changed his face and scolded him mercilessly. I thought Duan Xun would be furious, but I didn't expect him to apologize sincerely." Duan Xun Much older than Fu Xie, he was in his forties this year, but he was willing to bow his head to apologize to Fu Xie, but he didn't look like a arrogant and domineering warrior of Xiliang.

Although Duan Xun was not angry, Dong Min, Niu Fu and others were not happy.

Everyone was talking lively, and if you didn't say a word, you, Fu Nanrong, suddenly turned his face. We are all from the same state, so it's too unsympathetic. Guo Si, who was following behind, snorted in his nose, pressed his sword and wanted to go up, but was grabbed by Li Jue beside him. Dong Min bowed his hand to Fu Xie and said, "I'll be waiting for the camp right in front, and I'll be there soon. Fu Sima and Xun Sima, leave."

He got on the horse first, followed by Niu Fu, Dong Yue, Li Jue, Guo Si and others. Duan Xun gave Fu Xie and Xun Zhen an apologetic smile and followed.

Xun Zhen watched them leave, and thought to herself, "These people followed Dong Zhuo to the south and fought in the north. They were very shocking and cold. They didn't know how many Qiang Hus they had killed. It's normal to be a little temperamental, but it would be strange if you were like Duan Xun." His gaze followed Dong Min and the others, and finally fell on one person.

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