The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 142: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (8)

After sending off Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong, the night was deep.

Xun Zhen returned to the tent, stopped in front of the tent, looked up at the night sky, and saw that the moon and stars were sparse.

A watchtower was erected in the camp, just beside his tent. There was no sleepiness at this time, and the night was sultry, so he simply assisted the ladder and climbed to the top of the building. There is wind in the high places, but it is a little cool. He held on to the guardrail of the watchtower and looked from a high distance. Under the dark night sky, the lights in Guangzong City in the distance were lit up, and the nearby Han army camps were also full of flames.

Xun You, Xi Zhicai, Xuan Kang, Li Bo and the guests he sent along with him were accompanied by his entourage.

Xuankang was the youngest and could not hide his words. As early as when he was in the tent, he wondered why Xun Zhen would "rashly" confide in Liu Bei's intention of soliciting. It's just the first time, I didn't know each other before, and he is from Youzhou, not from my county, why are you..."

"You mean to ask me why I recruited him?"


"Uncle Ye, let me ask you, how are you watching Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in the tent tonight?"

"The strong man."

"What is Jian Yong like?"

"Slowly and lightly, rude and sloppy."

Xuankang admired Xun Zhen very much, and Jian Yong was very unhappy in front of Xun Zhen, which made him very dissatisfied. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Although he is simple and loose, he is quick-witted, and he is unhurried in my tent, and he is also a momentary hero."

Xuankang had to admit that Xun Zhen was right, and replied, "Yes."

"So, what do you think about Liu Bei?"

"Liu Bei is not an ordinary person to be able to get these three people to serve."

"Since he's not an ordinary person, why would it be strange for me to recruit him?"

"But..." Xuankang always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "Zhenzhi, as you said, Liu Bei is not an ordinary person, so he's certainly worth recruiting, but 'talking to each other in a simple way is messy', you are only acquaintances with him for the first time, and you still don't understand his personality. But rushing to solicit, that's not your character."

Xuankang was reminded by Xi Zhicai and said: "Exactly! Xun Jun, you have always been cautious in your words and deeds, honest in your actions, and you don't say anything from afar. You have only seen outstanding people in the counties and counties along the way since you fought in the army. There is only Liu Bei, why did you not show any sign of solicitation to other outstanding people, but treat Liu Bei so differently? You can't wait to solicit when you first met?"

Xun Zhen looked at Guangzong from afar, and was silent for a while. After a long time, he said quietly, "Liu Bei is different from others."

In a previous life, Xun Zhen was studying and admired Liu Bei's tenacity very much. This "admiration" is as a bystander. Now that he has traveled to the end of the Han Dynasty and has become a person of the same era as Liu Bei, he is no longer simply admiring Liu Bei, but more "scary". Throughout Liu Bei's life, he perfectly interprets a sentence: "Man is not born to be defeated. He can be eliminated, but he can never be defeated." In the face of this kind of person who cannot be defeated, no matter how many times he fails, he will never admit defeat, no matter how long he is displaced, he will never be under others, as long as there is a little sunshine, he can be brilliant, as long as he is given a chance To come out, it is like the weeds under the boulders. It seems that there is no room for it to be crushed. However, it still refuses to give up and is tenacious and unyielding. Thinking about it for a while, Xun Zhen even felt horrified.

"The heroes in the world only make the ruler and Cao." Cao Cao is a master of both civil and military skills. Liu Bei is tenacious and unyielding. He will never admit defeat. Looking at the heroes of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, it is true that only two of them can be called heroes, and indeed only two of them are talented. It is a chess game where you will meet your opponents and you will meet your talents.

Xuankang did not know Liu Bei's future deeds, and did not know that Liu Bei had a persevering and unyielding character, so he could not understand the meaning of Xun Zhen's words. Not only did he not understand, but also Xun You, Xi Zhicai, and Li Bo. In the eyes of Xun You and Xi Zhicai, Liu Bei may be a great individual, but through the contact in the tent tonight, it seems that he is not much better than the other "heroes".

Xun and Xi looked at each other, surprised that Xun Zhen valued Liu Bei, but they didn't plan to get to the bottom of this matter. After all, Xun Zhen was their "lord" and they didn't need to explain everything to them clearly. Xuankang got up again, and said angrily: "Xunjun thinks so highly of Liu Bei, but he doesn't appreciate it! In the face of the king's solicitation, he actually shies the blame again and again."

Xun Zhen's thoughts returned to the account just now.


Liu Bei did not shirk the blame. Xun Zhen's words, "Then are you willing to come and help me?" was indeed rash, and Liu Bei was caught off guard, so he didn't know how to answer for a while, so he replied hastily: "I have been sent by Duke Lu, and now Xiaowei Zou is under the command. Bei is grateful for your kindness, but Duke Lu is Bei's mentor, and Xiaowei Zou is a native of Bei's prefecture, so Bei is afraid that he can't help himself."

Liu Bei did have the intention of accepting Xun Zhen, but he and Xun Zhen met for the first time, just as Xi Zhicai said: Xun Zhen didn't know much about his character, and he also didn't understand Xun Zhen's personality. In one circumstance, he was only interested in accepting Xun Zhen, and he was far from the point of taking refuge. In any case, at least Zou Jing is in the same state as him, and he was personally arranged by Lu Zhi to enter Zou Jing's camp. Considering the face of Tongzhou and Lu Zhi, although Zou Jing is unable to make him rise, he usually treats him still. Very good. Although he was dissatisfied with the status quo, he was unwilling to change his family rashly. If you change the chief officer rashly, it may not be worth the loss.



Seeing that he declined, Xun Zhen also knew that she had made a slip of the tongue and was too eager, so she suppressed the eagerness and said with a slow smile, "Brother Xuande said so much, I didn't think about it carefully." Putting this topic aside, He picked up the soup, looked at the tent with a smile, and said with a smile, "Brother Xuande is a royal family at heart, loyal and praiseworthy, and he has never left his way. From Zhuo County to this point, he led his righteousness and subordinates to help the war. After Zhang Jiao was pacified, the court judged his merits. The reward for the trip is definitely not without my brother. My brother is an outstanding person, and he will be able to achieve great things in the future. I hereby wish my brother a bright future!"

All the people in the tent brought soup and water together and drank from a bowl.

Xun Zhen no longer talked about solicitation, and only told each other about the stories of their respective battles and the customs of Henan and Youzhou. Xun You and Xi Zhi are talented and learned people, Jian Yong is humorous and funny, Guan Yu is silent, but Zhang Fei often opens his mouth, Liu Bei smiles always, and he speaks softly, although he speaks few words, but does not make people feel unfamiliar, Xun Zhen is generous Indiscriminate, but also people can not help but close, the atmosphere in the tent is very good.

Liu Bei waited until it was late at night before leaving.

Xun Zhen sent them to Yuanmen, parted, took Liu Bei's hand, and said earnestly, "Brother is very personable. Although I am currently lying in the deep, don't be slack and despair. I have a word for my brother to listen to."

"Please speak."

"Yunchang and Yide are both tiger warriors, one is a feather, one is a fly, and the elder brother is famous. As long as the elder brother is prepared all year round and unremitting, he will be able to use the feather to fly sooner or later.

Tonight Xunzhen gave Liu Bei several surprises, and this sentence was another surprise, not only surprise, but also surprise, and it was right in Liu Bei's heart. Feeling the warmth of Xun Zhen's hand, Liu Bei raised his head, and his eyes met Xun Zhen's. From Xun Zhen's eyes, he saw a little sincerity and sincere wishes and hopes that did not seem to be fake. After he was pleasantly surprised, he only felt A warm current seemed to come from Xun Zhen's hands and eyes, and the whole body became warm. He had known Xun Zhen for a long time and then in the middle of the night. At first, he was just chatting speculatively, and the atmosphere in the tent was harmonious. But at this moment, through Xun Zhen's words, he suddenly felt a sense of confidant.

After so many years, Xun Zhen was the first person who valued him so much and wished him so sincerely! The tall mulberry tree outside Lou Sangli's house in Zhuo County crossed his mind again, and the blood of Emperor Taizu Gao flowing on his body reminded him of his noble origin. He thought in his heart: "Yes, although I am now lurking in the abyss, as long as I am always prepared and unremitting throughout the night, I will be able to make a sound sooner or later!"

Many words poured out of his chest and abdomen, and reached his throat, but they were too blocked to speak.

Liu Bei held Xun Zhen's hand tightly and shook it vigorously. "My confidant, it's really my confidant!" He thought so, but in the end he only said a few words, "It's late at night, please go back to the camp and say goodbye."

Saying goodbye to Xun Zhen, on the way back to the base camp, Guan Yu, who had been holding back all night, vented his dissatisfaction, and said to Liu Bei: "At the beginning of the Yuanmen, Xun Zhen looked at me and Yide and smiled, it was Xue Ye, and he entered the account to talk, rashly. It would be rude to invite you to transfer to his account. Why should you speak to such an insolent and rude person?"

Liu Bei was also very helpless to Guan Yu's temperament, and said: "Oh, Yun Chang, you are very kind, but sometimes you are too proud."

"Liu Jun!"

Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei and Jian Yong: "Yide, Xianhe, what do you think? What kind of person is Xunjun?"

Zhang Fei said: "Xun Jun looked at the eldest brother Yun and me and laughed at Yuanmen. Fei thought that this was not 'Xun' but 'harmony', which shows that Jun Xun is human and friendly."

Zhang Fei usually hangs out in Zhuo County. Most of the people who hang out are light chivalrous people. Although he has seen some scholars, he has rarely seen high school disciples like Xun. He has a good impression of Xun Zhen, and paused. , Fu said with admiration: "Although he is in a high position and not proud, he is indeed a son of the Xun family."

Jian Yong said: "'Being in a high position without being proud', Yide's words are right." He had a deep understanding of Xun Zhen's lack of pride. But it didn't show any unhappiness at all. He went on to say: "As for inviting you to transfer to his account, although it is rash, but truthfully speaking, it cannot be said that he is rude."

Xun Zhen is now Sima Qianshi, and Liu Bei is a white man. It is natural to recruit Liu Bei. Although it is a bit abrupt, he is not rude.

Liu Bei sighed: "There are no virtuous people under the reputation. It is no wonder that Xun Jun can be regarded as a hero by General Huangfu. Yun Chang, Yide, Xianhe, I wonder if you have noticed? Xun You and Xi Zhong are all under Xun Jun's account. He is an extraordinary character! Xun You cited scriptures and scriptures, and he was loyal and erudite. There was also Dian Wei, Yunchang, and Yide, who guarded the Yuanmen. In terms of courage, I'm afraid he is not inferior to the two of you. When Xun Jun sent me out to wait , On the road in the middle of the camp, I met two military officers who led the patrol: Xu Zhong and Chen Dao. These two people, I don’t think they are ordinary people. Apart from these people, when entering and leaving Xunjun’s camp, I specially observed the following. , although the camp has just been set up, the trenches and fences are incomplete, and there seems to be no special plan in the camp, but it is still neat and orderly. When entering and leaving the camp, no one in the camp ran around, especially when I was waiting to leave the camp, except for the sound of the policemen walking in the night, there was no sound in the huge camp, and the military discipline was strict, and the military discipline was strict!"

Liu Bei's ability to observe is very strong. When he said this, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong also recalled what they saw and heard when they were in Xunzhen's camp.

Jian Yong said: "We share weal and woe with soldiers and soldiers every day, camping and staying overnight in strict military discipline, and chatting with guests cordially and informally...Xuande, this Xunjun can be a close friend."

Liu Bei smiled without saying a word, thinking: "Of course you can have a deep friendship! Just ask him to know me and respect me, and I can have a deep friendship with him."

Thinking of this, he regretted rejecting Xun Zhen too early in the Riding on the horse, looking back at Xunzhen's camp, he thought about it, "If he shows me his solicitude again, How should I reply?" He became a little uncertain.


On the top of the watchtower, Xun Zhen retracted his mind and smiled: "I rashly called me soon after I first met. It was a bit abrupt, so it's not surprising that he refused. It doesn't matter, after a while, when I get to know him better, I'll try again to see if I can recruit him."

Is it not enough to be rejected once? Xuankang and Li Bo looked at each other.

Li Bo knows his identity, and his intelligence is not as good as Xi Zhicai, and his closeness is not as good as Xun You and Xuan Kang, so he usually doesn't talk much, but he couldn't help it at this time, and said in surprise: "Xun Jun, even if Liu Bei is a great man, he is also a great man. Don't you need to pay so much attention? What kind of virtue and ability does he have, and is worthy of your repeated solicitation?"

Xun Zhen smiled without saying a word, and said in her heart, "I'm not recruiting Liu Bei, but Guan Zhang!"

Liu Bei never lived under others, he first voted for Gongsun Zan, then Tao Qian, three times Cao Cao, four times Yuan Shao, five times Liu Biao, and six times Sun Wu. Although he was a homeless dog, he never gave up and wanted to win his allegiance. , This is simply a fantasy, and that's why Xun Zhen never thought of getting his surrender.

Xun Zhen stood on the watchtower, turned his head to look into the distance, and saw that the fire was gradually fading away. It was Liu Bei and the others who were walking at night with torches. He thought about it and said, "Liu Bei is only a white man now. If he can recruit him, maybe he can find a chance?"

However, everything is still just a fantasy, no one knows whether it will be successful or not.

Guangzong's lights are on, and now he needs to break through the city before he can say anything else. (:)

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