The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 144: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (10)

After Zhang Jiao integrated the Jizhou Yellow Turbans and failed to attack, he put most of his troops and horses in Julu County. One group of about 100,000 people was led by Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, who adhered to Guangzong, and the other group was also about 100,000 people. , led by Zhang Bao, and stationed in Xia Quyang.

The reason why he chose Julu County as the main battlefield is because it is his hometown, with favorable geographical position and people, and secondly because Julu County has a very important strategic position in the military.

Julu County is located in the middle of Jizhou, plus Changshan State in its northwest and Zhao State in its southwest, these three places were the land of Xing State during the Zhou Dynasty, Zhao during the Warring States Period, and Qin as Julu County and Handan County, Xiang Yu. It was changed to Xiangguo, and after entering the Han Dynasty, it was divided into Julu, Changshan, and Zhao. , relying on the mountains and dangers, overlooking the Central Plains from a high position, known as the country of victory in form, it is the center of Hebei and the shield of Hedong.

Since ancient times, as long as there is something in Ji and You, this place has always been a battleground for military strategists. At the time of Qin, Zhang Han attacked Zhao, Julu was defeated, and Qin was no longer able to recover. Han Xin attacked Zhao and won, and from the east of Zhao, there was no more fortress. It can be said that these three prefectures, especially Julu, are the waist and flank of Hebei. As long as they can occupy this place, they can control Hebei. In the north, they can annex You and Ji, and in the south, they can capture Hedong, cross the river, and attack directly. Luoyang, if it is to the west, it can be taken and merged with the state; if it is to the east, then Yan, Qing, and Yu are in their pockets.

Zhang Jiao practiced medicine in those days, traveled all over the world, and traveled all over the world for a long time. His footprints were all over the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Qing, and Yan. He was very clear about the military value and strategic position of Julu County. Although Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo were attacked and besieged, they still refused to take a step back.

Zhang Jiao was not a general, and even he knew the importance of Julu County, not to mention Huangfu Song.

At the military council, when all the future members were together, Huangfu Song was the first to speak, saying: "The Yellow Turbans are in chaos, poisoning the sea, and the surname is suffering from military disasters. The only big thieves left are Nanyang and Jizhou Er. A few days ago, Zhu Zhonglang and Nanyang Qin Taishou killed Zhang Mancheng, the Nanyang thieves are no longer a concern, and the only thing left is the Jizhou Yellow Turban."

In a few words, he first explained the overall situation of the battle clearly, and then said: "Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Dao. Zhang Liang, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Jiao's younger brother. These three thieves are also the culprits of this rebellion." The nature of heaven and earth, people are precious', my Han family has always ruled the world with benevolence and filial piety, but these three thieves are for one's own selfishness, causing harm to the world, and more than 100,000 people have died! "

In just a few words, the emotions of the generals in the tent were aroused, and the generals responded in unison: "No!"

Huangfu Song looked into the tent, very satisfied with their excitement, sat down slowly, and said, "When the Yellow Turbans in the Yu and Yan provinces are destroyed, the wings of these three thieves have been cut off. 10,000, but in my opinion: at most more than 100,000. Among them, there are many old and weak women and children, and there may be less than 100,000 people who can fight. Although Gong and Dong Jun have occasional losses, they are only small defeats and have nothing to do with the overall situation. You gentlemen, the surname of Jizhou County has suffered from thieves for a long time. Right in front of you, Jizhou will be the place to make meritorious deeds!"

"Let's make contributions to Jizhou!"

"Sit down, gentlemen."

The generals took their seats one after another, the armour collided, and there was a clatter in the tent.

When the voices calmed down, all the generals sat down, Huangfu Song asked him to hang up the map, sat upright, looked around the generals, got to the point, and said: "Masters, although Zhang Jiao's generation has come to an end, there are still a lot of people in Guangzong City. The thieves of the omnipotent war, we should not take it lightly. There is a proverb in the saying: 'One person is short, two people are long.

Xun Zhen nodded secretly in the seat, thinking: "First, use a brief opening statement to clarify the current situation, and successfully mobilize the emotions of the generals, and then take this opportunity to ask questions, Huangfu Song is worthy of the general." Fu Xie It is right and wrong to say that a general must first be strict in rewards and punishments. A general requires not only strict rewards and punishments, but also control over people's hearts. After all, battles are fought by people. If you can't control people's hearts and mobilize the emotions of soldiers and soldiers in a timely manner, then it's not far from talking about soldiers on paper.

The sergeant was a lieutenant, first with Lu Zhi, then with Dong Zhuo, and now with Huangfu Song, who participated in all the battles against Zhang Jiao, and was familiar with the situation of the Yellow Turbans in Jizhou. Yes, Zhang Jiao and the others are now at the end of the road. Before the general came, they lost consecutive battles and retreated to Guangzong. Now that the general is here, all the soldiers brought under him are tigers and wolves, and they are always victorious. With the help of Hedong County soldiers and Qin Hu Jingqi brought by you, this horn is no match for us!"

Huangfu Song nodded and asked, "What's the captain's strategy to break the bandit?"

The clan member said: "Guangzong's city is strong, and there are many soldiers in the city. If you want to attack hard, you may be difficult to attack. The thieves are not good at field battles.

This method of the clan member Xun Zhen sounded a little familiar, and after a moment of reflection, when thinking of Yingchuan and Runan, he often heard someone propose to use this strategy to destroy the Yellow Turbans. The Yellow Turban Army was not a regular army, and had not undergone strict military training. It was okay when defending the city, but in the field, nine out of ten were defeated. Although the Jizhou Yellow Turbans are brave, they also have this flaw.

"How to call it out?"

"Members have two strategies."

"Oh? I'd like to hear it, Captain."

"The Art of War says: 'There are three encirclements and one is missing'. Only by giving the thieves hope of escape will they not fight to the death. The east of Guangzong City faces the Qinghe River. Now, except for the east of the city, the other three sides are surrounded by our army. It is better to let go of one side, and then the army will attack the other two. In this way, when the bandit soldiers can't hold on, they will escape from the side of the city that we let go. Just hit it!"

Xun Zhen's strategy was still familiar to Xun Zhen, and they had used this strategy in previous battles. When the clan member finished speaking, one person stood up to retort, saying: "The captain's remarks are bad! There are tens of thousands of thieves in Guangzong City. If they are released outside the city, then it will be difficult for us to annihilate them all. If there is any leakage, Escape to Xia Quyang, on the contrary, it strengthens the strength of Xia Quyang’s thieves, it’s not right.”

Huangfu Song asked, "But what is your plan?"

"In my humble opinion, the officials below, rather than let the thieves leave the city and make them join forces with the thieves in Xia Quyang, it is better to follow Duke Lu's plan, build a wide encirclement, surround Guangzong, and attack it slowly. Wait for the next Guangzong, and then attack Quyang. In this way, even if it takes a little time, at least it can be overcome separately."

Xun Zhen turned to look at him, and saw that it was Zou Jing who was speaking. Huangfu Song nodded and said, "The captain is right."

In the face of such a strong city as, there are only two strategies for attacking. Either besiege it, or use a strategy to call out the guards and annihilate them in the field. Zongyuan and Zou Jing each took a strategy. The generals in the remaining tents spoke one after another, some supporting the clan members and some supporting Zou Jing.

Dong Min, Niu Fu, Xu Rong, Duan Xun, Hu Zhen and other Dong Zhuo generals who were qualified to participate in the military conference were also in the tent, and Huangfu Song noticed that they did not speak, and asked, "What opinions do you have? "

Dong Min got up and replied, "Our troops are all cavalry. In the past, attacking the rebel Qiang from my brother Bingzhou and Hedong was mostly a field battle, and we did not attack many fortresses, and we were not very good at attacking cities, so we did not dare to talk nonsense. When the day of the attack is reached, you will be ordered by the general."

Huangfu Song smiled and was about to speak again when Niu Fu stood up and said loudly, "General, the subordinate has a solution."

"Oh? What's the trick?"

"It's not a good idea, it's just a small idea. General, in my opinion, the reason why Guangzongcheng has been unable to fight over and over again is not for any other reason, but because of the same."

"Which one?"

"Zhang Jiao claims to be a great teacher, and he calls himself General Tiangong. Although this is a false claim, but in my opinion, this thief may be really capable, and he knows two-handed magic. The reason why our army is unable to fight many times, maybe It's because of his curse. He can curse our army, and our army can also curse him! Why don't a priest count first? Then a few witches curse them?"


"If the general can't find a suitable priest or Wu Zhu in a hurry, don't hide it from the general, we have everything in our department, and you can lend it to the general."

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