The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 141: Jizhou is the place to make meritorious achievements (7)

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the three heroes, Cao, Liu, and Sun, had different lucks and different qi numbers.

Don't say anything else, just say that they are the tiger ministers under their respective command.

Cao Cao gradually recruited and subdued a group of brave generals after the rebellion against Dong. Although Sun Jian now has Zu Mao, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, etc., but he became famous at a young age, and he has long been an official, so it is reasonable to recruit some young warriors. Only this Liu Bei, who has neither an official position nor a prominent reputation, can make friends with Guan Zhang at a young age, and he is a brother in love.

Time and luck. If a person wants to achieve a career, it is still the old saying: ability and opportunity are indispensable.

Although Liu Bei came from a humble background, he was capable and talented. If he was alone, it might not be possible for him to achieve anything, but it happened in Zhuo County, in Zhuo County. As soon as the three meet, there are countless victories in the world. For Liu Bei, he has minions, and for Guan Zhang, the two of them have support. It can be said that the capital of Liu Bei's future struggle for dominance in the world was established during this period.

Of course, Liu Guanzhang is still young now, the youngest Zhang Fei is in his early twenties, and the eldest Liu Bei is only twenty-four years old, not too different from Xun Zhen. However, despite being young, when the three of them were sitting together, Xun Zhen suddenly felt a sense of trance, as if time had passed and the clouds were white, and they could see from their young faces what would happen to them in the future: Megatron Huaxia's Guan Yunchang, Zhang Yide of Changban, Dangyang, was the emperor of Han Zhaolie who was a wanderer for half his life, persevered and finally became a great cause.

"This is a dragon!" He thought to himself, and two poems leaped to his mind, "How can this generation be a thing in the pool, a dragon that changes when it encounters the situation."

"There is no wine in the army. Brother Xuande, I will use this cold soup instead of wine. Please drink this cup full."

Liu Bei picked up the soup bowl, covered his mouth with his sleeve, and drank the cold soup from the bowl. After drinking it, he turned the bottom of the bowl toward Xun Zhen to show that he had finished drinking the cold soup. , drink this cold soup, it is like ice in the stomach, and suddenly feel cool."

Xun Zhen laughed, and drank the cold soup from the bowl, and said with a smile: "Brother, drinking the cold soup, suddenly felt cool, and now I see my brother, and I also feel cool, I will remove the pain of fighting for months and days of marching. , I only regret that I didn't get to know my brother earlier! Please drink another bowl."

He diligently persuaded the guests, and after drinking three bowls of cold soup in a row, seeing that the sweat on Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong had disappeared from the foreheads, he greeted the outside of the tent and ordered Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and others to serve meals. . Each person in the tent has a table, and each table has a food box.

Liu Ji watched it, and saw that the dishes in the food box were very simple, just one soup, one sauce, one dish, and one cake. He secretly called himself Han, and said in his heart: "Xunzhen has served as the county governor of Youyou, the county soldier Cao Ye, and as the Sima of the army, and then moved to other divisions as Sima, and now he is an official of Qianshi, who has fought on the battlefield, made many achievements, and was a thief of the Yellow Turbans. Hearing its name is horrifying. Such a young man who is so ambitious and a powerful thief has such a poor daily diet?"

After saying goodbye to Xun Zhen in Dong Zhuo's tent, he inquired about Xun Zhen's deeds. Although he didn't know enough details, he generally knew about Xun Zhen's past promotion experience. Six hundred Shi is the next doctor, Qian Shi is already a mid-level general, and in terms of military rank, if you move up the ranks, you will be the captain of the two thousand Shi, which is Zou Jing's current position. As soon as Liu Bei came to the army, Lu Zhi was placed under Zou Jing's command. Because of Lu Zhi, Zou Jing also valued Liu Bei more, and usually let him follow him, so Liu Bei knew very well about Zou Jing's daily diet. Although it can't be said to be delicious from the mountains and the sea, it is definitely much more luxurious than the humble meal of Xun Zhen.

He thought in his heart: "Guan Xunzhen is not like a hypocritical person, he should not pretend to be frugal in front of me, not only will he not pretend to be frugal, because he is entertaining us, this is not the case. The meal might be better than what he usually eats. The host is so simple, what does he usually eat?" He sighed unconsciously.

Xun Zhen asked, "Why did Brother Xuande sigh instead of eating, instead of raising the chopsticks? What? Could it be that it's not to your taste? What do you want to eat? Even if you say it, I'll ask the subordinates to do it."

Liu Bei put down his chopsticks and said solemnly, "It's not that it's not to your taste, but because you see that your food is frugal, you sigh without realizing it."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "So it is!" After a pause, he said apologetically, "The army is rudimentary, so please don't take offense to Brother Xuande."

Xuankang interjected and said, "Liu Jun doesn't know anything. My Sima and his soldiers are clothed and fed on a daily basis. They don't have a seat, they don't ride, they don't ride. Because of the hospitality of Jun Liu, it is much better than what my Sima used to use!"

Jian Yong Nianxu smiled and said, "Sima Zhijun has the style of ancient Wu Qi."

Liu Bei sighed: "How can Bei be surprised? I have heard for a long time that General Huangfu and his soldiers share weal and woe, and the daily life and food are the same as those of the soldiers, but I don't realize that the same is true of Sima! With such a general and such a Sima, why should the thieves not be broken? No wonder Sima Cong General Huangfu went into battle, invincible in battle, invincible in attack, and even in several counties within a few months. To have such a general and such a Sima, I am very lucky!"

Xun Zhen took a look at it, and saw that Zhang Fei was moved and Guan Yu's complexion was a little better because he admired him for being willing to share weal and woe with the soldiers.

He thought in his heart: "History records show that Guan Yu is proud of the scholar-officers and treats his subordinates kindly, while Zhang Fei loves and respects the gentleman but not the villains. It is not known what their attitudes towards the officials and the 'villains' are. As far as the attitude towards the 'gentleman' is concerned, the performance of the two of them is the same as that recorded in the historical records." Of course, this "literary official" and "gentleman" are talking about himself. At first, Guan Yu treated him coldly, while Zhang Fei was always polite.

Xun Zhen could understand Guan Zhang's different attitude.

To put it bluntly, whether it is a proud scholar or a gentleman who loves and respects a gentleman, they are actually two sides of one body. What is "one body, two sides"? Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came from the same cold family as Liu Bei. People from the Han family usually show two attitudes when facing the aloof gentry, either love and respect, or arrogance. Deep down, Aekyung may be because of "self-ashamed", and arrogance may be because of "cynicism".

Xun Zhen turned her eyes to Xi Zhicai and said to herself, "Speaking of which, Guan Yu's arrogance and Zhicai's intentional informality when facing vulgar scholars are somewhat similar." But after thinking about it, he felt that the two of them were People are fundamentally different.

Combining his impression of Guan Yu in his previous life, he thought and said: "Although Zhicai is angry and arrogant, his 'cynicism' is mainly because he has talents but is useless, and his talents cannot be used, so he is jealous and arrogant. When the opportunity came, he was able to actively integrate into it, into the nobility who had been 'arrogant' before. Guan Yu's cynicism was inherently arrogant and arrogant, but more of it seemed to be dissatisfaction with reality He was dissatisfied with the oppression of the Qian leaders by the powerful, so he was proud of the scholar-officials but treated his subordinates kindly."



To put it simply, Xi Zhicai is arrogant and arrogant, but he does not object to the superior status of the gentry. This is not the case with Guan Yu. He seems to hate this society where the powerful and oppressive leaders are oppressed from the bottom of his heart. It's a pity that due to the limitations of the times, he was unable to break the barriers of this class, and in the end, he himself became part of the class he hated, and part of the top.

It was the first time I met Guan Yu, and I hadn’t even spoken a word yet. The reason for Guan Yu’s arrogance was just speculation, and Xun Zhen didn’t know if it was accurate.

He thought to himself: "Guan Yu's exile in Zhuo County must be because of a crime, but what happened? But I don't know if it was said in Romance: Kill the bully in Hedong?" Cai, took a few bites of the cake, looked at the timing, and slowly asked Liu Bei with a smile, "Brother Xuande, in the afternoon, I heard you say that Yun Chang is a man from Hedong, but I don't know why he lives in Zhuo County?"

Liu Bei stopped his chopsticks, looked back at Guan Yu, and smiled at Xun Zhen: "But just like Dian Wei under Jun's command, Yun Chang committed a murder in Hedong County, so he died in Zhuo County, so I was able to make friends with him."

"Oh? A murder? What's the matter?"

"It's a long story, it's better for Yun Chang to talk about it. . . . Yun Chang, please tell Xun Jun."

Guan Yu thought to himself: "This Xun Zhen and I are just seeing each other for the first time, but just now at the Yuanmen, his eyes are shining, and he looks at me again and again. It is very rude to look at me like a monkey!" Many arrogant people are sensitive by nature. Just a sensitive person. Just now, Xun Zhen not only looked at Guan Yu at the Yuanmen, but also looked at Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei didn't feel bad about it, but Guan Yu was very dissatisfied.

Although Xun Zhen was willing to share weal and woe with the soldiers, his perception of Xun Zhen changed slightly, but he still did not want to ignore Xun Zhen, but Liu Bei had to listen to what Liu Bei said, and immediately replied, "Yes." He didn't even look at Xun Zhen. Zhen, sitting upright, said indifferently, "There is a tyrant in Yu Township who leans on his power to dominate others, and the villagers suffer. Yu Yin killed him and went to Zhuo County."

Liu Bei said, "It's a long story," but when it came to Guan Yu's mouth, there were only a few words. When he was talking, Guan Yu didn't look at Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen knew that he didn't want to talk to her, although it wasn't surprising. It was a bit embarrassing, but fortunately, he was a deep-skinned man with a thick face. I thought to myself, "I really didn't expect that the reason why Guan Yu died in Zhuo County was actually mentioned in Romance!"

Guan Yu was arrogant, and his face turned against Xun Zhen, and Liu Bei was a little uneasy.

Jian Yong could see clearly next to him, and hurriedly spoke out to smooth things out. He smiled and said, "If you want to talk about righteousness and bravery, how can you compare to Sima? Sima Xi was in Xixiang, beheading the third clan, then serving as the postmaster, and expelling the officials from the north of Yingchuan County. , this is to eliminate harm for the people, and to have both righteousness and courage."

Xun You and Xi Zhicai looked at each other, and they both agreed, and both thought, "Liu Bei is unknown, but everyone in his family is very different."

Guan Yu was strong and strong. Although he was only in his early twenties, the beautiful beard and beard of the future has now taken shape. The Han people are martial, with sturdy stature, beautiful beard and beard, and those with masculine beauty are often praised by the world. Not to mention the gigantic figure, only the mustache is mentioned. The word "moustache" means "beauty of posture and appearance". Guan Yu is both strong and handsome, with a thick beard and shiny black. Although he is arrogant, it does not affect Xun You and Xi Zhicai's surprise and praise for his appearance. Although Zhang Fei has no beautiful beard, he is tall and majestic, and his abdomen is not small. Although he is not "ten belts", he is also different from ordinary people. Polite, like a gentleman. Jian Yong's appearance is not as good as Guan Zhang's, but he can observe words and expressions, understand people's feelings, and is very personable.

None of these three are mediocre.

Although Liu Bei has few words, he hasn't said much since we met at Yuanmen, but he can get the allegiance of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong, which is a testament to his ability. Xun You thought: "No wonder Zhenzhi and this person just met today and praised him as a hero to us."

Taking advantage of Jian Yong's words, Xun Zhen took the opportunity to change the subject and said to Jian Yong with a smile: "Jian Jun, I saw you move your knees and legs just now, but the mat is too hard, is it uncomfortable to sit on?"

Jian Yong Lianyi smiled and said, "It's not and it's not. To tell the truth, Xun Jun, when he was young, he was naughty and jolly. I have been in bed for several months, and I still have scars. If a person has no legs, he cannot walk. After I fell from a tree, I was deeply afraid. Although my knees suffered such an innocent disaster, I still have no regrets and no regrets. After the injury is healed, I still carry me on the road. I feel very guilty about it. In order to thank them for their kindness, and to make up for their guilt, I don’t usually lie down when I can. I know how to sit,..." He patted his legs and knees, "it is also because I usually lie down and sit less, these legs and knees have become delicate and delicate, and once I sit for a long time, it will hurt. Xuande It is often said that I can’t stand on the stage, and when I see a noble person, I will lose my temper and make a fool of myself. There are many noble people in Sima, please don’t have the same knowledge as me.”

What he said was serious, Xun Zhen didn't realize it and laughed, and said with a smile: "You know your kindness and repay it, a gentleman. Since you have the idea of ​​repaying your kindness, I am happy to be successful, so I ask you to let go of your knees and legs and sit down at will. !"

Jian Yong was also very rude, and immediately stopped kneeling and reclining, leaning against the table to stretch a little, and said comfortably, "Curly for a long time, and finally stretch." He patted his legs and knees again, and said with a smile , "I can stretch now, all because of Sima's kindness, I have to remember it, and if there is a chance in the future, I should repay the kindness tonight."

His language is funny and his manners are arbitrary, but he gives people a sense of calm and generous manners, which is not disgusting. When everyone in the tent heard the words, they all laughed. Xun Zhen pointed at him, smiled and said to Liu Bei, "Brother Xuande, this Jianjun is a wonderful person."

Liu Bei smiled slightly and said, "Jian Yong is indulgent, it's rude to you."

"Hey, I can't say that, I just like this kind of gentleman! I am a Shanshui Lang in the Qing capital, and I am divided by the celestial religion and the madness. Life is only a few dozen springs and autumns, and it is time to indulge and be free and easy. Don’t lose the sky, don’t lose the earth, don’t lose yourself.”

The food was frugal, and after speaking here, everyone had finished their meals, Yuan Zhongqing, Zuo Bohou and others packed up the food and lit candles.

The night arrives outside the tent, and the candles in the tent are shadowed.

Xun Zhen stared at Liu Bei, and continued: "Brother Xuande, life is like a white horse passing through the gaps, just negligence. A man grows up in the world, not only to indulge in happiness, but also to make achievements. My brother is a member of the Han family, a descendant of Emperor Gao, and I think he must have it. Ambition, I would like to hear it.”

While chatting, Xun Zhen suddenly asked Liu Bei's aspirations, Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, hesitant for a moment, and said to his heart: "It is a big taboo for a gentleman to have a simple conversation. I just met him for the first time. To the level of familiarity with expressing his wishes. Why did he suddenly ask me this?" Although Xun Zhen is now only a Sima of Qianshi's other department, she was born in the Xun clan, and was the favorite general of Huangfu Song, so to the current Liu Bei, he was already a leader. The big thick legs are worth But Liu Bei is a person with a deep personality, just as he thought: "It is a taboo for a gentleman to communicate with one another", so although he has the idea of ​​​​using the power of Xun Zhen However, he was still reluctant to rashly confess his heart to Xun Zhen.

With this thought in his heart, his face remained calm and he said sincerely: "Bei now I just hope that General Huangfu can put down the Yellow Turbans as soon as possible, to bring peace to the court, and to appease the people."

Xun Zhen slapped the table in admiration, and said with a look of joy when she found her comrade, "Okay, well said! Brother Xuande has the same ambition as me."

Liu Bei was talking nonsense, and Xun Zhen was talking nonsense too. However, although the two of them were talking nonsense, they did not delay Xun Zhen and continued. After a few words of admiration, he followed Liu Bei's words and continued: "General Huangfu uses his troops like a god, and he can't use his plan twice. Jizhou Although the Yellow Turbans are numerous, they are not the enemy of our Han soldiers. The delay is two months, and the shortest is one month. General Huangfu will be able to pacify Jizhou and serve the country. Come and help me?"

Xun Zhen asked this question without warning. Liu Bei was unprepared for this, and he was speechless for a while, and said, "This..."


1. Although Zhang Fei does not have a beautiful beard, he is tall and majestic, and his abdomen is not small.

Most of the Han people's aesthetics of men are the same as those of later generations, mainly including the following: bright eyes, white teeth, thick beards, thick eyebrows, white skin and square mouths, and big heads and noses. Relieve my worries" is the auspicious language. In addition, a burly stature and a wide waist are also important, such as Xu Chu's "more than eight feet long and ten circumferences", because he was surprised and praised by people at the time. The pectoral muscles and arm muscles of the Han figurines unearthed in Shanxian County are very developed, but the fat abdomen leans forward, which shows the aesthetic preference of people for abdominal hypertrophy at that time.

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