The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Welcome back to the city

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun reported three things in the good news they sent to the capital.

One is to report victory, the other is to ask for directions for the next battle, and the other is to ask meritorious generals and officials for merit.

One of these three things is related to Xun Zhen, and it is the last one.

In the process of pacifying the Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, Xun Zhen made great contributions. Huangfu Song recommended him as Sima of the army.

The military Sima, the current post of Sun Jian, was a military post, with a rank of 600 stone. Before Sun Jian assumed this post, he was the county magistrate and the assistant of a county, while Xun Zhen was now only Cao Ye, a county soldier with a hundred stones. From the commander Cao Ye to the military Sima, it was a leap forward. It might have been difficult to get the approval of the court in the past, but now the situation is different, and Xun Zhen has caught up with a good time: the court has just lifted the party/ban. Although he himself was released from the party a few years ago, but after all, he was bound by the party before, and he was a son of the Xun family. If you think about it, you should be generous with "a thousand pieces of gold to buy horse bones", and will not refuse Huangfu Song's recommendation.

It would be a good thing for Xun Zhen's future development if he could be appointed by the imperial court as Sima.

First of all, Sima Sima of the auxiliary army was higher in rank than Cao Ye, a military soldier, and he was already a mid-level official. Secondly, the army soldier Cao Ye is only a county officer and cannot leave the county, while the military officer Sima is a military officer. As long as the court has orders, the entire empire can go there. Once again confined to one county, you can follow Huangfu Song or Zhu Jun out of Yingchuan County and continue to fight for meritorious service.

Xun Zhen was very grateful to Huangfu Song for this recommendation.

It is also the fate between people. Although Xun Zhen and Zhu Jun met early, Zhu Jun also attached great importance to him and was polite, but in terms of the degree of closeness to him, Zhu Jun was not as good as Huangfu Song. This is probably related to the origins of Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. Zhu Junhan came from a family of Han, Huangfu Song was from a family of generals, and Huangfu Song admired party members and celebrities from his father, Huangfu Song, so Huangfu Song had a natural sense of closeness to Xunzhen. From Xun Zhen's side, he admired Huangfu Song's ability to lead troops, and he also wanted to steal his teacher. Naturally, he was more respectful and closer to Huangfu Song than to Zhu Jun.

After the Han army entered Yingchuan, they fought continuously for half a month, annihilating 100,000 Yingchuan Yellow Turbans, and the soldiers were exhausted and needed to be repaired. After two days of rest, the whole army returned to Yangzhai. On the way back to Yangzhai, Prefect Wen recalled Zhong Yao and others, and Xun Zhen also recalled Xun You, Le Jin, Wen Pin, Xun Cheng and others. On the banks of the Rushui, the people meet.

We crossed the river, passed through Xiangcheng, and arrived outside Yangzhai County the next afternoon.

Huangfu Song was ruthless towards the Yellow Turbans, but he cared deeply for the common people. He had strict military discipline and did not allow his subordinates to enter the city. He ordered more than 40,000 Han troops to camp ten miles outside the city. After selecting the camp site, setting up the military affairs, and ordering the generals and schools to strictly restrain their subordinates, and not to enter the city to cause chaos, at the invitation of Wen Taishou, he entered the city with Zhu Jun, Wei Xiaowei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen and others.

Today is a sunny day. Bocai started his army in February, and now the battle is over in mid-March, and the spring is ripe. Under the warm sunshine in the afternoon, the fields are green with green trees, flocks of birds are flying around, making melodious calls, the moisture of the soil, the freshness of wheat seedlings and the fragrance of wild flowers permeate the air. The wind came from the fields, soft, and it tickled people's faces.

The spring is happy, and the joy of the county residents who came out of the county to welcome their triumph is even more satisfying.

I don't know how many people in the county came out. There was no organization at all, and it was all spontaneous. This welcoming procession started on both sides of the city gate and continued for several miles, crowding on the side of the road. This is not the first time Xun Zhen has been welcomed by the people. Not to mention other places, let's just say Yang Zhai, when he was recalled by Zhu Jun from Xiangcheng last time, he was greeted by the people, but compared to this time it was nothing.

The soldiers of the Han army fought **** battles, annihilated the Bocai Yellow Turbans, and returned the peace and tranquility of Yingchuan.

They were greeted by men and women, old people, and children. Support the old and bring the young, and welcome Master Wang.

Xun Zhen was in a low position and was not qualified to walk in the front. Xi Zhicai was on the back of his horse, and Xin Ai, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others guarded him.

——Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing belonged to Yuan Pan, and they were also followers of Taiping Dao. They were also old acquaintances with Xun Zhen, and followed Yuan Pan to the army. In order to express her trust in them, Xun Zhen appointed the famous Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing as Cheng Yan's deputy to help Cheng Yan lead his own soldiers. Now that Cheng Yan was killed in battle, they were equivalent to Xun Zhen's guard captain.

There were not many soldiers who followed Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun and others into the city, they were all knights, about two or three hundred people.

Xun Zhen followed the group and walked for a while, and when she saw Yang Zhai's tower in the distance, she was quite emotional. After leaving Yangzhai for many days, after a **** battle, he returned with a great victory.

Guo Tu and other officials who stayed in the county organized manpower to repair the city towers and city walls. The city towers and part of the city walls that were damaged in the Yangzhai city defense battle are now looking new, and the city towers have been painted with new paint. Shenghui, a good atmosphere of peace after the war.

Guo Tu, the county magistrate of Yangzhai and others went out of the county border to greet them, and now they are leading the way, leading them to slowly move forward among the surrounding people on the side of the road. There were elders and elders offering wine on the road, and the team stopped for it.

Xun Zhen heard the words of an old man afterward. It should be the voice of the governor of He Xiwen, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Jun after returning from victory. The old man may have lost all his teeth, his speech leaked and his speech was slurred. Prefect Wen's voice was low and hoarse, and he couldn't hear the content of their conversation, except for a few syllables blown by the wind. After Prefect Wen spoke, the team moved on.

There were too many people on both sides of the road, and the road was crowded. Although there were emergency commanders on both sides of the road to block the line, they couldn't stop the enthusiastic people.

It took only half an hour to walk a few miles away. After walking for a while, Xun Zhen saw the sparkling light of the moat through the gap between the knights in front.

The closer they got to the city, the more enthusiastic the people became. They cheered, and the children were held in the arms of adults, or sat on the shoulders of adults, looking curiously at their armors, mounts, weapons, and women and girls holding food thrown at them. Some knights straightened their chests out of pride, and the more the people cheered, the more they turned their eyes away. Some knights grinned and swept their eyes on the eldest girl and the little daughter-in-law on the side of the road. If someone threw food for them, they would catch it and hold it in their hands. People and girls are unavoidable to take a few more glances.

Except for Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, Xun Zhen, Xin Ai and the others attracted the most attention from the people.

They were natives of this county. Xun Zhen had been an official in Yangzhai for a long time, and earlier he had taken the county guard to guard Yangzhai. There were no people in the county who did not know him. Xin Ai is a native of this county and a famous beautiful man. When he chased Xunzhen out of the city to attack the thieves, he rode his horse on the street, causing a riot of women in the county to chase after him, not to mention his triumph now? As they passed, the women kept screaming. Xun Zhen thinks how these women are similar to the groupies of later generations? Xin Ai was used to seeing it and was not surprised. She rode on the horse as if nothing had happened, and let the women on the side of the road scream casually.

When approaching the moat, Xun Zhen saw a group of women standing among the people on the right side of the road. There were about seventeen or eighteen women. One of the women was the most conspicuous.

She was meticulously dressed up, with beautiful makeup, a green rafter and a green skirt, her long hair was pulled up to the back of her neck in a loose bun, and she was wiping her hair around her ear with her left hand. jump off. The passing generals and knights frequently looked at her, some of them rode past, and couldn't help but look back, but she ignored these gazes, and just looked around eagerly in the team, as if looking for someone, followed by. As more and more knights passed by, her eyes gradually turned to look back. Twenty steps away from her, separated by four or five knights, she saw Xun Zhen, and her eyes were fixed on Xun Zhen's face.

Her beautiful face was expressionless at first, and then she lightly opened her cherry lips, revealing a smile that seemed to be reunited after a long absence, and when she finally saw each other again, she found that the other party was safe and sound, so she finally felt relieved.

Immediately, her eyes eagerly moved away from Xun Zhen's face and turned to look at him. After seeing the wound cloth wrapped around Xun Zhen's arm she covered her mouth and turned to look at him again. Next, I saw a little white wound cloth exposed in the armor of Xun Zhen's waist and abdomen. He seemed to be frightened, and he leaned back abruptly, but quickly stood up again, and then cast his eager eyes back to Xun Zhen. Zhen's face. Just now, she was smiling with joy, but now, she is looking at him with concern. Xun Zhen moved forward with the team, and when she came to her front, her eyes turned into longing again. This desire is like water, like fire, like wanting to talk to Xun Zhen, and it seems to contain other things. Xun Zhen turned her head to look at her, and rode her horse while looking at her.

This woman is Chi's maid.

When Xun Zhen was training outside the county last month, she went to watch it. This time Xun Zhen triumphed, she dressed up again to greet him.

Xun Zhen saw that she came out to greet her, and her heartstrings moved slightly, but she couldn't tell what relationship she had with her.

The two of them didn't talk too much, and they didn't get along alone. Most of them met on the road. However, inexplicably, the relationship between the two seemed to become ambiguous. He still remembered that at Zhang Zhi's Hongmen banquet, Chi's maid "saved" him once. After returning from the slaughtered battlefield, it was a pleasure to see such a beautiful woman, but because of Cheng Yan's death, Xun Zhen was really in a bad mood and didn't show her too much. Seeing his leaving figure, the servant Chi showed disappointment on her face, and watched him cross the moat with the team and enter the city.

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