The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 75: How can I see the gentleman's joy?

After returning to the city, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Cao Cao, Wei Xiaowei, etc. were accommodated by Prefect Wen, and Xun Zhen accompanied them to the prefect's mansion, and then left to go to Cao Ye's house. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*Prefect Wen, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Jun knew that he was injured and did not keep him. Prefect Wen granted him a few days leave and let him recuperate at home. Cao Cao and Sun Jian sent him out mansion gate.

At the entrance of the mansion, Cao Cao smiled and said, "Zhenzhi, you are recovering well. After a few days, I will treat you to a drink."

Xun Zhen smiled and nodded.

Cao Cao said to Sun Jian again: "When the time comes, Sima will also come!"

During the battle to annihilate Bocai, Cao Cao met Sun Jian's mammoth prey in person. Sun Jian did not refuse and readily agreed.

After saying goodbye to Cao Cao and Sun Jian, Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai took Xin Ai, Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others who were waiting outside the mansion, and drove to Cao Ye's house, the county soldier.

Bing Cao's house is very close to the post office, just a short walk across the street corner.

At this time, the people who went out of the city to welcome the triumph of the Han army returned home in an endless stream. They met Xun Zhen, Xin Ai and others on the street, and it was inevitable that they would be greeted again. Xun Zhen was polite and modest, smiling to meet their enthusiasm. Approaching the street corner, a man with a sword appeared on the side of the road. Uncle Zuo, Yuan Zhongqing and the others were startled, and with a clatter, they drew their swords out of their sheaths, and hurriedly urged their horses to run in front of Xun Zhen, with guards on his left and right.

Everyone looked intently and saw that this man was six feet tall, with an immature face, and he was a child.

Yuan Zhongqing was irritable, jumped off his horse angrily, grabbed him, and scolded: "What are you running about! If you bump into Xunjun's horse, can you afford it?"

The child struggled and shouted, "I know Xunjun, I know Xunjun! I'm here to find Xunjun!"

"Do you recognize Xun Jun?" Yuan Zhongqing turned to look at Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen nodded, motioned for him to put the child down, called the child to come forward, and asked with a smile, "What are you looking for from me?" This child is Xu Fu. Xu Fu ignored Xun Zhen's horse and jumped on Xun Zhen's horse, kneeling and bowing his head, shouting, "I want to join the army! I want to follow Xun Jun to kill thieves!" Xun Zhen laughed, thinking, "This Xu Fu!" This is the third time I came to beg to join the army.

Xin Ai, Zuo Bohou and the others looked at Xu Fu's still-grown size, and then looked at the long iron sword on his back. They found it interesting and laughed.

Yuan Zhongqing walked behind Xu Fu, who was kneeling on the ground, kicked his pouted ass, and said with a sneer, "A child also wants to join the army? How do you kill a thief if you're not tall enough with a sword? Mao, change the voice of the old duck, and come and ask Xunjun again."

Xu Fu is fifteen or sixteen years old, which is the age of changing his voice. As Yuan Zhongqing said, he has a male duck voice, but after hearing Yuan Zhongqing's words, Xu Fu was furious, jumped from the ground, and glared at Yuan Zhongqing. Qing, scolded: "You are not an old duck voice, but how much taller can you be than me? If you say that I don't have a sword height, you have a sword height?"

Yuan Zhongqing, like Xu Zhong and Le Jin, was not tall, about seven feet or so. He was scolded by Xu Fu for his shortcomings. He was immediately embarrassed and wanted to hit him. Xun Zhen gave an order to stop it and reprimanded: "How can you have the same knowledge as a child's husband, a handsome man?" With a arrogant air, after being reprimanded by Xun Zhen, he became honest. Xun Zhen ordered him to stand aside and said to Xu Fu with a smile: "You haven't been crowned yet, you are still a child, how can you go into battle to kill thieves?"

"You can, why can't I? Even though I'm young, I'm also a male husband!"

Looking at Xu Fu's arrogant face, which he learned from the Qingxia in the market, where can there be the demeanor of Xu Shu, who is famous for later generations? Xun Zhen almost wondered if he had found the wrong person? Even if he was wrong, Xun Zhen recognized it. Xun Zhen had known Xu Fu for a long time, and had sent Qing Xia to monitor his daily behavior earlier, so although he did not meet much, he knew the temperament of this young man very well, and knew that he had learned it even at a young age. Qingxia's temper is often rampant in the city, but it's just a boy's rebellious show, and he hasn't done anything terrible. His maid is extremely filial and has a good nature.

Xun Zhen has decided that no matter if he is Xu Shu in the future, he will not leave him alone. He smiled and said, "You said that you are a man's husband, so do you know the responsibility of a man's husband?"

"Killing thieves to serve the country is the responsibility of a man's husband."

"That's right, then let me ask you again, what is the purpose of killing thieves and serving the country?"

Xu Fu was stunned, and repeated Xun Zhen's words: "For what?"

"Yes, for what?"

"Yes, yes, ..., it is to report to the king and to bring peace to the people."

"Of course. What is the purpose of Xia'an people?"

"Xiaan the people is to enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment and not suffer from military disasters."

"That's right. Then I'll ask you again, who are the people?"

"Who are the people?"

"Are the old and weak women and children considered common people?"

"Of course!"

"Then Xu Fu, are you 'ru'?"

Xu Fu did not expect Xun Zhen to ask this question, and was stunned: "This,..."

"A man's husband kills a thief so that the old and weak, women and children will not be harmed by the army, and you are a 'ru'. Since you are a 'ru', how can you be a man's husband?"

Xu Fu was speechless, his face was red and his ears were red. Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Go home now, and come to me after you have figured out my question!" He rode his horse around Xu Fu and wanted to go, stopped again, took the whip and tapped twice on Xu Fu's head, and laughed. "You son of a bitch, you are young and have a lot of thought! Today, General Kaixuan, instead of looking for me outside the city, you will wait for me outside Bing Cao's house. How do you know that I will return to the house today? If I don't come back, What do you do?" Xu Fu raised his head and replied, "If you don't come back, I'll come back tomorrow! If I don't see you for a day, I won't give up for a day."

"Hey, he's an ambitious rookie. Don't give up! Figure out my problem first, then see me again." Xun Zhen rode his horse past Xu Fu, Xin Ai, Zuo Bohou and others followed. Afterwards, Yuan Zhongqing also jumped on the horse to urge the horse to walk. When he passed Xu Fu, he made a face at Xu Fu and laughed, "If Xun Jun asks you a question and you can't answer it, you still want to join the army to kill thieves? Haha."

Xu Fu looked angrily at Yuan Zhongqing urging the horse to rush past, opened his mouth to curse, and ate a mouthful of dust from the horse's hoof.

Xun Zhen and the others rode around the street corner.

After the dust cleared, he stood on the side of the street with a long sword on his back, looking at the direction Xun Zhen and others were leaving, clenched his fists, and waved, as if speaking to Xun Zhen, but also as if to cheer himself up. He said loudly, "Jun Zhiwen, I will be able to come up with the answer! When I come up with the answer, you are a noble person, and you can't break your word!" Passers-by looked at his strange behavior and glanced at him.


When they arrived at the gate of Cao Ye's house, Xun Zhen said to Xin Ai, "Yu Lang, you attacked the thieves from me. You have been away from home for many days. Your parents and your mother will definitely miss them. You have triumphed today. Go home. When you see your parents, Say hello for me." Xin Ai's mother was the daughter of the Xun family, the younger sister of Xun Qu, the aunt of Xun You, and the elder sister of Xun Zhen. According to seniority, Xin Ai should have called Xun Zhen "Clan Uncle", but since they were of the same age, Xin Ai had never called him that, and always called him "Xun Jun". Xin Ai replied yes, and left with his own concubine.

Xun Zhen said to Xi Zhicai again: "Zhicai, you go home too! When we entered the city, I saw my sister-in-law among the people welcoming us outside the city. She must be waiting at home now. It's gone!"

Xi Zhicai and his wife had a very good relationship. After so many days of separation, he also missed her wife very much. Before leaving Xun Zhen, he said to Xun Zhen: "Zhenzhi, the mansion has given you a few days off. You can take care of your wounds in the shelter. You don't have to worry about the soldiers, I and Junqing are here." Xu Zhong did not enter the city today, and he and Xun You, Xun Cheng, Jiang Qin and others commanded the soldiers to camp outside the city.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Okay."

When Xin Ai and Xi Zhicai left one after another, Yuan Zhongqing stepped forward to knock on the door, and there were Cangtou and slave maids dispatched by the county court in the house. Hearing the knock on the door, Cangtou came out to open the door. Seeing that Xun Zhen was returning, he hurriedly bowed down to greet him. Xun Zhen called him up, dismounted, handed the reins to Yuan Zhongqing, and stepped into the door. Cang Tian got up from the ground, not paying attention to the dust, he caught up with Xun Zhen and said, "Xun Zhen, your wife is here."

"My wife is here? Where is it?"

"In the backyard."

Xi Zhicai missed his wife, and Xun Zhen also missed Chen Zhi. He and Chen Zhi were newlyweds, and within half a year of their marriage, he was summoned by Prefect Wen to Yangzhai to fight against the Yellow Turbans. In a blink of an eye, a month or two had passed. During the military campaign, he never thought about his sweet wife. , heard her coming, hurried to the backyard.

Entering the backyard, a little woman came out of the main room, with a beautiful face and flushed cheeks. Seeing Xun Zhen, her eyes were filled with joy, and then she saw the wound cloth on Xun Zhen's arm, and she was shocked again, but whether it was joy or happiness. Frightened and worried, she restrained herself. Instead of stepping forward immediately, she pulled up her sleeves, bowed down, and said, "'The bream has a tail, and the royal family is ruined'. The husband has worked hard in the battle, and today he is triumphant, and the concubine welcomes him. "

Chen Zhi got married to Xun Zhen in August last year. She was sixteen years old. After the nourishment of her new marriage, her face gradually lost the tenderness of a girl, and she had a woman's face, but she was still young after all, and now she is holding a woman. With her hair in a bun, wearing a woman's dress, and saluting solemnly, Xun Zhen's eyes were both amused and moved.

"The tail of the bream fish is ruined, and the royal family is ruined" from "Book of Songs? Ru Tomb". "Rufen" is written about the wife's joy of her husband's return from the expedition. The meaning of the eight characters is: The bream has a red tail, just like the royal family was burned by fire, which means that the country is in trouble, and there are two more sentences after : "Although it is ruined, my parents are Kong Er", "Kong" means "very", "Wan" means "close", which means: Although the country is in trouble, but when you come back, your parents are very close. "Parent Kong Er", this sentence is very subtle and tactful. It doesn't say that the wife misses her husband, but that she can see her parents, and the joy of the husband and wife's reunion is beyond words.

Xun Zhen rarely read poetry and books, and knew the meaning of these eight characters, so she had the heart to return to her a poem in the "Book of Songs": "When I see a gentleman, how is it fun?" This teasing remark might offend the beauty, so he swallowed the sentence and bowed back and said, "I'm out on a war, I can't take care of my family, and I've suffered my wife."

After the ceremony, the two stood up.

Xun Zhen asked, "When did you come?"

Chen Zhi replied: "I heard that Wuyang is fast and fast the night before, and the Zhijun will return to the county. He came yesterday morning and this afternoon."

Xun Zhen heard about Jiexun the night before and left yesterday morning. Xun Zhen was very moved, and complained to her: "The thieves are chaotic and the road is unstable. How can you travel such a long distance as a woman?"

"It wasn't the concubine who came alone. When the concubine came, there were young people in the clan to send them off."

"Oh? What about people?"

"Because they couldn't live in the house, they went back last night."

The people in the next room heard the movement in the courtyard and pushed the door out.

Xun Zhen turned her head to look, and saw that it was Tang Er and Miao Ji. Miao Ji, the female musician that Yin Xiu gave to Xun Zhen when she was the prefect, was originally owned by Ling Guo of Yangcheng. Chen Zhi is the "mistress", she has come to Yangzhai, Tang Er and Miao Ji should follow. Tang Er saw Xun Zhen, and saw Xun Zhen's injury before she could show her joy, her eyes suddenly turned red, she trotted over, carefully touched his arms, chest and abdomen, and asked distressedly, "Does it hurt?" Xun Zhen smiled and said, "It's all minor injuries, not serious injuries, it's long gone." Holding Tang Er's hand, she wiped away her tears.

Chen Zhi was restrained by etiquette and endured it for a long time. When she saw Tang Er passing by, she was busy taking advantage of the situation to come closer, and also stroked Xunzhen's wound, as if she couldn't bear to look at it. After only one glance, she quickly turned her head away and said. : "The husband said that the concubine suffers, and the husband is the one who suffers!"

"What is this little injury? Hey, don't be like this. You should be happy to see me, why are you crying instead? How can a man not be injured in battle? You don't know, the more wounds you get in the army, the more people admire them. Most of the soldiers I went on the next expedition were injured." Speaking of which, Xun Zhen thought of Cheng Yan, her expression turned down, sighed, and said, "Ayan died in battle."

Tang Er had known Cheng Yan early on. After Chen Zhi married Xun Zhen, Cheng Yan, as Xun Zhen's attendant, also knew her and had a good impression of Cheng Yan. Although Cheng Yan was a rough man, he was very polite and respectful to Chen Zhi and Tang Er. Tang Er said, "Ayan died in battle?"

"Yeah. In the battle to destroy Bocai, in order to protect me, he died in battle."

All men do not cry when they have tears, but it is not the time to be sad. Speaking of sadness, Xun Zhen couldn't help feeling sad again. Usually when he returned home or returned to the dormitory, Cheng Yan would always be around, but now he was never seen again. Bing Cao She, Xun Zhen didn't live long, but he lived there a few times. He turned to look at the pomegranate tree and the stone table in the courtyard. He remembered that when he lived here before, Cheng Yan was busy waiting for him, and he was hurt and tears. dripping.

Seeing that he was in pain, Tang Er quickly grabbed his uninjured arm and comforted him as before.

Xun Zhen held back her tears and forced a smile: "Seeing the tree case in the courtyard, I don't think I remember when Ayan was there. It's my fault, I just said that we should be happy when we meet! already."

Although Chen Zhi felt that Cheng Yan was good, but he had known Cheng Yan for a short time and was not too sad about his death, and said, "He died in battle to save the king?"

"Yes." Xun Zhen briefly explained the death of Cheng Yan.

Chen Zhi was awe-inspiring and said: "In the past, the concubine only thought that Cheng Yan was crude, but did not expect him to be so loyal. Husband, since he died to save the king, you should take care of his family, it is better to take his parents and wife over. Come to Yangzhai? ..., does he have children?"

"No." Xun Zhen said, "That's exactly what I mean."

Gao Su said that he would take care of Cheng Yan's mother and wife. Xun Zhen didn't say anything at that time, but Cheng Yan died for him, so how could Gao Su take care of him? He said to Chen Zhi: "Ayan's family not only has his mother, wife, but also his brother and sister-in-law. I will shoot people tomorrow to bring them all to Yangzhai. There are also excellent people who died this time. I plan to bring their parents to Yangzhai. His wife also brought them. Buy them house and land slaves, and support them for Ayan and Zhuoyue. What do you think?" Chen Zhi said: "Cheng Yan is loyal and devoted to his duties, and he should support his family well."

Xun Zhen immediately called Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing, and ordered them to go to the camp outside the city to find Xun Cheng and Ren Du, who were in charge of transporting money and money, and put in some money to buy a house in the county tomorrow. field, and asked Yuan Zhongqing to personally go to Xixiang to pick up Cheng Yan and Zhuo's family. Cheng Yan and Zhuoyou's families were poor, and their families would never reject Xun Zhen's kindness.

Zuo Bohou and Yuan Zhongqing led the way out. After leaving the door of the house, Uncle Zuo sighed, "Master Xun is affectionate and righteous, and I will follow the right person." Yuan Zhongqing agreed.

After ordering this matter, it was getting late, Chen Zhi rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen with Tang Er and Miao Ji to cook for Xun Zhen. The guards and personal soldiers in the front yard were served by the blue heads and slaves in the house.

When the twilight is deep, the backyard rice is fragrant.

Chen Zhi finished the meal, put it in the food box, raised it with eyebrows, put it on the table in the room, and invited Xun Zhen to the table for dinner. Xun Zhen asked her to sit and eat with her, but Chen Zhi refused. She knelt on the left side of Xun Zhen's hand, holding a chopstick and serving him vegetables from time to time. From time to time, the two raised their heads to look at each other, their eyes met, and they smiled knowingly. Confucianism pays attention to eating without speaking. Although words cannot be spoken, laughter is enough to convey affection.


After dinner, the two sat idle in the courtyard. Xun Zhen asked about Ying Yin and the situation at home.

Chen Zhi replied: "Yingyin is safe, and the family is safe. Wen Ruo was sick earlier, but he is now recovering. Brother Zhong (Xun Qu) is sick again, probably because he was tired and went to bed late and woke up early these days. "

"Brother Zhong is ill? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, I have already consulted a doctor."

"After fighting for half a month, the Yingchuan bandit soldiers were finally pacified. I have to write a few letters to my family."

Xun Zhen and Chen Zhi went to the house and lit a candle.

Chen Zhi obediently took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and Xun Zhen wrote three letters in total, one for Xun Qian, one for Xun Qu, and one for Xun Yu.

In his letter to Xun Wan, he told the story of how to pacify Bocai and He Man. In the letter to Xun Yu, he first asked about his illness, then briefly talked about the process of pacifying the chaos, and then about Cheng Yan's death in battle, and finally said that he might go south to fight in the future. Now that Yingchuan has been decided, ask Xun Yu. Would you like to go south with him? The letter to Xun Qu first asked about his condition, and then mainly said that now the Yingchuan Yellow Turban has been levelled, and the Party has been relieved, presumably he will be requisitioned by the state or prefecture and persuade him to pay attention to his health.

After writing the letter, Xun Zhen put down the pen and asked someone to take the letter away and send it to Yingyin tomorrow.

Chen Zhi hurriedly helped him sit down and said, "When was your husband's injury bandaged? Do you need to change the dressing?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "I just changed the medicine yesterday, so I won't bother my lady today."

"Untie it for the concubine to see."

Xun Zhen took off her coat and revealed her upper body. Under the candlelight, Chen Zhi saw that his arms, chest, abdomen, and ribs were full of scars, with four or five old wounds and six new wounds. He was extremely distressed. There were no outsiders here, only the husband and wife. In the boudoir, she finally revealed her true feelings, and every time she touched a wound, she shed a few drops of clear tears.

Xiaobie wins the newly married, this night should be full of spring/love, but because of Xun Zhen's injury, the two only slept with each other.


Because of the permission of Prefect Wen, Xunzhen did not have to go to the county court, but only to recuperate in the house, so he would stay behind closed doors for the next few days, or talk about the art of war with his personal soldiers, talk about the war these days, or talk to him about the war. Chen Zhi and Tang Er did some fun in the boudoir, or listened to the singing and dancing of Miao Ji. After a hard fight, it is rare to find peace. With the help of Tang Er and Chen Zhi, he slowly walked out of the grief of Cheng Yan's death in battle.

After resting in the dormitory for two days, Yuan Zhongqing came back, and Cheng Yan's mother, brother-in-law, wife and excellent family were picked up by him.

Zuo Bohou has traveled a lot in the county in the past two days. He selected two good houses and bought them. He bought several hundred acres of fields and seven or eight slaves. The reason why things went so smoothly Because of the war. When Bo Cai attacked Yangzhai, many people died in and outside the county, and many houses and fields were vacated. Not to mention slaves, there are many poor people who can buy them at any time.

Xun Zhen personally picked up Cheng Yan and Zhuo Zhuo's family, and said to Cheng Yan's mother and Zhuo Zhuo's parents as soon as they met: "Ayan, Ayue died for me, I'm sorry for you, from now on I will let me On behalf of Ayan and Ayue, I will support you!" He is a son of the Xun clan, and he is a county soldier Cao Ye, but he treats them with such respect to these village elders, which makes Cheng Yan's old mother and outstanding parents both sad and moved.

Xun Zhen said to Cheng Yan's wife again: "Ayan is dead now, if you want to be filial to his old mother, I will pay for the daily expenses of the family. If you want to remarry, I will prepare a dowry for you."

In the Han Dynasty, the etiquette constraints of later generations were not as good, and it was very common for widows to remarry. Cheng Yan's wife was beautiful, otherwise it would not have attracted Gao Su's covetousness. When Xun Zhen met her before, although she was dressed in simple clothes, a jingchai cloth skirt, often with patches on her dress, but the simple clothes could not hide her beauty. Beautiful face, I saw her today, I saw her eyes were red and swollen, and her expression was haggard.

She wept bitterly and pitifully, and replied, "Earlier, the family owed debts, thanks to your help, but now Ayan has died in a thief, and he has received your kindness again. The concubine doesn't know how to repay." Death, I am grateful to Xun Zhen. This was because she knew her kindness, but it also made Xun Zhen feel very guilty. "That's what I should do," he said.

He paused, then turned to Mother Cheng and Zhuozhuo's parents and said, "I have already placed servants and servants in the farmhouse for you, you can come and have a look with me. If you are satisfied, stay here. "I personally took them to see the house that I bought. I sent the excellent family members first, and then the Cheng Yan family members. I sent them to the slaves I bought and asked them to recognize the owners, and gave them the house and land deeds. .

Cheng's mother, Cheng's wife and Zhuo's family were all fine. Cheng Yan's brother and sister-in-law saw such a big house, saw the slaves and servants who recognized the master, and saw the house deed and land deed again. He stopped, so happy that his mouth could not be closed, he thanked Xun Zhen for thousands of times, and said again and again: "Ayan has met a noble person! Ayan has met a noble person!"

The relationship between Cheng Yan and his brother and sister-in-law was not very harmonious. A few years ago, his wife was almost taken away by Gao Su because his brother was in debt. When Xun Zhen decided to pick up Cheng Yan's family, she hesitated to pick up Cheng Yan's brother-in-law, but then she thought that Cheng Yan had no son, so he had to find a stepson for him to pass on his incense. also received. Seeing the appearance of Cheng Yan's brother and sister-in-law now, he hid his dissatisfaction in his chest and said to Cheng Yan's brother, "Ayan has no son, you are his eldest brother. If he has a son in the future, he will adopt one to Ayan."

Cheng Yan's elder brother promised, "Yes, yes!" Not to mention giving Cheng Yan a son, with this house and this farm slave, even if he was asked to be Cheng Yan's son, he would agree to it~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Xun Zhen really couldn't bear his hated appearance, said goodbye to Cheng's mother and Cheng's wife, and said, "I may have to go on an expedition in a few days. Cao Ye's Du Ye, and Cao Ye's Guo Ye help. These three are my friends, and I will explain to them."

Cheng Yan's brother heard this, and became more and more happy. The county meritorious Cao, the county thief Cao Ye, and the county judge Cao Ye, all were high officials of the county court. Good way.

Cheng's mother and Cheng's wife bowed down and sent him out.

Zuo Bohou, Yuan Zhongqing and others were also not used to the appearance of Cheng Yan's brother, and said to Xun Zhen: "Xun Zhen, Ayan is honest and simple, but how can there be such a brother of the same birth? It's a world of difference."

Xun Zhen shook her head and said nothing.

Settling down Cheng Yan, the excellent family, went to a heart.

When he returned to the house, a military waiter of more than six hundred stone was waiting for him in the front yard. When he saw him coming back to greet him, he smiled and said, "Xunjun, the commander of my family asked if your injury is healed?" It was Cao Cao who sent him people are invited.

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