The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Who will be named a marquis if the athlete dies in battle (Part 2)

Seeing the chaos in Zhu Jun's camp, Bo Cai dispelled the remaining doubts, was overjoyed, and said to the commanders, "God help me! .Our army will break through tonight!"

Night terror and Ying Xiao have the same meaning, and the leader of the army is most afraid of this. When Zhou Yafu was fighting against the rebellious King of Wu, night terrors occurred in the camp, "the inner minister attacked and disturbed the tent." Famous generals like Zhou Yafu are inevitable, let alone others? When this dynasty was attacking the Western Qiang, there was also a night terror. Night terrors are most likely to occur in an army that is exhausted after a long battle. After a long battle, the soldiers are tired and nervous, and a slight movement may cause the camp to be bombed. Although Bo Cai didn't know the art of war, he heard about the night terror when the dynasty attacked the Western Qiang, and knew that this was a taboo in the military.

He no longer hesitated, and ordered: "Assemble the entire army and break through the south gate!"

After defending the city for many days, the guards suffered nearly 2,000 casualties and more than 1,000 wounded. Shuai Qu asked, "What about the injured?"

"Follow those with minor injuries, those with serious injuries, ..., stay."


Commander Qu and Xiaoshuai rushed down to the head of the city and quickly went to organize the troops of the headquarters. After half an hour, the soldiers who were able to move, including the guards on the city, were all assembled and arrived at the southern city gate.

Po Cai came down from the city. His personal soldiers brought him armor and horses. He put on his armor, mounted his horse, and rode his horse to the **** leading from the bottom of the city to the top of the city, standing in the middle, looking at the thousands of soldiers standing in the street behind the city gate. More than 10,000 people, black and white. He said loudly: "The Han thieves are shocked at night! Tonight is the time for our army to break through the siege. The envoy of Nanyang God and Runan He Yi have attacked the city and conquered the city. Go down and meet with the Nanyang envoy! After helping the envoy to capture the entire Nanyang county, go back to Yingchuan and fight the Han bandit to the death!"

The way of life was just around the corner, and the Yellow Turban soldiers raised their spirits and responded in unison: "No!"

Po Cai seems to have a thousand words, but there is nothing that can be said in his throat.

In the short one or two months since he started the army, he has gone through so much, and in the end he said nothing, just swept his eyes from the faces of these soldiers, and ordered the soldiers around him: "Bring the yellow turban!"

When patrolling the camp in the evening, he found that the yellow turbans on the foreheads of many soldiers were gone. After patrolling the camp, he ordered his own soldiers to scavenge the city and rob all the yellow cloth from the homes of the people in the city to make yellow turbans. After receiving his order, the personal soldiers carried several large baskets of yellow turbans, put them on the street, and distributed them to the soldiers who did not have the yellow turbans.

More than 10,000 yellow turban soldiers were silent. Those with yellow turbans arranged their armor and weapons, and prepared to break through. Those who did not have yellow turbans silently took the yellow turbans and stuck them on their foreheads. Two quarters of an hour later, the entire army was wrapped in yellow scarves. The night moon shone brightly and fell on them. Although the clothes, armor and weapons were different, the yellow turban on the forehead made this unit have a solemn appearance.

Bo Cai nodded in satisfaction, drew his sword, pointed to the south of the city, and shouted, "Kill the Han thief! Set up the Yellow Heaven! Build Taiping!"

More than 10,000 soldiers raised various weapons and shouted in unison: "Kill the Han thieves! Set up the Yellow Heaven! Build peace!"

Bo Caifu shouted again: "Build peace! Build peace!"

More than 10,000 soldiers were aroused by him. Everyone was frantic, stomping their feet, and shouting wildly: "Build peace! Build peace!"

The roar of the more than 10,000 people was like thunder, and the roof tiles in the nearby alleys shook. The voices fell behind, and there were sounds of babies and children crying because they were frightened. The Bocai Department committed a lot of massacres in Wuyang. First, they slaughtered all the wealthy families. Then, in the past few days, the defenders of the city continued to loot food from civilian homes. There were many people killed and raped by the Yellow Turban soldiers. The residents of the county were afraid. , in the middle of the night, when I suddenly heard more than 10,000 soldiers screaming wildly, I would be startled in normal times, not to mention now? Babies and children cry one after another at night, which can be heard very clearly at night.

Po Cai frowned and looked at the county, feeling that the cry seemed unlucky, but the arrow was on the string, and it had to be sent. He reined in his horse and raised his sword, and shouted again: "Let the yellow sky! Set up the yellow sky!"

More than ten thousand soldiers shouted: "Set up the yellow sky! Set up the yellow sky!"

"Open the gate."

In addition to the casualties and serious injuries, there are nearly 14,000 people in the Bocai Department.

Two thousand are in front, three thousand are in the back. Two thousand on the left, two thousand on the right. He brought 5,000 elites in the central army. Filed out of town.

The city gate was four or five miles away from Zhu Jun's camp. After the front army passed, Bocai was surrounded by the central army and walked out of the city gate. When he crossed the moat, he raised his eyes and looked out. He saw that Zhu Jun's camp in front of him was still blazing with fire and noise. He turned to the left and right, dark and quiet, east and west. The Han army outside the city wall seems to have not reacted yet, and has not yet sent troops to attack the battalion roar. He urgently ordered the front: "Hurry, hurry! Hurry up!"

Since the Han army has not yet reacted, this is a godsend opportunity. Of course, it is necessary to quickly kill Zhu Jun's camp at this time. Zhu Jun's camp was already startled at night. If they were killed again, more than ten thousand people under Zhu Jun's subordinates would be completely chaotic and unstoppable. Through these more than ten thousand people, they can disturb the rest of the Han army. In this way, the breakthrough will be fully assured.

Under his urging orders, the 2,000 men and horses in the front accelerated their marching speed, and the central army also accelerated, followed by the left and right flanks and the rear. More than 10,000 people did not speak, only heard the rustling of footsteps.

Because of the accelerated pace of marching, the Yellow Turbans' formation soon ceased to be as tidy as when they first left the city. Some were fast and some were slow. Not only did the formation become uneven, but it gradually lengthened the entire formation. queue. When he just left the city, the front, back, left, and right can still be connected, and within two miles, it becomes a slender "long snake array".

Bo Cai had not read the military book, had no experience in leading troops, and did not perceive the danger of this formation, so he urged the front to go faster.

The four-five-mile road was soon to come, Bo Cai rode on his horse, stood up and watched as the two thousand people in front changed from fast walking to running and sprinting, shouting and rushing into Zhu Jun's camp. He fell back into the saddle and looked to both sides. The east and west city walls were still silent. He breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart, "The front has already rushed into Zhu Jun's camp, and there is chaos in Zhu Jun's camp, and there will be no counterattack. The second breakout was successful." He breathed a sigh of relief, and the personal soldiers beside him grabbed his armor, pointed forward anxiously, and shouted, "Master! It seems that something is wrong."

He retracted his gaze to the left and right, looked forward, and saw that the soldiers who had just entered Zhu Jun's camp escaped.

"What's the matter?" He was surprised.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the drums in Zhu Jun's camp, the drums were loud, and I didn't know how many people rushed out of the camp! These people who came out were all wearing red clothes, which were the uniforms of the Han army.

"Ah?" Bo Cai woke up and exclaimed, "Oh, it's not good! I've been tricked by the Han bandits again!"

The order came too late.

Immediately following the drums in Zhu Jun's camp, drums were also loudly sounding on the east and west sides, and two troops rushed out from the back of the city and went straight to his left and right flanks.

Immediately afterwards, there was another passionate drumbeat. He looked back and saw that another group of people turned out from the back of the city. This army did not come to attack them, but ran outside the moat, divided into two groups, most of them lined up by the river, and a few entered the city. Obviously, this was to cut off their retreat back to the city.

Enemies appeared in front, back, left, and right, and Bocai's men and horses were surrounded in the middle.

Bo Cai was so angry that he felt that his eyes were darkened, and he was about to fall down immediately. The personal soldiers hurriedly supported him and shouted, "Master! Master!"

A handsome young man ran over in a panic and shouted: "Master, there are Han thieves on all sides, I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting for a thief's trick! What should I do now? Should I stand out? Or should I go back to the city? "

It's definitely not possible to go back to the city. Among the enemies on all sides, the back group had the most to cut off their retreat. There were three or four thousand people by the river, and there were more soldiers rushing past from the back of the city. Bo Cai did not know that this team was the headquarters of Huangfu Song, led by two captains of the infantry battalion and the Shesheng battalion. This time around Bocai, there are two top priorities: one is to prevent him from breaking out of the encirclement and fleeing south, and the other is to prevent him from escaping back to the city. Therefore, surrounded on all sides, Zhu Jun and Wei Xiaowei in front and this one in the back. All the way is the most powerful two.

Bo Cai held down the saddle, looked around anxiously, observed the enemy's situation, and made a decision: "There are many Han thieves surrounding me in the front and back, and there are few Han thieves who hit me left and right. Let's go east/break out!"

The Han army that went to the river came from outside the west city wall. Outside the east city wall, there were no other troops except the one that killed first. hope of escape. The little handsome took the order, turned around and ran back to the headquarters. The personal soldiers dispersed on horseback to give orders to the ministries to go east/break out of the encirclement.

With such a buffer, Bo Cai reluctantly calmed down and looked eastward.

The troops from the east had been ambushed five miles away, and it would take a while before they reached the Bocai formation.

Bo Cai raised his eyes to take a closer look, and saw a flag in front of the team. At first, he couldn't see it clearly, but as he got closer, he could see clearly, and the word "Xun" was written on the flag. Among the Han army, there was only one leader named Xun Zhen, and under this banner there was a man wearing armor and holding a spear. Under the guard of dozens of knights, he was galloping against the night wind. He was young. Yingwu, isn't it Xun Zhen?

Po Cai immediately turned red. The old hatred for killing my brother before, the new hatred for tonight's plan, the new hatred and the old hatred are added together, is it bearable or unbearable!

He pulled out his sword and shouted viciously, "Kill it! Those who kill Xun thieves will be rewarded a hundred!"

It is the enemy who is particularly jealous when they meet each other, and it is the enemy's road narrow.


Xun Zhen traveled not only to his headquarters, but also to Cao Cao's army, totaling 5,000 people.

Cao Cao led his troops behind him.

Xun Zhen divided the 2,000-step cavalry of the headquarters into three lanes: left, center and right, forming a triangular offensive formation. Pan and other troops, he himself led Xin Ai, Cheng Yan and other dozens of cavalry guards to charge at the forefront.

At this time, it was nearly three shifts, and it was deep in the middle of the night.

There was fire in Zhu Jun's camp, and the Han army lined up by the river also fought with torches. The flames on both sides reflected for miles.

In the firelight, Xun Zhen's belt slammed towards Bo Cai's left wing.

Under Bo Cai's order and mobilization, the Yellow Turbans were divided into four groups, the front group desperately blocked Zhu Jun, the rear group guarded against the Han army by the river, the right flank resisted Sun Jian, and the left flank met Xun Zhen.

In order to defeat Xun Zhen in the east at the fastest speed and escape from the siege, Po Cai sent five hundred elite soldiers and three hundred knights to join the left wing, and took the initiative to attack without waiting for Xun Zhen to approach. These soldiers and knights are his direct lineage, and they are the capital of his start. When he attacked Yangzhai earlier, he existed as the Chinese army, and they were the most effective soldiers in the Yellow Turban army.

At night, the earth is confused, and the fire in the south of the city is soaring into the sky.

The 300 knights sent by Bo Cai crossed the left flank, shouted their spears and urged the horses, and charged against the dozens of knights brought by Xun Zhen.

The two cavalrymen were like two sharp arrows that broke away from the strings, separated from the main force, and collided in the wide open space between the two armies before they came out.

Not only peasants and common people believe in Taiping Dao, but there are also chivalrous and vicious youths from various counties. These knights are the chivalrous chivalrous and wicked youths in the counties, and they are also very brave. In terms of force alone, they are similar to the knights under Xun Zhen's subordinates, but the knights under Xun Zhen's subordinates are better in organization. Year-round practice. On the battlefield, individual bravery is important, and cooperation is even more important. Therefore, although Xun Zhenbu knights were few, they were not afraid to face the superior enemy and went up to them.

Seeing the enemy cavalry rushing in front of him, Xin Ai, who was beside Xun Zhen, rushed with his blood, and his mood was agitated.

There were 14,000 "thieves" and more than 40,000 Han troops. Tonight, there are nearly 60,000 people fighting on this piece of land in the south of Wuyang City. What a big scene!

Xin Ai has always had the ambition of "lifting the seven-footed sword, making contributions to the frontier, and ascending to the Hall of the Son of Heaven". This is the first time he has seen and participated in such a big scene tonight, and the excitement is self-evident. He was wearing a leather armor painted with red on a black background, holding a crossbow on the left, a spear on the right, his legs tucked into the horse's belly, and he shouted, "Drive, drive!" Urging the horse to speed, he surpassed Xun Zhen and rushed to the front.

Facing the rushing Yellow Turban cavalry, he raised his left arm and shot the crossbow continuously. He used a repeating crossbow. The arrows were hurried, and several bolts shot out in an instant. The Yellow Turban cavalry on the opposite side was inexperienced. Immediately there were two or three people riding the middle arrow.

People's arrows are fine, as long as they don't hit the vital parts, with the endurance of these young chivalrous youths of the past, they can still endure the pain and continue to charge, but Ma Ruozhong's arrows will not work. Most of the horses the Yellow Turban cavalry rode were regular horses, and there were not many good horses, let alone trained warhorses. Originally, they charged forward and back, but some of these horses were frightened. He shot another horse in front, hitting its neck. The horse was galloping. Suffering from this great pain, it raised its hoofs and whined and neighed. After two steps, it crashed to the ground. , fell to the ground and then slid forward for a while.

The knight on the horse had one leg crushed under the horse, threw away the spear, hugged the crushed leg and screamed in agony, but was crushed. The cavalry mounts were trampled to death. Among the several cavalrymen who passed by him and his mounts, two more mounts were tripped to the ground because their feet were unstable. Immediately afterwards, the cavalry behind rushed up again and tripped over again. After tripping over four or five horses one after another, the other cavalry had a chance to change the direction of the charge and bypass them. All this process is very long, in fact, very short, but two or three breaths of effort.

Xun Zhen, Cheng Yan and the other cavalry guards also had crossbows in their hands. Xun Zhen raised the crossbow in one hand, the spear in the other hand, and ordered loudly: "Shoot!"

Dozens of cavalry guard crossbows like rain.

Xu Zhong, Chen Bao and Yuan Pan of the Central Army followed behind Xun Zhen and the others. In Xu Zhong's department, there are two squat fighters. This time, because it was a melee raid, these squatters didn't have big crossbows that required the strength of their waist and legs to fire. They were all small crossbows. Can launch. Seeing that Xun Zhen was shooting the crossbow, Xu Zhong also urgently ordered his subordinates: "Shoot!" He used the crossbow arrows to cover Xun Zhen and the others charging forward. When facing the enemy, there were no more than three arrows. When the enemy and us were all cavalry charging, the three arrows were not used. Xu Zhongbu only shot two arrows.

After shooting the arrows of the crossbow in his hand, Xun Zhen was very close to the cavalry of the Yellow Turban Army, and they could see each other's hideous expressions.

He glanced to see Xin Ai riding Juechen, the first to crash into the enemy's cavalry, and called "Yu Lang", wanting him to slow down, but this cry was mixed with the shouts of hundreds of knights, the galloping and galloping of hundreds of horses. The hissing sound was extremely small, and Xin Ai didn't hear it at all.

The enemy cavalry has arrived, and there is no time to think about anything else.

Xun Zhen threw away the crossbow, held the spear with both hands in front and back, flat side by side, and the spear pointed outward. After making an offensive move, he stepped on the stirrup and bowed slightly to prevent himself from coming into contact with the enemy cavalry. Got knocked off the horse. The enemy cavalry was getting closer and closer, thirty, twenty, fifteen paces. The two enemy cavalry rushing in front of the enemy raised their spears and slashed diagonally in front of them.

Xun Zhen leaned over to dodge, straightened her waist, and stabbed the left enemy with the spear in her hand. The cavalry also fell off their horses. Xun Zhen raised her head to look in front of her. Xin Ai rode alone and had already penetrated into the formation of the enemy cavalry.

In fact, Xin Ai did not have outstanding courage. He couldn't even wear heavy armor, he could only wear leather armor. In the face of the enemy, there is a desperate energy that is not afraid of death. The world is so strange, the more you are afraid of death, the faster you die, the less you are afraid of death, the less you die. Not afraid of death, he overwhelmed the opponent in terms of momentum. The Xin family and the Xun family are related by marriage. Xin Ai and Xun Zhen had an ordinary friendship. Since Shou Yangzhai and he took the initiative to join the army, the two have become increasingly close. Xin Ai admires Xun Zhen's heroism and decisiveness, and Xun Zhen likes Xin Ai's unrestrained romance. He couldn't just sit back and watch Xin Ai fall into the enemy's hands and not save him. Many of the cavalry of the Yellow Turbans knew Xun Zhen. Because of Bo Cai's order, the cavalry that surrounded him was the most. There were too many, and he didn't have time to look back. He stabbed his spear from side to side, and fought **** battles with the enemy cavalry that came up. He shouted, "Ayan! Go help Yulang!"

How could Cheng Yan abandon him to help Xin Ai? If there were any other orders, Cheng Yan would agree without hesitation, even if he went up the mountain of swords and descended into the sea of ​​fire, but he absolutely could not obey this order. He guarded Xun Zhen's horse's right side tightly, staying half a step away. He concentrated on defending Xun Zhen against the spear and iron halberd from the right side, and without turning his head, he called out, "Adu, go and help Xinjun!"

Adu was one of the twenty-three cavalry that Xin Ai brought from the clan to join the army. Seeing that Xin Ai rode deep into the enemy alone, he was fighting with several enemy cavalry a dozen paces before. Yan was even more anxious, complied loudly, greeted a few nearby riders, left Xunzhen, fought forward, and moved closer to Xin Ai like a knife piercing a wood, the difference is that the wood chips drilled by a knife pierce the wood, and they What emerged was swirling flesh and blood.

Relying on the help of the crossbow and arrows before, the Yellow Turban cavalry had not yet fought, and the formation was already chaotic. Although the cavalry of Xun Zhen's army was far less than the opponent's, it was better to be organized, seize the opportunity, and cooperate with each other. He stabbed forty or fifty enemy cavalry and rushed into the enemy formation twenty or thirty paces.

Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, and Yuan Pan led the Chinese army to follow behind Xun Zhen and other cavalry, either taking time to shoot crossbows, or hacking to death the enemy cavalry who had been stabbed by Xun Zhen and others and fell off their horses.

Liu Deng and Jiang Qin took the infantry on both wings and did not engage the enemy cavalry.

Riding and stepping into a melee.


The Han army numbered more than 40,000. Colonel Zhu Jun and Colonel Wei led more than 10,000 men to block it. Sun Jian and other brave generals in the battalion led a total of 5,000 men to attack from the west. Xun Zhen and Cao Cao joined forces to attack from the east. The two captains of the battalion led 10,000 people outside the moat to break the waves before retreating. These soldiers and horses totaled more than 30,000, and there were more than 10,000 people left.

These more than ten thousand people were led by Huangfu Song.

When Zhu Jun, Sun Jian, Xun Zhen, Cao Cao and others were in a hard fight, Huangfu Song took the tens of thousands of people out of the western city wall, and after Sun Jian's formation, they sat down in formation and gathered up their strength.

Their task was to wait for Zhu Jun to defeat the front of the Yellow Turbans, or Sun Jian and Xun Zhen to cut off the Yellow Turbans before attacking, so as to expand the results.

Huangfu Song arranged for the more than 10,000 people, and with Prefect Wen took a few generals to a hill not far away to watch the battle.

The night was vast, the fields in the distance were quiet, the rivers and streams were meandering, and the fire was blazing in the vicinity, shouting and killing the sky, and tens of thousands of people were fighting on this field in the south of the city.

At the southernmost edge of the battlefield is Zhu Jun's garrison camp. In the camp, Hokage and Jiangyi's soldiers are continuously lined up from the camp.

Huangfu Song saw: Zhu Jun, with his helmet pierced through his armor, stood under the banner of the generals at the gate of the camp, fighting in front of the commanders. There were only 2,000 people in the Yellow Turbans who stopped them, and the number was too small to support them. ——Some of these thousand people are wounded in the Yellow Turban Army. Now that the strength is tight, the wounded must also go into battle.

The northernmost edge of the battlefield is the moat of Wuyang.

The two captains of the infantry battalion and the shooting sound battalion have brought all the troops and are waiting in formation. Opposite them are the three thousand yellow turban soldiers who were originally used by Bo Cai to the rear of the palace.

Because the military order received by the two captains was: to prevent Bo Cai from returning to the city, and because Bo Cai had already given up the idea of ​​returning to the city, he attempted to break out of the siege from Xun Zhen and Cao Cao's troops in the east. In the case of a **** battle, only the two enemy troops here did not move for the time being, they were just confronting each other.

The westernmost part of the battlefield, that is, at the edge of Bo Cai's right wing, was naturally the more than ten thousand people led by Huangfu Song. These more than ten thousand people were about a mile away from the battlefield, and they were sitting on the ground watching Sun Jian and the other generals rush into the formation.

Sun Jian took advantage, and Pocai sent most of the cavalry to the east, where he faced the Yellow Turban infantry.

Sun Jian, under the support of Wu Jing, Zu Mao, Han Dang, Cheng Pu and other generals, rode his Qing Cong horse, wielding spears and fighting vigorously. Few enemies. You can use the words "invincible" to describe him. Less than two quarters of an hour into the battle, he had already led his troops into the enemy's right flank formation fifty paces, and the commanding flag of the Bocai Central Army could already be faintly seen.

At the easternmost point of the battlefield, that is, at the edge of Bocai's left flank, was the rear army of Cao Cao's army.

Xun Zhen and others rode past, leaving behind enemy casualties. Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, and Yuan Pan led hundreds of soldiers from the Chinese army with knives and crossbows. Huangfu Song didn't recognize Xu Zhong and the others, and only saw a black armor and masked general marching bravely with these hundreds of foot soldiers. This general was short in stature and agile in action. He jumped over the fallen enemy horses and cavalry without stopping, and followed closely behind Xun Zhen and the others. Behind this general, there are two armored generals on both sides, one is chasing him to the left, the other is following him, stopping from time to time, watching the six roads, watching the situation of Xunzhen's assault and the formation of the enemy changes, the commanders will change the formation or the direction of the attack. The masked general in black armor is Xu Zhong, the person to his left is Yuan Pan, and the person to his right is Chen Bao.

On the two wings where Xun Zhen and Xu Zhong were riding, there was a team of men and horses. Most of these two teams were infantry, and they were fighting with the infantry of the Yellow Turbans after the two generals respectively.

The numbers of these two teams were about the same, with five or six hundred men each, but the tactics of attacking the enemy were very different. The team on the left has shields, armoured soldiers, and bowmen, all of which cooperate with each other to fight. The team on the right had neither shields nor crossbows. They were all armed with swords. Under the lead of the generals, they were screaming and fighting with the Yellow Turbans in hand-to-hand combat. These two men were Jiang Qin and Liu Deng.

Just when Huangfu Song had seen Xun Zhen's department and was about to see Cao Cao's department again, he inadvertently glanced over and saw that there were five or six knights before Xun Zhen and the others.

The five or six knights were about ten paces away from Xun Zhen and the others, surrounded by yellow turban cavalry. Although they went deep alone and fell into a tight siege, they were led by a general in black and red armor, but they continued to move forward, fighting hard and refusing to retreat. With his fingers, he asked left and right, "Who is the knight in black and red armor in front of Xun Jun's horse?"

Xun Zhen used to take Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Cheng Yan, Xiao Xia, Xiao Ren and others with him when he went out. Now Xu Zhong, Liu Deng, Xiao Xia, and Xiao Ren each lead a group of troops. They can no longer follow the guards, so they often lead Cheng instead. Yan and Xin Ai, Huangfu Song had never met Xin Ai, many of his generals had seen Xin Ai, and Prefect Wen also knew Xin Ai. Prefect Wen replied, "It's Yulang."


"The name is Xin Ai, and he is a son of the Xin family of Yangzhai. Because of his beautiful appearance, he is called 'Yu Lang' by the county people."

"Oh! It turned out to be a child of the Xin family." The Yangzhai Xin family is the county's crown surname, and is also a well-known gentry. Huangfu Song has heard of it.

Before he could finish his sentence, a general beside him made an "Oops", stared nervously at the formation, and shouted, "No! I'm off the horse!"

Xin Ai fell from the horse?

Huangfu Song hurriedly turned his head and looked at the formation again, but saw Xin Ai, who was surrounded by the enemy, still fighting, not falling off his horse, his heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Could it be Xun Zhen?"

He hurriedly looked behind Xin Ai again, but Xun Zhen was still straddling/riding on the horse, and the spear flew over and did not fall off the horse. He asked, "Who has fallen?"

"A guard beside Xun Jun."

"A guard?"

The schoolmaster called out, "Look, it's him!"

In the melee of hundreds of cavalry, it was not easy to find a man who fell from the horse. Huangfu Song looked up at him with his feet raised. In the thousands of killing formations, people shouted the horses neighing, and saw Xun Zhen under the siege of four or five enemy cavalry, ignoring the opponent's spears and halberds and horizontal swords, and turned around on horseback. From the beginning of the battle, Xun Zhen only moved forward, never retreated. This was the first time. I saw him urging the horse to take a few steps back, then he bent down on the horse and stretched out his hand to the ground.

Where he stretched out his hand, there was a person on the ground, probably with a broken leg, who was half-sitting and half-lying. A horse fell down beside this man, it should be his previous mount.

"Who is this person? Is it worth Xun Jun's desperate efforts to save him?" Huangfu Song asked. You must know that this is in the enemy's formation, and they are charging and fighting. Xun Zhen's horse this time is equivalent to throwing his back to the enemy's horse. Although there are personal soldiers to cover the guard, it is also very dangerous. The generals around him, including Prefect Wen, were nervously watching Xun Zhen rescue people from the chaos of the army, and had no time to answer his questions.

The man on the ground also stretched out his hand. Seeing that Xun Zhen was about to grab his hand and lift him up from the ground, the man suddenly withdrew his hand, seemed to shout loudly, and jumped up from the ground.

His next movements were fast and violent, not like a person who had just fallen off a horse and broke his leg: he took out the long knife around his waist while jumping, and slammed down Xun Zhen's mount, pounced on the horse's tail. place. Here, an enemy cavalry killed the **** of Xun Zhen's personal soldiers, and charged forward with a spear that was less than two paces away from Xun Zhen. He threw down the knife, ran into the enemy's mount head-on, and hugged the horse's head. In horror, the enemy's mount bent its legs and tried to get rid of him, but it stepped in the air and fell to the ground, and the knight on the horse also fell to the ground.

The knight fell to the ground, trying to draw his sword, the man got up from the ground again, threw himself on the knight, and hugged him firmly. This knight was wearing armor and a pocket, and he had no way to start, so the man put his head on it, pushed his pocket open, opened his mouth, and bit his ears. Although Huangfu Song and the others couldn't see clearly, they could imagine that the enemy cavalry must be in abnormal pain at this time. As expected, the knight was horrified under the severe pain. He drew his sword twice before he drew it out. No matter what, he stabbed at this man's body, but this man never let go.

In order to save Xun Zhen, he gave up the chance to live, and even with the pain of the broken leg after falling from the horse, he still did not let go. Huangfu Song said in shock: "Who is it! So loyal and strong!"

When the enemy's cavalry's horse fell down earlier, because it was not too far from Xun Zhen, he almost fell on Xun Zhen's horse. Xun Zhen drove the horse sideways, and it was too late when he turned back again. This one sacrificed himself to protect him. The dead man has been hit by several swords. Huangfu Song and the others saw Xun Zhen screaming in grief and anger. They raised their spears and stabbed the enemy cavalry more than once. Then they tried to jump off the horse, but they were stopped by the personal soldiers who came over. The two personal soldiers dismounted and moved the stabbed enemy cavalry away. Because they were held too tightly, they had to be pulled several times before they succeeded. Although the man holding the enemy cavalry kept holding the man, he was bent over. He pointed his arms to the night sky, but the man lay motionless on the ground, apparently dead.

Huangfu Song and the others were speechless for a while.

A general said, "This is Cheng Yan. I often see him around Xun Jun."

Another general said: "I heard that Xun Jun met Cheng Yan when he was the chief of Fanyang Pavilion, and Cheng Yan was the patriarch at that time. Xun Jun seemed to be kind to him, so when Xun Jun left the pavilion chief, he was acquainted. He followed and left, and has been serving Xun Jun until today."

Huangfu Song sighed: "Although he is only a pavilion, his loyalty is touching."

Cheng Yan's death will definitely cause a lot of stimulation to Xun Zhen. When everyone looked at the formation again, they saw Xun Zhen riding on a horse, holding a spear and raising his head, as if he was screaming at the night sky. The horse's head, like an angry tiger, rushed into the formation again.

This time, because of his anger and rage, his charge was ten times stronger than before. His sharpness was unstoppable. In a blink of an eye, he passed Xin Ai and the others who were at the front, and became the one who was at the forefront of the charge.


A few miles away, the county residents in Wuyang County to the north were alarmed by the loud screams of killing, and the daring people lit the lights. Because there was no one guarding the city, some county residents quietly climbed to the top of the city to watch. Seeing Xun Zhen rushing into the formation like a tiger, and then looking across from him, across from Bo Cai's central army, Sun Jian also urged his troops to advance. The two men and horses were like two sharp knives, mercilessly pierced into Po Cai's wings and moved extremely fast.

Xun Zhen was covered in blood, changed his mounts twice, three spears, suffered six losses, and fought to the death.

Give your life when you should. How can you cherish yourself when you do something big? No matter how much sympathy there is for the Yellow Turbans, they are now your mortal enemies.

Xun Zhen had this realization, and she saw Cheng Yan killed in battle to protect him. This was the first time someone close to him was killed in battle. You can imagine the excitement for him, the grief and anger that could not be concealed, plus some With the help of two hundred knights sent by Cao Cao, the cavalry sent by Bocai could no longer resist and were defeated by him.

Xun Zhen did not retreat, and continued to penetrate the enemy's line, shouting loudly: "Xun Zhen is here! Do the thieves of Bocai dare to fight? Do you dare to fight?" Xin Ai and other cavalry guards, the knights sent by Cao Cao, Xu Zhong, Chen Bao, Yuan Pan, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng and others on the left and right flanks also shouted, and the shouts echoed throughout the battlefield. The generals pushed the front and fought to the death, marching forward bravely.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turbans were terrified, and they all shouted: "The northern governor cannot be the postal supervisor!" They were defeated and fled.

Xun Zhen cut down the generals and held the flag, and then defeated the armored soldiers sent by Bo Cai behind the cavalry.

The wind blew and shouted, and the fire was bright in the night. Looking at it from the back, I saw that Xun Zhen's flag was going nowhere. Cao Cao couldn't help but rein in his horse and praised: "He is also a hero!"


When Bo Cai saw that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were approaching the Central Army, he hurriedly sent elite soldiers to block them, but the situation was over.

Huangfu Song could see clearly on the hills that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were in front of the army, and they had penetrated Bo Cai's flanks and would soon be able to kill the central army.

He said, "This is the time to kill thieves!" and ordered his subordinates to beat the drums.

More than 10,000 infantrymen sitting behind Sun Jian and other charging troops stood up when they heard the drum, and more than 10,000 soldiers by the moat also rushed forward. Zhu Jun's army had more than 10,000 people, but he was still inferior to Xun Zhen and Sun Jian. Until now, he had not been able to defeat Bo Cai's striker. Suddenly, more than 40,000 Han troops rushed towards Bocai's Chinese army.

Bo Cai sat on the horse and looked around. Xun Zhen and Sun Jian could already be seen on the east and west sides, and there were 20,000 Han troops on the front and rear, and there were more than 10,000 Han troops on the west side who had been charging for a long time. . He knew he was going to lose tonight. It has been less than two months since the start of the army, and the mighty crowd of more than 100,000 people will be wiped out. Wang Tubaye turned his head empty.

When he saw Qu Shuai, Xiao Shuai, and the soldiers around him, he looked horrified, he drew his sword in his hand, and shouted angrily at the people around him, "We lost the battle tonight, my husband will die if he dies, so why panic? As long as there is a great teacher, Huang Tian will be established sooner or later, and Taiping will be established sooner or later!" He turned his head to look at where Xun Zhen came from in the east, and said bitterly, "I only hate that all the lords will fall with me, I can't see the peace, I only hate the future. If I can destroy this thief, I cannot avenge my brother!" Hengjian killed himself.

Although he was a pirate and a rebel in the eyes of the Han army, in his own eyes, he did not think that he was a pirate. He died to build peace, he died to clear the evil spirit, and he was a heroic husband. . He also had more than 100,000 people under his command, and also shocked the state and county, and also shocked the capital. He has his own dignity, and he does not want to fall into the hands of the Han army and be humiliated as a prisoner.

His personal soldiers failed to grab his sword and held onto his corpse, which fell from the horse, and cried in unison: "Master is dead! Master is dead!"

When the Han army arrived, there were enemies on all sides, there was no hope of breaking through the encirclement, and the master died again. Qu Shuai, Xiaoshuai, and the soldiers who followed Bo Cai were desperate, one of them remembered Bo Cai's last words before his death, and cried out: "Master is right! Although we are defeated today, Huang Tian will sooner or later. If it can be established, the Taiping World will be built sooner or later!" Dozens of Qu Shuai, Xiaoshuai, and Po Cai's personal soldiers then cried out: "Huang Tian can be established sooner or later, and the Taiping World can be built sooner or later!" Following Pocai, he committed suicide.

Although they knew that after surrendering and being captured, they might be slaughtered to death just like the prisoners in Kunyang, and the situation was stronger than that of people. There were also those who did not surrender, either resisted and were killed by the Han army, or killed themselves in the battle like Bo Cai and others. After the war, there were no less than 1,000 people who committed suicide in Huangjinqu Shuai, Xiaoshuai, and soldiers.

This battle, from the third watch until dawn.


After the war, he left the battlefield and went to the side of the road. Xun Zhen checked all the generals and troops, only to know that Zhuo Zhuo had also died in the battle. Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Xin Ai, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Gao Su, Feng Gong, Yuan Pan, etc. will all be injured. Two thousand soldiers suffered more than three hundred casualties. Since the start of the army, this is the heaviest casualty, and it is also the first time that a close person around him has died in battle, and it is two at a time.

The personal soldiers brought the bodies of Cheng Yan and Zhuo Zhuo and put them on the road.

Looking at Cheng Yanyou's arms that he was wrapping upwards, the ear meat of the enemy horse bitten from his mouth, and the eyes that he had not closed even though he died, and recalling his smile in the past few years, Xun Zhen turned over and got off the horse, and fell on him. On the corpse, sorrow comes from it.

The first time I met Cheng Yan was in autumn. On that day, Xun Zhen rode alone to take office at Fanyang Pavilion. He saw Cheng Yan at the door of the pavilion. At that time, he leaned on the door frame and asked Xun Zhen lazily about his coming. Centipede-like scars were the first impression left to Xun Zhen.

Afterwards, Xun Zhen rescued his wife. He knelt down and kowtowed in the backyard and said to Xun Zhen: This life of his will belong to Xun Zhen from now on.

After that, he followed Xun Zhen away from Fanyang Pavilion, went to Xixiang, went to Yangzhai, returned to Yingyin, and then came to Yangzhai to fight in the county.

During the years he followed Xun Zhen, he fulfilled his promise, and usually served him carefully, and after the Yellow Turbans rose, he followed his birth and death. Xun Zhen does not sleep, he does not sleep, Xun Zhen does not eat, he does not eat. Before the battle, Xun Zhen often charged forward, and he followed the guards closely without avoiding danger, and was injured many times.

Gao Su also voted for Xun Zhen. Cheng Yan's wife was almost taken away by Gao Su. It stands to reason that he hated Gao Su deeply, but he never complained in front of Xun Zhen. After Gao Su was appointed head of the colony by Xun Zhen, he did not show any dissatisfaction, and served and guarded Xun Zhen as before. Among Xun Zhen's generals, Xu Zhong, Jiang Qin, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Gao Su and others were brave and witty, each with their own strengths, but Cheng Yan had no other strengths, only loyalty. This rude, illiterate man who had never read a book, just because of Xun Zhen's kindness, has now fulfilled his promise and gave his life to Xun Zhen.

The spring breeze is blowing, the fragrance of wheat is warm, the trees on the roadside are green in the morning light, and the willow trees are leaning on the riverside of the city. If there is no smoke after the war, this will be an intoxicating spring morning. Xun Zhen knelt down, smeared Cheng Yan's open eyes, tore off a piece of the shirt under his armor, and wiped the blood on his face and mouth for him. Face crying, tears like rain.

Chen Bao, Gao Su, Feng Gong, etc. are Cheng Yan's fellow villagers, and they are also old acquaintances with him, especially Chen Bao and Gao Su, one is Cheng Yan's colleague in Fanyang Pavilion in the past, and the other who bullied Cheng Yan in the past, is also very friendly. sad.

Gao Su knelt down with a plop, knelt in front of Cheng Yan's corpse, and slammed her head down to the ground, saying, "Ayan, I'm sorry! You died to protect Xun Jun, and since then, your mother will be It’s my mother, and your wife is my sister-in-law. Today, I will send someone to Xixiang to bring your mother and wife to my house, and they will take good care of you.”

Gao Su is domineering and used to bully others in Xixiang, but this has something to do with his family education and upbringing. He doesn't pay much attention to it. Will Cheng Yan stumble upon him and take revenge on him, but Cheng Yan did not do so, which surprised him. Cheng Yan was killed in battle today, and guilt welled up in his heart. His words came from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Bao and Cheng Yan had known each other for the longest time. They had known Cheng Yan long before Xun Zhen. The two lived in the same pavilion day and night, and later they followed Xun Zhen together. Sad, but endured the pain and comforted Xun Zhen: "Master Xun, people can't be resurrected from the dead. Ayan killed a thief and died, and he died in the right place. Don't be too sad."

It was hard to persuade Xun Zhen to stop.

Xun Zhen wiped away her tears, disregarding her own injuries, and before she could wrap up her wounds, she went to comfort the wounded soldiers and said, "It was fortunate that the thieves were broken last night, thanks to the strength of the monarchs!" , Jiang Qin, Xin Ai, Liu Deng, Chen Bao, Gao Su, Feng Gong and others couldn't help but think of Cheng Yan and Zhuozhuo again, and their sadness came from them. .


The Han army was victorious in this battle, captured thousands and entered Wuyang.

Bo Cai stayed in Wuyang with some seriously wounded people. These seriously wounded people had been killed by the county residents last night. Several leading people led the county residents to kneel on both sides of the city gate to greet Master Wang.

Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, Prefect Wen and others went first, Wei Xiaowei waited after them, and when Xun Zhen and Sun Jian led the troops past, these county residents all showed a look of awe. Without it, these county citizens dared to kill the seriously wounded people left behind by Bo, precisely because they saw that the Han army had the upper hand in the city. They witnessed with their own eyes the valour and heroism of Sun Jian and Xun Zhen Guanjue the entire especially Xun Zhen, who had been to Wuyang when he was the postal supervisor in the north, and expelled and killed many corrupt officials and lawless people. Haoqiang, who was known as Zhen Wuyang at that time, and now kills the enemy Yingwu, has made these county residents feel awe and convince.

When they entered the city, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun ordered to heal the wounded, bury the dead, clean the inside and outside of the city, hunt down the remaining Yellow Turbans, and ordered all the prisoners to be beheaded. The heads were placed outside the city gate together, and it was built as a Jingguan. After the assignment of these matters, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun first went to inspect the wounded camp, and then returned to the Wuyang County Temple, which was temporarily serving as a tent. Go to the capital. After finishing all these trivial chores, that night, Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Prefect Wen invited the generals to a banquet.

In the monastery where the generals gathered in the county, Huangfu Song stood on the steps and said to the people: "Today's seat is not based on honor or humility, but military merit. Wentai and Zhenzhi, please come to the right seat." There is a big locust tree in the courtyard. There are two tables and several seats under the tree. Sun Jian and Xun Zhen stepped out and took the first seat on the right.

After the two of them were seated, the generals took their seats one by one.

There are many high-ranking officials and officials with silver seals in blue and bronze, under the shade of the locust tree, with Sun Jian and Xun Zhen on top.

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