The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 228: Liu Xiexing's future prospects (Part 2)

Zou asked Xun Zhen why there was no joy?

Xun Zhen asked her and said, "Why are you happy?"

Mrs. Zou replied, "The concubine heard what the servants said, the Sage's move to Yingchuan would be of great help to the general, so all the generals in the camp were happy. . . At that time, his face was full of joy and excitement."

Xun Zhen asked, "Which servant did you tell me about this?"

Zou replied, "General, the two attendants who were on duty yesterday."

Back in Hongnong County, Xun Zhen told Mrs. Zou that when she arrived in Chang'an, she would find some maids to serve her. It was an exception, and it would be too outrageous to find a few more maids, so Xun Zhen did not find her a maid after all, but chose a few clever little officials and asked them to serve the Zou family in shifts.

Hearing what Mrs. Zou said, Xun Zhen walked to the tent door, called Dian Wei from outside the guards to enter, and instructed: "Pass my order, and punish the two who served Madam yesterday with false remarks and false remarks. Lieutenant."

Dian Wei Weng complied with his promise, exited the account, and went to do this.

Zou was taken aback and said, "General, did the concubine say something wrong?"

Xun Zhen returned to the seat and sat down, motioned for Mrs. Zou to come forward, still holding her in her arms, and said with a smile, "If you are wrong, then I will punish you!"

The word "punishment" came into his ears, and Zou didn't know what to think, and Shumei's face suddenly turned red.

She held back her shyness and twisted in Xun Zhen's arms. She had already thought about it, and then she felt Xun Zhen's fiery masculine aura. She couldn't help but be moved. Getting angry really startled the concubine."

Xun Zhen asked with a smile, "Did I get angry just now?"

"General tiger body, not angry and arrogant."

Xun Zhen laughed loudly, tapped Zou Shi's red lips, and said sarcastically, "Madam's cherry lips are not only useful in other ways, but also speak good words."

Zou snorted, unable to restrain her shyness, and got into Xun Zhen's arms, twisting a few more times.

It was almost midsummer, the clothes were thin, the fragrance of Zou's body was fragrant, and the ears and temples were rubbing against each other. Feeling her warm and plump body against her body, Xun Zhen also wanted to move, so she picked her up and threw her on the couch. superior.

After a long time, the movement subsided, and the two talked a few gossip.

Mrs. Zou is not an unfeeling person. These days, the little officials have been serving her with care, but she is worried about how Xun Zhen will punish the two talkative servants yesterday. Zhen, said: "I dare to ask the general, what wrong did those two little officials commit yesterday, and the general wants to punish them?"

"Madam is really forgetful. Didn't I tell Awei to punish them with false words? Naturally, they were false words."

Mrs. Zou said, "It's a lie? The general means that what they said to the concubine yesterday was actually nonsense?"

"It's not just nonsense!"

Zou clung tightly to Xun Zhen's chest, hugged Xun Zhen's neck, and asked in a charming voice, "General, where are you talking nonsense?"

Xun Zhen sighed and said, "Madam, the Sage is now allowing you to drive Yingchuan, but I only feel a lot of pressure, as if I was on Mount Tai, and what I think about, only from now on, I will walk on thin ice. Madam asked me why I didn't have it. There is joy, madam, how can I be joyful under such heavy pressure?"

Zou said in confusion: "The general feels a lot of pressure, why is this?"

"In the past, when I was in Xuzhou, I only needed to cure the three states of Xu Yanqing, but now His Majesty has allowed me to move to Yingchuan, and he has ordered me to be the Book Minister, to be in charge of the government, and to worship me as the general of chariots and cavalry. If I take on the responsibility of retribution, then after I arrive in Yingchuan, I will definitely have to stay in the court, so from now on, what I need to face will not only be the land of Xu, Yan, Qing, and the people of the three states, but also the people of the three states. The purpose is to assist the sage and rebuild the Han Dynasty, but although the two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si have already been defeated by me, but there are many separatists in the sea, how difficult it is to eliminate one of them! With my ability, can I? Win this position? Madam, why don't I feel so stressed!"

——"Worship the general of the chariot and cavalry, and take the responsibility of repressing the rebels." Since the chaos of the Yellow Turbans, including when the troop was asked, whether it was appointed by the court or led by himself, the highest commander of the army is usually "the general of the chariot and cavalry". ", this is because of the position of the general of the chariot and cavalry, among the various positions in charge of his position, there is the item of retribution. Therefore, King Xun Zhenqin had meritorious deeds, and this time he was also worshiped as a general of chariots and cavalry, and after he was appointed to this post, it also indicated that he would continue to take on the important task of crusade against the officials of the court in the future, because Xun Zhen said this.

Looking at Xun Zhen's face full of concern for the country and the people, Zou's heart couldn't help but feel admiration.

She said sincerely: "General, although the concubine is stupid, I know that if the sage moves to Yingchuan, it will be very helpful to the general as the servant said, but the general is not only not complacent, but more vigilant. General Guo is very personable and a real hero!"

The Long March of Ten Thousand Miles is only the first step. It is stronger than Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. In the original time and space, there are still defeats at Guandu and Chibi. Before the great cause is completed, it is impossible to take the slightest bit of care, but Liu Xie is willing to move. Yingchuan, why are you happy?

Xun Zhen thought so in her heart.

Maybe it was because he was calm, but after all, greater power was coming, which made him excited, or maybe it was because Zou's unique inner beauty was too attractive, and before he knew it, his body reacted again.

Zou felt the change in his body, and without waiting for Xun Zhen's instructions, he moved down obediently, and put his head down again. Xun Zhen held down her bun, let it rise and fall, laughed and said in a low voice, "Mrs. is also very personable."


The next day, under the imperial decree of Liu Xie, Xunzhen, Sun Ce, Yang Biao, Zhao Wen, Zhang Xi, Chen Ji, Han Rong, Huangfu Li and other ministers in the court, as well as Zhong Yao, Ding Chong, Yang Qi, and other court officials beside Liu Xie. At the meeting of the close ministers, they discussed the matter of moving to Yingchuan.

When the emperor moves, he can’t be like the common people, he can’t go as soon as he wants to. There is a lot of work that needs to be prepared in all aspects. Generally speaking, it can be divided into four parts, one is political, the other is military, the third is civil, and the fourth is on the road. required.

In terms of politics, the heavenly family is selfless, and the emperor's every move is related to state affairs, not to mention that moving the capital to Yingchuan is such a major thing as moving the capital to Yingchuan? There needs to be an explanation to the outside world to inform the world and make the subjects understand why Liu Xie did this.

This statement is not difficult to find, it is enough to seek truth from facts.

Chang'an has been devastated by Li Jue and Guo Si until now. The palace city has been destroyed and the people withered. It is no longer suitable for the emperor to live again. The situation in Luoyang is similar to that of Chang'an. Yingchuan is in the world, and it is close to Luoyang. In the future, when all the palaces in Luoyang are repaired and there are more people, it will be convenient for the court to move the capital back to Luoyang. Therefore, the emperor temporarily moved to Yingchuan. This meaning can be formed into a will, and it can be passed on to the four states and counties.

In terms of military, there are mainly two parts.

One is Liu Xie's security alert on the journey from Chang'an to Yingchuan.

One is whether Chang'an and Hongnong need to keep troops to garrison, and if so, how many troops and how many troops should be retained.

For the **** part, Sun Ce had already worshiped General Wei, and Dong Cheng had the power to **** them. They were responsible for the safety along the Liu Xie Road.

In the part where the troops were to be stationed, after repeated discussions, most of the courtiers agreed with Xun Zhen and Zhong Yao's suggestions. Hongnong County must keep troops and horses stationed, thinking that the barriers to the west of Yingchuan and Luoyang, Chang'an does not need to keep troops and horses stationed.

There are many warlords in Sanfu and Liangzhou, with a total of more than ten groups in size. These ten or so warlords have few soldiers, and there are thousands of them. Those with many soldiers, such as Ma Teng and Han Sui, have tens of thousands of works. Chang'an left troops and horses, then if there are too few, it is not enough to suppress them, and if there are too many, Xun Zhen will not have so many troops to stay, both, the daily cost of these troops and horses will also become a problem, and it will not be long-term. The land was transferred from Yuzhou and Yanzhou. Because of this, they simply did not stay in Chang'an.

In the area of ​​Hongnong, Xun Zhen planned to keep two troops stationed there.

One is the department of Xu Rong, stationed in Hongnong County, and the other is the department of Duan Xun, still stationed in Huayin County.

The main task of Xu Rong and his team in Hongnong County was to guard against the two counties of Hedong and Taiyuan in the north. Of course, this guard against Xunzhen's private instructions to Xu Rong would not be revealed on the surface.

Although the Duan Xun department stationed in Huayin is still based in Huayin, its mission is just the reverse of Duan Xun’s previous mission. Previously, Duan Xun was stationed in Huayin to defend the east of Guanzhong. Now it is reversed. It was to defend Guanzhong for Luoyang and Yingchuan.

In terms of civil affairs, it refers to the common people in Chang'an and surrounding areas, if they wish to follow the imperial court to move to Yingchuan, or move to Luoyang, they are allowed to do so.

People's strength is the greatest wealth. Money, grain, and soldiers all come from the people. Chang'an can not leave troops to garrison. However, if Chang'an and the surrounding people are willing to move eastward with Liu Xie and the court, they are very welcome.

In fact, if not for political influence, Xun Zhen would have wanted to follow Dong Zhuo's example and forced Chang'an and its surrounding people to relocate.

However, although it is not easy to force, there should be many people who are willing to move east from Liu Xie and the imperial court.

There are two reasons. One is that Chang'an has already been disabled, and the warlords in Sanfu are fighting each other. If they can avoid this place, the people should be happy; one is that many of the existing people in Chang'an were forced by Dong Zhuo a few years ago. Those who migrated from Luoyang to Chang'an, had the opportunity to return to their hometowns, they would definitely be eager to be the first. Zhong Yao and others estimated that after the imperial decree was issued, there would be many people willing to follow and migrate.

The court must have the appearance of a court, and it cannot ignore the people of these great men. After discussion, the organization of these people who are willing to relocate and the necessary tasks of food, clothing, food and supplies, etc., are handed over to Zhong Yao.

The last aspect, the needs on the road, mainly refers to the food required by Liu Xie's harem and the family members of Baiguan on the road.

According to statistics, there are thousands of officials and their families who will follow Liu Xie to Yingchuan, as well as concubines and eunuchs and maids in the harem; from Chang'an to Yingchuan, it is about a thousand miles The journey, the emperor's travel, must not be compared with the speed of the army's march. According to the speed of 20 to 30 miles a day, it will take about a month to travel, thousands of people need rations for a month, and there are appropriate rations. The supply of meat, drinks, etc. is not small.

Xun Zhen and Sun Ce stated that they could take out the food, meat, wine, etc. they needed from their own army.

In order to prevent any shortage, Xun Zhen and Sun Ce also said that they could go to Yanzhou and Yuzhou first, so that the two counties of Chenliu and Yingchuan could raise food and transport it to Chang'an.


After two days of discussions, all matters were settled; the imperial decree to allow the people to follow the migration has also been issued.

To facilitate this day, please get the consent of Liu Xie and set off to move to Yingchuan.

Xun Zhen's department set out first, followed by Liu Xie, the guard of Dong Cheng's department, and Sun Ce's department's rear guard.

A total of 40,000 to 50,000 soldiers, horsemen, civilians, hundreds of officials, etc., left Chang'an in a mighty manner and went to Yingchuan, thousands of miles away.

After hearing the news from Chang'an and the surrounding people who were willing to accompany them to Luoyang, or to Yingchuan, they followed one after another with their families and their mouths to catch up. After a few days, almost seven or eighty thousand people gathered together. Yao is busy.

However, he was coerced by Dong Zhuo. Since Chang'an, Liu Xie has never left Chang'an. Even before being forced into his camp by Li Jue, he has not even left Miyagi once. He left Dong Cheng's camp and walked on the road. The fresh air in the field, entering the car through the curtain of the car, Liu Xie suddenly felt as if he was a bird out of the cage, and he was very happy.

He ordered the **** waiting in the car to lift the curtain and look out.

However, what he saw was very different from what he imagined.

There is no wheat in the endless fields on the roadside, there are weeds and barren trees, and there are piles of white bones by the road, all the bones of people who died at an unknown time. After traveling for more than ten miles, all I saw was such a scene.

Liu Xie's joy slowly disappeared.

Huangfu Li dedicated to him the verses from the "Hao Li Xing" written by Xun Zhen, which reappeared in his mind, and Liu Xie recited softly: "The bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing in a thousand miles. One hundred people are left behind, and the thought of it is heart-wrenching. ." Said sullenly, "Is the world of my big man has withered to the end?"

Just a few years ago, when he was forced by Dong Zhuo to come to Chang'an, what he saw on the road was not as desolate as it is today.

When the Son of Heaven travels, he is accompanied by drums and music.

The sound of drum music came into the car, and Liu Xie listened to it, and heard the neighing of war horses in the front and rear. Liu Xie resisted the urge to get up and go to the window to look out, and suddenly remembered the scene he saw in Dong Cheng's camp when Xun Zhen's army was pulling out of the camp. Fierce sportsmen were scattered all over the field, and the cavalry in groups were flying in the dust. He recalled the words Xun Zhen said to him generously and fiercely when he visited him once: "The minister and Sun Ce's soldiers dare not say much, and the total is There are also 100,000 people. After Your Majesty moves to ministers and Sun Ce dare to ask for His Majesty's expeditions from the north to the south. Ancestor, let’s revive the Han Dynasty again!”

"Second Ancestors" refers to Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiu, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty.

The sound of drums is full of vigor; the neighing of war horses brings out Jin Ge.

Liu Xie looked out the window again, although it was still desolate, but his heart no longer had the grief he had just felt, but filled with pride.

He clenched his hands, and in the slightly darkened carriage, his eyes flashed brightly.

Liu Xie thought: "Zhen and Ce are both tiger ministers. With these two tiger ministers to help me, and a hundred thousand elite soldiers for me to drive, even though they are withered today, the cause of the second ancestor can be accomplished!" He made up his mind secretly. , "Zhen and Ce don't fail me, and I will definitely not fail him."

The day after leaving Chang'an, Liu Xie again issued an edict, paying homage to Xun Zhen, the general of the chariot and cavalry, Lu Shang Shushi, and the commander of the clerk.

This time, Xun Zhen did not resign.

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