The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 229: The original excuse was not called

Cao Cao left Chang'an, and when he returned to Taiyuan, he left alone and led his army in a hurry. He did not go with Wang Yi, and Wang Yi remained in Chang'an. Therefore, Liu Xie moved to Yingchuan this time, and he also followed in the **** team.

While leaving the customs, he entered Hongnong County. On this day at the end of April, he arrived in Huayin County. Wang Yi said goodbye to Liu Xie and went north to Hedong County.

In order to reward the King of Diligence in Wangyi, he has already been enshrined as General Xuanyi and sealed as a Marquis of the Pass.

——The Marquis of Guannei, and the Marquis of Lie, both originated from Qin’s 20th-class peerage system. These two peerages are the two highest among the 20th-level peerages. Noble, or in other words, only these two titles that still retain the legacy of feudalism are still retained to this day. "Liehou", originally called Chehou, was changed to Tonghou, also known as Liehou, to avoid the taboo of the name of Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Comparing the two titles, Liehou is higher than Guanneihou. The Marquis of Guannei, as the name suggests, the marquis in Guannei, who were worshipped with this title, usually lived in the capital of Chang'an in the former Han Dynasty. In the former Han Dynasty, there was no difference in rank among the lords. After entering the current dynasty, the lords were subdivided into three types, namely the county lords, the township lords, and the Ting hous. The size of the city and the number of household registrations in the fief are different. From the name, it can be seen that the county lord is higher than the township lord, and the township lord is higher than the Tinghou. Generally speaking, the number of household registrations in the fief is also decreasing in three levels, but in the In a few cases, the number of hukou in the next-level fief will be larger than the number of hukou in the upper-level fief. For example, some townships may be remote places with sparse population, while some pavilions are located in wealthy places, so although they only govern an area of ​​ten miles, the number of people in the territory is more than the population in remote and foreign places. many.

These do not need to be mentioned.

Just to say one more thing, Wang Yi was worshipped as the Marquis of Guannei, and Cao Cao's credit for the diligent king this time was greater than him, so Cao Cao also received the title of Marquis of the court. In the edict that worshipped him as the post-general, he also worshiped him as a marquis, and the one who worshiped was the marquis of Ting.

According to Cao Cao's self-reported life aspirations, after his death, he hopes to have an inscription on his tombstone: The tomb of Cao Hou, the general of the Han expedition to the west, now he is both a post-general and a marquis, but he has exceeded the goal of his hope.

From Chang'an to Huayin, he traveled about three hundred li for ten days. During these ten days, whenever Xun Zhen had free time, he would invite Wang Yi to see him. He met three or four times in total, not many times. Compared to before, the relationship between the two is much closer.

In Huayin County, the station stopped for two days. Yang Biao's family was in Huayin. Taking advantage of this time, Liu Xie specially allowed him to go home and have a look, and asked him to bring a young handsome man from his clan to worship. for Lang.

During the two days of staying in Huayin, it wasn't just a rest, Xun Zhen didn't idle, and did two things.

One is to get an imperial edict, formally ordering Duan Xun to lead his troops to be stationed in Huayin.

In the battle of Hongnong, Duan Xun lost his troops and lost his generals, and there were not many surviving tribes, only more than a thousand, less than two thousand cavalry. This point of troops and horses is obviously not enough to guard the gateway to the west for Yingchuan and Luoyang, and defend against the intrusion of warlords in Guanzhong. Therefore, Xunzhen chose Chen Dao and his troops, and ordered them to stay in Huayin as Duan Xunzhi. lieutenant. ——In front of the imperial court, he has paid tribute to Chen Dao as a general of Zhonglang.

In order to obtain the consent of Liu Xie, the court issued an decree to Yuan Shao of Ye County and Zhang Yang of Hanoi, and ordered them to visit Luoyang; and an decree to Liu Biao of Xiangyang, Yuan Shu of Nanyang, and Lu Bu of Jiangxia. Wait, order him to visit Yingchuan.

Two days later, the team continued to set off, and traveled for two more days. After traveling for about 60 miles, they arrived at Hongnong County, the county seat of Hongnong County, and stopped for another day in Hongnong County. It was already May.

This year is a leap year, and May is equivalent to the usual June. It is already the summer season. As early as the departure from Chang'an, the weather was already very hot. After walking for half a month, Liu Xie was bored in the car all day long. Although there were ice cubes and other things contributed by the wealthy family along the way, such as Hongnong Yang's, etc., the ice cubes were better than nothing, from morning to night, He was sweating profusely, and he couldn't bear it for a long time, but considering the dignity of the emperor, he couldn't take the opportunity to gallop on horses to hunt, breathe the air, and rest in the camp, like the generals in the army. Speaking of which, Liu Xie's emperor, in addition to being frightened and suffering, has basically not enjoyed it for several years, and it is really boring.

On the day they stayed in Hongnong County, according to the agreement made by Xun Zhen and others, Xu Rong was left to lead his headquarters to be stationed in Hongnong County. Wangyi in Hedong was nothing to worry about, but considering that Cao Cao was a good soldier, in order to enrich the strength of Xu Rong's troops, Xun Zhen kept Chen Wu and Zhang Fei in Hongnong County. ——Xu Rong, Chen Wu, Zhang Fei, and Chen Dao were the same group of meritorious soldiers who were rewarded by the imperial court. Xu Rong was worshipped as the general of Zhenxi, and he was awarded the title of Marquis of the Pass; Chen Wu, like Chen Dao, was also worshiped as Zhongzhong Lang Jiang and Zhang Fei were worshipped as Cavalry Commanders.

The entire Hongnong County, Duan Xun, Chen Dao, Chen Wu, Zhang Fei and other troops and horses, were unified by Xu Rong.

Leaving Hongnong and continuing eastward for more than 200 li, it was almost mid-May, leaving Hangu Pass and arriving at Yinjie, Henan.

Zhang Hong, Xun Yan, Ren Jun and other officials from the Yinjun Prefecture in Henan, as well as the chief officials of the counties in Luoyang gathered at the county boundary to welcome Liu Xie for a long time.

Zhang Hong and Xun Yan had already received the imperial edict to worship, Zhang Hong was worshiped as Henan Yin, and Xun Yan was worshiped as Henan Commander. They are now the local governors of Henan Yin, appointed by the serious court. After all, after Liu Xie's car arrived in Henan Yin, Zhang Hong and others would definitely meet him. If by that time, Zhang Hong and others had not received the imperial edict, it would be a bit embarrassing, so the edict to them was issued in advance.

Zhang Hong, Xun Yan, Ren Jun and others, Liu Xiehe and they did not know each other before, and even Liu Xie had never heard of their names. Everything is well-behaved. Liu Xie has questions, but only answers. If you don’t ask, you don’t answer. Liu Xie said a few words to them. After thanking them for their hard work of shepherding Henan Yin, there is nothing to say to them anymore. .

They also showed the attitude of loyal ministers, but compared with Xun Zhen, Zhang Hong and others felt that they were more comfortable with Xun Zhen, which made him feel closer. These, and do not need to mention more.

When Dong Zhuo left Luoyang with Liu Xie and moved the capital to Chang'an, he burned the palace city in Luoyang to white ground. Later, after Sun Jian entered Luoyang, although he cleaned up the remaining palace city, ancestral temples, and imperial mausoleums of the past dynasties, he could It was only cleaned up, and the palace city was not renovated or rebuilt. Several subsequent Henan Yins, including Luo Ye and Xianzhi Zhanghong, although there were quite a few who wanted to renovate and re-build the palace city, were limited by financial resources. Due to the lack of Hemin's strength, they have not been able to take action. Therefore, the Luoyang Palace City is still mostly in ruins. In order to avoid Liu Xie's injury, more than a day later, when he arrived in Luoyang, no one asked Liu Xie to return to the palace. one look.

When Luoyang Palace City and Chang'an Palace City were burned, Liu Xie saw it with his own eyes. He didn't want to go back to that sad place, and he didn't take the initiative to mention it. After entering Luoyang County, even the city capital of Luoyang. Without entering, Liu Xie still stayed in the camp.

The original plan was to stop for three days in Luoyang, and let Liu Xie meet the gentry and elders from Yinge County, Henan Province, and then went to Yingchuan, but the next day, a news that exceeded Xun Zhen's expectations came, Liu Xie only I can stay in Luoyang for a few more days.

The news was delivered by the garrison on the south bank of the Yellow River. The prefect of Hanoi, Zhang Yang, arrived across the river, claiming to have come to meet Liu Xie by order.

A few days ago, Yuan Shao had submitted the form. Yuan Shao claimed that there were thieves in the Black Mountains who were in trouble. He needed to be pacified and could not escape. Therefore, he could not come to Luoyang to meet Liu Xie. The above form was attached. Yuan Shao sent some gifts. But Zhang Yang's list has never been there.

Yuan Shao refused to see Liu Xie, which was expected by Xun Zhen. Xun Zhen thought that Zhang Yang would not be able to come to see Liu Xie. The reason why Zhang Yang did not appear on the list may be because Zhang Yang was too lazy to give Liu Xie a list. Because of the list, I didn't expect it at all. Although Zhang Yang presented the list, he actually came to see Liu Xie. To be honest, this really surprised Xun Zhen.

Why is it expected that Zhang Yang will not come to meet Liu Xie?

One, Zhang Yang's relationship with Yuan Shao is similar to that of dependence, and he is quite controlled by Yuan Shao. If Yuan Shao didn't come, common sense suggested, how could he come?

The two, Zhang Yang had just joined Zhang He and, on Yuan Shao's order, attacked Henan Yin, and only fought against Xun Zhen's troops. I had just fought a battle with my forefoot, and now I knew that Xun Zhen was by Liu Xie's side, I thought, how could Zhang Yang dare to come?

Therefore, Xun Zhen thought that he would definitely not come.

I didn't expect him to actually come to see him on an order.

But after thinking about it again, it makes sense that Zhang Yang came to see Liu Xie.

One is that although he only attacked Henan Yin not long ago, he did not say that he was persecuted by Yuan Shao. Even if he attacked on his own initiative, he was probably under Liu Xie's eyelids and in front of many officials and ministers in the court. , Xun Zhen can still kill him, or detain him? Xun Zhen's influence in the DPRK is still shallow, and for his own political reputation, he will definitely not do this.

On the other hand, how could Zhang Yang be willing to be controlled by Yuan Shao all the time? If he is willing, Xunzhen will not follow Cheng Jia's words and interfere with Yuan Shao's order.

Since Zhang Yang came to see him by order, the military newspaper said that he did not bring any troops and horses, but only a few hundred cavalry.

After waiting for a day, Zhang Yang arrived.

After arriving, he left the accompanying infantry and horses outside, entered the camp alone, and met Liu Xie.

This is the first meeting between Xun Zhen and Zhang Yang.

Xun Zhen, who was seated at the top of his right hand and sat alone, looked at Liu Xie's appearance when Zhang Yang respectfully met Liu Xie.

Seeing him, he is not very tall, but he is quite strong and has serious looped legs. It should be caused by horseback riding all the year round. His movements are vigorous and his voice is like a bronze bell. On the battlefield, he is a fierce general who dares to fight and fight hard, but it is no wonder that in the early years, Bingzhou Inspector Ding Yuan dismissed him as a martial artist, and it is no wonder that Yuan Shaoken kept him in Hanoi until now.

Liu Xie knew that Yuan Shao did not want to be the emperor himself, and was fed up with Dong Zhuo, Li Jue and other warriors who had caused chaos in the court. Zhang Yang was both Yuan Shao's party and a warrior himself, because Liu Xie did not have a favorable impression of him, and was only a courtesy and harmony. He said a few words, and then he didn't say any more.

Zhang Yangzhi came to the audience this time by order, and seeing Liu Xie was only one aspect, or a secondary aspect. What he wanted to do was to seize this opportunity to meet Xun Zhen. Because of Liu Xie's indifferent attitude, Zhang Yang didn't care.

After seeing Liu Xie, he went outside the tent, Zhang Yang didn't leave, but laughed at the **** who asked him to go to the guest tent to rest, and let him stay for a while longer.

The **** Fox questioned: "Why does the general want to stay out of the tent?"

Zhang Yang hesitated and replied, "I have something important to report to Duke Xun."

"Oh, the general is waiting for Duke Xun?" The **** put aside his doubts and smiled, "The general didn't say it sooner! Then please wait here."

Even under the supervision of the eunuch, or under the escort, Zhang Yang waited respectfully in the distance outside the tent.

After waiting for half an hour, I finally saw a person, more than thirty years old, with a gentle appearance, no long beard under his chin, a short mustache to add a bit of might to him, wearing a golden crown on his head, wearing a wide black official uniform, and a simple waist. The leather belt, with gold-printed purple ribbon, walked slowly and calmly, and came out from the tent. The courtiers outside the tent, one hurriedly waited on him to put on his shoes, and the other hurriedly presented his sword. The man put on his shoes, matched his sword, and bowed slightly to the courtiers. The courtiers were in a hurry to avoid it, not daring to bear it, and bowed in return one after another.

This person is not Xun Zhen!

When he left the account, Zhang Yang hurriedly stepped forward, saluted and said, "Hanoi Prefect Zhang Yang pays a visit to Duke Xun."

Xun Zhen seemed to have only seen him at this moment, stopped and said, "Huh? Why hasn't the general left yet?"

Zhang Yang replied respectfully, "Young is here to wait for the Duke."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "The general is to see the sage, the sage, the general has already seen him, but what are you waiting for me to do?"

Zhang Yang said: "Yang is bold, can you take a step to speak?"

Xun Zhen looked at Zhang Yang up and down, frowned slightly, and said with awe, "Take a step? Why take a step? If the general wants to talk to me privately, I have nothing to say. "

Zhang Yang was helpless, so he had to lower his voice and said: "The emperor issued an edict to summon the right general and Yang Gong to come to see you, and the right general expressed his resignation on the grounds of seeking thieves, and the resignation is not subject to the edict. Er. The fact that the right general did not obey the edict was actually because he had unpredictable intentions! The reason why Yang respectfully waited for the prince was because he had a plan to challenge the right general, and he wanted to offer the prince!"

Xun Zhen was quite astonished when he heard these words.

Zhang Yang, is he going to vote for himself?

He looked at Zhang Yang again, and seeing that his expression did not seem to be fake, but that he was speaking the truth, he said, "My tent is not far from here, General, please come to the tent with me and talk."

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