The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 227: Liu Xiexing's future prospects (middle)

From Xun Zhen's point of view, Xun Zhen and Sun Ce have a teacher-student friendship. As early as when Sun Ce was very young, Xun Zhen met him in Changsha and has always been very helpful to him. He showed him the art of war and other books, taught him the art of war, and after Sun Jian died, he expressed his support for him in a timely manner, used his influence in Yuzhou to help him settle in Yuzhou, and personally led troops to Xu, Helping him to kill Lv Bu was indeed a deep favor to Sun Ce. Sun Ce treated Xun Zhen as someone else said, "It is one of Xun Zhen's party." He should be loyal to Xun Zhen and consider himself subordinate.

However, Sun Ce's department was actually an "independent small military group" established by Sun Jian, with "Jing Yang, the strong and his children" as the backbone. Looking at its past experience, although there are some intertwined with Xun Zhen. The locality, but most of the time, it develops independently, and it is not Xun Zhen's direct subordinates, even Xun Zhen has always only regarded the Sun clan as an ally, not as a subordinate. From the perspective of Sun Ce and his "small military group", it may be different.

First of all, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Hongzi, Wu Jing, Gong Qiucheng, etc. did not regard themselves as subordinates of Xun Zhen.

He did not regard himself as a subordinate of Xun Zhen for two reasons.

One is the reason for his feelings for the Sun family and internal cohesion.

Emotionally, these people are either old subordinates of the Sun family who started from Sun Jian in the early years, or they are simply relatives of the Sun family. For example, Hongzi is Sun Jian's son-in-law, Wu Jing is Sun Jian's wife and brother, and Xu Kun is Sun Jian's son. Nephew, their feelings for the Sun family are very deep.

What their small military group has achieved today, in their eyes, is that after they joined Sun Jian in the army, they risked danger together with Sun Jian, fought **** battles, and fought from Changsha to the Central Plains, first attacking Dong, and then attacking Ru The Yellow Turbans in the South and other places refused to accept it, and thus obtained it with great effort! Among them, although Xun Zhen played a certain role in helping each other, it was only a help. The current reputation of their "small military group" and their current Yuzhou territory were all led by Sun Jian, not by Sun Jian. Xun Zhen, with one knife and one shot, struck down.

In terms of internal cohesion, although Sun Jian is dead today, Sun Ce is the main successor, and most importantly, although Sun Ce is young, but through his actions after Sun Jian's death, he has been able to suppress Fuzhou and defeat Lu Bu. Because of his young and promising, that is to say, their small military group is not without a leader, there is a leader, and some are a clear leader, so why do they want to be Xun Zhen's subordinates? Did you switch to Xun Zhen just because of a little help from Xun Zhen? That is obviously impossible.

Both, in terms of personal interests, Xun Zhen has its own direct line of soldiers and horses. If they switch to Xun Zhen, their future, treatment and other aspects will definitely be far worse than they are now, so why should they change their families?

Therefore, they did not regard themselves as subordinates of Xun Zhen.

Second, from the bottom of his heart, Sun Ce did not actually see himself as a vassal of Xun Zhen.

Sun Ce was only in his early twenties this year, and he was young and vigorous. When he was eager to build a bigger reputation, how could he be willing to only serve as a general for Xun Zhen and be driven by Xun Zhen? Huang Gai compared Sun Ce with Huo Qubing. Although Sun Ce was modest and dared not be, it was just modesty. Let me ask, which young man would not want to be the contemporary Huo Qubing? He already has a longing for fame and fame, and Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, etc. have always admired him and praised him. Even ordinary soldiers in his army are very fond of him, call him. As "Sun Lang", with the bonus of the two, how could Sun Ce be willing to be only a general under Xun Zhen's account!

Not to mention, Sun Ce also had the jade seal he inherited from Sun Jian.

I still remember the scene when Sun Jian showed him this jade seal.

It was a drinking session after Sun Jian got the jade seal.

He summoned Sun Ce to approach him, holding the jade seal in one hand and stroking Sun Ce's bun with the other, and said to Sun Ce, "Since I started my army, I have braved dangers and braved the front, regardless of my life and death. Although I have gained a little reputation, my family is only a poor family after all, and I want to be among the best. It is not easy to become a noble surname that the world looks up to. So far, those scholars and officials still regard me as a martial artist! It is hateful! It is hateful!

"...But now that our family has a jade seal, what are the characters written on the seal? 'Ordered by the heavens, longevity and longevity'! What does this mean? It means that the will of heaven may have favored my family!

"Ce! Although my family is white, how can I know that it can't be turned into a dragon? In today's chaos, the country is in chaos, and heroes are competing! Do you remember what King Chen said in the past?" '? You and my father and son need to be encouraged! Be encouraged!"

At that time, Sun Jian had a heroic attitude and was in his thirties or forties, but his eyes were full of youthful longing.


Sun Ce sat on the seat with his waist up, his hands caressed his knees, and he was in a trance like a tiger, and murmured, "Mianzhi, Mianzhi."

Cheng Pu's voice came from his ear.

Cheng Pu said: "Changshi's statement of 'one advantage and one disadvantage' is exactly the same as that of the Duke of Ming and the late generals, etc. What Changshi suggested should also be planned early to take Jingyang, and between the two states, Yangzhou is better than Jingzhou's words, Jinyu good words!"

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others have also read the letter of public hatred.

Gong Qiu said that the "one advantage and one disadvantage" proposed in the letter, "benefit", refers to Liu Xie's political reputation as the prefect of Yuzhou after he moved the capital to Yingchuan. There will be a big boost, it's obvious.

"Badgers" means that at the same time it can be expected that Xunzhen will spend most of the time in Yingchuan, not Changyi, and will use the name of garrison Liu Xie to send some of his troops He was transferred to be stationed around Yingchuan. Xunzhen was originally from Yingchuan and Yuzhou. When he was in Tanxian and Changyi earlier, he had a great influence on Yuzhou. Now he has come to Yuzhou again and again. After arriving at Yingchuan, then this will definitely have a great impact on Sun Ce's continued control of Yuzhou. After a long time, this land of Yuzhou will probably become Xunzhen's, and Sun Ce said it will not count.

In short, this pros and cons, the advantage is the name, the disadvantage is the real advantage.

In the face of this upcoming pros and cons, how should we respond?

Gongchoi then put forward to Sun Ce what Sun Ce said, "the two states of Jing and Yang should choose one of them early to take it quickly, and he suggested that Yangzhou should be better than Jingzhou".

"Choose one of the two states of Jing and Yang early to get it quickly." Needless to say, since Yuzhou may be controlled by Xunzhen, and Sun Ce can't compete with Xunzhen, then the best strategy is to leave Yuzhou as soon as possible and open up a new one. site.

And the reason why Yangzhou is better than Jingzhou is very clear.

Although Sun Ce, a small military group, had already planned to fight back to Jingzhou, with Huanjie and Changsha prefect Zhang Xianke cooperating to echo, and Yuzhou and Jingzhou bordering, on the surface, it seemed to be more convenient than occupying Yangzhou. Some, but not so.

Precisely because Jingzhou and Yuzhou bordered, if according to the previous calculation, if Jingzhou was taken first, then even if Jingzhou was conquered, it might be difficult to break free from the control of Xun Zhen, who was already in Yingchuan at that time.

Because, compared to Jingzhou, Yangzhou seems to be a better choice.

Occupying Yangzhou, one is to be able to stay away from Yingchuan and completely get rid of the control of Xunzhen and the imperial court, and another, the process of attacking Yangzhou should not be difficult. Unlike Jingzhou and other places, Yangzhou has not yet formed one or two powerful separatist forces in the state. The chiefs of the prefectures in the state have different thoughts, either for Xunzhen's department or for setting up flags. Just listen to the imperial edict, or save the intention of self-preservation, Yangzhou is Sun Ce's hometown. If at this time, taking advantage of this opportunity to lead troops to attack, then it is very sure that Yangzhou can be taken as their small military group. of the new site.

Sun Ce said: "What Chang Shi and Gongzhi said is certainly reasonable, but if the town in the east side is unhappy because of this?"

Cheng Pu said: "General Xian and Zhendong are brothers, and Duke Ming and Zhendong have a friendship between teachers and students. If Duke Ming thinks that General Xian takes revenge and decides not to be a minister, in the name of the imperial court and the prefecture, he asks for a crusade. How can Zhendong be unhappy about Lu Bu, who is raging in Jiangxia? Not only does he disagree, but in his humble opinion, he will happily agree to it, and maybe even lend troops to Duke Ming to help Duke Ming!"

Huang Gai said: "Ming Gong, Gai also sees this. The Holy General moved to Yingchuan, Ming Gong is not as famous in Yuzhou as Zhendong, and I am a guest army. This Yuzhou will sooner or later be Zhendong. All. Yuzhou is no longer suitable to stay, and we have to find another way out as soon as possible. On the pretext of attacking Lü Bu, we will first take Jiangxia, then either go south to take Jingquanzhou, or cross the river to take Yangzhou, and then appease the people, recruit talents, fight horses and force soldiers, and wait for the change of the world. , and then make plans, this is the best policy.”

The so-called "sit and wait for the change of the world", Huang Gai did not make it clear, but Sun Ce and Cheng Pu knew what it meant.

Today, although there are many separatist regimes, the strongest princes, with the defeat of Gongsun Zan and the loss of Cao Cao, the Liangzhou cliques such as Yanzhou, Li Jue and Guo Si have already collapsed, and now there are only two of them, Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao. .

Anyone with a discerning eye can predict that Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao will have a battle sooner or later.

"The change of the world" refers to the final battle between the two most powerful forces, Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao.

By the time of the decisive battle between the two sides, if Sun Ce already has Jing Yang, or at least Yangzhou, he can take advantage of this change and plan corresponding countermeasures for the next step of their small military group.

If one of Xun Zhen and Yuan Shao wins a quick victory, saves himself, and cannot compete with the enemy, then he will rely on them, without losing the honor of a prince.

And if the two sides are in a stalemate, it may not be impossible to turn the hegemony between them.

On one side is Xun Zhen's kindness to him, bit by bit, unforgettable.

On one side is personal achievement and the temptation to lead the family to the top.

The young Sun Ce was hesitant for a while, but finally he said: "Let's welcome Sheng Shang Mo and drive Yingchuan first. After returning to Runan, and seeing Chang Shi, I will invite Mr. Huan again, and we will discuss this in detail later. ."


Liu Bei came to see Sun Ce that day, and returned to Yingchuan ahead of schedule with Chen Yi the next day.

The next day, the day of the Chang Dynasty, Xun Zhen went to the table and asked Liu Xie to move to Yingchuan, and Liu Xie gave permission.

The imperial decree to move the car was issued, and the harem, the officials, and the garrison all began to prepare.

Xi Zhicai and the others were all overjoyed, but Xun Zhen was safe and sound as usual.

That night, Mrs. Zou couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked him, "The sage has promised to move the car, and the concubine heard that the generals were happy, but why is the general not happy?"

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