The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 224: Champion Bo Fu dare not ask

Remember [New] for a second,! General Wei has a word for Wei in his name. As the name suggests, this position is usually responsible for the work of guarding the capital. In the former Han Dynasty, the northern and southern armies of the capital were led by those who held this position; Generals, hussars, and chariots are above the front, left, right, and rear generals. Now the positions of General and Hussar General are vacant, and Li Jue's Grand Sima Xian has become too numerous to do so. This means that after being named this post, Sun Ce's current status in the entire Han military circle is only in name. The first lieutenant Yang Biao, who was the highest military commander in the country, and Xun Zhen, whose actual power was already the number one in the country's military, were still the three former generals Gongsun Zan, the left general Yuan Shu, and the right general Yuan Shao. , on top of the most influential separatist princes today.

But it was said, when Liu Bei and the others were discussing, didn't they say that there were rumors that the gossip would ban General Sun Ce Zhengnan? How did you become General Wei? It should be noted that although the generals of the four expeditions and four towns have become increasingly important due to the long-term turmoil in the country, they have not yet been included in the list of heavy-name generals. Strictly speaking, they are still miscellaneous generals. The gossip has turned into a general Wei who is at the forefront even among the heavy generals. The gap is too great. What is the reason? Is that gossip too outrageous? Not really. The previously rumored worship of Sun Ce as General Zhengnan was just groundless, not without cause.

When the court discussed merits before, it was indeed suggested that General Zhengnan should be appointed Sun Ce, but that changed because of Xun Zhen's listing.

Xun Zhen went to the court on the day after hearing that Cao Cao had left.

In the table, Xun Zhen also counted Cao Cao's achievements in the first year of Chuping, and Xun Zhen highly praised him for being a loyal minister of the Han family. Not enough to repay his merits, he suggested that the court honor him as a post-general.

First, Cao Cao's merits in courting Dong and this time King Qin's merit are real; second, Cao Cao has fought a lot of battles in recent years, and his reputation as a soldier is quite well-known, and his existing territory and troops are also very important. A powerful prince, at this time of turmoil, the court of course hoped to get help from Cao Cao; three, there was the push of Ding Chong and some courtiers who were old with Cao, and finally, Xun Zhen's way of getting on the list got it. Passed, and the imperial court's edict to Cao Cao has also been issued, and the angel who went to Taiyuan County to deliver the decree has already set off on the way.

Since Cao Cao is already a post-general, Sun Ce's contribution to the King of Qin is obviously greater than Cao Cao's, so it is obviously inappropriate to honor him with the title of General Zhengnan. Therefore, the title of General Zhengnan, which was originally intended to be given to Sun Ce, will be changed. Go up a few steps and become General Wei.

——As for why Xun Zhenhui suggested that the imperial court make Cao Cao a post-general, what he said in the table above was naturally not the real reason for his suggestion, but the real reason was to provoke the relationship between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

When the edict arrived, Sun Ce had seen Liu Xie, thanked him, went to see Xun Zhen again, and expressed his gratitude to Xun Zhen.

When it was almost noon, Xun Zhen held a banquet to celebrate for him, and it was only until nightfall that Sun Cenai returned to the base camp.

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and other generals who followed him with the Qin King had already prepared a sumptuous meal, and Sun Ce had to drink it again.

When the wine was half full, Cheng Pu raised his glass and rejoiced, and said, "Ming Duke has been honored by the imperial court as General Wei and named Marquis of Wugong.

Huang Gai said with a smile: "Ming Gong is honored as General Wei and Marquis of Martial Arts at the age of a weak crown. It is a rare honor! Looking at the past, I am afraid that only Huo Qubing, the Great Hussar General, can compare!"

Sun Ce has a good amount of alcohol, and he is not drunk yet. He is also very happy, but he still answers modestly, saying: "How dare I compare with the champion Hou! Also; Ce is just following Sui Zhendong and made a small contribution by luck, and I dare not compare with the champion Hou."

Huang Gai smiled and said: "Champion Hou Gonggu is outstanding, so why should the Han Dynasty be revived again? Now that the Han Dynasty is late and the imperial court is declining, as long as Duke Ming can work together with Zhendong to revive the Han Dynasty again, then it will be sealed. Wolf Juxu's power is not as good as Ming Gong!"

Cheng Pu and Huang Gai's words were not flattery, they indeed admired and loved Sun Ce.

In the capital, a tiger father has no dog son, but it is really like Sun Ce, who succeeded his father in his twenties in his twenties. Not only did he not lose the prestige of his father when he was alive, but he could also carry it forward. In fact, how many people could there be?

It was a night of drinking, and the crowd did not leave until midnight.


For example, the officials of the county and county, and the officials below Baishi can be appointed by the chief officials, but the officials above Baishi are "ministers" and must be appointed and removed by the court. The next day, Sun Ce just explained his master book. , ordered the court to submit a table, and asked the court to approve and approve the candidates such as "General Wei Changshi" and "General Wei Sima" that he had eliminated, and several cavalry came to his camp to see him.

It was Xun Zhen who asked him to meet him.

Sun Ce hurried to Xunzhen's camp.

Entering the agenda, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, etc. were all there, as if they were discussing something. Seeing him coming, everyone stopped talking for a while.

Sun Ce bowed down and saluted, and Xun Zhen asked him to get up.

When he was seated at the table, Xun Zhen said, "Bo Fu, I'm here with you. I have something to discuss with you."

Sun Ce said respectfully: "What is your order? Please advise."

"Just before you came, I met Yuan Chang."

Sun Ce said, "Is Shilang Zhong here?"

"He was very busy, so he didn't stay any longer. He just came over to meet me... Bo Fu, you should be able to guess why he came to see me, right?"

Sun Tactics pondered, and already had the answer, and said, "But you have an eye on the matter of asking the sage to move up Yingchuan?"

Xun Zhen wanted to invite Liu Xie to move the capital to Yingchuan. Sun Ce, as an important ally of Xun Zhen, of course knew about it, and since the last time Xun Zhen and Zhong Yao met, he asked Zhong Yao to test Liu Xie's meaning, etc. Sun Ce also knew these things.

"Yes, that's exactly what it's for."

Hearing Xun Zhen's words, Sun Ce then asked, "I wonder what the sage's attitude is towards this?"

"The sage has been persuaded by Yuan Chang, but he has not yet made a final decision. He said that he would listen to the opinions of Taiwei Yang Gong and others."

Sun Tieji frowned and said, "Duke Cewen said that among the ministers, the Yang Guild may be the most opposed to moving the capital to Yingchuan... Now the sage wants to listen to the opinions of Yang Gong and others, Ming Gong, if Yang Gong really objects, then Is it a bit difficult to move the capital?"

"Zi Mei just came with Yuan Chang, Zi Mei has tried the attitudes of Situ Zhao Gong, Sikong Zhang Gong, etc. Zhao Gong did not object, Zhang Gong did not say whether it was or not, but it was expected that he would not object; just Yesterday, on the grounds of reciting my friendship with my hometown, I asked Tai servant Han Gong to meet him and asked him his opinion on moving the capital. Han Gong agreed very much. At the moment, it is still Tai Wei Yang Gong, and he is the only one who can It will be the biggest obstacle to moving the capital to Yingchuan. However, it doesn't matter. I discussed a countermeasure with Zhicai, Fengxiao and others."

"Dare to ask, what is the countermeasure?"

Xun Zhen said: "The countermeasure is, let's concentrate our efforts to persuade the sage, as long as the sage fully understands the benefits of moving the capital to Yingchuan, so as to make up his mind, plus the support of Duke Zhao, Duke Han, etc., that is Duke Yang. It is useless to object again.”

"Public this policy is brilliant, but I don't know what the policy can do?"

Xun Zhen supported her short mustache and smiled, and said, "Didn't the imperial court just make a decree to worship you as the prefect of Yuzhou? Uncle Fu, I came to you because I wanted to trouble you, the landlord, to come forward and make a proposal to the sage to move the capital to Yingchuan."

Sun Ce understood what Xun Zhen meant. This was because he wanted to pass his first form. It might be better to call it throwing stones to ask for directions. Most of the ministers in the current court knew about it, but Zhao Wen, Han Rong, etc., including Liu Xie, did not. Opposition can be regarded as a relatively mature background, and it can be called the official opening of the matter of moving the capital, to pave the way for Xun Zhen's future performance.

Sun Ce was the prefect of Yuzhou before, but the prefect of Yuzhou was represented by Xun Zhen, and the following was an decree of the imperial court, and he was officially appointed as the prefect of Yuzhou.

Sun Ce did not refuse, so he immediately agreed and said, "Please rest assured, sir, Ce will definitely handle this matter for him. Tomorrow, Ce will go to the court and ask the emperor to move to Yingchuan."

Xun Zhen instructed: "Bo Fu, there is one point in the table above that you need to pay attention to."

"Dare to ask the public to know, what is it?"

Xun Zhen said: "That's why you want to tell the sage that although Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated by my righteous teacher, Li Jue was already dead, but Guo Si fled to Nanyang. The ones who come down will be disrespectful."

"Guo Si...why not to ask the ministers? Duke Ming, Guo Si is no longer a concern. If you ask him, the army will be enough. Why do you need to ask the sage to move to Yingchuan?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Bo Fu, think about it."

Sun Ce was really smart, and he soon realized that, his eyes lit up, and he said, "That's right! What the lord says is not a minister, he is referring to Yuan Shu!"

"And Yuan Benchu."

Sun Ce understood and said with a smile: "I am afraid that the sage is thinking about this, and it is likely that he will not settle down and rebuild the Han Dynasty. With this great benefit ahead of the temptation, it is probably useless even if Duke Yang resolutely opposes it." Immediately, he was a little worried and said, "But Duke Ming, if the sage can't see this hint, what should we do?"

Guo Jia, who was sitting on the opposite seat, laughed and said, "Did the general forget about Shi Lang?"

Sun Ce patted his forehead and said, "Yes! Servant Zhong is a close minister of the sage. If the sage doesn't see it, he will remind him!"

It was agreed that Sun Ce would be the first to submit the table tomorrow. Sun Ce had a doubt in his heart and couldn't help but raise it. He asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Ming Gong, there is something I don't know about Ce. Yingchuan? Ce heard from Duke Ming yesterday, didn't Duke Ming even ask his servants to persuade him? Didn't he persuade him?"

Yang Biao's family was in Huayin County. After Huayin was conquered, Xun Zhen expelled one of his servants as a clerk of his military mansion. Just yesterday, in order to reduce Yang Biao's resistance to moving the capital, Xun Zhen asked him This slave went to persuade Yang Biao, but he failed to persuade him.

Xun Zhen said: "Yes, I asked Ji Tong to persuade him, but Yang Gong refused to listen."

"Ji Tong" is the word of Yang Biao's son.

Sun Ce asked, "Ming Gong, why doesn't he listen to the persuasion? What's the reason for objecting?"

Xun Zhen sighed and said: "Ji Tong is upright and honest, he said one thing, but he didn't hide it. He came back and reported to me that the reason why Duke Yang was against it was because he was worried that I would become the next Dong Zhuo and Li Jue. Duke Yang told Ji Tong that although he was in the past. Luoyang, Chang'an, Dong Zhuo, and Li Jue still rely on soldiers and horses to bully the imperial court. You, Sun Yuzhou, my fellow party, Yingchuan, and my hometown. Wouldn’t I, Xun Zhendong, be more able to cover the sky with one hand and control the court? Wouldn’t the sage and the ministers of the court have to obey me from now on? Therefore, he firmly opposed and refused to listen to persuasion; After Tong said that Duke Zhao, Duke Han and others all agreed with this, he even said bluntly, saying that the Dukes are short-sighted." After speaking, Xun Zhen shook her head to show her helplessness.

Sun Ce was furious and said, "I doubt Duke Ming? Compare Dong Zhuo and Li Jue to Duke! Duke Ming, this Duke Yang is probably confused, right?"

"Bo Fu, don't be rude. Duke Yang may be ignorant. After all, my court is an upright old minister."

Xun Zhen's "upright old minister" praise is not a false feeling, but the truth.

Looking at Yang Biao's past actions, it is indeed the word "upright".

In the first year of Chuping, when Dong Zhuo wanted to move the court from Luoyang to Chang'an, there were no officials in the court who dared to speak out, but only Yang Biao, who was Situ, and Huang Qiong, the captain, fought hard and firmly opposed it. All of them were dismissed by Dong Zhuo because of this, and if Xun Shuang, who was Sikong, turned around, Dong Zhuo was angry, and Yang Biao would have been killed by Dong Zhuo at that time; and when Li Xian kidnapped Liu Xie to Li Jue camp, Yang Biao stood up and scolded Li Xian. Later, when Yang Biao and others were detained by Guo Si and Guo Si discussed the affairs of Li Jue, it was Yang Biao who questioned Guo Si in person twice, especially the second time, and was at risk of being harmed by Guo Si.

Although Yang Biao opposed moving the capital to Yingchuan, contrary to his own intentions, Xun Zhen still appreciated his actions.


The next day, Sun Ce made a list and asked the court to move to Yingchuan.

When it came to the DPRK, Liu Xie ordered the ministers to discuss it, Zhao Wen and others expressed their approval, but Yang Biao opposed it.

After arguing for a long time, there was no result of the argument, so the meeting was temporarily dismissed.

Liu Xie knew that Yang Biao was a loyal minister, and if Yang Biao opposed it so fiercely, then perhaps moving the capital to Yingchuan would have great disadvantages? Will it be bad for the court? Although he was persuaded by Zhong Yao, at this time, Liu Xie couldn't help shaking his mind, and he was very hesitant. Therefore, after dinner in the evening, when Concubine Fu came to greet him, he seemed a little worried.

Fu Guiren looked at it and asked, "Is there something embarrassing for the concubine to ask Your Majesty?"

Among the many concubines, Liu Xie liked Concubine Fu the most, and because of this, Xun Zhen went to the table the day before yesterday and suggested that Liu Xie had already served as a The harem must not be left without a master, so she suggested that Concubine Fu should be the queen. At that time, Liu Xie agreed immediately. At this time, after listening to Concubine Fu Gui's question, Liu Xie did not hide it from her, so he asked Sun Ce and Xun Zhen to move the capital to Yingchuan. I told Concubine Fu about this matter, and after speaking, she said: "It is indeed beneficial to move to Yingchuan, but Yang Gong is a loyal and upright old minister, and the pillar of the country. He insists on opposing it, and he must have his reasons. So I can't make up my mind a bit."

Concubine Fu said, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, what are the benefits of moving?"

"One, Yingchuan is rich, enough to support the daily food needs of the court officials, garrison, etc.; secondly, moving Yingchuan, which is conducive to being in the middle to control the Quartet; three, it is conducive to advancing and negotiating."

Concubine Fu said, "Isn't it possible to be courteous? Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?"

"In Sun Ce's table, it is said that Guo Si, who was in favor of discussing and now fled into Nanyang, but according to Zhong Shilang's statement, this 'no minister' actually refers to the brothers Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao."

Concubine Fu said: "So it is. Your Majesty, the ministers and concubines are ignorant, but the first advantage of the ministers and concubines is ignorant, but since there is the advantage of 'initiating the court without the ministers', it is also conducive to clarifying the sea and realizing the re-creation of the Han by Your Majesty. Shi Zhizhi, I really don’t know why Your Majesty still hesitates?”

Liu Xie thought about it all night and made a decision.

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