The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 223: The cavalry captain is difficult to meet the profound virtue

He had only fought two arduous battles in Hongnong County and Hongmenting, and the achievements of King Qin had already been achieved, so Xun Zhen specially allowed the generals to drink alcohol in the camp these few days, but not too much, so as not to make mistakes.

Xun Zhen was personally touched by this drunken mistake. In his early years, when he was the head of Fanyang Pavilion, in order to gain Xu Xian, Chen Bao, Gao Su, Feng Gong and others for their own use, he often drank with them every three days. Drinking, as a result, once he drinks too much, the next day after drinking, he often suffers for a whole day, and nothing can be done. Later, he became more and more powerful, and he paid special attention to drinking. Basically, there is no time for drinking too much.

Drinking is a small matter, but if you stick to it for a long time, it depends on a person's willpower.

Needless to say, Liu Bei's willpower is quite outstanding, but for the same purpose that Xun Zhen recruited Xu Xian and others when he was in Fanyang Pavilion, as mentioned above, when he is free, he will often meet with the army under the tent. The generals and literati drink together. Today, Xun Zhen has issued an order to drink alcohol in the camp of the generals. In order to celebrate Zhuo Ying and others for their contribution to the Qin King, he will gather Zhuo Ying and other troops every night these days. Will drink, Zhan Qian and other scribes did not go out with him this time, and he was left in Yingchuan to handle county affairs with Han Ji and others.

This day was nothing more than watching the beheading. It was no different from a few days. Liu Bei set a banquet in the evening and summoned Zhuo Ying, Cheng Ding, Shi Guan and others to drink heavily.

Wine is good wine, given by Xun Zhen.

The dishes are also good dishes, and the best one is the deer roast, the source of this meat is also sent by Guan Yu. The day before yesterday, Guan Yu led a horse to go hunting and shot two deer, one was given to Xun Zhen, the other was split in two, he kept half of the deer for himself, and gave half of the deer to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei sat on the main seat in the tent, and Zhuo Ying and other generals sat on both sides.

There was a rack for roasting meat beside each person's desk, and a clever military officer knelt beside the rack and roasted the venison for them; another officer poured wine for them. Xun Zhen specially sent medical officials to treat them carefully. Shiguan’s injuries have mostly healed. He sat cross-legged, ate meat, and drank heavily. He ate and drank quickly. If not, he scolds him.

The military officials knew that he was one of Liu Bei's favorite generals, and the scolding against him could only be tolerated.

Today, Cheng Ding and Shi Guan also followed Liu Bei to watch the execution. Cheng Ding was excitedly talking to Liu Bei and Zhuo Ying about what he saw today when he watched the execution. "Can't you be quieter? Didn't you see that I was talking to Duke Ming?"

Shiguan raised the wine in the bowl, drank it all in one gulp, put it on the table, and asked the military officer to pour the wine into it, squinting at the decision, and said, "What? I'm a little older, and Zhendong may have given you a little more reward than me, so he yelled at me and started telling me how to do things?"

Because of the injury, Shiguan did not participate in the battle of Hongmenting. Compared with the soldiers who participated in the battle of Hongmenting, the overall contribution of the King of Diligence was obviously smaller. Shi Guan has always been quite annoyed by this.

Cheng Ding smiled and said, "Why do I have such thoughts? It's just that I am talking to Duke Ming, and you are making a lot of noise. It doesn't matter if you disturb me, and it is not beautiful if you disturb Duke Ming."

Shi Guan asked, "What are you saying to Duke Ming?"

Cheng Ding said, "I'm telling Duke Ming that Li Jue, Guo Si, and others were arrogant and domineering in Chang'an before, and I heard that even the sage was bullied by them. Siam forced it, but now what? Zhendong commanded us and the others. As soon as the troops and horses arrived, they were about to collapse like a storm. Li Jue was killed by Guo Si, Guo Si went west to Nanyang, and Li Xian and Li Li were captured The two generals Xin and Zhang were captured, they have been executed, and they hang their heads to show the public, so they can sigh."

Shi Guan drank another bowl of wine, curled his lips, and said, "What kind of literati poker are you pretending to be a soldier, and you're still 'a big defeat' and 'you can sigh', what are you sighing?"

Cheng Ding snorted and said

: "I won't talk to you." Turn your face away.

Liu Bei knew that Shi Guan was not able to participate in the battle at Hongmen Pavilion, the credit may be less than that of Cheng Ding, and the upcoming reward may be less than that of Cheng Ding. Yu Shiguan said: "Although you did not participate in the battle of Hongmen Pavilion, but in this battle in Zheng County, I will report to my brother for your outstanding achievements, you can rest assured that in the future, your share will not be small. If it's really few, how about I take a portion from my reward and give it to you?"

Thinking about Chengding and Shiguan, why did they abandon Cao Cao and come to Xunzhen? For wealth.

Xun Zhen's troops were strictly disciplined and were not allowed to kidnap the common people. The "rich" in the rich and noble can only come from military exploits. Xun Zhen has always been generous in rewarding soldiers with meritorious service. The Battle of Menting is not fast so far!

Hearing Liu Bei's words at this moment, Shi Guan was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Ming Gong's award? How dare you share the merits of Ming Gong at the end!" He said that he did not dare to share the profit, but he did not refuse, which was equivalent to acquiescing to Liu Bei. talk.

Liu Bei smiled and drank the wine.

Cheng Ding also picked up the bowl and drank it all.

Not only was Xun Zhen happy, but the soldiers in his army were also very happy.

The whole army knew that this was a special merit, and neither the imperial court nor Xun Zhen would be stingy with the rewards.

In the past few days, from top to bottom in the military, almost all of them are discussing and guessing, what kind of reward they can get according to their credit, or what kind of gossip they have heard, and what kind of reward will so-and-so get. 's award.

When Shiguan took the lead, the people in the tent stopped talking about Guanjing at noon, and talked about the important event of Feng reward.

Zhuo Ying said: "Ming Gong, the last general heard this afternoon that the DPRK has just issued an decree to worship Chen Gong as the big secretary. I wonder if this will happen?"

"Chen Gong", said Chen Ji.

Liu Bei nodded and said: "It is true. But the imperial decree was not issued today, but yesterday. The sage issued a total of two decrees yesterday, one is to kill Li Xian and Li Li, and the other is to worship Chen. The public is a big farmer."

The former Dasi farmer, Sun Sun Rui, died of illness not long ago. Chen Ji had served as Jiuqing before, and his fame and qualifications were sufficient. It was to reward him for traveling thousands of miles to Xuzhou to pass on Liu Xie's secret message to Xunzhen. This feat was also done to show his love to Xun Zhen, so Liu Xie, after the negotiation between the court officials and the ministers, ordered Chen Ji to be the successor of the chief minister.

Rao Yi Zhuoying's calmness can't hide his excitement, or in other words, his expectations and imaginary hopes for the reward that will come down soon, he said: "Bye Zhendong' false festival tomahawk, chariot general, recorder The edicts of Shang Shushi and Li Xiaowei have been issued, and now I will worship Duke Chen as the chief minister. This is a high and honorable position. We cannot compare with Duke Chen, but this time King Qin has entered the town from east For more than a month after the battle, there will be no shortage of battles, big or small, so the reward given to me by the imperial court should not be thin."

Liu Bei said: "The memorial for us to ask for merits, Zhendong had already entered the court the day before yesterday. The battle of King Huiqin, together with the trilogy of Sun Yuzhou, totaled more than 30,000 soldiers and soldiers, many of whom made meritorious deeds, small meritorious deeds. No matter, there are quite a lot of people who are qualified to report to the court. I heard my brother say that they have reported three or four hundred. There are so many soldiers. There. Zhendong is the most strict in rewards and punishments, I will wait for the credit, and Zhendong will definitely not deduct it, we don't need to worry, just wait slowly. "

Cheng Ding said, "Ming Gong, at the end of the day, I heard that the lieutenant general of the dynasty worshiped Sun Yuzhou as the general to conquer the south." Then he said, "I also heard that the general will worship Zang and Xu Ergong, and he will be the commander of three Chen, Wen, and Taishi Ci. Dukes and Duke Ming, don’t know if it’s true or false?”

In one sentence, Liu Bei was on his mind.

He also heard about this gossip, and he answered yes,

He said, "It is true to pay respects to the two generals of Zang and Xu. However, all of them were given to me by the commander of the cavalry, which is impossible. According to my expectation, at that time, it was either a general of the middle rank, or a commander of the cavalry."

Zhuo Ying has been following Liu Bei for a long time, and his mind is more careful than Cheng Ding and Shi Guan, and seeing that Liu Bei seems to have something on his mind, he asks: "Ming Gong seems to have a gloomy face, and the general dares to ask, because Zang and Xu Er Gong may be Will he be worshipped as a general in the court and Duke Ming has to ride the captain?"

Zangba was Xun Zhen's nominal lieutenant general of King Qin this time, and Xu Rong was also a lieutenant general, so it was said in the gossip that among the generals, only two of them would be worshipped as generals by the court.

Liu Bei smiled and said, "Second Duke Zang and Xu have done a great job. If they are to be worshipped as generals by the imperial court, it is just right. How dare I ask for the rank of Second Duke? If I can get the reward of Cavalry Commander or Zhonglang General, I am more than enough."

-Liu Bei is now a general of Zhonglang, but the current Zhonglang will be Xun Zhenbiao, and the gold content is naturally incomparable with that of the imperial court.

It is obvious that Liu Bei is depressed, but Liu Bei does not admit it.

Shiguan kept drinking and was already half drunk. He wiped the drink on his mouth and said to Liu Bei drunkenly: "Ming Gong is a clan relative, and now the King of Diligence is doing great work. See you! As long as you are summoned by the sage, with the ability of the sage, you will be favored by the sage. If you are not a general, you can do whatever you want to do?" He asked Liu Bei, and said, "Duke Ming, I don't know what the sage is. When will you summon Duke Ming?"

This question also asked Liu Bei what was on his mind.

In other words, two things are the same thing.

This thought is: as early as the beginning of Qin Wang, he imagined that after Chang'an, he would be able to meet Liu Xie, but now in Chang'an, he has no way to meet him. A few days ago, Xun Zhen had an audience with Liu Xie, and only Sun Ce, Zangba, and Xi Zhicai were with him, not even Xu Rong and Xun Zhen. Without him, relying on his own words, he really can't do anything.

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The identity of the clan is not false, but the great Han has been in the world for four hundred years. Today, the clan of the Han family, there are literally countless, such as the crucian carp crossing the river, more than a hundred counties, anywhere, even casual. Which county does not have a few Han clan bloodlines?

It is impossible to attract Liu Xie's attention based solely on the identity of the clan.

And besides that, is there any other way to be summoned by Liu Xie?

Liu Bei pretended to be calm, very sure, and very modest, and answered Shiguan with a smile, saying: "Li Jue and Guo Si are defeated, there are many things in the court that need to be dealt with urgently by the sage, and the sage will be busy for a while. , maybe you will think of me and call me to see you."

Shi Guan nodded yes.

It's hard to say whether Zhuo Ying believes Liu Bei's words or not, but Cheng Ding is obviously the same as Shi Guan. He believes Liu Bei's words, and said with a longing tone: "When Duke Ming is summoned by the sage, I will use Duke Ming's heroic talents, plus The body of the clan will definitely be highly regarded by the saints, and by that time, the last generals and others will be even more exposed to the glory of Duke Ming!"

Liu Bei laughed, raised the bowl, and said, "You can rest assured, if you are rich, you will share it with you!"

Drinking a bowl with everyone, an idea suddenly surfaced, if you can have a brilliant advisor by your side, then if you want to get Liu Xie summoned now, maybe it will not seem like there is no way to do it, and you will not be like a fish without water. So, empty ambitions, no chance to display.

Speaking of which, I really envied Xun Zhen, not only the generals gathered, but also the advisers like rain.

Once the mind is drawn, it is difficult to take it back.

While drinking with the generals, Liu Bei thought about how to get Liu Xie's attention and was summoned by Liu Xie.

Two days later, an edict was issued to pay tribute to General Sun Cewei, to lead the governor of Yuzhou, and to be named Marquis of Wugong. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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