The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 225: Yang Biao's words should not be taken

Remember [New] for a second,! The Han Dynasty had the Great Court Meeting, the Nei Dynasty, the Chang Dynasty, and the Syowang Dynasty. It is the morning meeting held on the first or fifteenth day of the first day of the month, on the new day or on the day of the day.

During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the former Han Dynasty, a dynasty was set every five days, which is still in use today.

Although the lower part is in Dong Chengying, the decency and regulation of the Han family cannot be abolished. It is still a dynasty every five days, but the next day is not the day of the constant dynasty. Liu Xie then summoned Yang Biao and other ministers to the agenda the next morning, and told them the decision he had made after thinking about it all night last night. Please move to Yingchuan as requested by the table."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the tent looked different, either happy or surprised.

But there was one person who responded: "Old minister, please think again!"

Everyone saw that the person who spoke was Yang Biao.

Before Liu Xie could answer, another person suddenly said: "The sage has temporarily moved to Yingchuan. Yang Gong has repeatedly objected to this matter, but he can't give any reason for his objection. Your Majesty, this is really making the minister do not know what he meant."

Everyone looked at it again, the person who spoke was Huangfu Li.

Before Yang Biao opposed Liu Xie's move to Yingchuan, all he said were high-sounding reasons.

Such as the restructuring of the capital of Yi, the world's major events should not be taken lightly, otherwise it will disturb the people. He also cited the example of the forced relocation of the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an. However, it is very likely that the world will be confused and Dong Zhuo will not listen. As a result, after the capital was moved, the situation is indeed more chaotic. Therefore, if the capital is moved from Chang'an again, I am afraid that it will lead to more serious consequences. Specific reasons for moving the capital.

Now that Huangfu Li was hit by such a blow, he felt Liu Xie's eyes fell on him, and Yang Biao had to tell the real reason for his opposition. He said: "Your Majesty, if you move to Yingchuan, I'm afraid that from now on, the court will be brought to you."

Huangfu Li said, "I dare to ask Duke Yang, who will be responsible for the imperial court? Is it General Wei and Sun Ce, the prefect of Yuzhou?"

Sikong Zhao Wen stroked his beard and said, "If Duke Yang has this concern, in Wen's opinion, there is no need for it. Sun Ce is young and hopeless. Even if His Majesty moved to Yingchuan, how could the court be affected by it?"

Yang Biao is not afraid of Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, Guo Si, and of course he will not be afraid of Xun Zhen. He has been vague and vague before, because he does not want to make each other stiff. , said bluntly, "Although Sun Ce is young and hopeless, he and Xun Zhen are teachers and students."

Huangfu Li gave a long smile and said, "So it turns out that the person Yang Gong is worried about is not Sun Ce, but Xun Zhendong."

Han Rong said with a smile: "I'm afraid Duke Yang is really thinking too much. Xun Zhen is the son of the old Sikong Xun Shuang, and his family has been well-known from generation to generation. First, his loyalty to the Han family can be seen from this."

Liu Xie nodded and said to Yang Biao, "I think what Yang Gong, Zhao Gong, and Han Gong said are reasonable."

Yang Biao said: "Your Majesty, is Dong Zhuo born a traitor? He didn't respectfully obey the orders of Shangguan and the court's orders in his early years, but why did he end up causing chaos in Chang'an and bullying the court? Your Majesty, minister year. Old age, there are many things I have experienced and seen, and there is no other reason, but because of 'no one was seen when the gold was taken, only the gold was seen' ears. Although Xunzhen's family has a clear name, although Sikong Xun Shuang is a pure and honest minister It is true that Xun Zhen had tried Dong Yougong in the past, but he attacked Tao Qian without an imperial order.

He crossed the state borders, first invaded Yanzhou, and re-offended Qingzhou. The great Confucian scholars in the Confucian Sea were also harmed by them. Looking at their actions before and after, how could they look like Dong Zhuo! Its fruit is a loyal minister! "

"When you take gold, you don't see people, you only see gold", this is an allusion, from "Liezi", it is said that "In the past Qi people had a desire for gold. The gold went away. The officials arrested him and asked: 'Where are all the people, what are the people's gold?' The answer was: 'When the gold was taken, no one was seen, only the gold was seen.'" In short, the meaning That is, greed for profit.

Zhao Wen said hesitantly: "But the Weiyang Palace has been burned down, and the people of Chang'an are now withered, and it is difficult to afford the daily needs of the royal family, officials and troops. It is indeed not suitable to be a capital."

Yang Biao said: "Although the Weiyang Palace has been destroyed, the Changle and other palaces are still largely intact. After cleaning and a little repair, the saints can live there. Because the thieves are killing the people, now the drought has passed, Li Jue and Guo Si thieves have died again, and they have fled into Nanyang. As long as the sage preaches benevolence, the people will naturally come from afar to live together, and the population will change. More and more. The two difficulties of the public are not difficult to solve."

Han Rong said: "Nowadays, there are many people in Sanfu who have troops to stand up for themselves. In the west, there are Han Sui and Ma Teng, all of whom are on the same level as Li Jue and Guo Si. If the sages still stay in Chang'an, then their generation will be better. Tathagata commits driving, how to deal with it?"

Yang Biao replied: "There are two countermeasures."

Han Rong said, "Dare to hear the details."

Yang Biao replied: "Liu Biao, the prefect of Jingzhou, and Liu Zhang, the shepherd of Yizhou, also belong to the clan; Cao Cao, the prefect of Taiyuan, and Wangyi, the prefect of Hedong, have been granted imperial appointments because of the merits of King Qin. Selecting a group of elite soldiers to come to Chang'an to jointly defend the capital is one of the strategies, which can be temporarily settled in front of us. The second strategy is to select good families from the common people and enrich the battalions of the forbidden army. The second strategy is to have a long-term plan. It's so difficult, isn't it solved?"

Yang Biao answered every question, and every answer could solve the problem raised by others, as if it could not be difficult for him.

Huangfu Li then opened his mouth and asked, "Even if the palace can be repaired, the people can be gathered, and the soldiers of the garrison can be recruited and trained, but this time Li Jue and Guo Si are in trouble for the court, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao are all sitting on their horses. If you don't rescue him, when you were arguing against Dong before, the two brothers' hearts of not being ministers were obvious. If the sage moved to Yingchuan, as Sun Cebiao said, Yuan Shu can be attacked in the south and Yuan Shao can be controlled in the north. If you don’t move the capital and are still in Chang’an, Li dares to ask Duke Yang, how did Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao get them?

Yang Biao said proudly: "Since the imperial court is secure and the troops and horses are sufficient, if the Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao brothers really have unpredictable ambitions, then they will discuss with the righteous teachers all over the world."

Theoretically speaking, there is no problem with what Yang Biao said about "discussing righteous teachers all over the world", but the biggest problem now is that "righteous teachers all over the world" obviously refers to the princes of various places, but these princes are now Today, no one is truly loyal to the Han Dynasty, and no one is willing to be the forerunner of the Han Dynasty, and to fight for the Han Dynasty.

Everyone in the account, including Liu Xie, is well aware of this.

But some words can be understood, but cannot be said. Once they are said, for example, no prince is truly loyal to the Han family, then to what extent will the prestige of the great Han fall? That's why everyone didn't directly refute Yang Biao's remarks.

Han Rong was nearly seventy years old. He was old and lacked energy. He didn't want to argue with Yang Biao any more, so he said to him: "Yang Gong, you are worrying too much." After that, he said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty, Yang Gongzhi The words are biased. Your Majesty has decided to accept Sun Ce's invitation to His Majesty.

The suggestion of moving down the Yingchuan River, the minister believes that this is the best policy that can be taken at present, and it will also be of great benefit to the DPRK situation and to clearing up the domestic situation. "

The courtiers who were summoned by Liu Xie expressed their opinions one after another. Most of them agreed, but only a few opposed them. One moved his lips and wanted to speak for Yang Biao. Seeing this situation, he finally swallowed his words. This person is Ding Chong.

Yang Biao was both disappointed and indignant. He said, "If you don't follow my words, wait for the aftermath!" He bowed to the ground and said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty! Think about it again! Otherwise, I may regret it too late!"

Liu Xie didn't know what to say.

Zhong Yao remained calm, went down and helped Yang Biao up, and said, "Mister Yang, please return to your shift. Your Majesty's mind has been made up, and you don't need to remonstrate."

In response to Zhong Yao's words, Liu Xie hurriedly said: "Since the public is very much in favor of me moving to Yingchuan, this matter will be settled! When the court is due in the future, I will issue an edict."

After the meeting was over, Yang Biao left with what kind of mood, needless to say; while Liu Xie was having lunch, Zhong Yao left Dong Chengying and hurried to Xunzhen camp, his mood was very happy.

Although in the past few years, as a close official by Liu Xie's side, he has a lot of power in name, but since he entered the dynasty, the court has been dominated by Dong Zhuo and then by Li Jue, etc. His power can actually have the power. How big is it? He has long wanted to change this situation. He persisted by Liu Xie's side for three or four years, and he finally cleared the clouds and saw the moon, until the day when the situation changed! Now that the move to Yingchuan is a foregone conclusion, when the imperial court moves to Yingchuan, he, as a fellow villager of Xun Zhen, has made such a great contribution to this matter. It is conceivable that not only will he have more than nominal power, and there will be more power waiting for him.

An upstart road has been opened for him.

This is not only his personal success, but also the next level of his family.

For example, Yang Biao's family, Yang Biao's ancestor, Yang Xi, is the one who killed Xiang Yu. From Yang Xi to Yang Biao, their family can be said to share weal and woe with the great Han. Up to now, nearly four hundred years have passed. Ying, when she entered this dynasty, became a first-class family in the country. Could such a prosperous family be only the family of Yang Biao? Zhong Yao also wants to make his family the same! The past is incomparable, but what about the future? Always comparable!

Given Zhong Yao's usual steadiness, he couldn't help but smile when he was sitting in the car.


When they arrived at Xunzhen and saw Xunzhen, Zhong Yao told Xunzhen that Liu Xie had already made the decision to move the capital to Yingchuan.

"The sage has finally made the decision to move the capital to Yingchuan? This is a success, you are the first!"

"What's your next move?"

The position of the Book Minister has been obtained, and Liu Xie also agreed to move to Yingchuan. This time, both of King Qin's goals have been achieved. It is indeed a success. Xun Zhen was also very happy and said with a smile: "Since the sage has made a decision, I will formally submit it at the Chang Dynasty the day after tomorrow, and make this request again. When the sage approves the order, we can proceed to move."

The two were talking, and Yu Jin, who was on duty at the Suwei, came in and reported: "Ming Gong, Liu Bei is asking for an interview."

"Xuande is here? Please come in."

When Liu Bei entered the tent and saluted, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Xuande, you are here at the right time. I have good news for you, the Sage has already agreed to move the capital to Yingchuan, and you are still leading the prefect of Yingchuan, so you should first Go back to Yingchuan and make some preparations for the welcome ride."

When the words entered Liu Bei's ears, Liu Bei was suddenly disappointed.

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