The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 222: The Sacred Heart of Siam (Part 2)

Remember [] for a second,!

Outside the camp, Xin Ai, Zhang Fei, and a group of generals from their division were seen, all of whom were full of dust.

The jade man is like Xin Ai, and he is also quite gray and dry, and his lips are dry.

Although Zhang Fei was on the horse all the year round, when Zhang Fei was walking, his legs subconsciously slanted outward. Don't ask, Xun Zhen also knew that this must be because the three or four days were basically spent on the horse, so He couldn't take it anymore, and his thighs hurt.

Xin Ai, Zhang Fei and others visited Xun Zhen, and Zhang Fei ordered the officials to bring the two.

The elders were in their thirties, and the younger ones were in their early thirties. They were all downcast, their hands tied, and a rope tied them together. Seven or eight soldiers pushed the two of them, like chasing two sheep. When they got close to Xun Zhen, the two officials beside them lifted their feet and kicked each of them behind their legs, and they both fell to their knees.

Zhang Fei said respectfully: "Duke Ming, these two thieves are Li Xian and Li Li, the sons of Li Jue."

Xun Zhen glanced casually, but didn't care much. Not to mention that Li Xian and Li Li were both thieves, even if Li Jue and Guo Si were captured alive, in Xun Zhen's view, they were nothing but the icing on the cake for his role as King Qin. It's just two military leaders, and they won't take it too seriously. Xun Zhenxiao, Xin Ai and Zhang Fei said: "The two of you have worked hard to chase the thieves. For three or four days, before the battle, they pursued the enemy for more than two hundred miles, and went back and forth for three or four hundred miles. The two thieves of Siam, Li and Li, for the restoration of credit, I will go to the court tomorrow and ask for credit for the two ministers."

Xuankang followed Xun Zhen out of the camp to meet him, and he took over Li Xian and Li Li. After the two captives, he asked Xun Zhen and said: "Ming Gong, how will these two thieves be settled? ?"

——It stands to reason that Xun Zhen did not have to go out to greet Xin Ai and Zhang Fei as generals, but Xin Ai was his beloved, and Zhang Fei was the one he valued, so he should be different from others. Welcome.

Xun Zhen said, "Dedicate it to the Son of Heaven with my table above."

Xuankang agreed, so he ordered his subordinate officials to take the two thieves down first, and waited for Chen Yi to write the form for Xun Zhen, and send it to Liu Xie together with the form tomorrow.

Entering the camp, entering the tent, everyone sat down and talked.

Xun Zhen asked: "Qian Guanqing and others reported that Li Jue was killed by Guo Si, and Li Xian and Li Li fled in a hurry because of what the Qing and others captured. What is going on here?"

During the few days that Xin Ai and Zhang Fei were chasing Li Jue and Guo Si, there would be military reports to Xun Zhen every day, and they mentioned Li Jue in the last military report that captured Li Xian and Li Li. He was killed by Guo Si, but the military newspaper did not give a detailed account of the matter. Xun Zhenyin had this question.

Zhang Fei replied: "Back to Duke Ming's words, Fei and Yulang also heard about this matter from Li Xian and Li Li. They know the specific situation better, or else Duke Ming will recruit these two thieves and make detailed inquiries. ?"

Xun Zhen nodded and ordered Xuan Kang to bring Li Xian and Li Li back.

Not long after, Li Xian and Li Li were detained in the tent.

If the two of them were scared when they saw Xun Zhen just now, then the mood of the two of them was already fearful after hearing that Xun Zhen wanted to dedicate them to Liu Xie tomorrow.

Li Xian and Li Li relied on Li Xian's prestige before, and they were extremely disrespectful to Liu Xie. They offended Liu Xie too much. I didn't mention other things. They only said that Li Xian was under Li Jue's order and forced Liu Xie to move from the palace to Li Jue's camp. In this matter, Li Xian knew that Liu Xie hated him to the bone, and once it fell into Liu Xie's hands, he would definitely not fall well.

It has been heard that Duan Xun and Jia Xu voted for Xun Zhen, but Li Xian had the same extravagant hope as Duan Xun and Jia Xu used for Xun Zhen.

He and Li Li bowed to the ground, kowtowed, and said with a trembling voice: "Xian is guilty, and Xian is guilty! A humble body is not enough to stain Duke Ming's sword. , the only physical strength, willing to serve the Duke of Ming's hard work."

Zhang Fei frowned slightly, despising his appearance of begging for mercy and bowing his knees, and said, "Please tell me how Li Jue was killed by Guo Si, and tell my lord in detail."

Li Xian and Li Li were both captured by Zhang Fei himself. They had already believed what Zhang Ji said after he fled to Chang'an, "Yu and Fei can't be worthy". After hearing Zhang Fei's order, Li Xian quickly responded: " Yes, yes." and Li Li looked at each other, but it seemed that he didn't know where to start.

Li Xian fell into memory, and after a while, he said, "It was a fine afternoon..."

It's only half a sentence, dangerous

Some made Xun Zhen laugh.

Xun Zhen said to the crowd, "I didn't expect that not only Li Jue and Guo Si could be called 'crying dragons and phoenixes', but Li Jue's two servants were also quite the style of Jue."

Li Xian thought that Xun Zhen was really praising him, and had a little more hope of life, so he suppressed his panic for a while, and quickly humbled and encouraged his spirit, and then continued: "I left Chang'an and fled to Nanyang, Xian and others have been marching for three consecutive days, and they have been chased by the two generals Xin and Zhang for two consecutive days. It was to frighten Siam and the others into a panic..."

Zhang Fei frowned, interrupting his flattery of himself and Xin Ai, and said, "Don't say those useless things, you can answer whatever my lord asks you."

Li Xian flattered, "Yes, yes." Continuing to tell Xun Zhen, he said, "My soldiers suffered a lot and were exhausted, so my brother chose a valley and ordered the soldiers to take some rest. After a long time, Guo Si sent people to invite my brother to go to his ministry to discuss the next steps. Duke Ming, my brother is a real person, and I don’t doubt that he has it, so he only brought more than a hundred followers. In the ministry, Guo Si set up a banquet and apologized to my brother, saying that he had regretted his previous actions and should not have suspected that my brother had poisoned him, and then had an infighting with my brother. My brother believed his words, but he When the wine was in full swing, Guo Si actually made him sit in the seat, and in front of everyone's eyes, he killed my brother alive! This horse thief..." He couldn't help but want to scold a few words, and the words were about to come out, and he finally reacted. In time, he swallowed, and continued, "When the news was preached, Guo Si's troops had already come to attack our army, and Siam and the others were caught off guard, so they had to lead some parts in a hurry, and finally escaped, but they were caught by Xin and Zhang Er. The general collided.... Duke Ming, the two generals are too brave..."

Zhang Fei interrupted him again and said angrily, "Just say what you have!"

Li Xian replied: "Yes, yes. ... Duke Ming, Xian and others were not rivals, so they were captured by the two generals. This is also the good luck of Xian and others. Otherwise, they would not have the luck to visit Duke Ming today! ' said, shaking his head again.

Xun Zhen asked, "Did you only escape from Li Jue's army? I heard that Li Jue had a mastermind named Li Ru. Where is he now?"

Hearing Xun Zhen mentioning Li Ru, both Li Xian and Li Li showed hatred on their faces.

Li Xian resisted the urge to take a sip on the ground, and replied respectfully to Xun Zhen, saying, "In reply to Duke Ming's words, Li Ru is a treacherous villain. After my brother was killed, this thief was a servant girl, and he actually said to Guo Si, 'I would rather be a slave to a general than a guest of Li Jue', so he surrendered to Guo Si! Duke Ming, the crimes committed by the army before, attacked Chang'an, etc., Li Ru has a lot of ideas, and Xian and the others regret not being able to capture him and present it to Duke Ming to punish him!"

Li Jue was killed by Guo Si, and his army was annexed by Guo Si, which sounds a little surprising, but it is not surprising when you think about it carefully.

If Li Jue was allowed to kill Fan Chou in the middle of the seat, wouldn't Guo Si be allowed to kill him in the middle of the seat? In fact, Li Jue has also made the same idea. He was going to kill Guo Si when he was about to reach Nanyang, and annex his soldiers to supplement his lost strength, so that he could get a higher level after arriving in Nanyang. The status, I just didn't expect to be grabbed by Guo Si first, but there is no need to mention it.

Xun Zhen asked, "Where is Guo Si now?"

Li Xian and Li Li did not know where Guo Si was, but Zhang Fei and Xin Ai knew.

Zhang Fei replied: "Returning to Duke Ming's words, Guo Si killed Li Jue and annexed Li Jue's trilogy, and rushed to Nanyang. When Fei and Yulang and the others chased after Shangluo, they heard that their troops had sent him with Yuan Shao to welcome him. Zhang Xun's group reunited, Fei Yincai and Yulang returned, and returned to Duke Ming."

"Yuan Shu really welcomes Guo Si to enter? So, Guo Si must have arrived in Nanyang now."

Zhang Fei replied, "It should have arrived in Nanyang."

A person sitting in the seat stroked his beard and smiled and said, "Guo Si's entry into Nanyang is like a match."

Everyone saw that the person who spoke was Cheng Jia.

Xuankang asked, "How dare you ask about military counsel?"

Cheng Jia smiled and said, "Heroes are gathered in Shen, and heroes are gathered in Wan."

"Shen" refers to the State of Shen in the Spring and Autumn Period, and Nanyang was the land of the State of Shen; "Wan" refers to Wan County, which is now the county seat of Nanyang County.

But now Nanyang has Yuan Shu and Lü Bu. The political ability and strategy of these two are among the lowest among the lords in the world, and the same is true for Guo Si. When these three get together, they cannot be called in any way.

When talking about "heroes" and "heroes", Cheng Jia's words were obviously ironic, and everyone in the tent laughed.

Taking a closer look, what Cheng Jia said is really good. Nanyang can now be called a concentration of losers.

Xun Zhen also laughed, and the matter had already been inquired, so she motioned to Xuan Kang to bring Li Xian and Li Li out.

Li Xian and Li Li have not received Xun Zhen's promise to spare their lives from the beginning to the end. The blanket on the ground refused to go out, and bowed down to the ground, begging endlessly. Xun Zhen ignored it, and the two of them were eventually dragged out by the soldiers.

Although the two of them were guilty of heinous crimes, the state of begging and begging was unavoidable.

Cheng Jia sighed: "If I had known today, why should I be in the first place?"

That night, Xun Zhen made an exception again and set up a banquet to wash away the dust and celebrate for Xin Ai and Zhang Fei, and drank a few glasses with him.


The next day, Chen Yi sent Xunzhen to Xin Ai and Zhang Fei to ask for credit, and at the same time reported that Li Jue was dead and Guo Si was welcomed into Nanyang by Yuan Shu.

Leaving Duanxu and Jia Xu, including Zhang Xiu, was useful. If Li Xian and Li Li were to stay, they would be of little use. Second, they were deeply hated by Liu Xie. Liu Xie will be dissatisfied, so these two cannot be retained anyway.

Chen Yi sent Shangbiao, Li Xian, and Li Li to Dong Chengying, and returned to Xunzhen, saying: "Ming Gong, the sage has issued a decree that Li Xian and Li Li will be executed tomorrow. Anyone who has nothing to do with civil or military affairs can go to see them. After the verbal order is executed, a high pole is erected at the Yuanmen Gate, and the heads of the two thieves are hung to show the public."

It seemed that Liu Xie hated Li Xian and Li Li more than Xun Zhen expected.

When not only beheading, call the officials to see, and after killing him, he will hang his head and show it to the public. It is not because he hates it very much. As the emperor, Liu Xie will definitely not do this.

Although Liu Xiezhi said that "all officials who have nothing to do can go to see and be executed", but who can't understand what he means? Clearly, it is to ask the officials in Chang'an to watch the beheading in order to vent their hatred. Because it was the next day's execution, except for the high-ranking officials such as ministers and ministers, no matter what happened, there were indeed a large number of officials and generals who came to Dong Chengying's appearance.

Of course Xun Zhen would not go to see such a thing, but there were quite a few soldiers in his camp and in Sun Ce's camp.

But it wasn't because of Liu Xie's decree that the generals went to watch it. It was mainly because Li Xian and Li Li were powerful generals under Li Jue's account. Lieutenant General Xun Zhen and Sun Ce are also quite aware of the bravery of the two of them. They were killed today, and Liu Xie personally ordered them to be killed, so there will be curious people to look at them. Take a look.

Outside Dong Chengying, civilians and military generals can be seen.

Around noon, Li Xian and Li Li were pushed out of the camp and brought on a temporary execution platform.

Zhong Yao was ordered to be executed, and he unfolded the imperial decree to execute Liu Xie's will to kill the two of them, and recited aloud in the inner speech. He did not mention that Li Xian forced Liu Xie to go to Li Jue's camp. It is unforgivable to say that these two thieves have committed wrongdoings.

After the imperial decree was read, Li Xian and Li Li knelt down. The executioner raised his sword and swung it down. The heads of the two people with frozen expressions of terror rolled down the stage. The official stepped forward, picked up the two heads, quickly tied them to two high poles, and erected the high poles on both sides of Dong Chengying's gate.

Yesterday, I briefly mentioned the matter of moving down with Liu Xie, which is a preliminary test of Liu Xie's meaning. Although Liu Xie did not object, he did not make a decision, saying that this is a serious matter, and we must listen to the opinions of Yang Biao and others. , Zhong Yao was thinking about talking to Liu Xie about this again today, but he didn't have the heart to stay any longer. After everything was done, he left in a hurry.

Hundreds of officials and generals who came to watch the execution either still gathered in the audience, or went to the front of the high pole, discussed for a while, and then gradually dispersed.

Among the people who dispersed, the generals surrounded one, it was Liu Bei, and the generals who surrounded him were Zhuo Ying and others.

Liu Bei took two steps, looked back at the two heads hanging on the high pole and swayed slightly, took another two steps, and looked back again, but this time it wasn't the two heads that he looked at, but Dong Chengying was heavily guarded. He walked a few more steps, looked back three times, and was still looking at the Yuanmen, until he came to the side of his horse that was tied in the distance, turned on his horse, and was about to hit the horse and go away. Yuanmen.

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