The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 202: 3 Return the blood to Kezheng (4)

The defender named Sun Cong in Zheng County knew that if the reinforcements were annihilated by Xu Rong and others, if he only came to defend the city, Zheng County would surely fall. As reported by Liu Bei, he left only a few hundred people to defend the city, and led the rest of the cavalry out of the nest, trying to rush to the battle to help.

——Xu Rong and Guo Hong and other two troops and horses totaled 8,000 people. The momentum of the battle was very strong. When you climbed to the top of the city and saw it, although it was too far away, it was impossible to see clearly, but the dust and smoke caused by the battle between the enemy and us, etc. It is roughly possible to see something, and Sun Cong got the perception from this.

Xu Rong's camp was located in the east of the city, and Sun Cong led his troops out of the west gate of the city, but Liu Beixian had ordered Zhuo Ying to lead 500 soldiers in advance to form an array outside the west of the city.

After hearing Zhuoying's flying report that the enemy had left the city, and there were about 2,000 enemies out of the city, more than twice as many soldiers as he had available, Liu Bei understood that if he only used soldiers to block, then if he wanted to stop the enemy who left the city, It will be very difficult, because while he is ordering Zhuo Ying and ordering him to block first, he urgently dispatches people to report news to Xu Rong, and at the same time beats the drums to gather all the civilians who are accompanying the army.

However, he used the strategy that he said to Xu Rong before that people can also use it.

Dressed in black armor, with a red cloak hanging from the back, a sword on his waist, and a spear eight feet wide in his hand, Liu Bei stood at a high place outside the camp and shouted to the two thousand people who had gathered in front of him, "General Xu and Colonel Chen. Last night, I led the main force of our army and sneaked to the west of the city to set up an ambush. Now they are fighting fiercely with the thieves' aid. The thieves' defenders want to go out of the city to help them. General Xu and Chen Xiaowei's department and the thieves' aid are still undecided. , then General Xu will be defeated! And if General Xu and Chen Xiaowei are defeated, we will be defeated too!

"Gong et al and Bei are both foreigners. If they are defeated here, there is no way to flee. Liangzhou thieves are fierce. When Bei was the prefect of Yingchuan, I heard the old saying of the county father. , I am the only dead bandit! Be prepared to join the army to retaliate, death is the duty, but cherish the life of the public! The wife and son of the public are in Yanxu, if the public is dead, the wife and son of the public will be Without support, it is also possible that the wife of the public will have to remarry someone else, and it is also possible that the son of the public will become the son of another family!

"I am planning for the public right now, and now I can only fight together with preparations to stop the thieves who leave the city. Only in this way can the public and Bei Nai be spared from this difficulty, and the wife and son of the public can also be spared no support! The military discipline of Zhendong, the public and the others are well known, and the rewards and punishments are strict. Today, if you are victorious, even if the public is a second soldier, Zhendong will definitely give generous rewards!"

Most of these civilians were soldiers of the Yellow Turbans from Qingzhou and Yanzhou. Before they surrendered to Xun Zhen, they fought with Xun Zhen's troops. But you do know, at least have heard of it.

After Liu Bei finished the call, these two thousand people, you look at me, I look at you.

On this occasion, there is indeed no other good choice. Liu Bei pointed them out to them as the only way. Instead of waiting for Xu Rong and Chen Wu to be defeated, they would not be able to escape death. It is better to follow Liu Bei to fight.

Following Liu Bei's order in advance, several military officials who mixed in with the civilians took the lead and raised their arms and shouted: "I would like to kill the thief from the general!"

Immediately afterwards, the two thousand civilians also shouted: "I would like to kill the thief from the general!"

Liu Bei was overjoyed, so he ordered the military officials to push the long-haired, ring-headed straight swords and other weapons that had been prepared long ago in a cart, and asked these civilians to fetch them.

Most of the civilians had the experience of fighting in the Yellow Turban Army, and were no strangers to the battle formation. After getting weapons such as spears and knives, they quickly formed a group under the restraint of dozens of junior officers and veterans. Simple lineup.

Liu Bei led them and the remaining four hundred soldiers, and immediately rushed to Zhuo Ying's position in the west of the city to block Sun Cong's troops from leaving the city.

Zhuo Ying led 500 people and blocked 2,000 enemies. Although there were some pre-built defensive facilities as a screen, even though he had only fought for half an hour, it was already in jeopardy. Thanks to Liu Bei's quick action and quick organization, he arrived in time with a large army, and the position was steadfast again.

The two sides meet. In terms of numbers alone, Liu Bei's side has already surpassed the number of defenders who left the city.

However, the fighting power of the civilians was obviously not comparable to that of the Liangzhou soldiers who had left the city. In the offensive and defensive situation, Sun Cong's troops were still the offensive side.

Liu Bei did not dare to take it lightly.

Zhuo Ying, Chengding, Shiguan and other warriors are all in the front line, leading the soldiers and fighting the enemy.

The defenders of Zhengxian County gathered their strength and attacked Liu Bei's formation twice with hundreds of elite daring fighters, but they were not allowed to fall.


On guard.

A subordinate and Sun Cong said, "The captain wanted to help the soldiers, but he was stopped here! The thieves are strong, what can I do?"

Sun Cong put his horse on his legs, stood up straight, and carefully watched Liu Bei's position, which was about a mile long from north to south and more than a mile thick from east to west.

Seeing the north and south sides of the front line, the two generals who took the lead in the defense were indeed brave. They both held shields in their left and knives in their right. Close-to-body fights, advance and retreat jumps, and in the blink of an eye, are already killing four or five.

He also saw the general in the middle of Liu Bei's front line who was commanding the defense. Sun Cong recognized that this general was also the first to stop him from leading his troops out of the city. , standing at the forefront of the formation, not retreating an inch, either stabbing him with a spear or hitting him with the handle of a spear, no one of the defenders could get close to him during the swirling battle; He shot him from the ground, and the captain's armor was already covered with arrows like hedgehogs.

After watching for a while, Sun Cong said to the servant, "Liu Bei's formation is divided into front and rear, and the front formation is difficult to fight. Those three generals are all fighters, and their soldiers are also elite, but his back formation is easy to fight! You see, The soldiers in the back line were brought by him just now. They didn't wear military uniforms and ragged robes. They were just civilians! That is to say, the only soldiers who were able to fight in the front line were those soldiers in the front line. It was easy for me to lose. !"

The officer asked, "Dare to ask the Colonel, how to defeat him?"

Sun Cong said succinctly and said: "Riding in the back!"

Most of the defenders who followed Sun Cong out of the city were infantry, but some were cavalry.

Although there were only over a hundred cavalry, they were all Liangzhou iron cavalry, and their combat effectiveness was quite sturdy.

According to Sun Cong's military order, the more than 100 cavalry left the team and headed north first, bypassing Liu Bei's front line where Zhuo Ying, Chengding, Shiguan, etc. Get off, speed up your horse, and rush towards Liu Bei's rear with a spear.

As Sun Cong observed, in Liu Bei's blocking position, he did place most of the regular soldiers he could use in the front line, and the back line was mainly composed of civilians.

As Sun Cong observed, these civilians did not even have military uniforms, let alone armor, let alone armament such as bows and crossbows. They wore commoner clothes, used knives and spears, and there were no defensive facilities on the outside of the formation. How could they fight against the iron cavalry? Before Liangzhou Qi could reach the vicinity, waves of commotion broke out in the temporary rear formation mainly composed of civilians.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Bei hurriedly shouted again to boost his morale.

But the words of his encouragement were of no use at all, including those words that he had inspired the people's husbands before, and they were all left behind by the people's husbands. The tall horses trampled the dust and rolled, and the knights who immediately whistled were like roaring tigers and wolves, and the spearheads that shone like bloodthirsty fangs. More than a hundred iron cavalry rushed into the formation, which was breathtaking, and many of the civilians dropped their weapons. Turn around and run.

Although there were those who did not escape and wanted to fight, the entire rear formation had been driven by the fleeing civilians, like a bank washed away by a flood, and it didn't take long for it to collapse piece by piece.

The Liangzhou cavalry, which numbered less than two hundred cavalry, was unstoppable as soon as it rushed into the rear formation formed by the people.

As far as I can see, there are fleeing civilians everywhere. Some of them can't escape. They are stabbed to death by horse riders, or trampled under the hooves of war horses.

Liu Bei was shocked, took out his sword, and cut down three or four fleeing civilians, but he couldn't stop the decline at all.

"If Yunchang and Yide are here, there will be hundreds of thieves riding in the area, killing them like weeding!" Just like in the usual battles and encountering dangerous situations, the thought of resenting Guan Yu and Zhang Fei for not being by his side is now in Liu Bei's mind again. rising.

Liu Bei knew that people could not count on the husband, and now he had to rely on Zhuo Ying and others to stop the defenders from leaving the city.

And the people were not only unreliable, but they could no longer be forcibly prevented from escaping.

Because if they are forcibly blocked again, blocking their way of fleeing backward and on both sides, then they may change to flee forward, and if they flee forward, the front line commanded by Zhuo Ying and others will inevitably also collapsed, scattered.

Only these people can escape.

Liu Bei no longer stopped him, and gathered all the soldiers he could use, led him personally, and rushed to the front.

Just as Sun Cong saw that Liu Bei's rear formation had collapsed, he raised all the reserve team, joined the front-line soldiers, and attacked Zhuo Ying's front formation. The appearance of the enemy soldiers can already be seen, and the shouts and killings of the enemy soldiers resounded from far and near. For a time, they were almost enemies, and the Liangzhou accent was heard everywhere. As for Zhuo Ying and others, the soldiers in the previous formation were devastated by the rear formation, and the enemy cavalry was approaching, making a mess.

At this critical moment, Liu Bei raised his sword and shouted: "Chang'an is in sight, the Son of Heaven expects us to wait, today's victory, wealth is as easy as picking up firewood! You will work hard! You will work hard!" Don't go back.

However, his shouting seemed to be of little use.

Although Zhuo Ying and other generals have been supported by Liu Bei for a long time, of course they will not retreat, but many of the remaining soldiers in the front line are shocked by the fierce attack of the enemy on the opposite side, and by the retreat of the civilians behind , has already given birth to escape, and the entire front formation has also begun to have constant riots, and there seems to be an omen that the formation will collapse.

At this time, all it takes is one breath. This formation cannot be dispersed no matter what. Once dispersed, the entire army will be destroyed.

Liu Bei's gentle appearance was no longer there. At this time, his eyes were fierce. He led his personal soldiers forward and blocked a gap that was about to appear. , blood spattered armor.

After repelling a wave of the defenders' offensive, Liu Beifu shouted again: "In the past battles, all the troops have fought! Today's battle is the only one I have heard! Victory, the name of the public, the general of Zhendong will know, and the reward will be rich. !"

He left and right the loud-sounding personal soldiers, and spread his shouts out.

Liu Bei's exclamation, "Today's battle, I alone hear it", the meaning is very clear, it is referring to the previous battles, and all the ministries under Xun Zhen's account participated, but today's blocking battle, the fighters Only Liu Bei and their soldiers, after winning the battle, there would be no other soldiers and horses to distract Xun Zhen's sight, and Xun Zhen would know the names of these soldiers who participated in this battle.

This shout came out and reached the ears of the military officers and soldiers in the front line, but it was obviously much better than Liu Bei's shout just now, the so-called "The Son of Heaven expects me to wait". Those soldiers who had the intention of fleeing at first, with Liu Bei's call, their desire to flee was suddenly dissipated, and they all strengthened their fighting spirit, and no longer had the color of terror and fear. Invincible fighting.

Sun Cong repeatedly urged his troops to attack, and the more than a hundred Liangzhou iron cavalry also attacked from behind.


In the west of the city, Daonan will be under the banner.

Xu Rong, who had been observing the battle, saw a bright spot in his eyes. He discovered a weakness in the enemy, and sent an order: "There is no help between the front and the rear of the thief, so let the reserve team go to the connection between the two! Destroy Guo Hong in the front and Hu Zheng in the rear!"

There were about 300 soldiers in the reserve team, right by Xu Rong's side. After receiving the military order, they immediately went into battle. According to Xu Rong's order, they rushed to the junction of Guo Hong and Hu Zheng to launch an attack.

Immediately afterward, according to the second half of Xu Rong's order, the soldiers and horses who had been transferred to the west wing, where Hu Zhengbu was located to assist in the battle, evacuated from the battlefield and returned to the east wing, where Guo Hong's department was located, and cooperated with Chen Wu's department. The other troops joined forces to attack Guo Hong's troops.

Guo Hongbu was at the end of the force, finally unable to resist, declared collapse.

After that, Hu Zheng was still waiting for Guo Hong to consume Xu Rong's troops for a while before making a counterattack, but Guo Hong's group had already collapsed. Hu Zheng was stunned and scolded Guo Hong for no use. He hurriedly ordered the headquarters to withdraw westward, but it was too late.

The defeated soldiers of Guo Hong's group rushed back and rushed Hu Zhengbu to pieces. Chen Wu and the others urged the soldiers to press on, make persistent efforts, and continue the battle bravely. In less than half an hour, Hu Zhengbu also declared defeat.

Before Guo Hong and Hu Zheng could escape, they were overtaken by the cavalry generals under Xu Rong and Chen Wu, who were both beheaded and beheaded.

The battle that started in the morning has now passed.

Leaving a few soldiers and horses behind, chasing and wiping out the remaining enemies, and sweeping the battlefield, Xu Rong and Chen Wu led the troops back to Zheng County in a hurry.

Nearly evening, I rushed back to the west of Zhengxian County.

Hearing the sound of killing from a distance shook the four fields, that was Liu Bei's subordinates still struggling to support.

Without waiting for Xu Rong's order, Chen Wu led his troops and horses, already shouting and rushing to the battlefield; how could the soldiers of Xu Rong's army give Chen Wu and his troops the credit? Also kill to the war zone.

Sun Cong's army was Sun Cong took the defeated army and wanted to escape back to the city, but Xu Rongyin had already blocked his way back to the city.

Under the banner, Xu Rong sat on the horse, and ordered the officials on the left and right to shout: "Guo Hong and Hu Zheng are dead! Those who descend will not be killed!"

In front of him, two tall poles were erected, with a human head on each pole, the heads of Guo Hong and Hu Zheng.

Sun Cong saw from a distance, and when he saw that the pursuers were approaching, his face was ashen, and he surrendered.

Xu Rong saw Liu Bei and other generals, all of them were covered in blood and armor, Zhuo Ying's arm was wounded, Cheng Ding was injured by a strong crossbow, fainted and did not wake up, and asked about the casualties of the soldiers. Nearly half of the 2,000 civilians were killed or injured.

"Fighting without justice, Rong Jin is defeated!"

Xu Rong personally wrote a report to Lubu, describing the merits of Liu Bei and Chen Wu, and ordered officials to send a report to Xun Zhen.


Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Today is the chapter.

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