The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 203: Hongmen 1 battles the world (1)

When Xu Rong's report to the army was delivered to Xun Zhen, Xun Zhen had already led his troops out of Huayin and was on his way to Zheng County.

After reading Xu Rong's good news, Xun Zhen was quite happy.

He ordered Xuankang to select a number of experienced and experienced officials from the military officials who accompanied the army, and taught them to go to Zheng County first to assist Xu Rong and others to appease the civilians in the city. Along with the medical staff of Yijinchuang, they also rushed to Zhengxian County to treat the seriously injured soldiers such as Chengding. They also sent an order to Xu Rong, telling him to be on guard, in case Li Jue and Guo Si would send troops and horses again. Zheng County.

March to the afternoon of the next day, the soldiers arrived in Zhengxian.

Xu Rong, Liu Bei, and Chen Wu led Zhuo Ying and other generals to welcome them outside the city.

Xun Zhen met them twice, asked Xu Rong and others to avoid salute, looked at everyone with concern, and asked, "Are you injured?"

On behalf of Liu Bei and Chen Wu, Xu Rong replied respectfully to Xun Zhen, saying: "Lai Minggong's mighty spirit, the last general was fortunately not injured."

Xun Zhen laughed and said: "When the two armies meet, the enemy and I fight each other, the soldiers on both sides grit their teeth and fight each other to the death, all wanting to kill the enemy, it is the time, only the brave can win. What is the use of my mighty spirit? If my mighty spirit is useful, Zhuo Ying and Cheng Ding will not be injured." His eyes fell on Zhuo Ying, Shi Guan and other generals standing behind Xu Rong and the others.

It has only been more than a day since the fierce battle. The wounds of Zhuo Ying and other generals are definitely not good. The wounds are still wrapped in bandages. Some of them also have wounds on their faces, or they have been brushed by enemy arrows, spears and knives. , or hit by the enemy's shield and armor, or there are still **** holes, or the nose is blue and the face is swollen, and the corners of the mouth are rotten, which is quite shocking.

Xun Zhen called them forward, sighed soothingly, and said, "This battle in Zhengxian County has been very hard. You and others have annihilated the thieves and aided them all the way, and have blocked the thieves' help all the way. They fought two bad battles in one day, but in the end, you and others fought. We won this battle! We not only wiped out the thief aid, but also took the county seat of Zheng County. He killed the thieves, generals and captains, and wiped out nearly 10,000 enemies. General Xu has given me details in the military report. I have already asked Sima to temporarily write down the merits of your lord and others, and I will give you a reward after the king of diligence succeeds, and I will give it to the emperor."

He never imagined that he would receive Xun Zhen's personal reception and Xun Zhen's comfort and encouragement. Although Zhuo Ying and other generals were still injured, they were all in high spirits. You know Duke Ming's mighty spirit! The last general is willing to die for Duke Ming!"

Xun Zhen laughed again, looking left and right, then looked at Zhuo Ying and others, and said, "It's up to me again. It's all your credit for winning this battle, and it has nothing to do with me! You and others are all mine. How can a tiger general in the army make such flattering words?"

This is not to blame, there is a joke in his tone.

After Zhuo Ying heard it, including Xu Rong, Liu Bei, and Chen Wu, they all laughed.

Xun Zhen couldn't find Chengding among the crowd, and asked, "I saw in the military newspaper that Chengding was seriously injured and in a coma. How is his injury now?"

Liu Bei took half a step forward and replied to Xun Zhen, saying, "Returning to Duke Ming's words, thanks to the timely arrival of the medical staff sent by Duke Ming, Cheng Ding is now awake after the treatment, but he still can't get out of bed. He shouted that he insisted on coming to meet Duke Ming, and was prepared to wait until he was finally persuaded to stop him."

Xun Zhen listened, nodded slightly, and looked around Xu Rong, Liu Bei, Chen Wu, Zhuo Ying, Shiguan and other generals in front of him. Although he did not witness the battle in Zheng County, he followed Xu Rong's army. In the newspaper, I could also feel the intensity and tragic degree of this battle, and I couldn't help but sigh: "Although Li Jue and Guo Si caused chaos in the imperial court, and their crimes were monstrous, first Bo Fu attacked Xin'an three times, and then Jun and others fought **** Zheng County. Liangzhou soldiers, worthy of the name of the world's most powerful soldiers!"

Since the beginning of the Qin King War, Xun Zhen has fought battles to this day. There are easy ones and some hard ones. The easy ones are Huayin and Hongnong counties. The two counties won't even have a siege battle. Fight, but this does not mean that Liangzhou soldiers have no combat effectiveness. The reason why Xun Zhen was able to easily gain these two counties was because he avoided the real and attacked the empty, and the other was because Duan Xun and others did not have a firm determination to resist, so Hongnong and Huayin succeeded Xunzhen in succession. get. Whether the Liangzhou soldiers are capable of fighting depends on Sun Ce fighting Xin'an and Xu Rong fighting Zhengxian. These two battles, one was a siege and the other was a field battle, and they were both fought very hard. It is obvious that the fighting strength of the Liangzhou soldiers was indeed as Xun Zhen sighed, and it was worthy of the name of the world's most powerful soldiers. When the princes asked for Dong, most of them did not dare to enter.

Xun Zhen continued his own words. He put away his sigh, smiled again, and said: "This battle in Zheng County, you and others will be difficult to win, why not make a big deal to celebrate it?" , send it to Chengding.

Cheng Ding was a colony chief earlier, but now he is only a Marquis of Qu Jun, but Xun Zhen is not humble, such a generous treatment, how grateful he will be when he sees Xun Zhen's gift of wine is needless to say. Even Zhuo Ying and other generals at the moment felt warm in their hearts.

Liu Bei quietly ordered the officials close to him, and followed Xunzhen to order the army officials who brought wine to Chengding to go to Chengding. Liu Bei explained to him that the official told Chengding that this wine should be drunk with Zhuo Ying and Shiguan, and there is no need to say more. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had long been concerned about Liu Bei, and seeing that the conversation between Xun Zhen and the generals had come to an end, they came up from behind to talk to Liu Bei, and there was no need to say more.

After Xu Rong presented the heads of Guo Hong and Hu Zheng, he summoned the first general to step forward, go to Xun Zhen, and said, "Ming Gong, this is Sun Cong, the general of Zheng County."

Sun Cong bowed down and said, "Meet the general."

Xun Zhen rejoiced and said to Sun Cong, "Since you have surrendered, you don't have to be afraid. General Duan will put things right, I will tolerate it, but it's up to you? As long as you are sincere in surrendering to me, there is nothing wrong with your past sins. I'm not to blame."

Sun Cong bowed down and thanked him endlessly.

Xun Zhen heard that the clerks sent yesterday had reported to him to appease the city and asked Xu Rong, but he had not heard that Li Jue and Guo Si had sent troops to Zheng County again, so he sent the order down. , ordered the troops to build camps in the east and south of the city to rest.

That night, Xun Zhen met with the Zheng County gentry.

The gentry in Zheng County, like those in Hongnong, Huayin and other counties, praised Xun Zhen incessantly, and had long hoped for a righteous teacher.


Long before the soldiers arrived in Zheng County, Xun Zhen had already sent several scouts in the direction of Chang'an to inquire about the details of Li Jue and Guo Si's divisions.

In the evening of the next day, the scout that was dispatched first returned and reported to Xun Zhen, saying: "Li Jue and Guo Si have led the troops and horses personally, and they will cross Ba Shui and head towards Ba Ling after they have just left Chang'an. Go, it's called a hundred thousand cavalry."

Xun Zhen asked the scouts to step back and rest, and first summoned Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai and others to discuss the matter, and then ordered Jia Xu and Duan Xun to meet.

Jia Xu and Duan Xun arrived soon.

Xun Zhen informed the two of them about what had been reported by the scout just now, and asked slowly: "The general is familiar with Li Jue and Guo Si, and the gentleman is a wise man. Now the two thieves Li and Guo have led the troops and have left Chang'an. It seems that I want to go to Baling to fortify it, but I don’t know what the second master is thinking about this? How should I deal with it, and can the second master teach me?”

Duan Xun's surrender was because of Jia Xu, and Xun Zhen treated both of them. Although both of them treated them favorably, they obviously valued Jia Xu more, because after the surrender, Duan Xun was quite oblivious to Jia Xu's leadership. Hearing Xun Zhen's question, Duan Xun turned his eyes to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu stood up, bowed respectfully to Xun Zhen, and replied, "Li Jue and Guo Si are brave and foolhardy. The two of them are now leading troops to Baling, seeking their own death and offering their heads to the generals! In my humble opinion, it is now appropriate to be the generals to take advantage of the victory to attack, to annihilate Li Jue, Guo Si, and King Biqin. In the time of this!"

"Oh? Sir, please elaborate."

Jia Xu said: "If Li Jue and Guo Si did not leave Chang'an, although Dong Cheng wished to protect the emperor, Dong Cheng had few troops, and the emperor was well-rounded or had some concerns; but now that Li Jue and Guo Si have personally led the main force out of Chang'an, then Dong Cheng's troops have not gone out to Chang'an. Taking advantage of this opportunity when Chang'an has few troops and no masters, after the general fights against Li and Guo, he will be able to take up the responsibility of guarding the emperor! The emperor is safe, and the general has no need to worry about it."

"That's right, but the scouts reported that Li Jue and Guo Si claim to have 100,000 troops, but I only have more than 30,000 troops. There is a huge disparity in numbers, and Liangzhou's troops are sharp. If I attack them, can I defeat them?"

Jia Xu stroked his sparse gray beard and said, "Li Jue and Guo Si claim to be able to ride 100,000 horses, which is an exaggeration. Xu just came out of Li and Guo's army, how could he not know the fact of their army? The total number of soldiers available for the two of them is no more than 60,000 or 70,000. Today, the two thieves dare to go out of Chang'an, defy the generals, and get rid of the soldiers left behind in Chang'an.

"The number of fifty thousand?"

Jia Xu said: "The number of 50,000 is indeed more than the general's righteous teachers, and as the general said, the soldiers of Liangzhou are indeed brave, but the general! Xu thinks that if you go to fight against Li Guo now, the general will win three times. There are three things Li Guo will lose."

"Dare to hear it."

In front of Xunzhen's seat, among Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and others, Jia Xu talked eloquently and said: "The general has ordered to punish the thieves, and the scholar's heart desires, Li Guo caused troubles in the court, and the people's grievances accumulated, and the Hearing it, 'one of the generals will win, and one of Li Guo will surely lose. Huayin has gone down, and Zhengxian has returned to the general's income. The eagle strikes in the sky, and the bandit army is trapped between Wei and Ba, as if trapped in a vassal prison.

"Since the general raised his army, he followed the path along the way, winning in battle, conquering in attack, and invincible in whatever direction he went, but in Li Guo's army, Li Guo first fought inwardly, and then Yang Feng planned to assassinate. Although the generals are suspicious, the generals are suspicious, and when they see the righteous teachers of the generals, their morale is like a rainbow. Who wins and who loses, what more words are there?

Three must win and must lose.

The first one refers to the political situation, the second one refers to the strategic situation, and the third one refers to military morale and morale.

Jia Xu bowed down, bowed again, and said decisively, "So, although Li Guo's soldiers are a little more than the generals today, the Liangzhou soldiers are usually strong, and the generals will definitely be victorious in a battle!" Dare to enter the General, make some repairs in Zheng, then march westward, conquer the Tombs first, then enter Chang'an, and present the heads of Li and Guo to the Son of Heaven, and after this is done, the thieves are eliminated, and the King of Diligence is dedicated to this time!"

Xun Zhen went down to the tent, helped Jia Xu up with her own hands, smiled at Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, etc., and said, "How is it?"

Sun Ce smiled and said, "Mr. Jia has a high opinion and is equal to me!"

However, before Jia Xu and Duan Xun arrived, Xun Zhen, Sun Ce, Xi Zhicai and others negotiated the strategy of attacking, and they also entered the army immediately and fought Li Jue and Guo Si decisively.

Xun Zhen and Jia Xu said, "Scholars of high brilliance often see the same thing! Sir, this discussion agrees with Bofu, Zhicai, and Fengxiao." Asked Duan Xun, he said, "What does the general mean?"

Duan Xun hurriedly replied: "Yu Xun has the same meaning as Mr. Jia!" He bowed down to the ground, and said, "We are attacking the two thieves now, and Xian dares to be the vanguard of the general!"

Xun Zhen also helped him up and asked him and Jia Xu to return to the table to take their seats, picked up a piece of paper on the case, handed it to Jia Xu, and said, "I have decided to rest for two days, and then the soldiers will go to Ba Ling! This is the letter I wrote to Li Jue and Guo Si just now, sir, please polish it up for me."

Jia Xu respectfully took the handwritten letter from Xun Zhen and opened it.

The handwriting is very short, writing: "You have been in chaos for a long time, and you will not be punished for a long time. Now I have resigned and punished the crime. Yuzhou has erected a righteous flag. You can avoid death, get lost and never return, and you can keep it well.”

In just a few words, it was pointed out that Xun Zhen's use of troops this time was in accordance with the imperial decree, and the situation was pointed out that the soldiers and the people welcomed the righteous teachers, Sun Ce, Cao Cao and other prefectures responded, and finally pointed out the way out for Li Jue and Guo Si. , If you surrender, you can avoid death. If you want to go all the way to the dark, then defend Baling and Chang'an well, and wait for him to fight.

Jia Xu is resourceful as well as literary. Although he thinks Xun Zhen's handwriting has something to be embellished, how could he be so ignorant and really embellish Xun Zhen? Just compliment.

Xun Zhen also asked the servants to take a volume of documents on the case, and showed them to Jia Xu, saying, "This is written by Chen Yi, my master, please look at it, sir, and see if there are any shortcomings."

When Jia Xu unfolded it, he saw in the letter that it was written: "The general of Zhendong, Xun Zhen, the provincial governor of Yuzhou, Sun Ce, etc. told the state Fangbo, the prefect of the county, and the generals of Sanfu, Li Jue and Guo Biling to persecute the royal family, mutilated the people and the people, and the world gnashed their teeth. , Now I have raised 100,000 righteous teachers, and I will be punished by words..." Yunyun.

This letter is much longer than Xun Zhen's handwriting, but it was not written by Chen Yi just now, but before Xun Zhen sent troops. When Xun Zhen sent troops to Changyi, Chen Yi wrote a total of two letters, one was already proclaiming the world, and the other was this. Compared with the previous one, except for the difference in terms, this oath has more words such as "Following words and punishing crimes". ——Why did this narration mention "criminal punishment"? The whole reason is to prevent Li Jue and Guo Si from harming Liu Xie before the troops arrive.

Jia Xu read the letter in earnest, held it in his hands, and returned it to Xun Zhen, saying, "This letter is generous and fierce, justified and well-founded, and the literary talent is flourishing. After only one reading, I feel righteous indignation, so I expected this letter. On the day it spreads, all the heroes of the three auxiliary groups must all respond to the generals!"

Xun Zhen caressed the short mustache and smiled and said, "If you have no objection, sir, I will pass this letter to Sanfu and Hainei, and send the officials to send me a handwritten letter to Li and Guo."

Jia Xu has no objection.

The letter and handwriting were sent out one after another.

Xun Zhen ordered that the entire army rested for two days, and then sent troops to the army.


Li Jue and Guo Si had already crossed Ba Shui and arrived at Ba Ling.

Xun Zhen's handwriting was sent to Li Jue's camp.

After reading it, Li Jue was furious. He pointed to the last sentence in Xun Zhen's handwriting, and said, "'Be kind to guard it'? Do you think I dare not fight? How dare Shuzi be so arrogant!" Ling said, "Show this book to Guo Duo and call him to see me!"

When the military order came out, Guo Si refused to come to his camp to meet him.

No choice, Li Jue had to change an appointment with Guo Si to meet between the two camps.

Li Jue left the camp and went to the meeting place, but he didn't know whether it was Guo Si who was holding the air or was busy with military affairs, so he couldn't get out.

Li Jue didn't have time to get mad at him at this time, so he asked him and said, "Have you read Xun Thief's book?"

"Look at what do you think?"

Guo Si's face was full of anger, and he said, "It's too much to humiliate Nai Gong!"

Although the two had already fallen out, Li Jue couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for each other, slapped his thigh, and said, "Guo Duo, you are the same as what I rarely see! I think so too! It's up to you. When I arrived at Ba Ling, I rode 50,000 cavalry! The scouts found out that the troops led by Xun Thief were only 30,000! You and I are nearly twice as many as him. In my opinion, you I should lead my troops to attack and face him!"

Guo Si also thinks this way.

The two hit it off, Guo Si hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Where do you think it would be better to fight Xun Thief?"

"Hongmen Pavilion!"


I wish you all a Happy New Year! The new year is full of tigers and dragons, and tigers are full of wind! Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation!

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