The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 201: 3 Return the blood to Kezheng (3)

In the early morning of early summer, the wind is cool, and the light of the rising sun is a little thin.

Above the broad official road, dust is flying, flags are rolled, and a team is heading east.

This troop was the reinforcement of Zheng County sent by Li Jue and Guo Si.

There are two generals, one is Guo Hong and the other is Hu Zheng. Hu was Li Jue's general, Guo Hong was Guo Si's general, and Guo Si's younger brother.

Guo Hong's troops were at the front, Hu Zheng's troops were at the back, a total of 4,000 cavalry, plus the civilians who accompanied the army, traveled a mile or two on the official road.

Walking in front of Guo Hong's army, Guo Hong rode on a tall Liangzhou steed and looked forward.

After the troops came out of Chang'an, they didn't stop much on the road. Last night, they rushed the road in the middle of the night. Guo Hong knew that the soldiers were quite tired. Ten li is the town of Zheng County, let’s work harder, we should be able to arrive before noon, and when we get to the city, I will call Sun Xiaowei to slaughter the cows and slaughter the sheep, so that I can treat you well.”

The soldiers agreed.

Somewhere in front of the road, a few birds flew by the side of the road.

Guo Hong didn't care at first, but soon his eyes fell back to the place where the bird rose, which was a sparse small forest.

He glanced at it a few times, pointed at it with a horsewhip, chose an official, and ordered, "Bring a few horses over to have a look."

As soon as he gave the order, the officers who followed him knew the reason.

The official who received the order said with a smile, "What? Is the general worried that there will be Xun thieves in ambush there? The military newspaper does not say that the army of Xun thieves is still in Hongnong County, and there is no military report that Zheng County has fallen. Xun thief How did the soldiers and horses come here?"

Guo Hong said: "Sima hasn't come back yet, but it's impossible to report back to me."

Sima also, before nightfall yesterday, Guo Hong sent his Sima to Zheng County to inform the defender Sun Xiaowei that his troops and horses are coming, but his Sima has not come back to pay him back.

The military official said with a smile: "Since leaving Chang'an, it has been hard for days on the road. Perhaps Sima drank a few more glasses after arriving in Zheng County, so he delayed the return. When the general saw him, he punished him heavily."

Having said that, Guo Hong had no choice but to obey, so the officer led three or four cavalry out of the team and galloped towards the grove pointed by Guo Hong. Guo Hong's eyes followed closely, but when they approached the grove, the military officer and the horsemen fell off their horses without warning.

It happened so fast that Guo Hong didn't react for a while, and then he heard the drum horns of Daonan and Daobei.

More than that, in the grove, in the barren fields with weeds over the knees near the grove, and behind the hills in the far north of the road, accompanied by the sound of drum horns, all of a sudden, I don't know how many soldiers and horses in red uniforms appeared and headed towards the official road. kill. Arrows fell like rain, shouting and killing everywhere.

"Ambush..., General! There are ambushes!"

Guo Hong is a veteran of the battlefield. After a short period of shock, at least on the surface, he has calmed down.

As the main general of an army, at this moment, the officers and soldiers must not see his panic. Guo Hong clenched his whip, thinking about countermeasures. He ordered again, "Quickly send an order to Hu Zheng at the back, and tell him to form a formation to block the enemy!" Finally, he stretched his arms and ordered, "Take my armor and kill the thief from me!"

The officers around him either rushed to pass on his military orders, or there was a wise man who hurriedly said, "I was guessed by the general, and Xun thief actually set up an ambush here! General? Sima has never had any. In return, does that mean that the county town of Zheng has been lost? But I don’t know how many ambush the thieves have set up here? General, the current plan seems to be to retreat quickly! Why does the general want to attack?

On the way to march, in a hurry and unprepared, the two sides suddenly ambush, and Guo Hong's troops are still in the front. At this time, most of his entire army's marching formation has already fallen into a state of chaos.

Guo Hong said angrily: "If you retreat at this time, the thieves will chase and wipe out the entire army! Only by repelling the ambush first, can you retreat." Urging the order, "Where is my armor?"

Two servants took his armor and ran over.

Guo Hong dismounted, and with the help of his servants, he put on his armor and took his usual spear.

His bodyguards have been assembled.

Guo Hong got back on his horse and observed the enemy's situation a little. At this moment, the ambush soldiers were about to kill the nearest one to the side of the road, so he ordered: "Divided into half of the soldiers, go to the back and lean on the carriage! For the rest, let me kill first!"

According to his orders, more than a hundred soldiers were divided into two groups.

One group went to the back, went to the baggage train, and organized the formation; the other followed him, preparing to make a charge first.

The military officer Guo Hong sent to deliver the news to Hu Zheng had just rushed to Hu Zheng's army.

Hu Zheng's department saw an ambush suddenly burst out, and the formation was chaotic.

Hu Zheng was very dissatisfied after hearing Guo Hong's order passed on by the military official, and said, "I use him to order? I don't know what to do?"

However, Guo Hong is Guo Si's younger brother, and the relationship between Hu Zheng and Li Jue is not comparable, and his current military position is Zhonglang General, and Hu Zheng is only a school captain, and his military rank is higher than that of Hu Zheng, so Guo Hong only ordered him. It is said that although Li Jue and Guo Si have re-aligned with each other, they are still suspicious of each other. When they heard Guo Hong's so-called "order", Hu Zheng was dissatisfied, and it was reasonable.

Dissatisfaction turned into dissatisfaction, and Hu Zheng also knew that Guo Hong's suggestion was correct, and he certainly couldn't withdraw immediately. He had to form an array and fight a battle before retreating, so he sent an order to his troops to form an array .

After Hu Zhengjun's order was passed, he jumped into a car and set up a pergola to observe the ambush of Guo Hongbu and the enemy on both sides of his troops.

He noticed that it should be because Guo Hong had discovered it early and the entire army had not yet entered the enemy's ambush. The enemy's ambush was mainly distributed on both sides of Guo Hong's front. The number of volts is low.

The pressure on Hu Zheng's heart was slightly relieved.

On the north side of the road, Xu Rong stood by the sword on the side of the flag that had just been erected.

The headquarters ambush soldiers on both sides of the road had already killed the official road and fought with enemy reinforcements.

But just when the troops and horses just started, the team of the enemy's reinforcements was already chaotic. However, after a short time, Xu Rong clearly observed that the front and rear of the enemy's reinforcements were already shrinking in formation. When the formation began, the speed of the reaction was not unpleasant.

Xu Rong ordered: "It must not be formed into an array!" He ordered all the units to step up their attack. In order to prevent the enemy from the west that did not fully enter the encirclement from forming a formation to support them, he again chose one of the elite soldiers, and ordered, "Quickly. Reinforce to the west wing!"

When the order came, hundreds of soldiers rushed to the west wing to help the battle.

Blood splattered and stumps flew.

The tranquility of the summer morning was pierced, and whether it was the enemy or his own blood soaked into his eyes, the originally thin sunlight became even more dazzling. The Xun soldiers who had entered the battle were reckless; the charge had been unsuccessful for a while, and Guo Hong, who had been resisting in the temporarily formed chariot formation, was also worthy of the reputation of Liangzhou soldiers, and they were indeed brave. On both sides of the enemy and us, the attackers face the spear and face the sharp, and the defenders desperately die.

Guo Hong took the lead, shouting loudly, and fighting back four or five attacking ambush soldiers one after another. With his spear, he stabbed another enemy soldier who was screaming and rushing. This is the tenth enemy soldier Guo Hong has stabbed. , the spear that he used to have been broken early, and he had already replaced it three times. Under the heavy armor, his arms were already feeling a little tired, but he still did not retreat half a step, and still stood at the forefront of the car formation to block.

While killing the enemy, Guo Hong kept ordering the drums and summoning the nearby soldiers to move closer to him.

Daonan will be under the banner.

Xu Rong Guanzhi saw that the enemy army in the east, centered on the chariot formation, seemed to be gradually stabilizing its position, his brows furrowed slightly, and he said, "Guo Hong, this one, and Guo Sizhi's fighting general, are indeed It is agile." This position must not be stabilized by him, and he ordered, "Zuo Zuojun: Wang Xiaowei will work hard and break the thieves' car formation!"

The official wrote this military order and sent it to Chen Wu in the north of the road.

Chen Wu had also noticed the formation formed by Guo Hong.

Xu Rongjun's order came that Chen Wu put on a layer of armor in addition to the armor he wore, but it was two layers of heavy armor, and he had to come to the side of a large shield. He lost his spear and took a knife in his hand. , ordered the soldiers on the left and right: "Follow me to trap the thieves!"

In the chariot formation organized by Guo Hong, the carriages were outside, the spearmen were behind the carriages, and the bowmen were behind the spearmen.

He could only hear the continuous sound of puffs, and before he approached the car formation, Chen Wu had already hit more than ten arrows on the shield he held up. Chen Wumo was silent, raised his shield and raised his sword, facing the increasingly dense arrows, dashed and charged, followed by more than 20 soldiers.

Xu Rong saw that Chen Wu and the twenty-odd soldiers he led were like a hammer, slamming into the car formation listed by Guo Hong!

But if Chen Wu and the twenty or so soldiers were a hammer, then Guo Hong's chariot formation was like a ferocious copper wall. First. The intensity of this small-scale offensive and defensive battle was beyond imagination.

Watching Chen Wu and the others, they fought hard several times. The casualties of the enemy and myself have reached 10 or 20, and the corpses inside and outside are all on the roof of the car, but the car formation still cannot be broken.

Xu Rong ordered left and right and said, "Transfer my personal soldiers!"

Xu Rong's personal soldiers were all warriors. With this new force coming to join, Guo Hong's car formation was gradually unable to resist.

But at this moment, an enemy cavalry repelled Xu Rong's cavalry who were entangled with them, and rushed to Guo Hong's chariot formation to help.

The chariot formation was not broken, and the enemy cavalry was approaching, so Chen Wu and others had to retreat for the time being.

This is one of the classic tactics when encountering an enemy in a hurry. Guo Hong used it very skillfully.

Inside the car formation, Guo Hong felt the pressure of the enemy's offensive was decreasing, so he took time out to look around, seized the opportunity, and ordered left and right to say: "The thieves retreat a little, our unit can break through! Hurry to the west, Xiang Hu The order is being issued, asking him to accept our retreat."

An official led more than ten soldiers, rushed out of the carriage, and killed Hu Zhengbu in the west. The road between the chariot formation and Hu Zhengbu was full of enemy soldiers fighting each other. When they reached Hu Zhengbu and found Hu Zhengshi, most of the soldiers led by this official had already died on the way.

The officer conveyed Guo Hong's order to Hu Zheng.

Hu Zheng listened, and said solemnly: "This is the time to annihilate the thieves! Why should you retreat? Go back and tell General Guo that I am organizing troops and preparing to counterattack, and ask him to hold on for a while longer. When my troops and horses are killed, I will be with him. Together, we must annihilate this band of thieves!"

The military officer who sent the order paled and said, "This, this...! Captain, our troops are exhausted, and the danger is at stake. I'm afraid this will not work."

Hu Zheng was too lazy to talk to him, so he ordered: "Go back quickly and pass me this order to Guo Hong! Don't delay."

The military officer was unable to do so, so he had to turn around and go back to the car formation to relay Hu Zheng's request to Guo Hong.

But why did Hu Zheng refuse to accept Guo Hong, and instead asked Guo Hong to hold on for a while longer?

What he said to the military official was that he was organizing troops and horses, preparing to counterattack, and annihilating all the ambush soldiers. It turned out that after Guo Hong's hard blocking in front of him during this period of time, Hu Zheng noticed that the number of ambush soldiers was actually similar to the number of their troops, maybe even less than their number of soldiers and horses, because he was born here. read. His plan was to let Guo Hong's troops continue to consume the ambush troops, and when the consumption was almost done, he would lead his troops to launch a counter-offensive.

Hearing Hu Zheng's reply, Guo Hong was shocked and angry.

However, because his troops were ahead of the march, they were now most besieged by the enemy. Without Hu Zheng's support, it would be extremely difficult to retreat. Forced to be helpless, Guo Hongwei continued to support him while scolding Hu Zheng endlessly.

Although I know Guo Hong and Hu Zheng, and UU Kanshu I know that Liangzhou elite soldiers are all veterans and their combat power is also strong, but my troops are brought out by myself, and I think that their combat power is also a elite soldier. , and because he was prepared and unprepared, he originally expected that this battle would be won no matter how he fought, but now, the battle is past noon, and no victory has been achieved. Gradually get anxious.

The sun at noon in early summer was already quite blazing, and several horses came galloping from the east.

He sweated like rain for the chief officer, jumped off his horse, and reported Liu Bei's emergency to Xu Rong.

The emergency newspaper wrote: "The thieves in Zhengxian County may have already woken up, and they are all out of their nests, and they are ready to lead troops to intercept them."

Xu Rong looked at the still fierce fighting on the road, and then looked east at the location of Zheng County. Without the slightest hesitation, he personally wrote a reply order to Liu Bei.

The return order wrote: "Zheng County thief, if the general is difficult to stop, I will die here with the general."

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