The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 182: Flying Report Taiyuan Entering Hedong (Part 1)

One of the advantages of being a local chief is that you can have the final say in the one-third of the land under his control, but there is also a bad point, that is, staying away from the center. When the center has any important decisions, it may be Unable to participate.

Xun Zhen's return to work at Wang Chang'an this time was like this for Zhang Hong. After Xun Zhen made this decision, Zhang Hong was informed of the matter in the letter passed on to him. Since he was not involved in the decision-making process, it is not surprising that he was concerned.

After all, the Qin Wang Changan is a very important event.

Xun Zhen heard what Zhang Hong said, and asked him with a smile, "What is your concern?"

Zhang Hong said: "If you go to Chang'an King Qin, you must first pass through Hongnong County. However, Hongnong County now has three troops: Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, and Duan Xun. Hong has already found out that Zhang Ji has ten thousand troops. The rest of the army was mainly stationed in Hongnong County; Yang Ding and Duan Xun, each with several thousand troops, were stationed in Huayin County, and their three troops and horses totaled about 20,000 cavalry, all of them elites from Liangzhou. The soldier is a brave and brave man, and he also has strong cities such as Xin'an and Yiyang, and the geographical advantage is there. Hong does not know Ming Gong, can he be sure of defeating Zhang Ji's thieves quickly? , then Li Jue and Guo Si learned that the Duke of Ming's army was coming, and after the general Qin Wang Chang'an, they might stop the army and make peace, and rush to help Zhang Ji's thieves. At that time, the matter of Duke Qin of Ming was very difficult. I am worried about this. That's it."

After Zhang Baiqi had violated the territory and was repelled by Xu Rong and others, Zhang Ji wanted to take advantage of Zhang Yang and Zhang Henan's attack on Luoyang to raise troops to attack Luoyang. Zhang Ji and others from Hongnong County have always attached great importance to it and have not taken it lightly. Before and after, he sent a lot of scouts and meticulous work to Hongnong County to inquire about the situation of Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, and Duan Xun, and he had a good understanding of the enemy situation in Hongnong County.

Xun Zhen didn't say anything, and motioned Zhang Hong to continue.

Zhang Hong said: "After the defeat of Zhang Yang and Zhang He, Yuan Benchu's desire to covet me in Luoyang has not stopped. Hong's second worry is that if Duke Ming attacked Hongnong County, it would be unfavorable, or he might attack Chang'an and Li and Guo. During the battle, Yuan Benchu ​​took the opportunity to invade Luoyang, but what should we do?"

Compared with Zhang Hong's two concerns, the latter's concerns are more important than the former.

The first worry was that he would not be able to fight Hongnong, and he might not be able to achieve the purpose of the Qin Wang Changan, and he would be unsuccessful in his apprenticeship.

The latter worry is not the case. If this worry comes true and Yuan Shao takes the opportunity to take Luoyang, it will be equivalent to cutting off the way for Xun Zhen's subordinates to return to Yan and Yu, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xun Zhen calmly and calmly, stroked his short mustache and smiled, saying: "So this is the second worry of the public."

Zhang Hong said: "Ming Ming has a long-term plan, and the two things that Hong is worried about must have already been considered. Hong dares to ask Ming to publicize it."

Zhang Hong's two concerns are justified, and his guesses are not wrong. Xun Zhen has already thought about the two concerns he raised for a long time, and has already taken countermeasures for each.

But you don't need to play Zhicai

, Guo Jia and others endorsed, and Xun Zhen personally explained Zhang Hong's two worries to Zhang Hong.

——Xun Zhen knew that since Zhang Hong raised it in public, the two concerns he raised were probably not his own concerns, but possibly Xun Yan, Xu Rong, etc., who were in Luoyang and were not able to participate in the Qin Wang Chang’an. A common concern among all involved in the decision-making process on this matter.

"Yuan Benchu ​​is indeed as the public said, probably still coveting Luoyang, but before I led my troops out of Changyi, I had ordered Pan Zhang and Zhao Yun to Zhang Jidong, and ordered Zhongren to move to Jinan." Xun Zhenxiao and Zhang Hong He said, "Duke Zhang, there are Zhongren, Zilong, and Wengui all looking at the east of Jizhou, so even if Yuan Benchu ​​still coveted Luoyang, I expected that he would definitely not dare to go south again! There is no need for this worry.”

Zhang Hong thought for a while, accepted Xun Zhen's explanation, and said, "It turns out that Duke Ming has ordered Qingzhou and the second generals of Zhao and Pan Chen to be in the east of Jizhou. In this way, Hongzhi is worried about Yuan Benchu's southward movement. I've been thinking about it... Dare to ask Duke Ming, what will Duke Ming plan to fight in this Hongnong County? Can you be sure of defeating Zhang Ji's thieves quickly?"

Xun Zhen stroked her short mustache and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, I have prepared a battle plan, but I can't tell you right now, and when I use soldiers to promote agriculture, I will know."

Fighting with soldiers is a secret. Xun Zhen refuses to tell her strategy. Zhang Hong understands it, so she doesn't ask any more questions.

However, even though Xun Zhen didn't reveal his battle strategy, seeing Xun Zhen so confident, Zhang Hong's doubts were also dispelled. ——Thinking that Xunzhen has experienced more than ten years of battles, he has won more and lost less. As long as he has self-confidence, Zhang Hong believes that he will have a great chance of winning.

That night, Zhang Hong set up a banquet in the prefecture to wash away the dust for Xun Zhen and others.

As he said, Xun Zhen ordered his servants to bring a jar of fine wine and drink it with Li Tong; he also drank with Sun Ce, Xu Rong, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and others. Even when they first met Ren Jun, who was not very high among the officials in Luoyang, Xun Zhen did not ignore him. He was very polite and had several drinks with him. The suggestions he offered made the counties of Yin in Henan, in the midst of Dong Zhuo's turmoil, quite the most proud of Ren Jun, who was able to stick to it, and praised him greatly; The county is very commendable.

——After the banquet was over, Ren Jun returned to his residence and said to his wife and son, "I have heard for a long time that Zhendong treats virtuous people with humility, and there is no vacuous person under his reputation! I met Zhendong for the first time today, and Zhendong treats me with respect. But it is very respectful. The scholar died for the confidant, I cast the town east, and have no regrets." Needless to say.

Although he told Li Tong that he was not drunk or unhappy, but in the end, he was in the army and had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. Xun Zhen would definitely not get drunk. When the banquet was over, Xun Zhen was still very sober. Zhang Hong had already arranged a place for Xun Zhen and others in advance, and asked Xun Zhen to come to the place to rest.

But after everyone resigned, Zhang Hong came back and asked to see Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen invited him into the room.

When Zhang Hong got indoors, he was about to bow down and pay his respects when Xun Zhen stopped him and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, it's late at night, you're going to go.

And back, I think there must be something important. "

Zhang Hong replied: "Reporting to Duke Ming, it's not because I don't know that Duke Ming is tired of marching, or because it's getting dark, but it's like Duke Ming sees it clearly. There is indeed an important matter, and I urgently need to ask Duke Ming, so I retreated. In return, Shang begged Duke Ming for forgiveness."

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, how long have you been in Luoyang, and you have become so polite! What's the important thing? Please tell me."

Zhang Hong answered yes, and after receiving Xunzhen's order to prepare him to meet the orders from various diligent kings to come to Luo, he asked Xunzhen for instructions and said, "I am in the hall now, Hong Guan. Duke Ming is very sure of defeating Zhang Ji's thieves quickly. If he can defeat Zhang Ji's thieves quickly, then King Chang'an of Qin will be able to defeat Li and Guo, and he will be successful. Since this is an important matter, please show Duke Ming ."

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Xun Zhen said, "What is the important thing the Duke said?"

Zhang Hong said: "The important thing that Hong said is that after defeating Li and Guo, Chang'an will be ruined, and the emperor may not be suitable for living again, so is it to welcome the emperor back to Luoyang? If Duke Ming has this plan, then Hong Shouldn't we be prepared to welcome you first?"

Since Xun Zhen has the confidence to quickly defeat Zhang Ji's generals, the possibility of King Xun Zhen Qin's success in this matter is indeed very high.

Zhang Hong is the Yin of Henan, and Luoyang is under his rule, so he has to think ahead. If Xun Zhen intends to return Liu Xieying to Luoyang, does he need to make some preparations in advance? You know, the situation in Luoyang and Chang'an are similar, even worse than the situation in Chang'an, and it is also very dilapidated. The emperor is still in the capital. This is a top priority. All kinds of preparations cannot be done in a short day, not to mention the repair of palaces, ancestral temples, etc., which are all time-consuming and cost-intensive projects.

However, Zhang Hong took precautions and asked this question first, which is also an old saying.

Although Xun Zhen was not drunk after drinking, she was thirsty after drinking. The servants in the room had just been sent out because Zhang Hong wanted to report a secret report. Take a bowl to drink.

After drinking, Xun Zhen put down the soup bowl and said to Zhang Hong, "You don't need to be ready to welcome him."

Zhang Hong said, "What does Duke Ming mean?" His eyes were fixed on Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen said calmly: "Duke Zhang, Luoyang is broken, I am afraid it is even worse than Xijing. Even if you defeat Li and Guo and welcome the emperor, I don't want to ask the emperor to return to Luo."

Zhang Hong said, "What does Duke Ming mean?"

"Please ask the Son of Heaven to be stationed in Yingchuan first, why do you think it is like this?"

As soon as Xun Zhen's leisurely words came out, Zhang Hongben held his breath, relaxed, and smiled. He calmly picked up the bowl of soup that Xun Zhen had just given him, drank it, and gently placed the bowl on it. On the case, he raised his eyes, met Xun Zhen's gaze, and said, "Hong also means this."

The two smiled at each other.


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