The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 181: Soldiers enter Luoyang righteous division gathering

Sun Ce's troops were only 5,000, and the troops were small, so the marching speed was faster, and it was closer to Pingyu to Luoyang than from Changyi to Luoyang, so Sun Ce arrived in Luoyang one day earlier.

The next day after arriving in Luoyang, Sun Ce hurriedly went with Zhang Hong, Xun Yan, Xu Rong, Cheng Pu and others to greet Xun Zhen.

In Xun Zhen's army, the Wen-Pin Chi-Ma newspaper, who was leading the way, said that Sun Ce and the others would welcome him.

Xun Zhen did not call them to see them, but drove them to meet the crowd.

On the official road, Xun Zhen's subordinates had a steady stream of cavalry and horses.

On the green grass beside the official road, Xun Zhen saw from a distance that dozens of people stood there.

These dozens of people were Sun Ce and others who came to greet Xun Zhen. Everyone was old or young, tall or short, wearing official robes, or wearing armor, but among the crowd, a young man in silver armor stood out like a jade tree facing the wind, and this person was not Sun Ce.

Xun Zhen dismounted from the horse, walked over quickly, and stretched out his arms from far away, before anyone came, the laughter came first, only to hear him laugh and say to Sun Ce, "Sun Lang! Sun Lang! See, I really want to **** me off!"

"Sun Lang" is the nickname given to him by the soldiers under Sun Ce's tent. At this time, Xun Zhen used "Sun Lang" to call Sun Ce, which was not only joking, but also showed a strong sense of closeness. .

Sun Ce hurried to meet them, and the two met.

Sun Ce saluted respectfully, and said, "Ping Yu said goodbye, and Ce also misses the Duke very much. For a long time, I haven't been asked by the Duke's ears, and Ce is always at a loss, if there is anything wrong."

Xun Zhen looked up and down Sun Ce lovingly, patted him on the arm, and said, "You are no longer when you were a teenager! You are now in charge of Yuzhou, and your reputation is far-reaching. I heard that the gentry in the prefecture praised him, and he is not lost. Your father's reputation has surpassed me! This so-called blue sky! Uncle Fu, I have nothing to teach you."

Sun Ce replied: "If there is no Gong, how can there be a policy today? The kindness of the Gong, Ce dare not ignore it. Today, from the Gong Qin Wang Chang'an, to conquer the two thieves Li and Guo, Ce is willing to be the pioneer of the Gong!"

Xun Zhen nodded and asked Sun Ce, "When did you arrive in Luoyang?"

Sun Ce replied: "The next day after receiving the letter from the public, Ce gathered troops to raise food and spent five days to prepare. Then he came to Luo, but he just arrived yesterday."

Xun Zhen looked forward, and could faintly see the city wall of Luoyang City more than ten miles away. He sighed, took Sun Ce's hand, and said, "Bo Fu, when Dong Zhuo brought trouble to Chang'an, my father and I joined forces to advance together. But in the end, he failed to kill Dong Zhuo, causing the emperor to be held hostage by Dong Zhuo, forced to flee, and moved to Xijing, and then there was the Li and Guo rebellion, and the emperor fell into danger. In front of me, things are already wrong. Bo Fu, what a pity! My father failed in his work and left with regret. Bo Fu, this time Chang'an rescue, you and I must defeat Li and Guo, and we must be saved. The Son of Heaven came out of the hands of a thief! Only in this way can one be loyal to the country and comfort the spirit of the father in heaven."

With a solemn expression on his face, Sun Ce replied in a deep voice, "I respectfully obey the public order!"

Xun Zhen asked Sun Ce how his mother Mrs. Wu and her younger brothers Sun Quan were doing. Sun Ce answered them one by one.

When the two talked for a long time, Zhang Hong and others came forward to meet them.

Among the people, Zhang Hong's reputation and status are the most respected.

Xun Zhen and Zhang Hong said, "Duke Zhang, Luoyang is broken and broken, troubled by the public's visit to the animal husbandry, and it is suffering."

Zhang Hong replied: "To share your worries with the Lord, there is nothing bitter or hard. Although Luoyang is dilapidated, it has something to do with Duke Ming's long-term strategy. Hong knows that this task is very important. General Xu's savvy soldiers are good at fighting, Zhang Baiqi, Zhang Yang, Zhang He, etc. came and attacked one after another, and they all retreated for us, and finally lived up to Ming Gong's expectations."

Xun Zhen talked with Xun Yan, Xu Rong, etc., and talked with Guan Yu for a while, and asked the wife of Qin Yilu who gave it to him. Is he still satisfied? Guan Yu seemed to be a little shy, his cheeks were slightly red, he stroked his beard embarrassedly, murmured a few words, and Xun Zhen laughed.

Afterwards, Xun Zhen turned her gaze to the person beside her and said with a smile, "Xuande, you have already arrived."

But this person is Liu Bei.

Liu Bei respectfully saluted and replied: "Report to Duke Ming, Bei arrived the day before yesterday. All the grains stored in the Yingchuan county government's treasury have been escorted by Bei himself, and all of them have been transported to Luoyang. Now they are all camped in the camp in the south of Luoyang, and Duke Ming owns them. You can check it out anytime you want.”

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Before Zhang Baiqi, Zhang Yang, and Zhang He came to the bandits, you have done a good job in transferring grains, and you have personally fought against Zhang Baiqi's bandits and bandits, and you are also successful in battle. General Xu praised Qing very much in the military report to me Xuande, after I have defeated the thieves of Li and Guo this time and saved the emperor from danger, I will write to the court again and ask for credit for you."

After listening to Xun Zhen's words, Liu Bei wanted to tell Xun Zhen that he was unwilling to be the Zhong Lang general who was not willing to transfer food. But now it was obviously not when he said this, so he swallowed the thought and remained respectful. Respectfully, he replied: "But it is enough to prepare a wish for the public service."

——In front of Zhuo Ying, Zhanqian, Sun Min, Chengding, Shiguan, etc., in front of his subordinate officials, or in front of Han Ji and other colleagues, when Liu Bei called Xun Zhen, he often called Xun Zhen "A brother", But now in front of Xun Zhen, his attitude is so respectful.

Xun Zhen waved to the person who was standing at the back of the crowd again, motioned him to come closer, and said with a smile: "Trillion, how long has it been since I and Qing have seen each other? Qing Yu Ruyin, to appease the people, persuade him Farming mulberry, attracting refugees, and its reputation is far-reaching. I often heard about it when I was in Tanxian, and after I arrived in Changyi, I often heard about it. I have long wanted to invite you to meet in Changyi, and I have been busy. I will meet here today. , my heart is very happy. It is my strict order not to drink alcohol in the army, but I came to Luoyang today, but I specially brought a jar of fine wine, which is specially prepared for you, and I want to make an exception for you."

The person who was called by Xun Zhen to talk to him alone was Li Tong, and "Trillion" was Li Tong's nickname.

Li Tong and Xun Zhen met very rarely. Since he joined Xunzhen, he has mostly stayed in Ruyin and other counties. In comparison, his relationship with Xunzhen is actually relatively unfamiliar, but hearing Xunzhen's warm words at this moment is strange. pause

No, Li Tong was so grateful that he didn't care about wearing his armor, so he actually bowed down and gave a big salute, saying: "Tong has written to the military mansion many times, asking to see Duke Ming, but he has not been lucky. Tong is in Ruyin, and I miss Duke Ming day and night."

Li Tong's words "repeatedly asked to see him" are not a lie. He indeed wrote to the military mansion several times, requesting to visit Xunzhen in Tanxian County. After Xunzhen moved the military mansion to Changyi, he asked to visit Xunzhen in Changyi , but Xun Zhen did not let him come.

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Because of Lv Bu's intrusion, after the military mansion was moved to Changyi, there were a lot of chores, and the minister was in Ruyin, and all the administration was appropriate, and I didn't give much advice, so why bother? Qing has been working hard? Therefore, I have never had Xu Qing come to see you. But don’t worry, I will see you today, you and I are not drunk or happy!”

Li Tong asked to see him several times in order to show his loyalty, and Xun Zhen repeatedly refused to let him see him, as if he was refusing him, but in fact he was expressing his trust in him. Li Tong is not a fool, and he knows this, so he didn't have any estrangement with Xun Zhen because Xun Zhen didn't let him see it, and immediately replied respectfully, "No!"

The roadside is not a place for long conversations, Zhang Hong and others invited Xun Zhen to take some rest in Luoyang City.

Xun Zhen Yunzhi, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, etc. went with Xun Zhen to the city, and the rest of the generals continued to move forward with their troops and horses - the location of the camp had been determined in advance, and Luoyang City was selected. East. Before leaving for Luoyang City, Xun Zhen specially ordered Xu Chu to go back, and after ordering him to find Chen Ji's car, **** Chen Ji into I recommend that Mimi read and chase books really useful, here Download it and you can try it out. 】

After walking for about a few miles, among the civil and military officials who greeted Xun Zhen, a middle-aged civil official standing on a chariot turned his head and looked towards the road.

Seeing that the marching team is still continuous, looking forward, can't see the head, looking back, can't see the end. In the dust of the sky when the soldiers and horses walked, the flags revealed were like clouds; in the early summer sunshine, the light of the spears like the forest flashed dazzlingly. This team is like a long dragon, and like a torrent of tigers and wolves. Not only the momentum is huge, but also can feel the vigor and vitality.

The middle-aged scholar couldn't help sighing, "Since the chaos of Dong Zhuo, this is the first time I have seen such a majestic and mighty master in Luoyang!"

Fa expressed emotion that this official was Ren Jun.

When they arrived in the city, Zhang Hong asked Xun Zhen to rest for a while, but Xun Zhen refused to rest and sat in the hall with the others.

Not long after that, the topic turned to the military.

Sun Ce and Liu Bei had already briefly explained to Xun Zhen about the completion of their respective missions of troops, horses and supplies, but it was only a brief report, so they reported to Xun Zhen in detail, and Li Tong, He also reported to Xun Zhen how many soldiers and horses he had brought and the combat readiness of the troops and horses of the headquarters, and Xu Rong, Guan Yu and other battalions and commanders who were originally stationed in Luoyang also reported to Xun Zhen one by one of their troops. of preparations.

After waiting for the generals to report, Zhang Hong, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up, bowed his sleeves, and said to Xun Zhen with a worried look on his face, "Ming Gong, I'm going to Chang'an King Qin, and Hong has two worries."


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