The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 183: Flying from Taiyuan to Hedong (Part 2)

But it is said that Xun Zhen led the army to the rescue of King Anqin this time. For now, it is just that the army has just arrived in Yin, Henan, and has joined forces with Sun Ce. Can he go to Chang'an next, and whether he can successfully kill the army? Liu Xie snatched it from the hands of Li Jue and Guo Si, and it is still unknown, so now let’s discuss where Liu Xie should be placed after he succeeded in rescuing Liu Xie. In other words, where should the capital of Han be relocated? Is it too early?

it's not true.

Since Qin Wang Chang’an’s purpose was to control Liu Xie, before that, he wanted to take precautions and make careful and prudent consideration. Naturally, it was essential. Therefore, advance consideration is not only good, but also necessary.

And since this is the case, if Chang'an is broken and far away from Guanzhong, the land is not within Xun Zhen's control, and Liu Xie can no longer stay in Chang'an, then Luoyang is the capital of this dynasty, and now there is Xu Rong. The other departments have already settled in Luoyang, and Xun Zhen has been operating in Luoyang for a while, so why not welcome Liu Xie back to Luoyang and re-designate Luoyang as the capital of Han?

The reason is also simple.

One is that Luoyang, as Zhang Hong said, was also broken, and the people in the county were few and far between.

The reason for the two is that the northern part of Luoyang is Yuan Shao's territory, and it is too close to Yuan Shao's sphere of influence. After crossing the Yellow River, it is Hanoi, and even bordering on both sides.

Three, even if Xun Zhen was able to succeed this time, King of Diligence, Chang'an, but his troops and horses were limited, but in fact he had no intention of staying in Hongnong County in the west of Luoyang. There is no defense zone in the west, and there is no buffer zone between the many Sanfu warlords in Guanzhong in the west, and Wangyi and Cao Cao in Hedong in the northwest and Taiyuan.

The first reason is not the main reason, the latter two are the main reasons.

Under the premise of these two reasons, if Luoyang is still designated as the capital, and Liu Xie is welcomed back to Luoyang, it is like a three-year-old child walking in the busy city with heavy treasures, which will be very unsafe. Therefore, Luoyang could not be used as a place to place Liu Xie.

From this, he said, why didn't Xun Zhen place Liu Xie in Tan County, Xuzhou, or in Changyi, where his current military residence was, but chose Yingchuan County instead? Is this because Yingchuan is Xunzhen's hometown?

Actually it is not the case.

Xun Zhen now fully understands the original historical time and space, why Cao Cao set the new capital of Han in Xu County, Yingchuan.

In the original time and space, when Cao Cao received Liu Xie, the territory he controlled was roughly the same as Xun Zhen's current control area, but Cao Cao did not take Liu Xie to Yanzhou or other places, but set the new capital at Xuxian, the reason is that he had to do this because of objective conditions.

Xun Zhen made this decision now for the same reason, driven by the same objective conditions.

Let’s talk about Tanxian first, Xunzhen’s ruling foundation in Xuzhou, that is needless to say, for now, it is the most stable and the surrounding environment is the safest, but the problem of Xuzhou or Tanxian is that it is too remote.

Tanxian can be at best a place of peace, and it is not suitable to be the new capital of the Han family, even if this new capital is temporary.

Tanxian is not allowed, how is Changyi in Yanzhou not allowed?

Although Changyi is farther west than Tanxian, Changyi is also slightly remote. It is far away from the Central Plains, Jiangnan, and Guanzhong. If the new capital is here, the radiation of its external influence will be affected. This one.

Changyi was Xunzhen's military residence. If he proposed to temporarily locate the new capital in Changyi, it is conceivable that the court officials would definitely oppose it. What does it mean to place the Son of Heaven at the location of his military mansion, where his military and political forces are the strongest? Do you imagine that Dong Zhuo, or Li Jue and Guo Si, etc., can also handle the affairs of the court? This second.

Therefore, it is not enough to settle in Changyi.

In this way, there is only Yingchuan County to choose from.

First of all, in terms of geographical location, Yingchuan is the hinterland of the Central Plains, and it is among the world. It goes to Jizhou and Youzhou to the north, Jingzhou and Yangzhou to the south, Sanfu and Liangzhou to the west, and Yanzhou and Xuzhou to the east. All about the same.


, Yingchuan is very close to Luoyang, so we can use "Luoyang is broken and needs to be repaired first. After the repair is completed, it can be used as a capital again. Before that, it is advisable to place Liu Xie in the neighboring Yingchuan" as an excuse. Come to make the court officials and Liu Xing agree.

Thirdly, from the perspective of control over Liu Xie, although Yuzhou was not an area under the direct rule of Xunzhen, the current prefect of Yuzhou, Sun Ce, in the words of other princes, "Only Xunzhen's horse is the leader", is Xunzhen's hard-core henchman. Chuan County is also Xun Zhen's hometown, so if Liu Xie is placed here, Xun Zhen's control over Liu Xie can also be achieved.

Again, in terms of security, the only enemy near Yingchuan is Yuan Shu of Nanyang, but why should Yuan Shu be afraid?

Once again, Dingxin is located in Yingchuan, which is also helpful for Xunzhen's next strategic development. Yingchuan was near Yuan Shu and Liu Biao. Liu Biao was a clan, and if the relationship with Liu Biao, which was merely an "ally", could be further deepened, or drawn, or surrendered, then Liu Biao would be the nail in Jingzhou. , or to use troops to the south, obviously will have a better chance of winning. If he uses troops to the north, he will have no worries; if he uses troops to the south, Liu Biao will respond.

Therefore, Xun Zhen had already discussed with Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu and others before he sent troops, and made a decision to wait for Liu Xie to take him to Yingchuan and choose one in Yingchuan County. Land, temporarily make the decision of the new capital of Han.

As for which county to choose as the new capital in Yingchuan County, whether to choose Yangzhai, the county seat of Yingchuan, or choose Xu County like Cao Cao in the original time and space, or another county, and then make a plan after successfully rescuing Liu Xie. Not too late.


But said that at the moment, Zhang Hong and Xun Zhen coincided, and they also chose Yingchuan as their new capital. The two looked at each other and felt quite confidant.

Xun Zhen instructed Zhang Hong and said, "Emperor Zhang, defeat Li Jue and Guo Si, and move the capital before you successfully rescue him. Don't let outsiders know about it!"

Zhang Hong replied, "You don't need Duke Ming's advice, Hong knows it himself."

After Zhang Hong resigned and left, Xun Zhen washed up and went to bed.

At this time, although it was already dark and tired from marching on the road, Xun Zhen could not sleep.

Not to mention, it has been eleven years since the army started in the first year of Zhongping, and now it has been eleven years. His aspirations to pacify the world, eliminate the heroes, and restore the people to a bright future are now probably ready for implementation, but what is lacking today is just the word righteousness.

Finally, Li Jue and Guo Si were in civil strife and sent Da Yi to him.

This time, as long as the Qin King of Chang'an can succeed, he will welcome Liu Xie, make the capital Yingchuan, and then be ordered by the king to negotiate, separate the north and the south, and destroy them one by one. Xun Zhen looks forward to the future, and he clarifies his wishes in the sea, and then he can be successful. accomplish!

If the capture of Xuzhou that year was the beginning of his career, then meeting Liu Xie now would be a major turning point in his career.

As long as this matter can be accomplished, Xun Zhen believes that as long as he continues to be cautious and learn from the best of others, then a smooth path will be in sight.

At this time, how could he not be emotionally fluctuated? How can I fall asleep?

In the early summer moonlight coming in from the window, the clear shadow is sultry, the word merit, and the hero's mind is messed up.

While sleepless, Xun Zhen recalled how Chen Zhi set a family banquet to see him off the night before he dispatched troops from Changyi.

Maid Chi, Concubine Wu, Tang Er, Da Cai, Xiao Cai, and Mi Ying were all at the banquet and took turns serving wine to Xun Zhen.

The females have different appearances, light makeup and heavy makeup, thin and fat, and each is good at winning, but there is no worry in their expressions.

Dong Zhuo's cruelty, Li Jue and Guo Si's fierce names, although the daughters are often in the back house and do not participate in foreign affairs, they have long heard of it; and Xunzhen sent troops this time. Several large-scale deployments of troops are different. Previously, they fought Qingzhou and Yanzhou, at least next to Xuzhou. The situation was unfavorable, so they could retreat safely, but if the battle was unfavorable, the distance of more than a thousand miles would be on the way to withdraw the army. , will there be an accident? Can it be safely withdrawn? All kinds of things, how can the girls not worry?

Xun Zhen was calm and composed, and he drank the wine served by the girls one by one. His behavior was the same as before, but he didn't seem to take the danger of going to Chang'an seriously at all.

Wu Concubine was really unable to restrain her worries, so after offering Xun Zhen a toast, she walked on her knees to the side of Xun Zhen's table, placed her head beside Xun Zhen's legs, and leaned on her side, and said, "General is going to Chang'an, please be careful in everything. The noble body is the most important. The humble concubine heard that, the son of a thousand gold, does not sit in the hall, but you must not put yourself in danger because of your arrogance."

Xun Zhen touched her cheek and said with a smile, "I have led troops to fight for more than ten years. Looking at my past wars, which one is not a strong enemy? Tao Gongzu, Qingyan Huangjin, Cao Mengde, and Lv Fengxian? Going to Chang’an today, although Li Jue and Guo Si have vicious names, I will destroy them as easily as the palm of my hand! When I succeed as a diligent king, the emperor will surely reward me.” He raised Wu Yan’s beautiful face with his fingers, called her by her nickname, and said teasingly, "Ah, at that time, I will ask for some rewards from the emperor for you."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It's so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Wu concubine let him touch her, and said faintly: "The lowly concubine is a idiot in the countryside. She has committed herself to a thief, and is not disgusted by the general, but she has a new life. General, the lowly concubine does not ask for any reward from the emperor, but only wishes for the general's well-being! General! If there are three longs and two shorts, even a lowly concubine will not be able to live."

Xun Zhen was moved and said with a smile: "There won't be any problems! Just wait in Changyi, and wait until I get the reward from the emperor for you."

During the banquet, a woman got up and said, "The general will send his troops and horses, and the cheap concubines have no way to send them off. I would like to dance for the general."

The woman who spoke was tall and tall, and she was the maidservant Chi.

Maid Chi was tall and danced well. Xun Zhen used to like to watch her dance.

So, Da Cai and Xiao Cai, one played the qin and the other played the serena, accompanied by the maid Chi, who danced gracefully in the hall.

While dancing, the maid Chi sang a song that Xun Zhenpo likes to listen to: "There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent, looking at the beautiful city, and then the country. have to."

After singing and dancing, there was only a few voices left, and another woman in the hall stood up, bowed down to the ground with a solemn attitude, and said, "Not only is a beautiful woman rare, but the name of loyalty and righteousness that future generations admire is even more rare! , to relieve the Son of Heaven in the fire and water, the thing is done, the name of the general will be praised by the world! The lowly concubine bows and wishes the general to encourage him!"

The woman who made this statement was Chen Zhi.

Xun Zhen put away her intoxication while listening to the song and watching the dance, stood up from the straightened her clothes, and returned the salute to Chen Zhixia solemnly, and said with a serious tone: "Mrs. Of."


The moonlight was accumulating in front of the bed, and I could hear the wind outside and the leaves rustling.

In the hall that night, various scenes of Chen Zhi's daughters seeing him off passed by before him one by one.

Xun Zhen suddenly had a thought in the ground. He thought, "When my soldiers arrive in Chang'an, do you want to hang up a banner that says 'Han and thieves cannot stand apart'?" He felt that this thought was rather boring, and he couldn't help but think about it. Lost a smile at night.

I don't know how long it took before the miscellaneous thoughts gradually dissipated, and Xun Zhen fell into a deep sleep.

It was stationed in Luoyang for three days. First, the soldiers and horses took some rest. At the same time, they sent scouts and meticulous workers to Hongnong County to inquire about Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, Duan Xun and others stationed in Liangzhou, Hongnong County. The movements of the generals prepared to attack Hongnong County.

But on this day, an urgent report came to the army from the northwest.

The military report said: Cao Cao led nearly 10,000 troops out of Taiyuan County, under the banner of Yuan Shao, claiming that he would go to Chang'an, and King Qin rescued him and entered Hedong.

When the news came, Xun Zhen summoned Xi Zhicai and others to discuss.

One person said loudly: "Ming Gong, I didn't expect that Cao Mengde also came up with the idea of ​​​​king Qin to rescue the driver. He can enter the pass directly from Hedong, and he does not need to go through Hongnong, but it is possible that he will rush to Chang'an before our army. The general had to deal with it immediately."

Xun Zhen asked, "What do you think I should do?"

The man replied, "In my humble opinion, why didn't Duke Ming rush to send a group of troops out of Henan Yin to attack Hedong County?"

Before he finished speaking, another person got up and said, "It can't be like this." Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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