The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 174: Cao Mengde's grievance asks for soldiers (Part 1)

There are many Qiang people in Guanzhong. In the territory of Youfufeng to the right of Jingzhaoyin, many counties are the hometown of Qiang people. Further west in Youfufeng, Jincheng, Hanyang and other counties in Liangzhou have many Qiang people, so Chang'an City Inside and outside, there are quite a few Qiang people today; besides the Qiang people, there are now more Hu people in Chang’an. The Hu people either came from Hedong and other places, or from Shangjun and other places in the north of Sanfu. Many of the soldiers in Chang'an, such as the cavalry of the Yueqi and Tunqi battalions, were good cavalry and archers among the Hu peoples such as the Huns.

In the tent of Li Jue, the current Hu and Qiang people are some of the chiefs and ministers of the Qiang and Hu people.

But he said, why did Li Jue hold a banquet in the tent to entertain these noble chiefs of Hu and Qiang?

The reason is not complicated, because Li Jue has already planned to launch a counterattack against Guo Si.

It has been ten months since Guo Si attacked Li Jue's fortress, but he has not been able to attack. In the battalion, he thought he had the upper hand politically, so he made a decision the day before yesterday to launch a counterattack against Guo Si.

However, although Li Jue believed that the situation was in his favor, Guo Si should not be underestimated. To launch a counterattack, he had to pay attention to methods, methods, strategies, and tactics. Especially Li Jue is an old war veteran, and of course he has to talk about a strategy.

His strategy was not to use his own soldiers to attack Guo Si first, but planned to use Hu Qiang cavalry to harass Guo Si's battalion to further weaken and shake Guo Si's military strength and morale, and then let him Headquarters soldiers to conduct a general attack.

Therefore, tonight, he specially held a banquet in the camp, and brought all the Hu Qiang chieftains who were close to him and served them with good wine and meat. The purpose was to persuade these Hu Qiang noble chiefs. To be the vanguard of the attack on Guo Si for him.

Li Jue brought out good wine and served good dishes.

After drinking several rounds, Li Jue observed that although most of the Hu and Qiang chieftains drink a lot of alcohol, most of them are half full, or they are simply drunk. It was hot again, and some of the chieftains were sweating profusely, so they simply took off their clothes, sat naked, and sat slanted, and some hugged the maid who accompanied the wine, and gnawed endlessly.

Li Jue then gestured to the servants who were waiting beside him.

The official understood this, and went out of the tent. After a while, he returned to the tent, and seven or eight military officials followed. Each of these military officers held something in their hands, some were holding several pieces of fine silk cloth, some were holding gold and silver utensils, and looking at these gold and silver utensils, they were all in royal style,— - But all of them were looted from the palace city when Li Jue soldiers kidnapped Liu Xie into the camp.

All the military officials put these things on the ground, colorful and dazzling.

The eyes of the Hu Qiang chiefs were immediately attracted by these things. The noise gradually subsided, Li Jue stood up with his stomach pressed, paced to the side of the pile of things, and said with a smile, "Are these things good?"

The Hu and Qiang chiefs led the group, and then three people answered, saying: "Okay!"

Li Jue asked, "Do you want to?"

All the Hu and Qiang chiefs answered in unison, "Think! Is the general going to give me these treasures?"

Li Jue stroked his beard and smiled, and said, "More than these things! What kind of treasures are these? If you are willing to help me, I will give you more and better things. During the camp, did you see those gorgeously dressed women?"

The woman Li Jue was referring to was the maid who was forced to come to his camp with Liu Xie.

When the Hu and Qiang chiefs came to the camp for a banquet, Li Jue specially ordered the soldiers to drive these palace maids out and dangled outside the tent a few times.

All these Hu and Qiang chiefs saw it, and answered unevenly: "I see."

Li Jue said, "Do you know who those women are?"

A Hu Qiang chief asked, "Who is it?"

Li Jue said: "Those are all the maids in the Emperor's Palace! They were carefully selected from more than a hundred counties of the Han family, and they are all as beautiful as flowers."

Although the palace maids were a little far away just now, the Hu Qiang chiefs and the leaders couldn't see their appearance clearly, so they didn't say their appearance, but only said their appearance, but they were all graceful and coveted.

These Hu Qiang chiefs were as tall as garlic and said, "It looks good! It looks good!"

Li Jue said: "If you are willing to help me, these palace maids are also yours."

Then the Hu Qiang chief swallowed his saliva and asked, "Is this the truth of the general?"

Li Jue laughed and said, "Who am I? I'm the general of the chariot and cavalry of the big man, and I am more than the third prince. How could I coax you about such trivial matters?"

A Hu Qiang chief asked, "But I don't know what the general said about help. What did the general say? What does the general want me to help?"

After a long time, Li Jue hadn't said what he wanted them to do for him.

After selling enough money and seducing the Hu and Qiang chiefs with their money and sex, they all became greedy, so Li Jue revealed his purpose and said, "What I said about helping each other is to help me to fight against Guo Si together!"

These Qiang people, Hu people, especially the Qiang people, some of them are natives of Sanfu, and some are from Liangzhou. , Hearing Li Jue's remarks, these Hu and Qiang chiefs couldn't help but be greedy and hesitant.

Li Jue took a panoramic view of their expressions, stroked his beard, and said with a smile, "What? Are you afraid?"

A Qiang commander said: "Reporting to the general, it's not that I'm afraid, it's just General Guo..." Hesitantly, he didn't say anything further.

How could Li Jue not know what he wanted to say, he smiled and said, "You said you are not afraid? You must be afraid! I don't know what you are afraid of. Guo Duo is nothing more than a thief of horses and horses. When it comes to military strategy, how can you be with me? It’s not worth it to carry my shoes! And if you are afraid of his troops, if you join your trilogy and add my troops, we are far more than him. In my opinion, we will work together. , destroying Guo Duo is easy."

He clapped his hands, and the official went out of the tent just now, and soon returned to the tent. This time, there were more military officials, twenty or thirty people, who followed him. In the hands of these dozens of military officers, they were also holding things. Just like just now, some were silk cloths, and some were imperial objects of various colors. They were all piled up on the central floor of the tent, forming a huge pile.

Li Jue pointed to it and said with the Hu and Qiang chiefs: "If you are willing to discuss Guo Duo with me, these things are also yours!"

The wealth and goods are confusing, and the beauty is tempting. Although these Hu Qiang chieftains are still a little afraid of Guo Si, they can't take it anymore. After a short silence, one of the chiefs took the lead and said loudly: "I would like to discuss Guo Si from the general. creek!"

The rest of the commanders shouted and shouted, bare chests and feet, or made vows, gritted their teeth, some spoke Qiang, some nonsense, and some blunt Chinese, although they could not hear each of them clearly. They are talking, but the meaning is nothing more than willing to discuss Guo Si from Li Jue. Li Jue was overjoyed and said, "Okay! Let's have a good drink tonight, prepare for the battle tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, let's kill the generals and slaughter Guo Duozuo wine!" After speaking, he smashed the wine bowl in his hand, and the Hu and Qiang chiefs led the way. Following suit, they all threw their wine bowls to the ground.

For a while, the crowd was excited, but there was no need to say more.


The next day, the chiefs of the various tribes returned to their own headquarters respectively, and summoned their tribal soldiers to prepare to follow Li Jue to attack Guo Si.

Li Jue was very happy when the reports came one by one, and made the troops of the headquarters prepare for the counterattack against Guo Si's troops the day after tomorrow. However, that night, Li Jue, who had been busy all day, just fell asleep when he was woken up by an officer outside.

Li Jue was very sleepy, quite angry, and scolded: "What's the matter?"

The military official reported in a panic, saying: "General, the big thing is bad, Guo Si personally led the troops to attack my camp!"

Li Jue's drowsiness disappeared, and he got out of bed, stepped on the ground barefoot, and walked to the door. Opening the door, the night entered the room, and the night wind was blowing head-on, along with the faint sound of drumming and shouting. Li Jue went out of the room, went up to a high place, looked at the Yuanmen in the south, and saw the Yuanmen in the distance, the fire was shining, Li Jue said: "Guo Duo is coming to attack me?"

The officer turned to the Yuanmen and said, "General, please look, Guo Si's troops have arrived at the Yuanmen of the main camp."

Li Jue was furious, and said: "Guo Duo is a good man, he is not too timid, I was about to attack him, but he dared to attack me first!" He snorted and said: "But he attacked my camp at night, maybe He thinks he has a plan, but he doesn't know that our lieutenant general is just ready for battle, so he is asking for his own death?" Not panicking, he sent an order to the military official, saying, "Pass my military order, order the gatekeeper to guard the gate, and wait for me to point it out. Soldiers go to battle!" He ordered again, "I immediately sent people out of the camp to recruit the troops of the Hu and Qiang troops, and ordered them to lead their troops to come to support me. I stayed in the camp, they attacked from the outside, and they attacked from the inside and outside. In this battle I will break Guo Duo! If I capture him alive, I will behead him."

After giving the order, Li Jue turned around and went back to the room to put on the armor. The armor was just half put on, and another officer came to report: "General, something is bad!"

Li Jue said angrily: "What's the matter? What's wrong?" The officer was even more panicked than the officer just now. He was so panicked that he even stuttered when he spoke. He said, "General Zhang, General Zhang..."

Li Jue frowned and asked, "What happened to General Zhang? Which General Zhang?"

The military official said, "General Zhang, Zhang Bao! General, General Zhang Bao, he, he voted for Guo Si!"

Li Jue paused and said, "What?"

The military official stabilized his mind, replied Li Jue, and said, "General! Zhang Bao opened the gate and welcomed Guo Duo's troops into the camp! General, please listen."

Li Jue listened carefully, and the sound of drum horns and shouts of killing, which could only be heard from a distance, was becoming louder and louder.

He pushed aside the attendant who had put the armor on him, ran out of the room, put up a pergola in his hand, raised his eyes again to look into the distance, and saw that the fire was burning at the gate, and people could be seen intertwining, apparently in the middle of a fierce battle.

Li Jue was shocked and angry, and said: "The dog is so brave, you actually betray me!"

The words continued, but that day Guo Si's wife wrote a letter to Guo Si. Guo Si was overjoyed after reading it. The letter was sent to Guo Si in secret by Zhang Bao, who was willing to respond to Guo Si and ask Guo Si to meet him today. The late attack on Li Jue Camp. However, Li Jue and Guo Si were both generals under Dong Zhuo's account. Not only did they know each other well, but they were also familiar with each other's subordinates. Among them, Li Jue's subordinates were You and Guo Si. Those who have a good relationship, or Guo Si's fellow countryman; Guo Si's account also has Li Jue's countryman or has a good relationship with Li Jue, so some of Guo Si's subordinates secretly join Li Jue, and Li Jue's subordinates also have this Zhonglang general Zhang Bao Secretly took refuge in Guo Si.

Li Jue didn't check, so tonight, he suffered such a big loss.

If there is no internal response from the enemy, according to Li Jue's arrangement, it is not impossible to defeat Guo Si tonight.

However, something unexpected happened. Zhang Bao actually betrayed and opened the gate. Seeing that Guo Si's troops were about to invade the camp, it was obviously impossible to defeat Guo Si, and there was even a chance that the one who lost tonight would become He Li Jue, the situation has changed suddenly, but what should I do?

Li Jue was worthy of a veteran in the battlefield. In such a tight situation, his panic and anger were quickly suppressed by him. He sharply ordered the officers on the left and right, and said, "Quickly order Li Xian, Li Li, etc. to lead the dead soldiers to Yuanmen, and make sure to block Guo Duo! I'll be there later! Pass my order to capture and kill Zhang Bao, The reward is five hundred; for those who kill Guo Duo, the reward is a thousand!"

In the current world, all the family belongings are combined in one place, and the number of ten gold is already a middle-aged family.

The military officials accepted the order and complied, and hurried to give orders to Li Xian, Li Li and others.

Li Xian, Li Ying, etc. are either Li Jue's sons or Li Jue's younger brothers. They are closely related to Li Jue. At this critical moment of life and death, they all follow orders and go to Yuanmen, and they all fight bravely.

Because Zhang Bao opened the gate, but Guo Si's troops attacked again and again, making it difficult to advance.


In Guo Si's army, Guo Si frowned and looked at the fierce battle ahead, and asked the person standing next to him, "Didn't you say that you still have backhands? Where are your backhands?"

The person he asked was Zhang Bao.

Zhang Bao didn't expect that he would open the gate, but Guo Si's troops were still so difficult to get in. He was also very anxious, and said, "Before meeting the general at the end of the day, I have ordered the soldiers in the Liuzang camp to wait for the battle. Afterwards, set the camp on fire. General, please wait a moment, the fire in the camp will start soon, and as long as the fire starts, the soldiers and horses of the chariots and horses will be unable to stop the general from entering the camp."

But setting fire to the camp is Zhang Bao's backhand.

Guo Siyin waited anxiously while urging the soldiers and horses to enter the battle.

At this moment, in the battle ahead, there was a commotion.

Guo Si looked and saw that the two generals led more than a hundred soldiers and rushed out from the Yuanmen. They were invincible. The front part was also forced out.

Guo Si looked at the figures of the two generals from a distance, and identified one of them as Yang Feng, and the other was the more courageous general in black armor, who had no one enemy of Si soldiers. He did not recognize who it was. ——The officer in charge of the school is Xu Huang.

Another military official rushed to report: "General! There are thousands of Qiang and Hu cavalry in the east of our army, and they are coming here to kill!"

The front was unable to attack the camp, and the Qiang and Hu cavalry on the flank were approaching. Guo Si had no choice but to order his troops to withdraw.

When he was retreating, he felt that his success was in vain, and he looked at Li Jueying with a broken gate behind him, and spat bitterly.

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