The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 175: Cao Mengde was wronged and asked for soldiers (middle)

But isn't this Yang Feng already estranged from Li Jue because of Zhong Yao's remarks?

How could it be at the time of Zhang Bao's betrayal and when Guo Si's troops were in danger of attacking Li Jue's camp, Yang Feng led his troops to the front regardless of his life, and finally blocked Guo Si's troops and horses from the camp. ? This is still because of Zhong Yao's words.

Back when Guo Si attacked the camp.

After Li Jue kidnapped Liu Xie into the camp, he placed him in a foreign camp. Guo Si attacked the camp tonight. Because of Zhang Bao's internal response, the offensive was very sharp. The arrows were raining like rain.

Zhao Wen, Zhong Yao, Ding Chong, Yang Qi, Huangfu Li and other ministers who were still serving by Liu Xie's side had already rushed to Liu Xie's tent to **** them. Seeing this, they were all shocked. . Liu Xie also had a pale face as he knelt on the seat, dumbfounded.

After all, after the war, Liu Xie was still a teenager, and the danger was imminent, and he would inevitably be helpless and fearful.

At the moment of urgency, Zhong Yao stepped forward and said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty please evade for a while, and this minister will seek help for His Majesty."

Liu Xie looked at the arrow that was shot into the ground, and its tail feathers were still shaking. He came back to his senses, asked Zhong Yao, and said, "Rescue the soldiers? Where?"

Zhong Yao then proposed Yang Feng as this person, and said, "Yang Feng is brave and has a reputation for Yong You. The minister dares to pass the decree for His Majesty and call him to rescue him."

At this time, Xio said Yang Feng, even if Zhong Yao said that cats and dogs could come to the rescue, Liu Xie would just like to grab a life-saving straw, and told him to hurry up and call him, and he responded: "Okay, okay! Purpose!"

Zhong Yao then got out of the tent, ran straight to Yang Feng's tent, and said to him: "Guo Siye attacked the camp, and the arrow reached the emperor's curtain! General, the matter is urgent! If Guo Si's troops enter the camp, it will be unpredictable. The matter is about to happen. The Holy Spirit has spoken, ordering the general to rescue him quickly."

Li Juixian has also passed the military order to Yang Feng, and Yang Feng is hesitating, should we obey Li Jue's order? Hearing Zhong Yao's words now, he no longer doubted, and immediately replied: "No! If you dare to trouble the servant to report back to the emperor, I will swear to death to protect the safety of the emperor."

Therefore, Yang Feng led Xu Huang and other warriors and elite soldiers to rush to Yuanmen to face Guo Si's troops. This happened when he and Xu Huang fought at Yuanmen and blocked Guo Si's troops from advancing. And needless to say.

Talk about now.

Guo Si's troops retreated, and Li Jue was furious. On the one hand, he ordered the soldiers to continue to be on guard, and quickly repaired the damaged gates and camp walls to prevent Guo Si from killing his carbine. On the other hand, he ordered Zhang Bao and his relatives to be searched from left and right.

But how could Zhang Bao still stay in the camp?

Not only did he not stay in Li Jue's camp, but his family members and ministries also followed Guo Si to Guo Si's camp with him.

The officers who captured Zhang Bao and his family returned empty-handed and reported to Li Jue.

Li Jue was furious, kicked the case a few times, yelled, and said, "Zhang Bao, Shuzi, An dare to sentence me! Wait until I defeat Guo Si, send him down, and kill him! Let me solve my hatred tonight!" He reached out and touched his ears.

Like normal people, Li Jue originally had two ears, but now he has only one and a half ears. At this time, he reached out to touch the left ear, the earlobe was incomplete and bloodstained, and the ear was randomly wrapped with a layer of gauze and wrapped around it. It turned out that Guo Si attacked the camp just now. When the battle was at its most urgent, Li Jue personally went to supervise the battle. During the chaos, he was shot in the left ear by a stray arrow. It is also dangerous to say. If the arrow that hit him Zuo Er was even more slanted to the right, would Li Jue still be alive now? will be a question.

A general with bloodstains all over his armor said, "Father, Zhang Bao really deserves to die. After Guo Duoying is broken, I will swear to take Zhang Bao for Brother, and let Father do it on his own accord!" Li Xian, Li Xian paused for a while, and then said, "But now, in my humble opinion, there is a more important matter that my father needs to do as soon as possible."

Li Jue asked, "What's the matter?"

Li Xian said, "It's the Son of Heaven."

Li Jue said, "The Son of Heaven? What happened to the Son of Heaven?"

Li Xian said: "Father, although Guo Duo will not be able to attack our camp, he will withdraw for the time being, but he may turn around and kill him again. The emperor is now living outside the camp, and it is not very safe. Siam's humble opinion, father, why not Move the emperor to live in the dock?"

Li Xian is the son of Li Jue's elder brother, that is, Li Jue's son-in-law, so he is called Li Jue after his father.

After listening to Li Xian's words, Li Jue understood what he meant.

The so-called "living outside the camp, it's not very safe" and so on, Li Xian is not worried about Liu Xie's personal safety, what he is worried about is that if Guo Si turns around and kills again, since Zhang Bao has already happened, will the rest of the generals betray as well. By? In case of being killed by Guo Si in the camp, Liu Xie may be kidnapped by him, and at that time, Li Jue will lose Liu Xie, the biggest political bargaining chip.

Li Jue nodded in agreement and said, "It makes sense!" Then he ordered Li Xian, and said, "Let's lead the troops immediately to move the emperor to the dock."

"Dock" person, Dock Fort is also. Li Jue and Guo Si's two camps in the north and south of Chang'an were the same as Dong Zhuo's previous Jiwu in the west of Chang'an. They were not just two camps. Both of them also built Wubao here. The dock is inside, and the barracks is outside. The generals such as Li Jue, Li Xian and their relatives and children lived in Wubao, and soldiers lived in the barracks.

Li Jue did not have the attitude towards the monarch that a courtier should have towards Liu Xie. After he kidnapped Liu Xie into his camp, he did not even arrange for Liu Xie in Wubao. The ministers were separated by a block and told them to live with the soldiers.

Li Xian received the order and led several hundred soldiers to the place where Liu Xie lived.

The soldiers drew their knives and drove away the eunuchs and some vassals who were protecting Liu Xie's tent, and Li Xian broke into the tent.

Everyone in the tent was talking, and when they saw him breaking in, they all turned to look at him. Li Xian ignored the others, and only cast his eyes on Liu Xie, who was on the opposite side, and said loudly: "Guo Duo thief is in the military camp at night, and Your Majesty lives in the outer camp, which is too unsafe. I live in Beiwu." I saw the arrow in the blink of an eye, guessed what was going on, and said casually, "Your Majesty is frightened." Immediately after, he urged Liu Xie, saying, "Your Majesty, please get up and drive quickly. "

Anyway, I am already in Li Jue's camp. It seems that it is impossible to escape. If so, instead of living with the soldiers in the outer camp, and possibly suffering from this kind of disaster again, it is better to change to Beiwu. It is better to live in.

Zhao Wen, Zhong Yao, etc. did not stop.

Liu Xie and Fu Guiren were under the supervision of Li Xian. Accompanied by Zhao Wen and others, they left the tent and went to the dock in the north of the camp.

When he arrived at the dock, he checked into the humble residence that Li Jue had arranged for him. One thing Liu Xie had not thought of was that outside the house where he lived, Li Jue had arranged for more than a hundred soldiers to guard them and forbid people. Passing inside and outside, but Liu Xie was like a seclusion.

The more Liu Xie thought about it, the more frightened it became, and because he had just been frightened by an arrow, he was even more frightened.

After finally waiting until the next morning, Zhong Yao and others came to meet him.

——After setting up Liu Xie yesterday, the sky was about to dawn, and Zhong Yao and others were also tired. Because they hadn’t been here with Liu Xie for a long time, they each went to the dock where Li Jue had placed them again. , take a break.

Liu Xie couldn't wait for Zhong Yao and the others to salute, and couldn't wait to lower his voice and asked them, "The charioteer has arranged more than a hundred soldiers outside the house where I live. Sirs, what is the charioteer's intention?"

Zhong Yao heard Xiange and knew elegant intentions, and immediately understood that Liu Xie was worried about whether Li Jue wanted to harm him, so he smiled calmly and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. The chariots are outside His Majesty's residence, and armored soldiers are arranged to guard them. I want to come. There are only two reasons, one is to protect His Majesty's safety, and the other is Zhang Bao's betrayal, which makes the rider suspicious, he is worried that there may be people in the commander who are similar to Guo Si, so he does so."

Zhong Yao's words were firm and firm, and Liu Xie was relieved after listening.

The one who came to meet Liu Xie with Zhong Yao was Ding Chong, who was also the servant of the Yellow Clan.

Ding Chong comforted Liu Xie and said, "Your Majesty, something happened last night when Guo Si attacked the camp. Your Majesty may not know it, and this minister just heard about it. This is enough to prove that the destiny rests with Your Majesty. Your Majesty is indeed not required to Too much worry."

Liu Xie asked, "What's the matter?"

Ding Chong said: "Zhang Bao served as Guo Si's inner responder, not only did he open the gate to welcome Guo Si's troops into the camp, but Zhang Bao also set up an ambush in the camp, intending to take advantage of Guo Si's attack on the camp, to take advantage of the chariots and horses. The camp set fire to the house. Please imagine, Your Majesty, if Zhang Bao succeeded in his plan and the chariots and cavalry battalions burst into flames, then the soldiers in the camp would be in chaos, and Guo Si's soldiers would be able to enter the camp! I am afraid that you and the ministers will be unpredictable, but it is Your Majesty, dare to ask Your Majesty to guess what?”

Liu Xie asked, "Zhang Bao ambushed soldiers and burned the dock, why didn't I remember the fire in the camp last night?"

Ding Chong smiled and said, "That's right! Your Majesty, Zhang Bao's ambush failed to burn the dock, so Guo Sibing was not allowed to enter the camp. Your Majesty, doesn't this mean that the destiny is in Your Majesty?"

Just now, Ding Chong was on his way to meet Liu Xie when he met Li Jue's younger brother, Li Ying, leading a team of soldiers and escorted more than ten soldiers to see Li Jue. The more than ten soldiers who were detained were Zhang Bao, who was searched and found in ambush. However, he said that Zhang Bao did not burn the house. From another angle, could it be said that Li Jue was lucky? However, as the emperor, Liu Xie is currently in Li Jue's camp, so the house does not burn. As Ding Chong said, it can indeed be explained that this is the destiny to protect Liu Xie, which makes Liu Xie avoid Guo Si's disorderly troops entering the camp. Afterwards, you may encounter unexpected events.

"Destiny, Destiny." Liu Xie looked up, muttered to himself, his eyes fell, and he clenched his fists and said, "I am the emperor of the Han! I am the father of the people! I have the mighty spirit of my ancestors, and the destiny is naturally In me!"

The monarch and the minister were talking, and out of time, there were a few grunts.

Liu Xiesun looked at the sound, and the grunt sound came from Zhong Yao and Ding Chong's belly.

Liu Xie asked, "The two of you haven't eaten yet?"

Zhong Yao and Ding Chong looked at each other.

Ding Chong smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, when I was living outside the camp, the chariots often didn't bring meals to the ministers. When we arrived in the dock this morning, the ministers have not seen any grain of rice yet." The stomach, with the spirit of making fun of hardships, smiled and said to Liu Xie: "This stomach is not up to expectations, it actually rang, disturbing Your Majesty, it is the fault of the ministers and others."

Thinking about it, the food for Liu Xie is so rude, what about Zhong Yao, Ding Chong and other ministers?

It was also to be expected that there was no next meal after eating.

Liu Xie said, "It's my fault that you are in such distress because of me. How can you still make them hungry?" He hurriedly called the eunuchs outside the tent to come in and ordered, "Go and find a chariot and ride, and pass my word of advice. , they said that the ministers were hungry, and they asked the chariots and horses to send five buckets of rice and some meat, and if there was no meat, they could also send a few bones of cattle."

As evening approached, the **** who passed the word came back Shanshan, entered the tent, reported back to Liu Xie, and said, "Report to Your Majesty, ride him..."

Liu Xie asked, "What happened to the car?"

The **** said, "I dare not speak."

Liu Xie said, "Tell me the truth!"

The **** then relayed Li Jue's words, played to Liu Xie, and said, "This minister has ordered to go to the chariot and chariot, and convey your majesty's decree. Hearing Liu Xie's sudden heavy breathing, he knew that Liu Xie was already angry because of Li Jue's words, so he bit his head and said, "I don't want to take the rice, I just took it..."

Liu Xie said, "Just what did you take? Don't hesitate, just speak quickly."

The **** said, "I only took one ox bone to serve as a servant."

——"What is the use of rice when serving rice in the morning", what does this mean? Why did Liu Xie get angry when he heard it? Food is divided into rice, meal, and buns, bun refers to desserts, shan refers to meat dishes, and rice refers to the staple food of rice. Li Jue's sentence means that if rice is delivered twice in the morning and evening, what do you want rice for? Liu Xie was angry for two reasons. First, although most people nowadays eat two meals a day, let alone Liu Xie, even nobles like Zhong Yao and Ding Chong eat three meals a day, or more. Too much, Li Xian only gave Liu Xie and others food twice a day, which is already humiliating Liu Xie; both, Li Jue's words do not need to be heard personally, just listen to the recitation, you can hear that there is no respect. As if talking to a beggar! It's even more ignorant. Because it is no wonder Liu Xie is angry.

But then again, I still gave a cow bone.

Liu Xie has been feeling angry these days, and Quan Qi also put up with the anger and said, "Then bring the beef bones, boil them, and distribute them to the ministers to eat."

The **** looked embarrassed and said, "Your Majesty, that ox bone..."

Liu Xie said, "What happened?"

The **** seemed unable to speak, so he charged a crime, got up, went outside the tent, took the beef bones that Li Jue gave him, and put it into the tent, asking Liu Xie to see it himself. Before the eyes of Liu Xie, Zhong Yao and others could fall on the ox bone, a pungent stench rushed towards them. When everyone saw it, it was that the cow bone was already rotten, and a few flies were hovering over it, making people nauseous when they saw it.

Liu Xie's anger was uncontrollable. He was trembling with anger, slapped the table a few times, and said angrily, "Li Jue deceived me too much!" He ordered Zhongyao and Ding Chong, and said, "Qing and others draft an edict for me. , I will scold him!"

Now it's under someone else's The life is still in Li Jue's hands, how can this edict be written against Li Jue? Zhong Yao and Ding Chong knew it was impossible, but they repeatedly persuaded them, but they could not console Liu Xie's anger.

The two could not, leaving Ding Chong to continue comforting Liu Xie, while Zhong Yao went out and hurriedly invited Zhao Wen and other officials to persuade Liu Xie.

Zhao Wen and others were also very hungry. Zhong Yao and Ding Chong were still in their prime, and they could bear it even after a day or two of hunger. Zhao Wen was nearly sixty years old, and he was frightened and frightened for the past few days. . Knowing the cause and effect, they arrived at the tent weakly. Zhao Wen and others cheered up and comforted Liu Xie.

However, Liu Xie seemed to have made up his mind this time, and he refused to listen to what everyone said.

But one person came out and said: "Your Majesty cares about the ministers and others, and the ministers are grateful. However, Your Majesty, please listen to the minister's words. Maybe you can endure for another three or five days, and Your Majesty will be able to get rid of this suffering."


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