The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 173: Qin Wang Qin Wang (10)

Under the order of Xunzhen, Liu Bei had returned to Yingchuan from Yin Henan a few days ago, and he was still mainly responsible for the transfer of grain for the Luoyang army.

The news of the civil strife between Li Jue and Guo Si came to Yingchuan from Yin of Henan, where Liu Bei had not left for too long.

The messenger sent by Zhong Yao to deliver the letter to Xun Zhen did not know what was written in Zhong Yao's letter, but Li Jue and Guo Si knew about the internal strife. After arriving in Henan, they told Zhang Hong and Xu Rong about the matter. , Xun Yan, Cheng Pu and others knew.

Liu Bei was able to learn about this through correspondence with Guan Yu.

Liu Bei had the habit of being a ranger. When he was in Pei County in his early years, he often drank heavily with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Jian Yong, etc. all day long. Now, he is 2,000 stone and has become the prefect of the county. , to get together with the close servants and the important officials.

This day was not the day of the county court, so Liu Bei and Zhuo Ying and others drank in the back hall of the county mansion as usual.

However, during the banquet, Liu Bei drank the wine cup by cup, but he talked much less than usual, and he didn't pay much attention to the singing and dancing in the hall. You must know that Liu Bei, although not lewd, really likes music, singing and dancing. of.

This abnormal appearance fell into the eyes of Sun Min who was at the table.

Sun Min then asked Liu Bei and said, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, do you have something on your mind?"

In addition to Zhuo Ying and Sun Min, Zhan Qian, Cheng Ding, Shi Guan, etc. were also at the table, but these people were either sincere or martial, and they were not as conspicuous as Sun Min, so Liu Bei's anomaly was first noticed by Sun Min.

Does Liu Bei have something on his mind? He really has something on his mind.

Closer to say, the cause of his worries was the civil strife of Li Jue and Guo Si in Chang'an that he had just learned from Guan Yu's letter.

Going a long way, his mind started when Xun Zhen sent him from Henan Yin back to Yingchuan County.

But hearing Sun Min's question, Liu Bei didn't tell the truth. He drank two or three glasses of wine. With the help of the wine, he didn't answer the question. Said, "Qing wait and watch the preparations, how can you be a person?"

Zhuo Ying and others, some were drinking and eating meat under the service of beautiful maids, and some were slapping their thighs and bragging about each other. Turning his face, he looked at Liu Bei.

Among them, Zhuo Ying has the highest status.

Zhuo Ying first said: "The Duke of Ming has ruled the army today, and he has always shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, supported the soldiers, and the soldiers are happy to die for the Duke of Ming. The ancient famous generals are nothing more than this." He compared Liu Bei to the first-class famous generals in ancient times, so as to fight against Liu Bei answer to this question.

Liu Bei was noncommittal, asked the rest of the group, and said, "What do you think?"

Sun Min stroked his beard, considered the words, and replied, "Ming Gong is benevolent and righteous, and he has the style of the great sages of ancient times, and even the ancient Mengchang, he is not inferior to him."

Sun Min was originally Liu Dai and Cao Cao's Jiyin edict when they were in charge of Yan, and the Houcheng fell and surrendered to Liu Bei. Liu Bei treated him very well and respected him like a guest. Sun Min's four-character comment of "benevolence, righteousness and good man" is not only in favor of Liu Bei, but also because he is a slick and sophisticated person. After being under Liu Bei's account for so long, how can he not see Liu Bei's good reputation? But at the same time, it is undeniable that these four words are also Sun Min's sincere evaluation.

Liu Bei smiled drunkenly, still undecided, and asked Zhanqian and the others: "What do you think?"

Zhan Qian said: "What Zhuo and Sun Ergong said are very true, but with Qian's ignorance, they didn't get it."

"The" person, the target is also.

Liu Bei asked, "What is the 'de'?"

Zhanqian said solemnly, "Ming Ming is worried about the country, and this prince is superior to others. If all ministers are like princes, good morning in the world."

Cheng Ding wiped the oil from his mouth and said loudly: "Looking at the end of the day, Duke Ming's talent is no worse than that of Sun Yuzhou, but it is a pity that Duke Ming is not like Sun Yuzhou. He has a good father, because he cannot be cared for. In charge of a state, you can only be a prefect of the county in grievances!"

Shi Guan shouted: "Ming Gong, what Cheng Ding said is exactly what the last commander wanted to say! From the last commander's point of view, according to Ming Gong's ability, not to mention one county and one prefecture, he is the general in the court, and Ming Gong also Do it!"

Liu Bei stroked his smooth chin and laughed.

Shi Guan said: "What? Duke Ming thinks what the last commander said is wrong?"

Liu Bei said with a smile: "Although Sun Yuzhou is young, he is brave in the three armies, a corporal of good manners, a hero after Cheng Jiangnan, and a young hero in the country. The two of you can't talk nonsense." Clothes, raised his head again, looked around at everyone, sighed, and said, "The reason why I voted from Zhendong, the **** battlefield, and not avoiding danger, is it because of wealth!" Yu Chengding and Shiguan said, "Qing two I don't know. Two thousand stones are not prepared for what I want, unrighteous and expensive, and they are like floating clouds to me!"

Cheng Ding and Shi Guan had never read books, and Liu Bei could understand everything else, but what did he mean by saying "like floating clouds"? The two were puzzled.

When it was established, he asked Liu Bei and said, "Ming Gong, what do you mean by floating clouds?"

A vegetable leaf happened to fall off the table, Liu Bei gently stroked the vegetable leaf from the table to the ground, and Yu Chengding said, "This is where the clouds are."

Cheng Ding was also incredulous, and said in surprise: "Two thousand stones, the general, is like this vegetable leaf in the eyes of Duke Ming?"

Liu Bei said, "The vegetable leaves can still feed one's stomach, so that one will not be hungry. In my eyes, two thousand stones are as good as or worse than this vegetable leaf."

Chengding asked, "Then dare to ask Duke Ming, what does Duke Ming want?"

With drunken eyes, Liu Bei looked at Zhanqian, pointed at him, and said, "Those who know me, sir!" Although he was drunk and generous, he returned to take the sword by the side of the case, took out half of it, and played it with his fingers. If the ambition is difficult to pay, he sighed, "But if you can serve the country, you will be prepared to die without regrets."

The banquet ended at the second watch, Zhuo Ying and others resigned, and Liu Bei also returned to the dormitory.

After drinking a lot of wine, he took a shower and lay down. As soon as he put his pillow on, Liu Bei fell into a deep sleep. He slept in the middle of the night and was woken up by a chill. Liu Bei reached out and touched the jade beauty he had placed beside his pillow. For some unknown reason, Liu Bei suddenly thought of the beauty that Xun Zhen sent from Xuzhou to Guan Yu some time ago. Guan Yu and Liu Bei are close, and they are not lustful, but after getting that beautiful woman who is Qin Yilu's wife, it is beyond Liu Bei's expectations, and he shows great love and tenderness towards him.

Liu Bei slowly opened his eyes, lay on the bed, stared at the dark ceiling, lay down for a while, turned over, and went out of the room.

The moonlight is bright in the courtyard, the gentle breeze of the spring night, blowing the fragrance of flowers floating, listening to the distance, there is no sound.

I remember seeing the moon when I was cast under the tent of Xun Zhen, but that night was like watching the moon in the forest with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. At that time, Liu Bei was very ambitious; Zeng Guanyue, who was also in the backyard of the county mansion, that night the moon curved like a bowstring, when Liu Bei was finally released, his long-suppressed ambition revived, and in a blink of an eye, many days passed. , but what have you done? Suppressing thieves, but enemies and other trivial things are not worth mentioning, and it is related to ambition. Nothing is accomplished, nothing is done!

I have been watching the moon for a long time, and my thoughts are complicated. The past, the current situation, and the desires are alternated. At the beginning of the year, I was only in my twenties when I joined Xunzhen. Today, it is already too early. Liu Bei, who is now thirty-five years old this year, is deeply moved. Said: "The sun and the moon are like shuttles, the time does not wait for me."

Make a decision, and write to Xun Zhen tomorrow, suggesting that Xun Zhen seize the opportunity of the civil strife between Li Jue and Guo Si, save the king of Qin, and invite him to be the vanguard.

Under the spring moon, Liu Bei could not sleep peacefully.

Northeast of Yingchuan County, passing through Yin and Hanoi County in Henan, and then northeast, at the junction of Bingzhou and Jizhou, on the foothills of Taihang Mountain, one person can hardly sleep under the same moon. This man came from Taiyuan County and went to Ye County to meet Yuan Shao's Cao Cao.

Since he couldn't sleep, Cao Cao simply stopped sleeping. He put on a red cloak and walked up to a rock. In the clear brilliance of the mountain moon, he raised his eyes and looked around, feeling the mountain wind blowing, the pines bursting, and smelling it in the distance. The sound of tigers and leopards and other animals occasionally came.

The mountain road is rugged. The Taihang Mountains that I entered yesterday were quite difficult to walk all day.

Cao Cao's heart was touched, and he said in a loud voice: "It is difficult for He Weiwei to go to the Taihang Mountains in the east. The sheep's intestines are crossed and the wheels are destroyed."

A person behind him asked, "Dare to ask, brother, what poem is this?"

Cao Cao said, "I have the right words."

The person who asked the question was Cao Chun, and Cao Chun said: "It turned out to be the work of Brother A. It is true that he is good at poetry. Please read the whole chapter."

Cao Cao smiled and said: "I am not a talented person who relies on Ma Qianyan, so why is there a whole chapter in a hurry? I only have these four sentences. After I finish the chapter, I will discuss it with Qing."

Cao Chun replied, "Yes." After a while, he suddenly smiled.

"Hey, Zihe, what are you laughing at?"

Cao Chun replied: "Thinking about that Zhendong, he made a "Nineteen Poems" to invite the name of the article, but his "Nineteen Poems" are all the works of others, so how can he be compared with Brother Ah? Compare? Brother Wentao and martial arts, why do you need to compile other people's poems, you can write a book from your poems!"

"Hey, Zhenzhi also has literary talent, and the poem "Dan Ge Xing" is a good poem, I'm not as good as it."

Casually talking to Cao Chun, he was condescending, and Cao Cao looked west to Chang'an. Thinking back to the Yellow River like a belt, with turbulent waves, thinking of the past Guanzhong, the king's energy was soaring into the sky, but now the mountains and rivers are broken, the royal family is late, and the situation in the world has become like this. , and if you want to achieve your aspirations in this chaotic world, it will definitely be as difficult as ascending Taihang, or even more difficult than ascending Taihang.

However, although he was defeated in Yanzhou and his career was setback, Cao Cao was not discouraged.

"As long as I can seize this opportunity of King Qin, and as long as my heart is firm, I will succeed sooner or later."

Under the moon, Cao Cao, who was standing on the top of the mountain with his sword, thought so. UU reading

The general moonlight, different people, but similarities, are the grand ambitions of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, and the indomitable mentality.

Across the sea, it is true that the hero shows his true character!

But under the same moonlight, not only are there heroic aspirations, but also those who are regarded as thieves by heroes, are also busy.

North of Chang'an City, in Li Jue's camp.

Li Jue's tent was brightly lit, and the noise in the tent could be heard far away.

If you listen to it, you can hear that this noisy voice is not all Chinese, but mixed with nonsense.

The wind blew the curtain and looked in through the gap, and clearly saw that there were about thirty or twenty people sitting in the tent. Some of these thirty or twenty people were kneeling on the seats, and they were generals of the Han family, while others were not. Sitting on the Hu seat with their legs down, or braiding their hair, or braiding their heads, and some wearing two big horns on their heads, they are Hu people and Qiang people.

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