The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 172: Qin Wang Qin Wang (9)

The person who spoke out was Yang Mi, a general under Guo Si.

Guo Si raised his knife and turned his head, asked Yang Mi, "Why not?"

Yang Mi said: "General, Grand Commander Yang Gong is ignorant and unclear, although this offends the general, but Yang Gong is a nobleman in the sea and the leader of the ministers. If the general kills him in anger, he will be worried about the general. tainted his name.”

What is a name? Guo Si was born as a horse thief. After he changed his career to join the army, he murdered people like hemp. In his eyes, he only had wealth and prestige, but he never knew what "Ling Ming" was. If he cared about "Ling Ming", he would not have detained Yang Biao and other ministers in his camp, nor would he have fought against Li Jue without an edict, causing chaos.

Guo Si said: "If an old man kills him, he will kill him! How can he make Nai Gong lose a few pieces of meat if his name is not known?"

Yang Mi apologized and said: "The general's words are true, but as the general said, Yang Gong is just an old scholar, even if the general kills him, it will not do the general any good... Right and allow it.”

Guo Si said viciously: "He angered me, and I am full of anger. If I don't kill him, I won't be happy!" After saying that, he took the knife forward, aimed at Yang Biao's neck, and was about to slash with the knife.

Yang Biao sat on the seat, motionless, and raised his head. He looked directly at Guo Si, but he was not afraid at all.

In a hurry, Yang Mi couldn't care about it too much, stepped forward, grabbed Guo Si's arm, and remonstrated hard, saying, "General, general, absolutely must not, absolutely must not."

Guo Si became irritable and said angrily: "Why are you so annoying? I just killed an old thief, why did you stop me in every way! Yes, your surname is Yang too, could it be that you recognize the thief as your father and have a secret relationship with the old thief? What's the connection?"

Yang Mi spread his hands, fell to the ground, bowed his head and said, "General, the last general has never had any dealings with Yang Gong! Although the last general is also surnamed Yang, his family is not Hongnong, he is originally a native of Liangzhou, and he has nothing to do with Yang Gong. There is no way to talk about two words! It is even more impossible to say that a thief is a father. General, the reason why the last general is bitter is because of the general's sake."

Guo Si asked: "What are you thinking about for me, Ming? I didn't say it, but it can make me feel so bad. It doesn't matter what makes me famous."

Yang Mi was anxious, and finally came up with an excuse to stop Guo Si from killing Yang Biao, and said: "General! Didn't the general want the Taiwei and other officials to jointly spread the word and call on the world's heroes to fight against the traitor Li Jue from the general? "

Guo Si said, "Exactly, what's wrong?"

Yang Mi said: "Taiwei, the head of the three princes, the leader of the group of ministers, if the general kills Duke Yang now, then even if the letter is published, there will be no signature of Duke Yang, and I will worry about it at the end, I am afraid that there will be heroes in the world. The weight in my heart will also be much less! Therefore, for the sake of the general's plan, the last general, in his humble opinion, still hopes to ask the general to hold back his anger for a while and sacrifice Yang Gong's life."

Guo Si thought for a while, put the knife back into the sheath, and said, "What you said is true." He glanced at Yang Biao and said, "Old man, Nai Gong will spare your life first and take you Put his head on your neck temporarily. But you have to remember, if you want to provoke me again, I will kill you!" Frightening Yang Biao, he added, "A prisoner of old thieves like you, Nai Gong killed not thousands, but hundreds!"

Returning to the main seat, Guo Si sat down, looked at the crowd, and said again: "I asked you to write a letter for me and send it to the world. Are you willing now?"

Yang Biao, as a prefect, did not agree with one word, and Guo Si raised his sword to kill. With such a rude attitude, what would Zhang Xi and other ministers dare to say? However, the writing of the letter, spread it in the prefectures and prefectures, and called on the world to discuss the matter of Li Jue together, which is reasonable and reasonable, but it is absolutely impossible to do it. Everyone had no choice but to remain silent.

Guo Si repeatedly pressed questions, but none of the ministers remained silent.

Guo Si's anger came up again, and he stood up with the knife, and he was about to raise the knife to threaten the ministers.

Among the ministers, Sun Rui, the Weiwei, was quite insightful.

The scholar Sun Rui was from Right Fufeng, and his family was a Confucian family.

In the fifth year of Zhongping, the kingdom rebelled in Liangzhou, with more than 100,000 troops, attacked Chencang, and Sanfu shook. Chencang belongs to Youfufeng County, only more than 300 miles away from Chang'an. Ten thousand people were invited, and five famous men were appointed to serve as captains and officers at the time. Sun Rui, a scholar who lived in seclusion and never served as an official, was one of them. They guarded Chang'an and fought against the rebels. In this battle, the scholar Sun Rui made great contributions.

In the third year of Chuping, the scholar Sun Rui was worshipped as the minister of the minister, and conspired with Situ Wang Yun and Lü Bu to kill Dong Zhuo.

After Dong Zhuo's death, his scholar Sun Rui was moved to Da Si Nong and became one of the nine ministers. Since then, for every three public vacancies, scholars and Sun Rui are often selected.

But it is said that since the scholar Sun Rui participated in the murder of Dong Zhuo, why did Li Jue and Guo Si not kill Wang Yun in the same way that they killed Wang Yun after they entered Chang'an to avenge Dong Zhuo? This is because, after killing Dong Zhuo, the scholar Sun Rui not only let Wang Yun do the work himself, but also rejected the reward of being a feudal lord. This is quite similar to Jia Xu. Li Jue and Guo Si were killed, and they were able to keep their bodies and continue to serve as officials in the court.

In short, Shi Sun Rui can be said to have both resourcefulness and courage and insight. At this time, seeing Sikong Zhang Xi and others all silent, Guo Si saw that he was about to raise his knife to threaten him again, so he spoke slowly and said: : "Please calm down your anger, General."

"What did you say?"

Shi Sun Rui calmly said, "It's not that the servants are unwilling to write this letter for the general, but the servants are really unable to write this letter now."

Guo Si asked, "Why can't I write it?"

The scholar Sun Rui said: "If you want to spread the word to the world, how can there be no seals from Zhang Gong's mansion, servants and other officials and temples? But when the servants came to the general camp, they came for peace talks. I didn't carry anything with me. If that's the case, then I wrote the letter for the general in a hurry, but without a seal, it was passed on to the world, so how could I win the trust of Hainei Prefecture? I'm afraid that Prefecture would not believe it! It’s not that I don’t want to write now, it’s really impossible to write for the general, and it’s useless to write.”

Guo Si sat back and said, "There is no seal..."

The scholar Sun Rui said: "The chariots and cavalry kidnapped the emperor, which is really disobedient, and the servants are just as indignant as the generals. The generals want to call on the world's heroes to discuss the chariots and cavalry. This is a righteous act of helping the royal family. Oppose? I am also willing to write this letter for the general. It is hard for me to have no seal in my hand! If the general has made up his mind, please wait for the servant to return it, wait for the seal, and then write this letter for the general."

Guo Bi glanced at Shi Sun Rui's eyes, grinned, laughed, shouted Sun Rui's words in a big way, and said, "Jun Rong, you always fool me as a three-year-old child, if I let you go now If you go back, I'm afraid that you will not write this letter for me, and you will definitely not come back to my camp again, right?"

The scholar Sun Rui looked serious and said, "If the general doesn't believe it, there is no other way for the servants."

Without a seal, it is impossible to write a letter, which is indeed an objective trouble.

If you send someone to get the seal from Li Jue Camp, this is definitely impossible.

Guo Si thought about it, but without any countermeasures, this matter can only be put aside for the time being.

Dissatisfied, Guo Si returned to the camp, saw his wife, and complained, "I listened to your suggestion and detained Yang Biao and others in the camp. I thought it was a bunch of treasures, but now it seems that they have been detained. It's a pile of trash, and it's useless at all! It's useless, and you eat my food every day! In this way, this is really a loss-making business."

His wife smiled and said, "I have something good to tell my husband."

Guo Si asked, "What's the good thing?"

His wife took out a book from her sleeve, handed it to Guo Si, and said, "Husband, please look, what is this?"

Guo Si took the book and saw that the cover was blank and there was no name on it, so he muttered, "Whose letter doesn't even have a name." He opened the cover, took out the letter inside, and glanced at it for a second. Okay, I widened my eyes, looked at it from the beginning, and took a closer look. Shicai's anger disappeared. Like his wife, he was also happy and said, "God help me! Li Jue's death is coming."


Yang Biao was almost killed by Guo Si, the news is isolated, Liu Xie does not know now, although he does not know, he was trapped in the camp by Li Juejie, the palace was burned, the chief minister Rong Zhu Jun died in anger, etc. , The confusion in his heart, but still makes Liu Xie angry and melancholy, and he does not think about tea and rice.

Zhong Yao accompanied him in the tent, and gently persuaded Liu Xie, saying: "Your Majesty should put the dragon body as the most important thing. Although I am a little sleepy now, when the troops from Zhendong arrive, the predicament will definitely be solved. The minister is begging Your Majesty, relax your mind, Don't let the dragon's body get ill."

Not thinking about tea and rice, on the one hand, because Liu Xie was overwhelmed and had no appetite; on the other hand, because Li Jue did not respect Liu Xie too much, the food he gave to Liu Xie was rude, not only meatless, even the rice used for rice porridge. It is also old rice. Just looking at the color and smelling it makes people lose their appetite.

Liu Xie looked at the bowl of green and musty porridge on the table, and looked at the few plates of vegetable dishes that had no oil or water. He looked away, walked around the tent with his hands behind his back, and said, "Yuanchang, Miyagi was sacked. Destroyed, I was forced to leave the palace, trapped in the camp, and Duke Zhu, the chief minister, was killed by Guo Si, and I couldn't do anything about all of this. Every time I thought about it, my heart was burning, my heart was crying, I humiliated my ancestors, I Shame on the ancestors Wei Ling!"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, it is a pity that King Wen was trapped to write "Easy", it is hard to achieve great things after suffering.' When the heaven will assign a great responsibility to the people of this country, they must first suffer their minds, work their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins. If you are empty, you will disturb what you do, so you will be patient, and you will increase what you cannot.” Your Majesty, this is the famous saying of Mencius, and I beg your Majesty to encourage it.

Liu Xie was really living his life now. He stopped, motioned for Zhong Yao to come forward, and asked in a low voice, "Yuanchang, when will General Zhendong arrive?"

Zhong Yao replied: "Your Majesty, I estimate the distance, the imperial decree should be that it is already out of the Jingzhao Yin territory, and it can be delivered to Changyi in half a month at most. In a month, the troops and horses of Zhendong will be able to leave Changyi and come to Chang'an."

"Will it be another month?"

Although Liu Xie was in a hurry, Zhong Yao knew that he could not tell Liu Xie that he had sent a letter to Xun Zhen in advance.

Go to Shu Xunzhen, after all, he made up his own mind. Once Liu Xie knew about it, he might be considered by Liu Xie that he had privately seduced foreign ministers and lords into the capital and was not loyal to himself, so he could only use other words to appease Liu Xie. Xie, because of that, said: "Your Majesty, under Zhendong's department, the existing Xu Rong and other battalions have been guarding Luoyang for His Majesty. In this case, it won't take a month, maybe at the end of the month or the beginning of next month, the troops and horses from Zhendong will be able to reach Chang'an."

"I hope so, I hope so!"

Zhong Yao personally picked up the food box on the case and presented it to Liu Xie, saying, "Your Majesty, Li Jue and Guo Si are arrogant Once the troops and horses in Zhendong arrive, they will be swept away. To end the chaos and bring peace to the people, and to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, I will be thankful for Your Majesty, please do your best to add meals!"

"Yuanchang, you are my loyal minister! When I get out of this predicament, I will definitely make a lot of use for you."

In times of crisis, when people are vulnerable, Liu Xie is also a teenager. At this time, Zhong Yao never leaves, stays by his side, actively advises him, and comforts him again and again, how could Liu Xie not leave him? I was deeply moved, how could I not read Zhong Yao's goodness?

Even getting older, for Zhong Yao, he has developed a little bit of dependence now.


Zhong Yao estimated that it was not bad.

The two secret decrees that Liu Xie gave to Xun Zhen and Cao Cao were indeed about to leave the Jingzhao Yin territory and were about to arrive in Hongnong County, while Zhong Yao's letter to Xun Zhen had already left the Yin territory of Henan, and arrived there. Chenliu County, in a few days, the letter will be sent to the Xunzhen shogunate.

But in Yingchuan, Liu Bei had just heard about the civil strife between Li Jue and Guo Si.

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