The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 171: Qin Wang Qin Wang (8)

Cao Cao laughed and said, "What the lord said must be done in advance, does he mean to borrow troops from the original?"

Cheng Li said: "Duke Ming sees clearly, and that's exactly what it is. Duke Ming, Li Jue and Guo Si have infighting, but both of them have tens of thousands of them. The county also has Zhang Ji, Yang Ding, Duan Xun and other party members, and they have a total of 20,000 troops. The Duke Ming currently has 3,000 or 5,000 soldiers available. King Qin of Chang’an rescued him, but he was outnumbered and outnumbered, and his standing was not enough. Therefore, if you want to do this, you must first borrow troops from Duke Yuan, and you must borrow troops and horses. Duke Ming…”


Cheng Li said: "I also thought that if it was just to borrow troops, even if Duke Yuan agreed, I was afraid that there would not be too many people to lend to Duke Ming, so I thought that it was better not only to borrow soldiers, but also to borrow soldiers. It is able to persuade Duke Yuan and Duke Ming to work together to save the king!"

Although the two counties of Hedong and Xihe are now largely free of war, and the Baibo Yellow Turbans in these two counties have been largely annihilated by Cao Cao, these two counties are newly settled after all, especially Xihe County, which is the place where the Baibo Yellow Turbans revolted, and the Baibo Yellow Turbans are here. The residual influence is still very great, in order to avoid the resurgence of the White Wave Yellow Turban, and when the high-ranking officials are eyeing Xihe, and want to get their hands on it, at least Cao Cao's troops who stay in Xihe County can't move, except for the garrison in Xihe County. The total number of troops that Cao Cao can mobilize is only a few thousand in total, and many of them are newly recruited by Cao Cao, so it is obviously not enough to use these soldiers and horses to save the king.

In this way, in order to accomplish this, as Cheng Li said, he had to borrow troops from Yuan Shao.

Or further, it would be better if Yuan Shao could be persuaded to send troops together with Cao Cao.

But would Yuan Shao be willing to lend troops to Cao Cao, or would he be willing to send troops together with Cao Cao to rescue King Qin of Chang'an?

Cao Cao was not sure about this.

He pondered for a while, then asked Cheng Li, and said: "The public statement is very true. Only Cheng Gong, who was established earlier by the thief Dong arrogantly abolished the establishment, did not approve of the sage, and even once Since I wanted to change Liu Youzhou as the emperor, there is a history in the past, did you think that he would be willing to go to Chang'an with me to rescue him at first?"

Cheng Li stroked his beard and said, "How could Duke Yuan fail to see the benefits of King Qin's rescue? This is one of them; Li heard that, as early as when Duke Yuan first gained Jizhou, Duke Ju of the supervisory army offered advice to Duke Yuan. The proposal of 'Welcome Dajia in Xijing, restore Zongmiao in Luoyi, order the world to punish the unrecovered' was proposed. At that time, Duke Yuan agreed with Duke Ju's proposal. This is the second one; It is expected that Duke Yuan will not refuse, right?"

Cao Cao and Yuan Shao have known each other since childhood. The friendship between the two is by no means comparable to Cheng Li, who met Yuan Shao after following Cao Cao from Yanzhou to Ye County. There is no such grasp of Cheng Li.

Cao Cao hesitated for a moment, put down his doubts, smiled and said to Cheng Li: "The public statement is reasonable, and I thought I would not refuse it at first."

Entering Chang'an to rescue the driver, and taking this as an opportunity to control the Son of Heaven, this is a God-given opportunity for Cao Cao to turn around and make a comeback. Cao Cao will definitely not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he must manage.

That being the case, whether Yuan Shao would agree or not, he still had to give it a try first.

Cao Ang interjected and said, "If Duke Yuan refuses to go to Chang'an with my father, can I borrow some troops and horses from my father, Gao Shijun and Wangfujun?"

"Gao Shijun", the governor of Bingzhou Gao Gan; "Wangfujun", the prefect of Hedong Wangyi.

Cao Cao considered this, and said: "Without the original order, Yuan Cai would not lend troops to me; as for Wang Wendu, I can persuade him to send troops with me, but Wang Wendu is under the tent. Troops and horses are limited, embarrassingly useful."

"In that case, I have to borrow the power of Duke Yuan!"

Cao Cao and Cheng Li said, "It's not too late, Duke Cheng. I will leave for Ye County tomorrow to meet Ben Chu! After I leave Taiyuan, the two counties of Taiyuan and Xihe will be entrusted to Duke Yu for the time being!"

King Qin has a big business and borrows troops from Yuan Shao, or persuades Yuan Shao to send troops together. Naturally, Cao Cao must go out in person. He wants to go to Ye County in person. Duke Ming can rest assured that if you stand there, the two counties will be fine."

"Entrusted to the Duke", "The two counties have nothing to do" and so on, these words and answers seem to be nothing on the surface, but in fact these two sentences have implied meanings. This implied meaning, that is, high-ranking. When Cao Cao first arrived in Taiyuan, he had a good relationship with the cadres, but since Cao Cao destroyed the Baibo Yellow Turbans and occupied Xihe County and refused to give it to the cadres, the relationship between Cao Cao and the cadres gradually became delicate. The face is still passable, but the gap between the two has already occurred. Cao Cao was dissatisfied and suspicious of Cao Cao; Cao Cao was also wary of Cao Cao.

The next day, Cao Cao set off for Ye County to meet Yuan Shao and discuss the matter with him.

Before leaving, Cao Cao met with Gao Gan and told Gao Gan that he was going to Ye County to see Yuan Shao. As for why he went to see Yuan Shao, he did not tell Gao Gan; He led a retinue of cavalry and went out of the city to Ye County.


Not long after Cao Cao left Taiyuan City, several hundred miles to the southwest, south of Chang'an City, in Guo Si's camp.

Today is the second day after Guo Si detained Yang Biao and other officials in the camp.

Just in the morning, Guo Si sent troops to attack Li Jue's camp for a while, but he still retreated without success.

Guo Si facilitated Yang Biao and others to gather together in the afternoon in the name of feasting the ministers. Yang Biao and the others waited in the tent for more than half an hour, and the dishes on the table were all cold, only to see Guo Si striding in from the outside.

Entering the tent, Guo Si stopped for a while, and returned a half salute to Yang Biao and Zhang Xilue who stood up to salute him, while to the other Guangluxun Liu Yuan,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The salute of Weiwei Sun Rui and others is ignored.

——To say that Guo Si is rude, it would be wronged him, because Guo Si and Li Jue-xia are both superior to the third prince, that is to say, among the ministers, only Yang Biao, Zhao Wen, and Zhang Xi can compete with him. The court resisted the ceremony, and Liu Yuan was waiting in front of him, and he really had to be subservient.

Guo Bian entered the throne and sat down, picked up the wine glass on the case, took a sip, put it down heavily, looked at Yang Biao, Zhang Xi and others, and said, "Li Juesi has no attitude of being a minister, and he acts arrogantly, not only did he kidnap the emperor. He was imprisoned in his camp, and he even set fire to the palace, and the palaces, official residences, and dwellings in Chang'an City were all burnt down by Li Jue's riotous soldiers! Rebellious thief! All the dukes are the pillars of my court and the country's reliance, do the dukes not say a word about this?"

This call speaks of impassioned, awe-inspiring justice.

Yang Biao and the others didn't know what he wanted to do, so they all sat on the seat silently.

Guo Si named Yang Biao and said: "Yang Gong! You are the captain, you have to talk, you can't let Li Jue run wild like this. Yang Gong, don't you worry about the safety of the emperor? Do you just let the emperor be killed by Li? Jue kidnapping?"

Yang Biao asked reluctantly, "What does the general mean?"

Guo Si said: "Yang Gong, my intention is to save the emperor from the thief's cave. It is appropriate for Yang Gong to jointly sign a book with all the masters present, and pass it on to the world, calling on my Han family heroes and righteous people to join me in attacking Li Jue, the chaotic minister and thief!"

Before Li Jue asked Liu Xie to issue a decree to attack Guo Si, now Guo Si asked Yang Biao and others to jointly spread the word to the world and attack Li Jue. Li Jue's request could not be agreed, and Guo Si's request could not be agreed. The Son of Heaven is now in Li Jue's hands, how could Yang Biao and others dare to do this?

Yang Biao was silent.

Guo Si asked Zhang Xi and others again, but Zhang Xi and others remained silent.

Guo Si pressed the question again and again, but could not be answered by everyone, his face was full of anger, and he pressed Yang Biao again, saying: "Yang Gong! Why don't you speak? What do you think, give me a happy word!"

Yang Biao said something, but Guo Si didn't hear it clearly and asked, "What did you say?"

Yang Biao raised his voice and said, "General, I have something to ask the general."

Guo Si said, "You ask!"

Yang Biao said: "The general fights with the chariots and cavalry, one man robs the emperor, and one hostages the minister, is it feasible?"

After waiting for a long time, after waiting for such a face-to-face accusation, Guo Si couldn't contain his straightened his back, looked grim, stared at Yang Biao, and said, "Are you scolding me?"

Yang Biao said: "What the old man said is based on the truth. I don't know if it is a censure or not."

Guo Si was furious, nominated the surname Dao, and shouted, "Yang Biao, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" After speaking, he drew out the saber from his waist.

At this moment, Yang Biao has put his life and death aside. The only thing he thinks about is not to humiliate his family name of Hongnong Yang, and not to make him leave a reputation that is laughed at by the world. He was not afraid, his complexion was the same as usual, and he looked at Guo Si, as if he had not seen the sharp blade in his hand at all, and said slowly: "Your Excellency does not serve the country, why should I seek evil?"

Guo Si suddenly got up, stepped down to the hall, and reached in front of Yang Biao, raised the knife in his hand, and was about to slash down, but he wanted to slash Yang Biao!

When the officials in the tent saw it, all their expressions changed, and there was one who was so terrified that he leaned forward and threw all the food and wine on the table to the ground.

At this moment, one person said in a hurry: "General is not allowed!"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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