The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 170: Qin Wang Qin Wang (7)

In the hall of Taiyuan County, the candles were bright, as bright as day, full of friends, and the aroma of wine was overflowing.

The maids held various dishes, like wearing flowers and butterflies, and sent them to each table in a flowing water. But it was Cao Cao who entertained the officials tonight. Among the people attending the banquet, in addition to Cheng Li, Man Chong and other old officials under Cao Cao's account, there were more than ten relatively unfamiliar faces. These more than ten people are either old or young, the elders are in their sixties, and the young are only in their early twenties. These people are new officials recently established by Cao Cao, or famous people from Taiyuan County, or from Taiyuan County. Crown family.

The banquet started at night, and it has been going on for more than an hour now.

With red cheeks and a lot of wine on his beard, he sat on the main seat, raised his glass, and said with a smile to one of the officials on the right, "Yanyun, come, I'll meet you again. Have a drink together!"

The man who was called "Yan Yun" by Cao Cao was not young, he was twenty-three or four years old. "Yan Yun" is the character of this person, his real name is Wang Ling, and his uncle is the old Situ Wang Yun. But after Wang Yun killed Dong Zhuo, Li Jue and Guo Si followed Jia Xu's plan and entered Chang'an, and then avenged Dong Zhuo. The family executed Wang Yun's whole family, only Wang Ling and his brother Wang Chen were a little younger at the time. Take off, climb the city wall and escape back to Taiyuan. When Cao Cao arrived in Taiyuan, he widely recruited the local children of the right surname, and he recruited Wang Ling and his elder brother Wang Chen into his prefecture, and granted them the positions of officials.

Although Wang Ling was young, he was talented in both civil and military affairs, and because he was Wang Yun's son, he was highly valued by Cao Cao. Wang Ling was also a little drunk, so he got up, held the cup respectfully, and half bowed to Cao Cao, "No!" He drank the wine and sat down.

Cao Cao asked Wang Ling and said, "Yan Yun, I just received another letter from Wang Hedong today, in which he once again praised Jia Liangdao, I heard that you and Liang Dao Shao are good friends, is this possible? "

"Liang Dao" is Jia Kui.

Jia Kui was from Xiangling Township, Hedong County, which borders Taiyuan, so Wang Ling and Jia Kui became friends when they were young.

Wang Ling replied: "If you go back to the Mingfu lord, Ling and Liang Dao are indeed old acquaintances."

Cao Cao stroked his hair and said, "Last time when I led my troops into Hedong to destroy the Baibo Yellow Turban thieves, I met this Jia Liangdao a few times. He is loyal and strong, and he is talented. He is an official in Hedong now, so I can't see him often."

Wang Ling said: "Liang Daozhong has a plan. If you talk about talent, Ling is not as good as you."

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "Yanyun, you are wrong."

Wang Ling asked, "Dare to ask Mingfu Jun, where did Ling go wrong?"

Cao Cao smiled and said: "You are wrong, you are too modest! Liang Dao is a talented gentleman, but Qing Qing is upright and honest. From my point of view, Qing and Liang Dao are both handsome for a while. Qing and Liang Dao are friends. , it can be said that they are congenial and comparable.”

Wang Ling was very humble.

Cao Cao raised his glass and smiled at the man sitting next to Wang Ling, "Wenshu, come! I'll have another drink with you!"

The man who was called "Wen Shu" by Cao Cao was Fang Ruoguan, a few years younger than Wang Ling. This man's name was Wang Chang, and "Wen Shu" was his name. Taiyuan County has the surname Wang, the most famous Yu Jin has two, one is the Wang family of Qixian County, and the other is the Wang family of Jinyang. Wang Ling's family is in Qi County, and Wang Chang is from the Wang family in Jinyang County.

——But here we are, let’s say one more thing. When the Wang Clan of Qixian and the Wang Clan of Jinyang were in later generations, the genealogy of the two families were merged into one, and they became one family, and they were both called the Wang Clan of Taiyuan. The two were originally not related by blood.

Wang Chang and Wang Ling were about the same age, they were in the same county, and both had the surname Wang.

Wang Chang respectfully raised his glass and drank the wine.

Cao Cao said: "Wen Shu, just now we discussed the Nineteen Poems compiled by Zhenzhi. Some of your comments are quite pertinent and are deeply in line with my heart. If I hear about Zhenzhi, I think Zhenzhi will also take it seriously. You are a confidant." Putting down the wine glass in his hand, he smiled and said to Wang Chang, "The character is Wenshu, and the character is really like a person."

Shuzhe means stretch and comfort. "Wenshu" can be understood as stretching of literary talent. Cao Cao is using Wang Chang's words to praise Wang Chang's literary knowledge.

Wang Chang replied: "Chang has little talent and little knowledge, and dare not be such a misnomer as the ruler of the Ming Dynasty."

Cao Cao pretended to be unhappy and said, "How can I be Miaozan? Wenshu, if you say that I am Miaozan, then you are saying that my vision is not accurate, I don't know the name of people, and I don't have the ability to distinguish talents?"

Wang Chang hurriedly pleaded guilty and said, "Report to the Lord of Mingfu, Chang absolutely has no intention of this!"

Cao Cao laughed heartily and said, "I'm joking with Qing! Wen Shu, get up, get up and sit."

Wang Ling, Wang Chang and other newcomers, although they have not known Cao Cao for a long time, have a good understanding of Cao Cao's temper. They know that Cao Cao is an informal, humorous person. In fact, I didn't really think that Cao Cao was angry. Hearing Cao Cao's words, he got up and went back to the seat to sit down.

But what Cao Cao said, "Nineteen Poems compiled by Zhenzhi", what is the matter? It turned out that since Xun Zhen had the intention to create a culture in the southeast, and even extend its influence to the Central Plains in the territory under his rule, then of course he had to take some actions, in addition to recruiting scribes to enrich his shogunate. In addition to his literary talent, he himself also practiced in this regard. He personally selected nineteen poems from the five-character poems that are popular at the moment and compiled them into a book, titled "Nineteen Poems".

These five-character ancient poems originated at the turn of the two Han Dynasties, and have developed to the present, and have reached a relatively mature period, whether it is upper-class aristocracy or lower-class

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Literati, there are many people who can write and are good at writing five-character poems. First edited as a volume? It is easy to understand, this is related to Xun Zhen's previous life experience.

In the previous life, the most widely circulated five-character poems at the end of the Han Dynasty was "Nineteen Ancient Poems", because Xun Zhen only selected nineteen poems this time, and the nineteen poems he selected were still correct. It is the nineteen poems that have been handed down in later generations.

It is not just a simple selection. At the end of each poem, Xun Zhen wrote a comment on the poem.

These nineteen poems are not written by one person, but by different authors in the past fifty years. However, because they were all written in modern times, some of them have only been circulated. Emotions, such as instant pleasure, desire to stand out, homesickness, etc., are all very in line with the mentality of the current scholars, and the nineteen poems selected by Xun Zhen can be passed down to later generations, and their poems are so good that they don’t need to be said. Therefore, after Xun Zhen compiled it, it became popular immediately, and Cao Cao, who was far away in Taiyuan, also got a volume a month ago.

Before the banquet hosted by Cao Cao tonight, there was a high-level talk hosted by Cao Cao, and the theme of the discussion was "Nineteen Poems".

Wang Ling, Wang Chang and others all know the relationship between Cao Cao and Xun Zhen. They knew that the two of them had a good relationship before, but later they became enemies because of the competition for Yanzhou. Cao Cao was defeated by Xun Zhen and had to go west to Taiyuan. However, Cao Cao was willing to convene all the officials in the government to discuss the Nineteen Poems compiled by Xun Zhen, and in the discussion before the banquet, Cao Cao's comments on Xun Zhen attached to each poem and he did not choose anything else. , the vision of choosing these nineteen poems to compile a volume, and they are all praised. It has to be said that through Cao Cao's actions, Wang Ling and others have gained a new sense of Cao Cao's mind. Acquaintance is full of admiration.

Cao Cao drank happily. Just when he was joking with Wang Chang, he was laughing back and forth. His beard was stained in the bowl on the table again.

A majestic military official standing behind Cao Cao's case took a towel in his hand and presented it to Cao Cao, asking him to wipe it.

Cao Cao took the cloth towel, wiped his beard, turned his face and said to the military official, "Bo Dao, why are you standing behind me when you don't go to the banquet to drink?"

"Bo Dao" is the character of this person. This person's name is Hao Zhao, and he is also from Taiyuan.

Unlike Wang Ling, Wang Chang and other scholars, Hao Zhaofei came from a noble family. He joined the army at a young age and previously served as a minister in the Taiyuan County Army. When Cao Cao arrived in Taiyuan, Gao Gan distributed some troops from Taiyuan County to him, and Hao Zhao was there. Last year, when Cao Cao entered the White Wave Yellow Turban, Hao Zhao was under the tent of Xiahou Dun and made great achievements in the battle of Xihe. Therefore, because of Xiahou Dun's recommendation, Cao Cao had to bring him into the mansion.

Hao Zhao said respectfully, "All the monarchs at the banquet are high-ranking and savage people, how can they dare to drink with the sages? It should be from the side of the general."

Cao Cao said dissatisfiedly: "Bo Dao, you are good everywhere, but this is not good!" He beckoned to Hao Zhaojin to come.

Hao Zhao took the first two steps.

Cao Cao said, "Come here with your ear."

Hao Zhao leaned down.

Cao Cao put his mouth to his ear, lowered his voice, and said to him: "Bo Dao, you can't be arrogant and complacent, but you shouldn't be arrogant. But Bo Dao, you also have something they can't match. From now on, you must never be so selfish again, you know?"

When the words entered Hao Zhao's ears, Hao Zhao's whole heart was warm, and he bowed to answer: "No! Zhao remembers the orders of General Ming."

Cao Cao knew that he would not be drinking at the banquet, so he personally took a wine glass, poured a glass, stuffed it into him, raised his own wine glass, and said with a smile, "Come, let's have a drink too!"

With gratitude and emotion, Hao Zhao raised his glass and drank it all.

Cao Cao also finished drinking.

At this time, an official came in from outside the hall, rushed to Cheng Li's case, presented an item in his hand to Cheng Li, said something in a low voice, and then left the hall.

Cheng Li took the things, came to Cao Cao's case, and reported to Cao Cao, "Duke Ming, there is a letter from Chang'an."

Cao Cao had already seen the scene where the official came in and gave something to Cheng Li, so he took the letter, took it in his hand, looked at it, it was written by Ding Chong, smiled and said to Cheng Li, "It's a letter from Youyang. "Opened the letter, took out the letter paper and looked at it, his expression changed slightly, but then it returned to normal. After reading it, he didn't say anything, just folded the letter and put it back in the letter box.

When Cao Cao read the letter, Cheng Li had already seen the change in his complexion, and asked, "Dare to ask Duke Ming, I don't know what Ding Shilang wrote in the letter."

Cao Cao turned his eyes to the officials who were having a lively banquet in the hall. He smiled and said to Cheng Li, "Let's wait for the banquet, and I'll talk to the public."

After the second watch, the banquet was dispersed.

Wang Chang, Wang Ling, Hao Zhao, and others came to say goodbye and Cheng Li stayed.

Cao Cao called Cao Ang to fetch cold water, washed his face, threw the towel into the basin, turned to Gu Cheng Li, and said, "Mr. Cheng, didn't you ask me about your letter from Youyang?"

Cheng Li said, "Yes, Duke Ming. Li Fang only saw Duke Ming watching the messenger, and his expression changed. I don't know what is in this letter from Shilang Ding?"

Cao Cao said: "Li Jue and Guo Si have had an internal fight. Youyang suggested that I lead an army to Chang'an, and King Qin would rescue him."

Although Cheng Li's palace was deep, his expression changed suddenly when he heard these words, and he said, "Li Jue and Guo Si have an infighting?"

Cao Cao said, "Mr. Cheng, You Yang suggested that King Qin help me to save the driver. What is the public opinion?"

Cheng Li's thoughts changed, and he replied: "Duke Ming, this is the time when Duke Ming can help the world and help the emperor! But if you want to achieve this great event, Duke Ming will

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ You need to do something first. "

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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