The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 169: Qin Wang Qin Wang (6)

Liu Xie asked, "Why is Zhendong wrong?"

In order to propose a reason against calling Xun Zhen to come to Chang’an to rescue King Qin, we must ask the prophet Zhong Yao why he recommended Xun Zhen. The Art of War says: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you won't be imperiled in a hundred battles." This is the case in wars, and so is the debate over political opinions.

Ding Chong asked Liu Xie first, and said, "I dare to ask Your Majesty, what is the reason why Zhong Shilang recommended King Zhendong Qin to rescue him?"

What could be the reason for proposing to call someone to rescue the driver at such a time? It is nothing more than what Ding Chong said when he recommended Cao Cao just now. He has cleared his name for generations.

There are several reasons why Zhong Yao recommended Xun Zhen.

After Liu Xie and Ding Chong finished talking, Ding Chong said: "Your Majesty, just as Zhong Shilang said, General Zhendong is indeed known as a soldier, and he is also a soldier under the tent. It is because Zhendong is now far away in Xuzhou, and His Majesty has decreed to call him here. From here to Changyi, the road is far away. In addition, it will take time for Zhendong to gather troops and raise troops and supplies. I am afraid that Zhendong will be out of reach. By the time he arrives, it is already too late. Furthermore, it is because the ministers have heard that Kong Beihai is a scholar in the sea, and he has an old relationship with the father of the Zhendong clan, Xun Shuang, but he was poisoned by Zhendong last year. The loyalty of Zhendong, in the eyes of the minister, does not seem to be obvious, because the minister is worried, if Zhendong is called, the tiger will be rejected at the front door, and the wolf will enter the back door. Comparing the two, compared to Zhendong, the minister is stupid. See, it seems more appropriate to call King Cao Cao Qin.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao appeared in Taiyuan, from Taiyuan to Chang'an, but only a few hundred li, he can come quickly, especially Cao Cao's loyalty to Your Majesty, there is no doubt, the one who asked Dong before and is willing to fight hard, Cao Cao is the leader; Yuan Benchu ​​didn't know the mandate of Heaven, and he tried to take Liu Yu's arrogant position, and Cao Cao blamed him, both of which are known to Your Majesty!"

Ding Chong's remarks made sense, especially because Cao Cao once objected to Yuan Shao's proclamation of Liu Yu as emperor, and he did a good job. It gave him extra points in Liu Xie's heart. Qin Wang's reason also makes sense.

Although Liu Xie had never met Xun Zhen and Cao Cao, he knew that Xun Zhen now owns Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou. In terms of military strength, he is far behind Cao Cao, who is currently only serving as the prefect of Taiyuan. Cao Cao has more than 10,000 soldiers and horses now. If he is called to the King of Qin, can he defeat Li Jue and Guo Si? is a question. If you want to defeat Li Guo, no matter how you look at it, Xun Zhen is the most likely.

However, the fact that Xun Zhen poisoned Kong Rong did damage to his reputation.

Liu Xie was having a hard time making a decision, so he said to Ding Chong, "Allow me to think about it again."

Liu Xie was the emperor, and although he was forced to go to Li Jue's camp, Li Jue had no respect for him, but he certainly couldn't just give him a tent for living. The other few stayed in the tent and let him live in and arrange for the harem concubines and eunuchs and maids who came with him to Li Jue's camp.

After Ding Chong resigned, Liu Xie went out of the agenda and came to the tent where Fu Guiren lived.

When they arrived at the tent, Mrs. Fu saw that Liu Xie had something on his mind, so he asked him and said, "Your Majesty, are you still being detained by Guo Si for Duke Yang and others, and the chief minister, Zhu Jun, died in anger and was annoyed and angry?"

Liu Xie said: "But it's not only about this two things."

Mr. Fu asked, "What else is it that bothers His Majesty?"

Liu Xie said, "Didn't Ding Chong just ask to see me? Do you know what advice he gave me?"

Mr. Fu asked, "Your Majesty, what advice?"

Liu Xie said: "He suggested that I send a secret order to summon Cao Cao, the prefect of Taiyuan, to Chang'an, and King Qin to rescue him."

Fu Guiren was stunned and said, "Ding Chong suggested that His Majesty summon Cao Cao... Your Majesty, didn't Zhong Yao just meet His Majesty in the morning and suggest that His Majesty summon King Xun Zhenqin, the general of Zhendong?"

Liu Xie said: "It is precisely for this move that I am uncertain. You say, should I recruit Xunzhen to rescue me, or Cao Cao to rescue me?"

Fu Guiren said: "Zhendong has more troops and horses than Cao Cao. In my humble opinion, is it better to recruit Zhendong?"

Liu Xie said: "I thought so at first, but Ding Chong said that Xun Zhen poisoned Kong Rong, which shows that he and Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, and Guo Si seem to be on the same level as raccoon dogs, which is not credible."

Fu noble’s name is Fu Shou. Like Liu Xie, she has never met Xun Zhen and Cao Cao, and neither of them knows each other, but one thing is that Fu Shou’s family is in Langya County, Xuzhou.

Langya County is now under the rule of Xun Zhen, and Fu Gui and her father fell out of their homes. Although they were in Chang'an, their clan was still in Langya County. Xun Zhen took great care of their clan and used them. Many people in the clan go out of Shizhou County. The family sent a letter from Chang'an. Whenever Xun Zhen was mentioned in the letter, Xun Zhen was always full of praise. Therefore, compared with Cao Cao, Fu nobles had a good impression of Xun Zhen.

Hearing Liu Xie's words, Fu Guiren immediately said: "Your Majesty, the concubine said falsely, and the concubine heard from my father that Kong Rong was not actually killed by Zhendong, but Qin Qian, the son of Qin Gan, an official under Zhendong. Xiang made his own decision and poisoned Kong Rong. After Zhendong heard the news, he was extremely angry. Although Qin Qian was a friend of Zhendong when he was poor and lowly, Zhendong had ordered Qin Xiang to commit suicide as an apology. Your Majesty, the concubine's family is in Langya, The minister and concubine also heard the words of my father that there was a letter from the Langya people, mentioning the town in the east, and they all praised him, saying that he was in Xuzhou to stabilize people's livelihood, eradicate bandits and bandits. There are very few people in the counties and states who can make plans on time every year, but Zhendong sends senior officials every year. Your Majesty; therefore, in my humble opinion, Zhendong is definitely not like Dong Zhuo, Li Jue, and Guo Si."

After a short pause, Mr. Fu said again, "Hasn't Your Majesty already ordered Zhendong to lead his troops to rescue him before, and Chen Ji has already sent an order to Zhendong?

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Doubt! "

Liu Xie and Fu Guiren are a couple in adversity. He has deep feelings for Fu Guiren, Fu Guiren is smart, and he usually values ​​Fu Guiren's opinions on certain matters. After listening to Fu Guiren's words, Liu Xie asked her, Said: "In this case, in your opinion, how should I handle this matter?"

Fu Guiren said: "Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, this matter is not difficult to handle."


Fu Guiren said: "What Ding Chong said, the road to East Town is far away, and it makes sense that I might not be able to rescue him. Why don't Your Majesty simply issue two secret orders, one for Cao Cao and one for Zhendong?"

Liu Xie pondered for a moment, made a decision, and said, "Okay, then according to your wishes!"

Liu Xie didn't want to let go of such a day. Since he decided to make it, he would not delay. At that time, he asked Fu Guiren to spread paper and ink for him, and wrote two secret decrees in person.

After the secret decree was written, Liu Xie ordered Zhong Yao and Ding Chong to come over, respectively, and gave the two secret decrees to him.

Although the secret decree is obtained, how to send the secret decree is another question.

Zhong Yao and Ding Chong had close confidants on the left and right, and it was not difficult to select the person who sent the secret message.

The difficulty is that Li Jue called it protection, but in fact, he supervised and dispatched military officials to stay with Liu Xie and other ministers outside the tents, including Zhong Yao and Ding Chong's tents. , will be discovered by Li Jue. At that time, King Qin's rescue of the car will not be successful. If Li Jue is angry because of it, it will be another disaster.

However, both Zhong Yao and Ding Chong had already made up their minds, and by coincidence, the two of them coincidentally once again thought of one person, and that person was Jia Xu.

That night, Zhong Yao and Ding Chong visited Jia Xu successively.

Zhong Yao came first.

After welcoming Zhong Yao into the tent, and after a brief greeting, Jia Xu asked Zhong Yao and said, "Jun Yin has given me a meeting, I think there must be something going on." He asked tentatively, "But what is the will of the sage?"

Zhong Yao was the servant of the Huangmen, and one of his responsibilities was to communicate with the inside and outside, and to pass on the decree for the emperor, so it is not surprising that Jia Xu had such a guess.

Zhong Yao did not answer Jia Xu's question, but said, "Yao took the liberty to ask for advice, but I have two doubts, and I want to ask the public to clear it up."

"Any doubt?"

Zhong Yao said: "The general of the chariots and cavalry was in the camp to welcome the emperor. Yesterday, the Grand Commander Yang Gong and others went to General Guo's camp to make peace, but they were detained by General Guo again. Because of this, the chief minister, Duke Zhu, died in anger. Doubt."

"Where is the suspicion?"

Zhong Yao said: "Yao's suspicions are there. Those of you who are human ministers will hold the emperor in the camp and detain the ministers in the army. This matter has been around since ancient times, and you dare to ask the minister for advice. Is it possible?"

Jia Xu said, "I have never heard of it."

Zhong Yao went on to say: "Since it has not existed since ancient times, Yao dares to ask the public again. When the matter is spread, how will the people of the world view Che Qi and General Guo? How will the history of later generations write about this?"

Jia Xu was silent for a long time, and then replied: "Scholars in the sea are bound to be aggressive in public opinion, and later generations of history will blame Che Qi and General Guo."

Zhong Yao's eyes were bright, he looked at Jia Xu and said, "Yao has two suspicions!"

"Why are you suspicious?"

Zhong Yao said, "If you are suspicious, if you dare to ask your father for advice, what will you do in the meantime?"

Jia Xu sighed and said, "When the charioteer wanted to invite His Majesty to come to the camp, Zhong-jun, I have repeatedly discouraged me! But the charioteer won't listen. Zhongjun! I'm helpless, there is no other way!"

Zhong Yao said: "Although Yao is stupid, he also knows that if Cheqi and General Guo act as such, they may not be able to last for a long time; and they are as strong as Duke Dong, but in the end their heads are different, how about Cheqi and General Guo? Stealing a plan for the king should really be done early on to survive."

Jia Xu knew that Zhong Yao must have something important to tell him, so he showed an attitude of humbly asking for advice, and said, "I dare to ask you to teach me."

Zhong Yao took out Liu Xie's secret decree from his arms, showed it to Jia Xu, and said, "This is a secret decree written by Your Majesty."

Jia Xu hesitated for a while, but he didn't reach out to pick it up, he just turned his eyes on the secret order, looked at Zhong Yao again, and remained silent.

Zhong Yao said: "This secret decree is given to the general of Zhendong, Xun Zhen. Your Majesty wants to summon Zhendong to lead troops to Chang'an, and King Qin will rescue him. Zhendong's reputation is far-reaching, and if he leads his troops, Chang'an will be trapped. The difficulties of the Son of Heaven can all be solved, but there is one difficulty."

Jia Xu completely understood what Zhong Yao meant, and said, "What you said is difficult, but it is difficult to send this secret message outside the camp?"

Just now, Jia Xu did not answer the secret order, this time it was Zhong Yao who did not answer Jia Xu's question, Zhong Yao only handed the secret order one inch forward.

Jia Xu understood and no longer hesitated. He reached out his sleeves, caught the secret order, and said concisely, "Don't worry, Your Majesty."

Zhong Yao was overjoyed, no more words, long bowed thanks, turned and left.

Not long after Zhong Yao resigned, another report came from outside the tent. Someone asked to see him, and this person was not Ding Chong.

Jia Xu greeted Ding Chong and entered the tent, but Ding Chong covered his head and face. The secret decree that Liu Xie gave to Cao Cao was also given to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu also promised that he would be responsible for sending this secret message, but during this process, Jia Xu did not mention Zhong Yao until he came to see him.

After Ding Chong left, Jia Xu sat alone in the tent for a while, and ordered his eldest son Jia Mu to be summoned.

Jia Mu came to the tent not long after, Jia Xu gave him the two secret decrees and said, "Zhong Yao and Ding Chong just came to visit me one after another and gave me these two secret orders from the sage."

Jia Mu glanced at the two rolls of silk paper in his hand, and said in amazement, "The secret decree of the Holy One?"

Jia Xu says

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ said: "Give it to Cao Cao and Xun Zhen respectively, and order them to be rescued by King Qin. Zhong Yao and Ding Chong both asked me to send them out."

Jia Mu was slightly startled and said, "The Son of Heaven wants to summon Xun Zhen and King Cao Cao to rescue him? Father, what about us?"

Jia Xu said: "Zhong Yao and Ding Chong have a good Che Qi and General Guo are acting like this, can Anneng be long? I am afraid defeat is imminent! Send these two secret edicts for the saint to leave the camp. , is a good opportunity for you and my father and son to get out of trouble and get rid of the implication, we must seize it! This matter, you will do it. Remember to be careful not to let the riders know about it. "

Although Li Jue was afraid of Jia Xu's ability and ingenuity, he regarded Jia Xu as his mastermind. Jia Xu was free to come and go in his camp, and his words were quite useful. He wanted to help Zhong Yao and Ding Chong send out two secret orders. Easy to do, not difficult to do.

The next day, Jia Mu personally took out these two secret orders outside the camp, and then went out of the camp in response to the officials designated by Zhong Yao and Ding Chong to deliver the orders, and personally sent them out for several miles to return them.

By the time it fell into the night, the two teams of envoys who had sent the secret decree had rushed out of Chang'an.


At the same time, Ding Chong's letter to Cao Cao arrived at Jinyang, the county seat of Taiyuan County, and was sent to Cao Cao's mansion.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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