The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 168: Qin Wang Qin Wang (5)

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhu Jun up.

Zhu Jun was half seated, stretched out his hand, grabbed Yang Biao tremblingly, and said, "Only..."

Yang Biao asked, "Zhu Gong, what is Wei?"

Zhu Jun said: "Only Zhendong can solve this difficulty for the court!"

But at the last moment of his life, Zhong Yao visited Zhu Jun before and suggested to him to return Duluo or summon Xun Zhen to Chang'an, and the fact that King Qin rescued the car played a role. After saying this, Zhu Jun spat out two more mouthfuls of blood.

Blood splashed all over the front of his clothes, his eyes widened in anger, he tried his best, and said, "I hate the old man!" He passed away suddenly.

However, this Zhu Jun is different from Yang Biao and others. Yang Biao and others have been ministers for generations. They have studied Confucian scriptures since childhood, and they are sceptical about Confucianism. Zhu Jun is from a poor family, a poor family, corresponding to nobles, noble families, not poor people. I mean, although Zhu Jun is young and lonely, his mother is a trader, and his family is quite wealthy, but after all, he is not a member of the official family. He was light-hearted, later became an official, and led troops many times. He was often in the army, so he had a strong character, but three years ago, he should be sent to Chang'an with the mentality of "big things can be helped". Yue wasted, not only failed to accomplish anything, but even now she has come to be a lobbyist in a panic, and was detained by Guo Si, so she was unbearably humiliated and died in anger.

Looking at Zhu Jun's experience after entering office, first in the first year of Yu Guanghe, when Jiaozhou rebelled, he was ordered in danger and was appointed by the court as the governor of Jiaozhou, quelling the rebellion in Jiaozhou. Huangfu Song led the troops separately and quelled the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Although his military ability was not as good as that of Huangfu Song, who was born in the general door, in all fairness, he was considered to be quite successful and famous, and he was ordinary. With this credit, he was honored and honored. In the end, it is not difficult, but in the chaotic world, it is difficult for a generation of famous generals like him to detach from the outside world, and it is also pitiful and deplorable to end up like this.

The so-called thing hurts its kind, the word "rabbit dead fox sorrow" may not be appropriate to use now, but the mood of Yang Biao, Zhao Wen, Zhang Xi and others at this time is quite similar to the meaning expressed by this word. Yang Biao's anger could not be suppressed. He took a big step to the tent door, opened the curtain, and shouted to the military officer who was watching outside: "Where is General Guo?"

The noise in the tent was heard by the military officials outside the tent. They didn't know what was going on. Seeing Yang Biao coming out in a rage, the lead military official replied, "General has military affairs."

Yang Biao said angrily, "Wait a minute to invite General Guo, and tell him that Duke Zhu, the chief minister, fell ill and died because he was detained by him!"

Da Sinong was one of the nine ministers, and Zhu Jun's reputation was heard even by ordinary soldiers in the Liangzhou army. The military official heard this, but he knew the seriousness of the matter. He was startled and hurried. Go to Guo Si and report the matter.

Yang Biao returned to the tent and surrounded Zhu Jun on the reclining seat with Zhao Wen and Zhang Xi.

More than a dozen ministers and ministers had red eyes, tears, or sighs.

To say they have a good relationship with Zhu Jun? Not quite. In fact, because of Zhu Jun's humble background and Zhu Jun's strong temper, some of them are not very harmonious with Zhu Jun, but at this time, everyone and Zhu Jun can be said to be in the same environment, so it is inevitable The same hatred and jealousy, each has different feelings because of this.

Zhao Wen said: "Masters, you wait! Li Jue kidnapped the emperor, and Guo Si detained us. Both of them are really daring and reckless. We can't tolerate them or let them go!"

Zhang Xi asked, "So, in the opinion of Duke Zhao, what should I do?"

Zhao Wen said, "When Guo Si arrives later, I will blame him!"

Zhang Xi was worried and said: "As the public said, General Guo has acted recklessly and detained us in his camp. We are defenseless. If we anger him again, I'm afraid..."

The words were not finished, but everyone knew what they meant.

Zhao Wen asked, "However, in the opinion of Duke Zhao, what should I do?"

Zhang Xi said: "In my humble opinion, it is right to compromise and seek perfection."

Zhao Wen angrily said: "Qiuquan, Qiuquan? Zhang Gong, is there still 'quan' to ask for now?" Pointing to Zhu Jun's dead body, he said, "Da Si Nong is already mad at me! Zhang Gong, you still want me Are you still mad at me? Or are you waiting for Guo Si to kill me?"

Zhang Xi said: "Kill me and wait? General Guo probably won't." He said to Yang Biao, "Yang Gong, when General Guo arrives later, it is best not to turn against him, but for now, I think the best The most important thing is to try to escape as soon as possible and return to the emperor, first, to report these things that happened in General Guo’s camp to the emperor; both, I can continue to guard the emperor’s side to ensure the integrity of the emperor.”

Yang Biao thought for a while and said, "Sikong's remarks are old and seeking for the country."

Thinking that Li Jue had already kidnapped Liu Xie into the camp and set fire to Miyagi, would Li Jue do something even more maddening? No one can be sure. Then the most important thing at the moment is indeed what Zhang Xi said, not to fall out with Guo Si, but to find a way to return to Liu Xie's side quickly to protect Liu Xie's safety.

Besides, even if you fall out with Guo Si, you won't get much benefit.

Everyone agreed and heard footsteps outside.

The curtain was opened, and the person who came in first was wearing brocade clothes, with a jade belt wrapped around his waist, burly and strong, but it was Guo Si.

Guo Si took his eyes and first looked at Zhu Jun, who was lying on the seat and surrounded by everyone, and said, "What happened to Da Si Nong?"

Since Yang Biao and the others had already agreed that they would make compromises now, Yang Biao also covered up his anger and replied to Guo Si, "Da Si Nong fell ill and died."

Guo Si said, "Dead?"

Yang Biao said, "Da Si Nong was the ninth minister of the imperial court, and he suddenly fell ill and died.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^, this matter must be reported as soon as possible, I think Da Si Nong will arrange the funeral, General, I will leave after waiting. "

Guo Bian glanced at Yang Biao and said, "When Da Si Nong dies, he will die, but you can't leave here."

Yang Biao asked, "What does the general mean by this?"

Guo Si said: "Ever since Li Jue insisted on fighting with me, I haven't seen my master for a long time. I have been thinking about the teachings of my master for a long time. Today, I finally came to my camp. Yu, how can you leave like this?"

Yang Biao's anger couldn't be suppressed any longer, and his color suddenly changed, and he asked, "What does the general mean?"

Guo Si smiled and said, "Come as soon as you say it, and leave as soon as you say it. Do you think I'm a prostitute sent to us?"

Yang Biao waved his sleeves, pointed to Zhu Jun's corpse on the table, and said, "Da Sinong died here, I'll wait..."

Guo Si interrupted Yang Biao's words and said: "Yang Gong, the public just said that Dasinong was the ninth minister of the country, and he died suddenly today. When the emperor knows, he thinks that Dasinong arranged the funeral. This is a good statement. I Agree. Well, then let the public choose one person to go back and report the news to the emperor, how about it?"

It is really "a scholar meets a soldier, and it is not clear what it is reasonable to say".

Guo Si insisted not to let Yang Biao and others return to Liu Xie's side, and Yang Biao and others were useless. After all, according to Guo Si's words, everyone recommended Zhao Wen to go back to report the matter to Liu Xie, and went back with Zhao Wen to the Li Jue camp with Zhu Jun's body.

The remaining Yang Biao and others continued to stay in the Guo Si camp.

As for why Zhao Wen was recommended to report to Liu Xie, there were two reasons.

First of all, Yang Biao was the Taiwei, the head of the Three Dukes, and the head of the group of ministers. Guo Si refused to let him go; secondly, Yang Biao could not go back, and the person who returned to Liu Xie must be a heavyweight like the Three Dukes. Can be rest assured, and compared to Zhao Wen, Zhang Xi is inferior in terms of talent, courage, etc., so Yang Biao unanimously recommended Zhao Wen to go back to Liu Xie to report the matter.

The crowd was at Camp Li Jue, who had left in the morning. When Zhao Wen returned to Camp Li Jue, it was almost three at night.

The military officer reported to Li Jue that only Zhao Wen was the one who came back, and Li Jue immediately guessed Guo Si's intention, laughed and said to the two concubines who were sleeping with him, "I said that Yang Biao and others would not be allowed to go to Guo Siying. , they have to go, what about now? Guo Si took it with a pot and detained him in the camp."

One of the concubines who was sleeping with him asked: "General, the princes and princes were detained by General Guo, does the general need to rescue them?"

Li Jue laughed and didn't answer Ji Concubine, she shook her head, turned over and continued to sleep. And needless to say.

However, he said that Zhao Wen traveled 20 to 30 miles back and forth, and was detained again in the Guo Si camp. He also experienced such a major event as Zhu Jun's death, and he was nearly sixty years old, and he was not too young. , how can he still be tired, and he can't take care of the nearly three shifts. When he returned to Li Jue's camp, he rushed outside Liu Xie's tent and asked to see Liu Xie.

Although it was late at night, Liu Xie must have been unable to sleep, and had not yet gone to bed. He heard that Zhao Wen had returned to ask for an interview, and hurriedly announced his visit.

Zhao Wen entered the tent, bowed down to the ground, weeping even more, and said, "This minister is humiliating the ruler's life!"

Liu Xie said: "Please get up, what's going on?"

Zhao Wen got up, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "The ministers were ordered to go to Guo Si's camp. Guo Si first refused to see them, and then detained them. The chief minister, Zhu Jun, was furious, because it was, because it was... "

Liu Xie said, "What is the cause?"

Zhao Wen said: "Due to an illness and died."

Liu Xieru was struck by thunder and said: "Zhu Gong died of illness?"

Zhao Wen bowed to the ground again and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, Duke Zhu has passed away."

"Then, that..., are the rest of the princes okay?"

Zhao Wen said: "Grand Commander Yang Gong, Sikong Gong Zhang and others are now detained in the camp by Guo Si and are not allowed to go out."

Hearing this startling news, Liu Xie couldn't bear it a little bit. Forgiving his juvenile's cleverness, and now he was only dazed, he muttered to himself, "They've all been detained? What should I do? How can this be good?"

Zhao Wen had nothing to comfort him.

The two rulers and ministers, one young and one old, are opposite each other in the fluttering lights.

Silent all night.

The next day, Yang Biao and others were detained by Guo Si, and the news that Zhu Jun was dead and his body was brought back by Zhao Wen spread among the officials who followed Liu Xie and were trapped in Li Jue's camp. This afternoon, one person asked to see Liu Xie.

This person is Ding Chong, the servant of the Yellow Clan.

Liu Xie announced that Ding Chong entered the meeting, Ding Chong entered the tent, and said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, I have something important to report to you, dare to ask Your Majesty to step back."

There was actually no one in the tent, only two or three eunuchs, and Liu Xie asked these eunuchs to retire.

Ding Chong moved forward slightly, approached Liu Xie a little, lowered his voice, and said, "Your Majesty, Che Qi and General Guo are doing the opposite. If you continue to act recklessly, otherwise it will be out of control, and your Majesty's dragon body may be in danger."

How could Liu Xie not know about these?

Liu Xie said, "What's your plan to teach me?"

Ding Chong said: "Cao Cao, the prefect of Taiyuan, has been honored and honored by the Han family for many generations. He is loyal to the imperial court, and he appeared in Taiyuan, not far from Chang'an. The minister secretly thought, why didn't your majesty issue a secret order to order Cao Cao to rein in his troops? Come to Chang'an King Qin to rescue him?"

Liu Xie said, "Cao Cao?"

Ding Chong said: "Yes. Your Majesty, Cao Cao knows how to fight well, and his troops are well-equipped. If His Majesty calls him to King Qin to rescue him, when this chariot and General Guo are fighting in the war, things will be accomplished!"

Liu Xie said

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ said: "Just before Qing came, Zhong Yao also asked to see me."

Ding Chong said, "Master Zhong?"

Liu Xie said: "Zhong Shilang offered advice to me, and suggested to summon King Xun Zhenqin, the general of Zhendong."

Ding Chong hurriedly thought to himself, "What a good Zhong Yuanchang! But it was with me again."

Zhong Yao and Ding Chong both saw that Yang Biao and others were detained by Guo Si. This was an excellent opportunity to ask Liu Xie to issue a secret order to summon Xun Zhen or Cao Cao to come to King Qin to rescue him. Xun Zhen and Cao Cao have sent the letter, there is no need to say much about the content of their letter, and there are words in it that suggest Xun Zhen and Cao Cao to prepare for the Qin King as soon as possible, but after all, it is a private letter between them, and it is not comparable to Liu Xie. If there is another imperial decree from Liu Xie, it will of course be easier for Xun Zhen or Cao Cao to rescue King Qin.

Ding Chong and Cao Cao are fellow villagers. They have known each other for a long time, and they have a speculative temperament. Xun Zhen and Ding Chong did not know him at all. Therefore, Ding Chong definitely hoped that it would be Cao Cao, not Xun Zhen, who came to the King of Qin to rescue him, so he thought for a while. , and said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, this minister secretly thinks that it is inappropriate to call the General of Zhendong General Qin."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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