The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 163: Zhong Yuan's constant progress and meritorious deeds (Part 2)

The news has been obtained that Li Jue and Guo Si will attack tomorrow. After the two sides start fighting, the situation outside Chang'an can be imagined, and there will be wars. In order to avoid being blocked by them, Zhong Yaoyu wrote the letter. Afterwards, he summoned several officials and attendants, and ordered them to secretly leave the city overnight with this letter and rush to Changyi, and be sure to present it to Xun Zhen in person. These servants, attendants, or Zhong Yao's cronies, or Zhong Yao's clan, got Zhong Yao's order, and immediately left the city without any delay.

Along with Zhong Yao's team of messengers, there was another team of messengers who left the city with their front and back feet.

This group of messengers was not many, only four or five, but they were sent by Ding Chong, who was also the servant of the Yellow Clan with Zhong Yao.

The letter sent by Ding Chong was a letter from Ding Chong to Cao Cao. The letter was just written. As far as the content of the letter is concerned, there is no need to say much. It is similar to the letter written by Zhong Yao to Xun Zhen, both of which are to tell the recipients that Li Jue and Guo Si are about to fight infighting, and that there will be civil strife in Chang'an. At the end of the letter, Ding Chong, like Zhong Yao, also made his own suggestions to Cao Cao.

The two groups of messengers left the city one after another, and they were on their way at night.

The two groups of messengers were unaware of each other's existence, but they were traveling at similar speeds.

After leaving Chang'an, we walked to the next afternoon, thirty or forty miles away from the city, and there was a river in front of us blocking the road. This water was the famous Ba Shui. After crossing the Bashui and going further, it is Mount Li.

The direction of the two teams of messengers has changed here. The messenger who delivered the letter to Xunzhen continued to go east, towards Hongnong County; the messenger who delivered the letter to Cao Cao turned to the northeast, towards Hedong County. But need not say much.

It is only said that while the two groups of messengers crossed the Bashui, each on their own journey, the inside and outside of Chang'an City, dozens of miles to the west, was already a mess. The people outside the city and the refugees fled in panic, and the people in the city were also frightened. The two armies of Li Jue and Guo Si had already started a war.

A piece of information was sent from outside the city to the palace.

In the main hall of the palace, Liu Xie was sitting in the center, with nearly a hundred ministers lined up on both sides.

Since the morning meeting, Liu Xie and these ministers have been in this hall for more than half a day, and lunch is eaten in the hall. Zhong Yao and Ding Chong were also in the hall, and Yang Qi, who was in charge of reconciliation, was also in the hall at the moment—but Yang Qi had just returned from outside the city. He went to see Guo Si yesterday and went to Li Jue camp this morning to ask for a meeting with Li Jue, but the result was the same as when he met Guo Si, Li Jue also disagreed with Liu Xie's request to mediate the two sides to stop the soldiers.

Another new piece of information came. Guo Si's attack on Li Jue's camp was not good, so he retreated temporarily.

After listening to this information, Liu Xie looked at the ministers in the palace, his eyes fell on the leaders, and said, "I ordered the mediation without success, and now Che Qi and General Guo are in a fight, then I can't do it. Just sitting and watching, what should the waiter think?"

The leading ministers all sat alone, and the top one was an old man over fifty.

The old man was angry and said, "The Son of Heaven dares to refuse to obey! Li Jue and Guo Si are really no ministers! The ministers hate that they do not have the power to wear armor and fight against each other, and they cannot eliminate this disaster for His Majesty!"

The person who spoke was Taiwei Yang Biao.

Yang Biao's age is not very big, only fifty-three or four years old, but so far he has been to many important positions in the DPRK.

During the period of Xiping, he was conscripted as a minister due to his erudition and knowledge, and later moved to serve as a servant, and transferred to Jingzhaoyin.

In the second year of Guanghe, that is, 16 years ago, Yang Biao, who was 38 years old at the time, did a big thing. He obtained the information that Wang Fu had instigated the guests to extort and extort a total of more than 70 million property. The evidence was reported to Wei Yangqiu at the Sili School, and Yang Qiu then played on the Emperor Ling, arrested and executed Wang Fu and his son and some of Wang Fu's henchmen; Wei Duan Jiong. After arresting them, Yang Qiu personally went to the prison to torture Wang Fu and his son, using five tortures, which was very cruel. Wang Fu's son Wang Meng's prayers were useless, so he scolded Yang Qiu. Yang Qiu blocked Wang Meng's mouth with soil and lowered his sticks. In the end, both Wang Fu and his son died under the cane, and Duan Jiong also committed suicide. At the end, Yang Qiu put Wang Fu's body on the city gate to show the public, and wrote a big notice, "Tie Chen Wang Fu".

This incident had a great impact at the time, and it spread all over the world, and almost no one knew about it.

Xun Zhen was still in Yingchuan at that time, and heard about it. Although Wang Fu and other eunuchs were indeed doing a lot of evil, they were responsible for the collapse of the government, but Xun Zhen was quite surprised by Yang Qiu's cruel methods. And as Xun Zhen expected, in the winter of that year, Yang Qiu was sent to Luoyang Prison due to the revenge of the eunuchs. He was eventually executed, and his wife and children were exiled to the frontier.

However, Yang Biao was not implicated because of this. When he was in the position of Jingzhao Yin, he was conscripted back to the Luoyang court, changed his post as a servant, and then served as a general of the five officials, and then served as the governor of Yingchuan and Nanyang. When he returned to the court, he served as Yongle's young mansion, Tai servant, Weiwei and other positions.

In the sixth year of Zhongping, the forty-eight-year-old Yang Biao succeeded Dong Zhuo as the doctor of Taizhong. After that, he was successively transferred to the positions of Situ, Doctor Guanglu, Jingzhaoyin, and Guangluxun. Just the year before, he succeeded Chunyu Jia as Sikong, and recorded the ministerial affairs. Later, he was exempted due to the earthquake and was worshipped as Taichang. In July last year, on behalf of Zhu Jun, he took the post of Taiwei, and was once again appointed to the post of Lu Shangshu.

Taiwei is the head of the three dukes; Lu Shangshushi is the chief official of the Shangshutai, and the Shangshutai is responsible for the government affairs of the whole world.

In terms of "virtual" honor, he ranks at the top of the group of ministers, but also has "real" power. Yang Biao, who is only in his early fifties this year, can be said to be a very high-ranking minister, whether in the court or in the country. Domestically, the prestige is quite high.

Among the leading officials, another person said: "Your Majesty! Since the matter has already happened, it is useless to say more.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^. In my humble opinion, the most important thing at the moment is to urgently summon Huben, Yulin, Tunqi, Yueqi and other battalions to quickly guard the palace and strictly observe the palace ban, so as to prevent the chariots and the chaotic troops of General Guo from breaking into the city. disturbed the palace. "

It was Sikong Zhang Xi who spoke. Zhang Xi is a native of Xiyang County, Runan County, one of the princes in the late Qin Dynasty. Later, he was attached to Liu Bang and was named after Zhang Er, who was named King of Zhao by Liu Bang.

The ministers in the hall discussed and agreed with Zhang Xi's suggestion.

Liu Xie then sent an edict, ordering Hu Ben, Yu Lin, Tun Qi, Yue Qi and other battalions that he could still control to gather inside and outside the palace city to guard the safety of the palace city; The situation of Li Jue and Guo Si fighting.

The news kept coming, but until nightfall, Li Jue and Guo Si fought for a day and could not decide who would win or lose, so Guo Si returned his troops to the camp.

The ministers stayed in the palace for a day. In front of the emperor, they had to sit upright. There was a fierce battle outside the city, and the mental pressure was also great. Everyone was already tired.


Yang Biao and the other three dukes had their own residences. After leaving the palace, Yang Biao returned to his own residence.

As soon as he arrived at home, before he could sit still, the doorman came in and said that Zhong Yao, the servant of the Yellow Clan, wanted to see him.

Yang Biao was surprised and said, "Please come in."

The Hongnong Yang clan is a famous family in China, with the fourth generation and the third prince, and his disciples and former officials are all over the court and the public. In contrast, although Zhong Yao's family is famous in Yingchuan County, its reputation in the sea and its influence in the court are not obvious. It is completely inferior to the Hongnong Yang clan. Zhong Yao's ancestor was just a famous person, and his father was only an official to the head of Yingchuan County; in terms of age and current officials, Zhong Yao was far inferior to Yang Biao.

Therefore, after seeing Yang Biao, Zhong Yao bowed very respectfully.

However, although the family voice of the Zhong family is not as good as that of the Hongnong Yang family, Zhong Yao himself is talented and versatile, and he writes well in calligraphy. contempt.

See you twice.

Yang Biao asked Zhong Yao and said, "Yuan Chang, you have been in the palace for a day today. Why don't you go home and rest quickly? Why did you come to see me?"

Zhong Yao said: "Duke Ming, the infighting between Che Qi and General Guo, if the emperor fails to mediate, it will cause great harm sooner or later, and I am afraid it will also affect the palace. Thinking of this, Yao cannot be at peace, because he is taking the liberty to seek enlightenment. Duke, would like to ask if Duke Ming has a good plan for this?"

Where does Yang Biao have any good strategies? He said, "The only plan for now is to wait and see the situation first, and then send the ministers to mediate, and try to get the two to stop the troops and General Guo."

Zhong Yao said: "What the public said is very true! If you send ministers to make peace, someone from Yao will recommend it."

Yang Biao asked, "Who?"

Zhong Yao said: "The servant of the audience, She Huangfu Li, is the hometown of the chariot and General Guo, and he has the ability to deal with it, so he is worthy of this job."

Huangfu Li was also from a famous family, and his father was Huangfu Song.

This person is indeed as Zhong Yao said, able to speak and debate, and his vision and knowledge are also good. In the sixth year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling was seriously ill and appointed Dong Zhuo as the shepherd of Bingzhou, and asked him to hand over the army to the commander of Huangfu Song. , judging that Dong Zhuo was intending to disrupt the imperial court, and advised Huangfu Song to kill Dong Zhuo. However, Huangfu Song was a loyal minister, and on the grounds that he was committed to committing a crime, and that he was committed to punishing him, he refused to kill a minister without an order, and did not accept Huangfu Li's opinion.

If Li Jue and Guo Si haven't started the war yet, now the war has already started, and the troops are fierce and dangerous. Then, if you send a minister to make peace at this moment, the minister must be courageous and resourceful. One point fits.

After listening to Zhong Yao's recommendation, Yang Biao thought for a while, nodded, and said, "Yuanchang, your recommendation is very appropriate. When I see the emperor tomorrow, I will recommend Huangfu Li to the emperor."

Zhong Yao should be.

Seeing Zhong Yao's expression, Yang Biao hesitated to speak, as if he didn't want to finish it, so he asked him and said, "Yuanchang, do you have anything else?"

Zhong Yao said: "Yao really has something else to do, I dare to ask the general will."

Yang Biao said, "What's the matter?"

Zhong Yao said, "If I send another minister to talk about making peace with and it still doesn't work, I dare to ask Duke Ming, what are the countermeasures?"

Yang Biao asked, "What is your intention?"

Zhong Yao said: "If we try to mediate again, it still won't work. After the long battle between the chariot and General Guo, if we can't tell, we will cause chaos. At that time, there may be problems with the safety of the emperor. The emperor is not in danger for the time being. Since the drought last year in Chang'an, the people have been destroyed by ten to three or four. After this battle, it will become more and more broken, and the food will not be enough to eat. I thought, Chang'an, the emperor seems to be no longer suitable for living!"


This paragraph is a little more written, and there are two reasons. One, Xun Zhen wants to welcome the emperor, and when he welcomes the emperor, he has to deal with Liu Xie and the ministers in the court. They have rarely or never appeared in the book, so I will first use this to describe the personalities of important people among them, so as to make a foreshadowing, so as not to be abrupt; another, the situation where the majesty of the Han Dynasty has been completely lost, in this case The story is very vivid and can give people an intuitive feeling.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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