The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 162: Zhong Yuan's constant progress and meritorious deeds (middle)

Shizhong is the close minister of the emperor, the "servant", the servant, the "middle", the banzhong, the ban is the palace ban, the official can serve the emperor's left and right, enter and leave the banzhong to serve; compared with the servant, the Huangmen The rank of the servant is low, only 600 stones, but the servant of the Huangmen is also a close minister of the emperor, and the yellow gate is also a member of the yellow gate. The palace gates of the previous Qin Dynasty and the current dynasty were mostly painted yellow, so it was called the Yellow Gate, the Yellow Gate. The Servant is in charge of serving the emperor's left and right, giving affairs, keeping the inside and outside, and seeing the various dynasties, and leading the king to sit in the hall. Among these things in charge, in the article "keep the inside and outside", there is the responsibility of passing the decree.

The matter was urgent, and it was too late for Zhongshu Province to draft the imperial edict. After Jia Xu's resignation, Liu Xie dictated the edict, and he called Zhong Yao, the attendant of the Huangmen on duty, and ordered him to pass the edict to Yang Qi. ——Yang Qi was not on duty today and was not in the palace.

When Zhong Yao heard Liu Xie say that Li Jue and Guo Si will be fighting with each other, his face changed a little, and he asked Liu Xie, saying, "I dare to ask your majesty, and ask Yang Qi to talk to Li Jue and Guo Si, Who is this suggestion?"

Liu Xie said: "This is the suggestion that Xuanyi General Jia Xu gave to me. Why, do you think it is inappropriate?"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, this discussion is not inappropriate, but it is my minister's concern. Although Che Qi and General Guo are now dignitaries, they are really rough. It is reasonable to say that if you play the qin to the ox, I am afraid that it will be difficult to play a role."

Liu Xie said worriedly: "Don't hide it from the Qing, I also have this worry." Looking at Zhong Yao, he said, "Can you have other countermeasures?"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, once Che Qi and General Guo fight, Chang'an will inevitably be in chaos, and the palace will inevitably be implicated. Since the reconciliation is useless, the minister thinks that the most urgent task is to immediately think of another way to solve the problem. Protect the palace and your Majesty's safety."

Liu Xie asked, "What's your best plan?"

Zhong Yao lowered his head, thought for a moment, had a solution, and said: "Your Majesty, if you want to protect the integrity of the palace and Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, the first thing you need is to have elite soldiers and strong generals to protect Your Majesty. "

Liu Xie said hesitantly, "Is it your intention to declare that the troop and battalions enter the palace to **** me?"

After all, Liu Xie is the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Although the Han Dynasty is late and he has no soldiers and horses, according to the regulations of the Han family, there are still a few battalions of soldiers such as the cavalry and the Yueqi to guard the capital. In the "Central Army" troops, all the battalions are added together, and the Han soldiers and Hu Qi are counted together. The number of soldiers and horses is less than a thousand people, and most of them are old and weak. It is not the opponent of the powerful generals under Li Jue and Guo Si, so after listening to Zhong Yao's suggestion, Liu Xie has this doubt.

Zhong Yao said, "Your Majesty, the cavalry camps have long been unworthy of their names, and they have only their appearance. I am afraid they are not the opponents of the chariots and the tigers under General Guo's tent."

Liu Xie asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Zhong Yao said, "My opinion is that Your Majesty doesn't send someone to see Yang Feng and Dong Cheng's generals in private, in order to recruit them?"

Liu Xie murmured, "Yang Feng, Dong Cheng."

Zhong Yao said: "Exactly! Your Majesty, although Yang Fengxian is attached to the charioteer, but he was born in the white wave thief handsome, not the charioteer's best friend, the minister has heard of it, he is not very close to the charioteer; especially the last time he sent troops In front of Hedong County, he appealed to the chariots and horses for help but failed. After returning from the defeat, he went back to the chariots to ask for troops to retake Hedong, but it failed. His Majesty can use it. Dong Cheng, the father of Concubine Dong Gui, although he was a subordinate general of Niu in the past, if His Majesty recruits him, he will definitely be used by His Majesty. Although Yang Feng and Dong Cheng have less troops and horses There are many Che Qi and General Guo, but if the two of them join forces, it is estimated that it will be enough to protect His Majesty's integrity."

Liu Xie pondered for a long time and said, "Your remarks are reasonable. Who do you think I should send to Yan Yang Feng and Dong Cheng for me?"

Zhong Yao bowed down calmly and said, "I am not talented, I would like to share your worries for Your Majesty."

There are now hundreds of vassals in Chang'an, but among them, Liu Xie is most familiar with Zhong Yao, Ding Chong, Yang Qi, etc. These are either Huangmen's servants or servants, who accompany them all day and night. The close ministers beside him, Liu Xie is very clear about Zhong Yao's talent. Hearing that Zhong Yao took the initiative to invite Ying, Liu Xie was overjoyed and said, "If you are willing to do this for me, then this will be done!"

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, it's not too late, the minister will leave the palace now, first to convey His Majesty's orders to Yang Qi, and then secretly go to the barracks in the east of the city to see Yang Feng and Dong Cheng."

Liu Xie got down from his seat, lifted up Zhong Yao, held Zhong Yao's hand, and said, "The safety of all the dukes in the court and the safety of me, I will leave everything to you sir."

Zhong Yao said generously, "I dare not to die for Your Majesty!"

After leaving the palace, Zhong Yao first went to Yang Qi's house, conveyed Liu Xie's decree to Yang Qi, and said to Yang Qi: "Civil turmoil is like life, and it will inevitably bring disaster to Chiyu. Going to Chang'an to live the life of the people is even more related to the safety of the emperor, the heavy responsibility is entrusted to the public, and I hope the public can work hard!"

Yang Qi was ordered in danger, and said in a deep voice, "I will do my best!"

Zhong Yao didn't tell Yang Qi that he went to see Yang Feng and Dong Cheng, and said, "The emperor has sent me something else to do. Mr. Yang, I will leave first."

Speaking of this appointment, Liu Xie not only appointed Yang Qi, but also appointed Shang Shu Wang Long. After Yang Qi sent Zhong Yao away, he didn't stop, he left the house, met Wang Long, and then went to Li Jue Camp first, then went to Guo Siying, an attempt to make peace, needless to say.

It is only said that Zhong Yao left Yang Qi's house and ordered his car to leave the city and rush to the east of the city. ——As mentioned above, the barracks of Li Jue and Guo Si were located in the south and north of Chang'an City, and the barracks of Yang Feng, Dong Cheng and other generals were located in the east of the city.

Zhong Yao was quite prepared for a rainy day. As early as before, he did not despise Yang Feng because he was a white wave thief.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ respect. Yang Feng appreciates his kind treatment and has always respected him. Hearing Zhong Yao's bicycle request to see him, Yang Feng immediately invited him into the camp.

Seeing Yang Feng in the tent, Zhong Yao got straight to the point and said, "I heard that General Chaqi and General Guo have become a huge enemy because of a small gap. Is there anything?"

Hearing that Zhong Yao asked about the matter, Yang Feng hesitated for a while, but he didn't hide it, so he told the truth and said, "This is indeed the case. I received a military order for chariots and cavalry the day before yesterday, and ordered me to prepare for battle and plan for tomorrow. Attack General Guo's camp."

Zhong Yao looked at Yang Feng and said, "The infighting between Che Qi and General Guo will lead to what kind of consequences? Has the general ever thought about it?"

Yang Fengfei was an idiot. He heard that there was a different meaning in Zhong Yao's words, so he said, "You must have a reason to teach me. Please speak bluntly."

Zhong Yao said: "Chicago and General Guo, those who are able to dominate the government and the opposition are not due to virtue, but rely on the Liangzhou soldiers and horses under their tents. Although I am stupid, I have heard that it is difficult for those who rely on their own strength to last long. Duke Dong can’t be said to be weak, but he did the opposite, and his head was in a different place. What about Che Qi and General Guo Xie? Moreover, if there is an infighting between Che Qi and General Guo, the strength of the two will inevitably weaken. Zhendong and Yuan Benchu, who each have a strong army, may also take the opportunity to enter the pass, so at that time, dare to ask the general, why do you want to be there?"

Yang Feng said, "Dare to ask the waiter what does he mean?"

Zhong Yao said: "The Emperor has sent Yang Qi, the Shangshu Wang Long, etc., to talk about peace with General Guo. If the peace cannot be reached, then when civil strife occurs, it is not only for the Emperor's overall plan, but also for the future of the general. I also hope that the general can put the emperor first! As long as he can protect the emperor's integrity, it is a great achievement for the general, and the emperor will definitely reward him when things calm down."

He borrowed troops from Li Jue twice, but Li Jue didn't give it to him. Yang Feng was indeed dissatisfied with Li Jue. Although Yang Feng was from the White Wave Yellow Turban Army, he was similar to Zhang Feiyan, and he took the initiative to join him. It can be seen from this point of the court that he has some political vision. In fact, from the moment Li Jue killed Fan Chou, he had already seen that Li Jue would not be in power for a long time. will speed up this process.

Therefore, when he heard Zhong Yao's words, he didn't think much about it, so Yang Feng promised happily and said, "It is the duty of the minister to share the worries of the Lord! The chariots and horses want to attack General Guo. Edict, I must obey."

Zhong Yao said happily: "Okay, then I will go back to the palace now and return to the emperor!" As he was about to leave, he instructed Yang Feng, saying, "Today, I am here to see the general, and I hope the general will keep it a secret first, and it must not be done. Riders know."

Yang Feng nodded and said, "I don't need the waiter's instructions, I know it myself."

If Li Jue finds out, Yang Feng's head will not be protected. Yang Feng knows the importance of this, and Zhong Yao really does not need to explain it.

Zhong Yao left Yang Fengying, did not return to the palace immediately, and went to Dong Chengying again.

Dong Cheng's daughter is now Liu Xie's concubine, so it is easier to convince Dong Cheng.

It took more than half a day to complete the task successfully.

Zhong Yao hurriedly returned to the city, met with Liu Xie, and returned to Liu Xie.

Seeing Liu Xie's expressionless face, Zhong Yao asked Liu Xie and said, "Your Majesty, what happened again?"

Liu Xie said: "Yang Gong has already met General Guo, and General Guo is unwilling to accept the reconciliation. Yang Gong plans to see Che Qi again tomorrow. But from General Guo's attitude, I am afraid that General Che Qi will not accept it either. Make peace."

Zhong Yao said: "Your Majesty, isn't this what you expected? But it's okay. Yang Feng and Dong Cheng have been persuaded by the ministers. If there is a major chaos in Chang'an, they will lead troops to protect Your Majesty and the palace."

Liu Xie's worries were slightly relieved, and he said, "You have made a great contribution this time, and I will be rewarded in the future."

After going out of the city to Yang Feng and Dong Chengying, and back to the city, the journey back and forth was dozens of miles. When he saw Yang Feng and Dong Cheng, Zhong Yao called each other again. He didn't drink much water, and his mouth was dry. Dry, the throat is a little hoarse.

Liu Xie ordered the **** to bring soup to Zhong Yao.

Zhong Yao thanked him, finished drinking, and said, "Your Majesty, it is inevitable that a chariot will fight with General Guo, and it is useless to think too much. I am brave, and I hope Your Majesty will be relieved. It is getting late, please take care of your dragon body. Rest early, and I will not disturb Your Majesty much."

Liu Xie is the son of the emperor, and he is also a teenager, and he is also a teenager whose parents have passed away and has no relatives by his side. In such a troubled world and chaos, he can persevere all alone until now. It's not easy, it can be called strong, but although strong, at this moment, hearing Zhong Yao's gentle, elder-like words, the soft corners of Liu Xie's heart can't help but be but didn't say much, He always kept in mind that to maintain the majesty of the emperor, he could not lose the face of the ancestors and sects. He only said: "I'm bothering you today. Tomorrow, please enter the palace earlier. Meet tomorrow."

Yang refers to Taiwei Yang Biao; Zhang refers to Sikong Zhang Xi; Zhao refers to Situ Zhao Wen. There is no need to say it clearly, and it refers to a meeting aimed at Li Jue and Guo Si's infighting, and how the imperial court should deal with it.

Zhong Yao agreed.

After leaving the palace, Zhong Yao returned home. It was already the second watch and he had been busy all day. Although Zhong Yao was healthy and tired, he did not go to bed. On the one hand, according to Yang Feng's words, the infighting between Li Jue and Guo Si will start tomorrow, and he can't sleep at this time. On the other hand, he still has an important thing to do.

When he got to the study, he lit the candles and sent out the servants who were serving him. He was the only one left in the room. Zhong Yao personally unfolded the letter paper, sharpened the ink, took out the pen, thought for a while, and began to write the letter. this letter he is

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ for Xun Zhen.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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