The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 164: Qin Wang Qin Wang (1)

Yang Biao moved in his heart, looked up at Zhong Yao, and asked, "Chang'an is not easy to live again, Yuan Chang, what do you mean by this?"

Zhong Yao said: "The capital of the state was originally in Luoyang, so the emperor moved the capital to Chang'an because of Dong Zhuo's coercion. When Dong Zhuo forced the emperor to move the capital to Chang'an, Duke Ming, you resolutely expressed your opposition, but nothing could stop Dong Zhuo's rebellion. Therefore, the emperor had to move from Luoyang to Chang'an. Now that Chang'an is no longer suitable for living, and the troops and horses of General Zhendong have already settled in Luoyang, I heard that Xu Rong and others first annihilated Zhang Baiqi, a black mountain thief in Luoyang. The criminals under his command continued to exterminate the bandits and bandits in the territory, recruited refugees, repaired the city, and renovated the ancestral temple. Today, the situation in Luoyang has been greatly improved. It is no longer the ruined image after it was burnt down by Dong Zhuo a few years ago. Isn't it time to return to Luoyang?"

Yang Biao stroked his beard and said, "It's still Luoyang..."

Zhong Yao said: "Duke Ming, still in Luoyang, besides avoiding the dispute between Che Qi and General Guo, there is another advantage."

Yang Biao asked, "What's the benefit?"

Zhong Yao said: "General Zhendong has troops and horses under his tent. It is a strong army in the southeast of our Han Dynasty. Zhendong is invincible in all battles, and it is enough to resist the troops of Liangzhou such as chariots and generals. If we do, then the power of the court is controlled by Che Qi, General Guo, etc., and the chaos of the court will be stopped, and the authority of the Han family can be restored from now on."

Yang Biao pondered again, and after a while, he said, "General Zhendong..."

Zhong Yao roughly guessed what Yang Biao was thinking at this time.

During the years that Xun Zhen was in Xuzhou, he first attacked Yanzhou and then Qingzhou. In the previous paragraph, Qin Xiang's son Qin Gan, on his own initiative, poisoned Kong Rong. To be honest, his reputation in the court was not very good. Well, just like Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, etc., he was regarded as an ambitious person by some ministers in the court. This is what Yang Biao is thinking about now.

Zhong Yao then said: "General Zhendong and people from Yao County, Yingyin and Yao Township Changshe are only forty miles apart, and Yao and Zhendong have known each other more than ten years ago, and they know him very well. Qing Ming, Zhendong Shao inherits the teachings of his father and ancestors, and always has the ambition to be loyal to the monarch and serve the country. Since Mu Xuzhou, even after the court moved to Chang'an, every October, Zhendong will still go far and be a thief regardless of the road. Blocked, sent officials to the court, and often presented prescriptions to the emperor. His loyalty to the Han family can be seen from this! Look at the lords of the states and counties in the sea, who can be like Zhendong, no one! Ming Gong, if you can move the capital Returning to Luoyang, there will be princes and others in the court as assistants of the emperor, and there will be troops and horses in Zhendong to follow the edict, to resolve the rebellion, and to eliminate the bandits, it will not be difficult!

Yang Biao said hesitantly: "I don't know Zhendong very well, maybe Zhendong is the royal family as you said, but Yuanchang, you must have heard some rumors in the court.

"The Yingyin Xun clan is a famous family in the world, and it is also famous in the Qing Dynasty. However, in the east of the town, it was the prefect of Guangling. In the old years, there was no imperial edict. Invading Yanzhou and Qingzhou, I even sent troops and horses to Luoyang without authorization, and also drove away Yin Luoye from Henan. Yuanchang, looking at Zhendong’s behavior in recent years, you are loyal and loyal, is it credible?”

Zhong Yao was well prepared and knew that Yang Biao would ask this question, so he talked eloquently and replied: "Zhendong was indeed only the prefect of Guangling in the old years, but the reason why he sent troops to drive away Tao Qian, because of the news of Yao, was not the case. It's for rights."

Yang Biao said, "How do you say this?"

Zhong Yao said: "Duke Ming, when Tao Gongzu ruled Xuzhou, he was incoherent and incompetent. He relied on Zherong and other villains. He admired the Buddha, exploited the people, was extravagant and arrogant. Zhendong's talent and virtue have repeatedly persecuted Zhendong, and Zhendong was a last resort, so he raised an army to attack it!

"Tao Gongzu has lost the people's hearts, and Zhendong easily won Xuzhou. After Tao Gongzu was expelled, Zhendong Lixian corporal, if Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Chen Deng, Mi Zhu and other Xuzhou scholars are all devoted and happy to use it, Xuzhou is in Under the governance of Zhendong, there are no thieves in the house today, and the people are safe in their business.

"As for Zhendong sending troops to Yanzhou and Qingzhou successively, according to what I have heard, the purpose is not to compete for territory, but in response to the request of Yanzhou and Qingshi people, to exterminate the Yellow Turban bandits in Yanzhou and Qingzhou. At that time, there were a million people, and even Liu Dai, the prefect of Yanzhou, was killed by the Yellow Turban thieves... If Duke Ming hadn't sent troops to destroy the east, then the common people of Yan and Qing would be killed or injured. Exhausted, Yan, Qing Zao has become a mythical creature!

"Whether Zhendong is loyal to His Majesty, can the court believe him? I don't mention Zhendong's annual plans and tributes. In fact, it can be seen from one incident."

Yang Biao asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhong Yao said: "In the first year of Chuping, the Guandong princes joined forces to attack Dong, and the momentum was huge. Yuan Benchu, Zhang Mengzhuo, Yuan Gonggong and other troops were divided into Hanoi, Suanzao, and Nanyang, but all of them held high-level banquets day after day. That's all, they refused to send troops to attack Dong Zhuo; in the end, only Zhendong led Sun Wentai and Cao Mengde to bravely advance and attack Dong Zhuo! Duke Ming, compared with the princes of Yuan Benchu, Zhendongzhi disregarded personal interests and was loyal to the royal family, and it was obvious in his eyes. That's it!"

Zhong Yao's remarks are irrefutable.

Yang Biao stroked his beard, thought for a moment, and said, "Your remarks are also reasonable. It's just that this matter is so important that it is difficult to decide in one word. So, Yuan Chang, please allow the old man to think carefully, and wait until tomorrow. Gong, how about seeing the emperor, the old man will look at the emperor's meaning, and then make a decision?"

This matter is indeed very important. Zhong Yao didn't expect Yang Biao to make a decision on the spot. In fact, Yang Biao could not make a decision alone, so he was not disappointed when he heard the words. He said: "The Duke of Ming is the watch of the court, the hope of the ministers, and the emperor's reliance. Now,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The safety of the emperor, the hope of rejuvenation of the Han family, everything is left to the public! "

To elect Huangfu Li as the second lobbyist is just a suggestion from Zhong Yao following Yang Biao's words.


Although this matter is of great importance, Zhong Yao's work is capable and his speech is concise, and his stay in Yang Biao's mansion is not very long.

After coming out of Yang Biao's mansion, Zhong Yao did not go home, seeing that it was not late at night, but ordered the car to go to Situ Zhao Wen's mansion.

Before boarding the car, Zhong Yao stood on the street and looked out of the city. Unlike in the daytime, there was no sound of fighting outside the city at this time, but there were still faint drum horns coming intermittently with the wind, making the night quieter. Silent as oppression.

Unlike Xun Zhen and Yang Biao who have no friendship, Zhao Wen has some relationship with Xun Zhen.

Of course, Zhao Wen's family is in Shu County, and he can't fight with Yingchuan Bapoles, and Zhao Wen has never been an official in Yuzhou, so this relationship is not a direct relationship, but an indirect relationship.

Zhao Wen's father once recommended Xun Shuang, and he was the leader of Xun Shuang; and when Xun Zhen went to Runan from Huangfu Song to beg for the yellow turban, Zhao Wen's elder brother Zhao Qian was the prefect of Runan, Xun Zhen and Zhao Qian were the prefect of Runan. Therefore, they got to know each other. Through the past that Zhao Qian and Zhao Wen's father recommended Xun Shuang, Xun Zhen and Zhao Qian also had contacts.

In other words, the indirect relationship between Zhao Wen and Xun Zhen stems from the relationship between his two elders, and the relationship between Zhao Wen brother and Xun Zhen. But he said, since Zhao Qian was the one who knew Xun Zhen and was more familiar with him, why didn't Zhong Yao go to see Zhao Qian? The reason is also simple. The year before last, at the end of the third year of Chuping, Zhao Qian died in the office of Shang Shuling due to illness.

Therefore, Zhong Yao could only go to Zhao Wen.

Entering Zhao Wen's mansion, Zhao Wen has just eaten and hasn't rested yet.

Seeing Zhao Wen, Zhong Yao repeated the same remarks.

In the end, his father recommended Xun Shuang, and his brother admired Xun Zhen. Zhao Wen was not as sceptical as Yang Biao, but he still said that, moving the capital back to Luoyang, this matter is indeed important. , he also replied to Zhong Yao with "please let the old man think again"; and in addition, Zhao Wen also raised another question.

He asked Zhong Yao and said, "In and out of Chang'an, there are now all the soldiers and horses of Li and Guo's parties. Even if the emperor is willing to move the capital back to Luoyang, if the chariots and others block it, what should we do?"

Zhong Yao replied, "This is indeed a trouble, but it's not too difficult to solve."

Zhao Wen asked, "What's your plan?"

Zhong Yao said: "In my humble opinion, you can ask the emperor to send a secret order to General Zhendong, so that Zhendong will lead his troops to welcome him in Guanzhong."

Zhao Wen said, "Have Zhendong lead troops to welcome him in Guanzhong?"

Zhong Yao said: "The chariot and General Guo are fighting infighting. At this moment, if I suddenly hear that General Zhendong's elite troops are coming from the east and are about to enter the pass, Yao expects that the two of them will panic. Hurry up, where else would you have the time to stop the imperial court from returning to Luoyang?"

Zhao Wen stroked his beard, raised his face, thought for a moment, asked Zhong Yao, and said, "But if Zhendong leads troops from the east and spreads the news of entering the customs to Cheqi and General Guo's camp, they will Wouldn’t you make Che Qi and General Guo stop both troops and fight against Zhendong?”

Zhong Yao calmly smiled and said: "I can't rule out this possibility, but please Ming Gong think about it, there has been a rift between Che Qi and General Guo, and an internal fight has occurred, and even the emperor himself sent his ministers to reconcile, but he couldn't solve it. Then even if Wen Zhendong came to lead the army, the two of them put aside their internal fighting for the time being and turned to join forces, but will the suspicion between the two disappear because of this? Definitely not. Duke Ming, although the two of them joined forces, they did not. In fact, they are suspicious of each other, but Zhendong also knows the soldiers, and his generals and soldiers are good at fighting, so how difficult is it to defeat!

Zhao Wen agreed, nodded and said, "Your words are reasonable. That's it. After the old man has discussed with Yang Gong, Zhang Gong, etc., I will see what the princes mean, and then report to the Final decision."

"Zhang Gong", said Sikong Zhang Xi.

Zhong Yao said respectfully: "This matter is very important and should be discussed in detail, but the time is tight, and it may be too late. In my humble opinion, Duke Ming should make a decision earlier."


In the next two days, Zhong Yao visited the imperial servant Han Rong, the chief minister Zhu Jun, Yin Xiu, and other important officials in the court. Yin Xiu was the former chief official of Xun Zhen, and Zhu Jun was also the chief official of Xun Zhen. , Han Rong was from Yingchuan, and they all had a deep or shallow relationship with Xun Zhen, and Zhong Yao told them about it in the same words. Han Rong and others have different attitudes towards it.

However, even though Zhong Yao's visit was a private act, the news spread and was heard by Huang Clan's servant Ding Chong.

After Ding Chong heard it, he said to the officials close to him, "Bei Yuanchang also intends to ask the emperor to move the capital."

On the same day, he wrote another letter to Cao Cao, and there is no need to say more.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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